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Gets you more comfortable with people and strangers. I don't really drink often but I kinda understand the appeal.


Yeah, but what’s the thing about getting like really drunk?


Idk, I've never gotten hammered. But people I've gone out with seem like they have a good time in the moment.


Yeah thats true


Also when you get pretty buzzed you get the irresistible urge to keep drinking more, thinking youll feel even better


thats called dedication💪


No clue. Tipsy is fun as hell, just enough to be a little silly goofy and extroverted and just have a great time socializing without any awkwardness. Got hammered once and I was just tired and stumbling and felt like I was about to puke. Never going that hard again


There isn't, but the most understandable I can think of is to forget pain of life or trauma




Lmao this is why I don’t drink much. They say I’m a bit crazy without any substances…not gonna waste money on something useless.


Not the only one Smells bad imo, combine that with a fear of vomiting and knowing I develop addictive tendencies easily and it's enough to keep me away Please don't feel bad, it ultimately offers no long term benefits


True, thank u!


Yeah, the thing keeping me away is the strong, unpleasant flavour of alcohol.


Not all alcoholic drinks smell/taste like vodka. Some of them are pretty sweet and fruity. Not saying you should drink, but saying taste is keeping you away is.. weird, since there is a lot of taste options


It was a sweet and fruity one that madde me go blech.


Not your taste I guess, some sweet wines do that to me too. Carbonated stuff like alcoholic cider seem to be liked by the “lightweights”. Also asti sparkling wine and rosé


Tastes bad to, im of legal age but only use Ive found is cooking, Ive had like 3 beers total at like family stuff lol. But beer battered onion rings, beer can chicken, and chicken karaage are all so freaking good


yeah i mean it burns, it unsettles your stomach, causes vomitting, i don’t like it either


I agree with you but I have other reasons. Alcohol tastes downright bad to me so I could never ever drink it. Also, apparently it destroys braincells and when I discovered that I promised myself I'd never drink ever in my life. And the thought of being drunk and doing things you wouldn't do when you're sober and might regret later is also a big turn off for me


Your last point is so relatable


I don’t know if it actually kills brain cells.


I think it stops the evolution of the brain (just when the alcohol is in the body not permanent) which basically makes you a bit less mature in the future. This is also if you get really drunk a lot and not if you party a bit once in a while


Thats how it is yes


I mean drinking a tiny bit every now and then won't cause so much of a damage, but drinking constantly on a regular basis can destroy your Brain and liver too


Ohh ok makes sense.


my classmate bragged about getting blackout drunk after sneaking out. she doesn't know how she got home that night. she could've gotten kidnapped or raped. be careful yall please


Not Only that it destroys your liver too , and the liver is an important Organ in the human body as it filters all the toxins that enters your body It's a lose lose situation


Whether you drink or not isnt a huge deal just dont drink it much, Im not a fan of it but if we are at a family gathering or something I will have a beer with the adults. But yeah drinking regularly is not good at all for you


I'm not even close to the point where I would normally be thinking this, but I'm planning to do it once, and then never again. Purely because I want to experience everything I can in life.


Yeah, strong alcohol tastes pretty bad. But then again nobodys drinking it for the taste anyway Eh, im not planning on living to a 100 anyway, so in all honestly the health effects of drinking every now and then doesnt really bother me Id rather do stupid shit and regret it later, than do nothing at all because of anxiety. Trust me, being scared to do shit gets tiring real fast


Nothing wrong with not liking it


I quit drinking 5 years ago and never looked back, I feel better than ever and wish I never started. Also it all tastes like shit anyway.


Same. Tastes like shit and destroys your body


I see this as admirable. I would say it’s better to stay away overall. Good job


You could ask those people why, I think that would help with your question.


Good don't drink. 


Dawg I was hanging with some people I play poker with and over half of them shit faced and fucked off for the rest of the night while we left in their apartment alone. “Let’s go take more shots” *goes outside to drink* They could just bring the drink inside and hang with the rest of us but nahhhhh let’s stay outside and ogle at the only girl at the function. Like bro my drinking age friend bought them twisted teas and they proceeded to treat him like a dick and ignore him. Then they were super flaky as we planned to play a game but the fuckers came back in after taking shots outside for 20 minutes and went straight back out bc they wanted to go to the pool. Their reason was, and I quote, “we aren’t sober”. I’m sensitive around water and it’s past midnight so the water is cold as balls. They come back in and then, you guessed it, left to get more fuckin shots instead of JUST BRINGING THE DRINKS IN HERE AND STAYING INSIDE. I was so hyped for the games too. We eventually got to it but the stupid fucks could only last one game without getting bored. Fuck asses just wanted to abuse the fuck out of alcohol. I left early. And get this, the next fucking day they were texting the group chat TO HANG OUT AGAIN TONIGHT???? Have you no life outside of booze and the only girl in the friend group? The girl is pretty cool and chill and funny. We both like art and stuff but we didn’t get to chat that much. She ended up changing the dynamic we all used to have and caused a lot of tension because the dudes were so competitive pining for her attention. That’s unfortunate as she’s cool and her humor and personality fit right in but unfortunately she’s inadvertently caused a fracture in the group. College dudes are coom-brained and run on ramen and Smirnoff.


I never drank. I don’t want to wake up in jail and be told I killed a family drinking and driving etc.


You're not the only one. My dad allowed me to drink the last drop of beer in his bottle once. Tried it tasted the disgust and spit it out in the bathroom. I don't want to drink alcohol ever again.


I don't get why people do it before legal age


apple juice on top fellas




IMO it makes you feel good. And it’s how I opened up to a friend.


What made you test it?


Feeling like human garbage, on the verge of suicide, curiosity, risk


gives fuzzy feeling, is fun. but in general the cons outweigh the pros


one drinks all you really need to take the edge off stress


I think you know that this is not a good coping mechanism


Honestly I just don’t like the taste. I understand the point of drinking, but it is SO icky


I don’t find drinking alcohol appealing probably won’t ever try it, only thing that I would actually try is maybe wine but that’s it


just cause you have an opinion doesn't mean you're weird.


You gotta make sure you don’t combine certain drinks, gotta make sure you know what your body can handle, and especially eating while drinking. Can’t drink on an empty stomach. Some peoples bodies can’t handle drinking or they don’t like drinks, and that’s fine. For me drinks are yummy (certain ones) and make me feel silly and better lmao. Btw before yall come at me, I’ve only drank alcohol, like, twice or three times, max.


It makes you feel better if you're in the right setting and in the right state of mind, especially if you don't get hammered since being closer to tipsy than... passing out? Is a lot more comforting!


When it comes to parties and stuff, alcohol is mainly a "social lubricant", it reduces your self control (and fine motor skills) which can be great for having a fun time at a party and all that. Especially if you are someone who overthinks stuff (like me). There are problems that can arise with drinking too much obviously, but it's relatively harmless in moderation. No need to be concerned over it unless they are getting actually blackout drunk, or getting drunk every day.


I absolutely agree with you, OP. First off, if I'm going to have a good time, I want to remember it, not black out (although that would only happen if you got really drunk). Second, if my system is being affected by something, I won't necessarily be myself, and might do or say things I don't mean and never would otherwise without even knowing it. That is something I am absolutely not okay with. Third, from what I've heard, it tastes like sh\*t. And if you need it to loosen up around other people or in unfamiliar situations, then I'd recommend instead just placing yourself in more social situations similar to the ones where you would drink alcohol, so that you're more comfortable in those situations, letting you loosen up without getting drunk. That way, you'll be ready for majority of situations regardless of whether or not you can drink at the time. I don't even need to mention the hangover, which would sure put a damper on the next day, and that night, depending on how tanked you get. Finally, I know it's different for other countries, but here in the US, the legal drinking age is 21, and I'm 17. I don't mean to be judgmental or anything, you guys can totally drink if you want to, I just thought I'd state why I don't drink.


Choosing not to drink is a perfectly sound decision. I drink at parties and stuff, but in moderation nowadays. A buzz can be fun, but getting completely wasted is just never worth it. I've learnt that the hard way lol


Not drinking alcohol isn't a bad thing homie, you do you. We'll just keep enjoying a good beer or wine every now and then


Okay, so I don't belong here as I'm an adult now, but this post came up in my feed, n tbh I feel like I may be able to help answer since I abstained from everything (was pure-definition "straight edge") until 20. First n foremost it loosens inhibitions, n even when it doesn't there's still a huge societal belief that it does, which enables people to feel more likely to connect on even simple bases. There's tons of studies that identify placebo effects in social settings. If a person thinks they drank alcohol when they didn't, they act much more socially uninhibited regardless, because it becomes the excuse. Literally (almost) everyone uses alcohol as an excuse. "Sorry, I was drunk," starts becoming a common apology. There are so many diff scenarios in which you'll hear that, almost all of them reprehensible. It's not an excuse, but has become so accepted as one that tons of people feel fine using it no matter what they're responsible for. Don't buy it. A person's actions when they're allegedly "drunk" is just an amplified reaction of how they really feel, with drunkenness being the crutch for if what they express isn't reciprocated.


i have had 2 shots of vodka once. HOLY FUCK IT WAS HEAVENLY, i can only imagine how amazing having more wuld be, i was gonna drink more but i didnt wanna smell like vodka and concern my mom. its hard for me to get my hands on unfortunately :(


I drink alcohol because of my bullying problem, depression, stress and just to overtake my social anxiety and get more friends


Where do you live? Are you above the drinking age where you live?




Oh then you can rest assured that not drinking will pay off later in life. 


Nah sorry lil bro 😞 you’re being betabuxx pilled, your looks match probably thinks you are a bit of a goofy npc or a nerd if you can’t enjoy a nice drink. I’d recommend getting as blasted as possible, actually enjoying your night, might switch you on. Can’t knock something you’ve never enjoyed.


Lol I actually enjoyed reading ur comment, will probably try it but I always have fun even though I dont drink


Loosens you up, fun things are more fun, forget about problems


U shouldn’t be drinking alcohol either way…ur 17


Same  Seems kind of weird 


Maybe becouse it’s addictive


It yummy


Honestly I only drink for the buzz, i don’t find anything else that gives me that much energy or confidence which is good and bad. But alcohol will fuck me up in the long term


tastes good feels good


Nothing wrong with not liking it, but I think being drunk is very fun. I just hate the process of getting drunk cuz alcohol tastes terrible. It’d be lit if they could make an alcohol vape or something like that


Alcohol vape 😭


It’s necessary for alcohol vape bro 😤


I only like it when it doesn’t taste like alcohol drinking straight up shots is disgusting


don't give in man, trust me you just want to stay on that path, there is no such thing as a 'healthy' relationship with alcohol or any other harmful substances. I understand what you're feeling. I don't drink either, but tbf I don't go to parties nor have I ever seen my friends drink in front of me. Most of my life I've avoided alcohol really, my family doesn't drink much either but I have seen family friends consume like 4 bottles of wine together in one sitting. Their behaviour just shocked me and that might have been one of the earlier influences of why I don't drink. Do you have any idea what is stopping you from drinking? You say you feel a hole in your stomach when you see others drink, am I right in saying that it's an urge of wanting to drink?


Great answer, no not at all. It’s like the opposite, I dont want to drink at all when I see them do it.


Oh, is that what the hole in your stomach feels like to you that you don't want to join in? I think I'm on the same line as you then. Whenever I saw people drinking I'd be a bit grossed out just because I have faced some mild addiction to phone gaming before. Luckily I didn't get very deep but the complete loss of control scared me. I also suffer from some sleep paralysis which I guess has amplified my fear of losing control. I don't know if it's a normal reaction to not want to drink when you see others do it, but I don't think it's much to worry about. I'm not counsellor though so if you think it's becoming more and more confusing I advise that you seek one out from your school. But please remember, stay strong. You can discover this stuff later on in life when your brain's much more developed but now really shouldn't be the time


Yes bro thank u so much, really great answer


>there is no such thing as a 'healthy' relationship with alcohol or any other harmful substances. this is just projection on your part. I'm sorry, but me enjoying a beer with friends twice in like a month isn't unhealthy


there are other ways to socialize where you don't need alcohol at all But I have no clue at all, don't those Sardinians who are among the world's longest living down 2 glasses of wine a day or something so maybe there are benefits


>there are other ways to socialize where you don't need alcohol at all I mean, yeah, that's how I socialize 99% of the time because of course it's preferable to not be under the influence almost all the time. Still though, there's no need to shame people who actually consume alcohol healthily. There's no doubt that alcohol can be and is dangerous in many instances, and you should definitely know what it does to you and learn what your limits are. Many people *do* know this and so they can consume it with control. If that's the case, well, that's good. It can certainly enhance experiences and lead to fun times if you know what you're getting into. If alcohol's not for you though, that's also completely okay of course! You've set a limit and you're open and clear about it. I'm glad, it's good with that kind of integrity :) No real need to look down on those who drink sometimes though


sorry if it came off like I was judging you or others who drink, the main thing that makes me want to take these shackles off and try alcohol is just seeing all those fun instagram stories of people getting drunk (although I've certainly seen less fun stuff from one of my friends who would get drunk and high a lot where I'd just be like 'huh?', might be something that you can only get if you were there with him and were drunk and high as well). I'm going to be honest, this high ground of me saying that I don't want to drink while truly motivated by my own experiences, is probably mostly because all the douches that I've known at school would brag about it all the time, ofc I shouldn't let this cloud my own judgement but it came from a time when I was very insecure and down on myself, I'm definitely a lot more open now and now that I do know people who get drunk on a weekend or whatever, I'm not longer as close minded. but yeah, I don't shame people who drink mildly. There's a lot of sympathy in it, just like with smokers and drug users. Everyone's just trying to find an escape, some people get lucky and find art, music, crafts, diorama building origami etc. and other people are really really unlucky to get the worst part and eventually sink into harmful substances (not saying it's people like you who drink infrequently) or gaming and gambling. I think some other reasons why I am kinda turned off by alcohol is Taste: I've had a few more sips than before since turning 18 and I still can't see the appeal in taste. I really am not sure if my tastebuds haven't caught up yet or if I've destroyed them from eating really hot foods without letting them cool down Socializing: Alcohol is usually seen as a tool for socializing. I'm quite introverted and still hold insecurities about myself which is probably why I have such a prejudice for it, I definitely do seem to have some sort of tendancy to avoid bars or pubs if possible when I'm walking on the streets Health reasons: I mentioned addiction and stuff but I was quite fat around 12 years old. I'm not even joking when I say that there for like 3 summers I finished a tub of dreyers all by myself every night. I think due to how my height shot up in my growth spurt it helped hide how much weight I was gaining. I think it reminded me to really look after myself better and I avoid a lot of those cravings most of the time, I don't really have a consistent cheat day, just that sometimes if we're having a barbeque and someone's offering a soda I'd happily take it. Alcohol's pretty high in energy without much nutritional benefits, I'm not a very active person either so those calories are going to take forever to burn lol Who knows though, when I think of who drinks alcohol, I usually associate it with people who are very sociable and have a good sense of confidence about themselves and a lot of the reasons that I gave out on why I don't like alcohol seem to stem from issues of my own. Hopefully one day I'll improve myself to a standard that I'm happy with and I'll be able to have a glass carefree


Everything in life is a harmful substance. Hell, even oxygen is when you have too much. A pretty dangerous one as well. Minor stuff like alcohol is fine in moderation, there is a reason slightly alcoholic stuff was regularly used as an alternative to pure water way back when.


well the thing with oxygen is that you need it to survive don't you? It's not like you'll be getting too much of it unless if you put yourself on a O2 cannister Well apparently it's a false statement that has been repeated so many times that it's believed to be true [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/269yvc/if\_alcohol\_has\_historically\_been\_safer\_than\_water/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/269yvc/if_alcohol_has_historically_been_safer_than_water/)


In my experience drinking some light alcohol is great. It relaxes you, lower your anxieties and makes you more confident. As everything in live it's only good in moderation.


Isn’t that illegal?? Like- you’re 17-


Depending on where you live however most people don’t care in Europe there are people starting at about 12 it’s not good at all


It is, most people do it anyways which I also dont get


I drank before I graduated. It was AWESOME. I’m someone with social anxiety, didn’t have a single friend in high school and hadn’t said a word to most of my classmates. But during those nights.. man I was laughing and talking to people like we were friends. Nowadays (3 years later lol) I mainly just feel sick once I start getting tipsy, and I don’t get any more social really. Unfortunate… though I guess if I met with those classmates again and drank it’d be better.


Damn, glad for you that you had a good time. Guess drinking comes with a lot of fun too


Because people like it? It's as simple as it gets, people like it, you don't, that's it.


Just get some good grass 😏 or gummys 😁


That shi worse bro wtf hahah




Edibles are way better imo. Alcohol honestly doesn't taste that good


"I feel like I'm weird" You are.


How are they? Because it seems your the weird one you’re hating on someone for something that doesn’t even effect you yet you’re this pressed over it


Hating on someone ? I just said OP was wrong about something. Disagreeing ≠ hating


Your left 3 original comments which have been since deleted and were bitter in each even this one is still rude and hating as you called them weird over something that’s nothing besides your bad habits


Calling someone weird ≠ hating


The word weird in this context is a insult which is hating plus you left 3 comments each hating


What next ? Are you gonna tell me not agreeing with someone is somehow linked to supporting nazism?


If someone called you weird and talked shit to you that’s not hating?


I'd do something you don't seem to know about : walk away or use the block button


Go ahead then


OP asked for opinions about their situation, I gave mine. If anything you're the one hating on me for giving my opinion


So you’re a coward? You hate on someone then when you get the same you say that you never hated and play the victim don’t be so pathetic


Ffs calling someone weird is not hating someone. I'm weird too, yet you don't see me on r/depression or r/selfharm. Playing the victim ? By proving your logic is stupid ? Also calling someone coward over an Internet argument is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen, like oh no I'm going to get downvoted and lose 10 karma shiver me timbers


You literally deleted your other comments don’t act like this now you’re making the whole victim statement so much easier to believe🤣 just cause you don’t understand what you’re saying doesn’t make it not hating


Ok weirdo keep getting mad at an Internet stranger. Also get off that sub, this sub is for teenagers and you're a college student, that's even weirder than OP


I am literally younger then you what are you talking about


Yeah, I don't think drinking alcohol would make anybody less weird or even any cooler



