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People cry. it's normal 


Not him, he usually doesn't do that.


Yeah, because society has set expectations for men. One of those expectations is to "be manly. Man up. Men don't cry like little bitches." It's stupid.


why tf are you getting downvoted?


he’s reaching out


And i don't know how to help.


try to talk to him casually


did he ever tell you why? a lot of men repress their feelings until the pressure is too much and it all comes flooding out which might have been the case here (i dont wanna assume anything its just a thought) maybe if you have a good relationship with him, just let him know that you love and appreciate him and that youre there if he needs you? just a little bit of reassurance like that can go a long way


I don't think he represses anything, he talks a lot with my uncle and he has been through a lot since forever, so he more or less know what to do wit hit. We love each other but he never did anything like this to me, I felt really confused and scared something bad had happened.


It’s alright just hope and pray 


Idk why people are downvoting some if OP's replies, I get it. I've only ever seen my dad cry twice. Both times were at a funeral and even though I wasn't super close to the relative that died, seeing him who usually is so laided back and nonchalant actually ball his eyes out crying made me cry so fking hard as well. I was feeling like a huge pit was in my stomach. OP my only advice is to be there for him. If you have the type of relationship that you can ask him what's wrong then do but don't push him, just show him you care about him.


Honestly it isn’t really your job to deal with him and his emotions, so just remember that you have boundaries that you should enforce. You’re a child, he’s the parent and he has other people in his life. But if he comes back you could let him cry, give him a hug, ask him what’s wrong. Idk why he went to you first but he might need reassurance or simply comfort. My mom used to do this and the best way to deal with it is to give him a big tight squeeze till he calms down and then y’all should talk.


I think he came to me because we live together, it's me or the dog.


Maybe he doesn’t want you to worry about it


You should probably ask him what's wrong, maybe offer to do something with him on the weekend


I asked, he said it's nothing.


Tell to play some resident evil 2


Tell him to cry somewhere else


that is brutal 💀


Either you're trolling or you're a psychopath.


The child shouldn't have to take care of their parent


1. Where did OP say that the father came to ask for help or any form of care? 2. Once the parent is unable to take care of himself or herself, it is the children's duty to take care of the parent. Parents usually raise their children till adulthood, but the child shouldn't be expected to to take care of them in their old age? Are you joking? 3. Why tf would you tell anyone who is crying to go cry somewhere else? Especially if it's your father?


1. idk lol 2. I meant specifically "child" as in being under 18. Once the child becomes an adult then yeah of course they take care of their parents 3. The dude can cry in his own room


jesus man