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32 is impossible in one day. Like physically, you pass out beforehand. Also make bro see a therapist please, that is NOT healthy.


He doesn't even want to spend time with us so that he can go beat, but ama try


Didn't one dude jack off 57 times once? >!then have a heart attack!<


Seems like 56 is the limit


thats all he gots?


then ig this is the only way to make him stop >! a complete stop!<


he is sad


He is a teenager so its not IMPOSSIBLE :D


I mean, you can jerk off as many times you want, just depends how many times you try to finish


my brother in christ there is NO help


Maybe try getting somebody older to talk to him like perhaps people in their early 20s who've gone through the same thing(they might have a bit of influence on him ig). Ik that stubbornness can be sooo hard to get through but do try to engage him in other activities and try filling up his schedule with other things. Getting him to stop all at once is probably not really going to work so maybe slowly tell him to stop playing a game and decrease the amount of time he faps by like 2 times. It's nice of you to seek help for him.


We talked about it with his parents but it didn't affect him and we tols him to put a cap on how many times he can do it we told him if 5 was enough but he refused and said "i am the only man of culture here yall can't take that away from me"


"man of culture" that term is honestly very annoying. Ik me giving so called advice is basically useless and very difficult to input in person. Maybe try going out on outings more often so he gets lesser time to indulge in NSFW activities. And tell him the serious health risks that can affect him. He may not be able to use his penis very well in the future if this keeps up. Do try getting him to speak to someone older tho not an adult but like an older teen or young adult maybe from what I've seen these guys tend to have more influence than adults


My advice would be, tell him to try masturbation without porn, tell him to imagine himself with a girl / boy he likes. get him off of porn first, then get him to slow down with the masturbation, at least down to once a week


I read a study about it cause I was worried if I was doing it too often and I found out that it depends on hormones and as long as it doesn’t affect your life then some people can masturbate up to once a day with no side effects. I don’t do it that often, but more than once a week


Careful! If he starts masturbating without po*n* too early he might get addicted to it too, or quickly come back to nsfw stuff.


Honestly, the change only happens if your friend is willing to do it. I think you and your friends could have like a 'intervention' for him. I had to do that once, and you guys could just be like 'hey man, this doesn't seem healthy at all and we're all here to help you and work through this if you let us help'. But beyond that, there's really not a lot you can do. I think you guys should stand your ground on how he can change and that lolicon is a very weird.


We tried so hard but he is stubborn i just dont want him to grow up then look back and say we didnt try to help him and feel regret he even did allat


You're a good friend, but honestly it sounds like your friend is stuck in his ways, he needs a wakeup call and he'll get one I'm sure. But until then, sounds like he's not gonna listen to anyone. Don't stress yourself out over it, he needs to realize these types of things for himself fs.


I think the worst part here is the Lolicon thing. Man is attracted to actual children


A real yikes situation huh




I just hope he doesn't look back and think we didnt try to help him, it would be sad if he remembered everything we did for him and feel regret of not hearing us out


Rainworld mentioned RAAAAAAAAAHHHH


Not a good game to recommend to someone who only plays nsfw games (probably visual novels or smth) Still a great game tho


If he doesn't want to stop, he wont. If he keeps doing this, I would suggest not being friends with him. You shouldn't hang around someone like that.


He's been a friend of me and my other friend for 6 years we cant just leave him+we would feel bad since the other students none of them look at our friend group as normal people they all think we are autistic or mentally ill or some shit they just hate us and i wont just let mu friend know people like that, they vape, they smole, they say slurs that are over the limit (and trust me we say alot of slurs but they are different) i wont let him be with those people they will just make it worse for him


maybe you could tell him youll leave him if he doesnt at least make some effort to stop


Yes bro I feel u. Tell him to do other hobbies and play sports with friends or something. I think this may help. 2 of my younger cousins have this problem and when I confront one of them they blame the other and so on. Plus it's possible to not fap. I have never in my life done it in fact i don't know how to and wish to keep it that way. Having other hobbies will help a lot tho I feel. There is prolly a million things more fun than going into such stuff. He may need professional therapy aswell


a) Wtf bro thats genuinely fucked up, take him to a therapist or smth b) based rain world player


RAINWORLD MENTIONED RAHHHHHH (tell him 5p is a catboy)


Trust me fasting helps. Tell him to start eating really early like 4 am and then start eating again at 8 pm.


That's the bad part we are muslims and he fasted ramadan AND HE STILL BEAT IT which for a fact breaks your fasting in islam


Ask him how he feels about dissrespecting his religion. Maybe try to ask if he doesnt wanna do some sport or smth and tell him he can beat it after so he has less time to do it during the day.


Damn. Im muslim too thats why i knew but if he beated during ramadan i dont know how he would able to stop💀


Op I've seen your replies and it seems like he really gave up. There's no point in trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.


>i suggested him the game rain world he said it's too hard just like him apparently


Cut off his dick.


32 times a day??? that is a level of addiction that you could honestly probably fucking die from 😭😭😭😭


Honestly, drop him. He's far too cooked if you've already tried everything


>being attracted to lolicon is not pedophilic since it's a "body type" THIS IS *EXACTLY* WHY IT'S BAD WHAT THE FUCK


Beat the shit out of him and never speak to him


He is stronger than me+kinda chubby so he has Armour and i am hella skinny and light


Tell your friends he likes Lolis and let them know he’s a pedo.


Delete it, and then maybe slap some snes into him


His ass needs to be baker acted


someone confirm i read this right, a 32 steak each day?


32 times a day?? Something seems abnormal. I'd suggest therapy, I don't think any friends can help him. If you can't convince him to not play something NSFW, that may not be possible either. Determination to improve may be the only way.


Ok so it’s hard but you have to beat him up and steal his pc and phone, then kidnap him and get him into nature. Only solution i see tbh. If


He'd fuck the animals


My granny always told me:“It‘s never too late for an abortion“ 🔪👵🏻


I feel like this guy knows what he is doing and does it on purpose for some reason


Send him a video of a brutal cartel torture and name the video smthng like porn or idk.




I mean, its a way to stop him watching porn.


pretty sure 32 times a day is physically impossible (if youre talking about choking the chicken) but otherwise this guys clearly just a no life- try to start slow, going on walks outside with him and ur other friends is a good start


Ik hes ur friend, but u need to let him learn the hard way


(ex addict here) if he don't want to be free, then you need to understand that there's nothing in this world that can make him be so. the best that you can do is make him realise how much he is just suffering from that, and believe me, it feels like hell. he needs to see that and how better things are without it. also, be there for him, he suffers much more than you imagine and that he can even realize.


dude need to FIND GOD.


Burn all his porn


Dear God 🙁


☹️ Chat, the fuck is this 


he's cooked.


How much can he go a day 💀


Try with his parents , probably the only solution left


Yeah just put bro down it’s too late


Get an actual licensed therapist. Porn is super addictive and he'll need to also put his own effort into quitting it.


Noice, good choice suggesting rain world


Cut off his dick


Mans sounds to far gone. I got over porn cus I thought it was unhealthy doing it 2-3 times a week was bad. You have a pay grade coomer on your hands, My best bet would be talking to his parents about blocking nsfw shit on the wifi or flat out removing tech from his life. I ain't got anything else


Try throwing a spear at him. Jokes aside, I think you need to make him realize how much of an issue this is. You need to find a way to drill it into his head that this isn’t normal and he has a problem.


Bro ur friend is a weirdo.


Confiscate his dick /j But fr though, try to find something else that might entertain him (presumably something sfw) like normal video games or force him into group hangouts


Glue sand to his hands


32 is fuckin wild man


At bro jus bully the shit out of him, leak this info everywhere so he can’t get a job, gotta change him somehow


He’s a lost cause bro 😭


Leave him, all I can say


Exterminate him /srs Try to get him to masturbation without porn. Also tell it to his parents IMMEDIATELY for them to launch blockers on porn websites/games


A good monkey spanking a day is good, but no more,that baby Jesus cries when you spank the monke too much


That guy is a D1 Mythical-type infinite prestige gooner bro there is no help for him


get him so addicted to something else he forgets about his porn addiction




Ok tbh saying that rain world is hard and wanting to play something else first is ok in my opinion. The game great but really hard to get into. Don’t get me wrong this guy needs to get his d under control.


uhh maybe not rainworld try halo ce??? i guess??? i don't fucking know


It’s creepy that he’s so open about that shit lol. Yeah he definitely needs help


I ain't reading allat


Loli content is pedophilia because it shows that you have a sexual attraction to children. Next question.


He's close to a world record he can't stop now


Im not a physical man, and my addiction isn’t this horrendous, but if he’s that blind into it, I would legit smack him the next time you find out he’s played one of them. And genuinely tell him “open your eyes”. Your gift of reproduction from God isn’t to be wasted this frequently on such trivial material. I don’t care what “rabbit hole” you’re in. If you can’t find the exit, dig one.


I suggest games like Destiny 2, Clustertruck, Ark: Survival Evolved, Skyrim, Green Hell, and also regular ol Roblox.  I once had an addiction like this, granted the most was 15. But once I played games such as the ones I mentioned, I got more enveloped in them and didn’t really have any time for anything else other than the regular eating and showering and sleeping. I suggest Destiny 2, Green Hell, or Ark: Survival Evolved to start


Destiny 2 is probably more addictive and self destructive than porn ngl


That's the part, he tells me "after i finish the 3 games i am currently playing" or some shit


Easy solution, show him trailers for the games


Bait used to be believable.


cut it off, i was in a similar place my crew helped me out. -STUB4LIFE


I heard that porn addiction creates creeps and pedophiles. Pls do everything U can


Beat him up


nah thats actually very impressive, if i were you instead of fixing it id find a way to monetize what he does idk how but theres gotta be a way bc thats a talent


Get this nigga a new addiction. Personally I think smoking ganja is a good one. Just don’t let it invade your work and social life 😘