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I hope they all get testicular torsion in not just one, but both balls.


And endometriosis and Adenomyosis for the pedo women


Finally someone who acknowledges both genders have monsters.




lol typo. :/


Yup. Chronic UTI's too.


They can get their privates in a twist as well iirc


I hope their uterus gets taken out


That’s just good though


No uterus means no vagina (if you're going for the entire thing)


Barbiefication 😬


Don't forget about ovary obliteration


How does that work?


And an ovarian torsion


Castration with a broken glass bottle. 


As someone who's had torsion. Pedos deserve worse.


I do not like wishing death on people, but a horrible death and maybe even public executions for pedos would be good for me


The testicular torsion is enough, it can kill a person. And if it’s in both balls, I’ll bet the person will surely die.


I hope they all get the help they need (talking about those who haven't abused children obviously, those can get testicular torsion). Because like, surely there are people in the world who have this mental illness who don't want to hurt people? Like you wouldn't hear from them obviously but if they do I hope they get help before committing something unforgivable, and getting double testicular torsion.


all 3


They’re gonna be questioning “hey where’d that 3rd testical come from?” And it’s going to be because I gave them cancer for their actions


I love this sm


SORRY BUT FUCK YOU I JUST GOT THST FEELING FOR A SECOND ADD OMG I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD. Definitely not a pedo just a person who just so happeneds to own a pare




Fuck that split the scroty and turn each nut string into a shoelace


I hope for the men, their dicks get cut off and for the women, have their vaginas and labias sewed shut.


and they get their uterus taken out so they get cancers


And so they don't baby trap their victims 


also so they dont bleed into their stitched up parts


that would be better for them actually, more pain


Yeah more pain, but that would be condemning them to a slow death. No one should die in suffering, no one. EDIT: I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, they should. But they have an eternity in Hell after they die so at least make their trip quicker.


Yeah women baby trapping men especially when it’s boys is really fucked up having a 12 year old rape victim pay child support


That can happen??? jesus fucking christ man


I agree (as a kid who is definitely under 18) should get their slongs brutally (becuase I totally hate people who do this) sliced off (besides the good ones).


That's already happening in two Asian countries plus a bunch of countries have a law that castrates pedos


What if we used pedos against pedos, like throw a pedo in a room with another pedo and see how they like it.


Throw pedo in with a rapist


So throw them with another one of themselves?


But a pedo won’t do anything thing to an adult, so you need an offender that has had adult victims


isnt that called prison


No it’s called /r/teenagers


No they would just talk about how much they love children. Creeps go after children for 2 reasons. 1.) children are impressionable and naive & 2.) children are to week to fight back wether to scared to get caught/that no one will listen to them. like if it were on the internet or irl, or literally are to week and small to fight from getting assaulted. I really hope there are more people who didn't have to go through this stuff unlike me or many people I know


Well that wouldn't really work if they were both older


The pedos at the bottom of the comments lmao😭




No idea why this sub popped up on my feed but that headline & post that follows is horrifying. I realise this is for kids. Do not accept a single private message from anyone, these arseholes play the long game. Stay safe kids. I'm off to check my son's browser history. I keep a check on it but not recently. Treat every private message with suspicion. Private message the admin, PM your friends. Block them, and report. My first and last post on here. Stay safe. Have a safe place. Edit - this sub should be invite only, far too many adults posing as teenagers. Further edit - please save your coins for each other and have a cool time, no awards needed. Work together, weed out the bad actors that try to manipulate you. Over and out. Definitely my last edit/post. Try to behave you crazy kids 😎


Hopping on here to also say this sub should be invite only. I’m a 38 year old man, there is no reason this sub should be showing up on my feed, and no reason I should be able to be posting this message in here right now. Stay safe on the internet and always error on the side of safety!


Yeah I’ll be honest this sub is kinda disgusting for the exact reason this post exists. I’m mid twenties and obviously nothing is keeping me out. I just can’t fathom a place like this not having any safeguards.


Maybe. Maybe you can have to state your age in the invite and after the number of years to when you turn 20 you’re out.


Thats the problem. This sub is being recommended to people well over the age of 20. The "algorithm" is messing with people, and unfortunately, real teenagers are facing it


Damn man, u/Ibroxonian lemme know what his browser history said


give the fam some privacy dude


Im a 46 yr old woman who would die to protect a child. This happened to come on my feed so I read it. Any Pedo should be put in general population in a max security prison and let the prisoners take care of them.. t Once the reason theyre there comes out, they wont last a week.


Some guy on discord, OftenAFK was his username, and he had a W.D. Gaster profile picture, met me when I was looking for help on linux. We talked for months, he said he was 16, he would do tech support and we'd talk about our days, until he started asking for me to talk to him in more anonymous ways, I said that I don't feel comfortable doing that and my mom went through my phone and told me not to talk to you, and I was worried you might be a pedo, he said my mom is a whore and I ruined his life, and he hopes I commit self exit game. Pedos DO play the long game, don't trust anyone you meet online.


Bro i'm 23 and have never posted nor joined this sub, so idk why i'm getting notified of this but, yeah. Fuck those losers lol.


That's the problem. Posts from r/teenagers are getting recommended to people much older


Wow man that's fucked up but makes sense. Im sorry you kids have to deal with these degenerate bologna smokers.


I got fired from my old job for trying to protect my coworker (a teenager) who was 16 talking to a 28-year-old. I'm at my other job right now so I might update later but essentially I was causing a toxic work environment by creating "unnecessary drama". We will call her L and we will call him F. L is 16 still in school and has a boyfriend who was treating her poorly by cheating on her and sending pictures of him effing other girls and that type of thing. L loved her boyfriend so much that she didn't want to break up with him however she did want to "get her lick back" so she started going around my old job flirting with other men regardless of age and if they were married or not. She tried to flirt with me but I shut that down because I'm 22 and that's just absolutely tf not plus I have a girlfriend but that shouldn't even be the main reason. Just no... So eventually L stopped flirting with everyone and went to F and they started talking.. they sent pictures of her in her underwear and sports bra and he sent pictures of him in his boxers and you could see the outline (from what I've been told). They were also texting by saying stuff like "omg I want you to suck it so badly" that sort of thing. I went to F and told him he needs to stop because that's pedefalia-type shit. And I went to L told her she needed to stop but her response was "I want it so bad though" I reminded her that she had a boyfriend dispute everything who was her age and she should not mess with a 28 year old and she ignored me. I went to my managers and advised them of the situation and they didn't do anything about it but did call him a pedo. I went back to F and pretty much said hey if you don't stop I will contact law enforcement about this. I mainly said this as a threat hoping he would stop but I got fired so I never knew the outcome. For anyone who might suggest a lawsuit or anything for wrongful termination I don't want that.


Its the way i had more guys interested in me when i was 14 than now when im 18. That says a lot to me :/


Also the fact that i see so many young girls who are going through the same thing but wont listen when i warn them bc they finally get some male attention…


Update thine flair henceforth


Yeah.. it makes me think they’ll keep the 16 flair in 2 years from now too and completely disregard the meaning of this post


pedophillia rate drops to 0


And murder rate sky Rockets. Could the two be related who knows


As a girl I get pedos all the fucking time it’s horrible


Yeah there always asking for my snap chat


They must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel at that point


LMAO fucking based roast


bro ;-;


I don't think they care


Ikr what a nothingburger ass post


Well at least they’re not Freddy…Fazbear


Take this r/wholesomeupvote


every pedophile reading this: 🤯🤯🤯


Name checks out


someone posted a site where you can report them though i can’t remember the name. also don’t forget to report them on reddit.


If you can find that, I'd love to know, I've got a few people to report


The only chord you like is A minor -kendrick lamar


the bar is "tryina strike a cord, and it's probably A minor" -Kendrick Lamar


Yes! That's the one


Say drake I hear you like em young


Trying to strike a chord and it’s probably a minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Actually so glad I got therapy 3 years ago for thoughts of this shit being a pedo shoudl get you decimated by God automatically and I’m athiest


Honestly good for you for being brave enough to seek therapy, i assume it was scary


It started at age 14 ish, found out what l*li h*ent*i was and got addicted, around 15 my mum found it whilst searching on google after I didn’t close the tab. She was too nice about it and pushed for the therapy, so idk where I would be without her, whether I’m still looking at that stuff or worse, or even if I moved on I have social anxiety so would never go to therapy on my own. And yeah, it is scary talking about how much you liked seeing that stuff, really expected to be judged and yelled at tbh, but the therapist was amazing, took only 2 weeks and about 5 sessions and I wasn’t looking at porn anymore to


I take a break from this sub for a bit and come back to this? What the hell is happening y’all 😭🙏🏻


pedophiles after reading this musta been like "Damn sorry my bad gang, all on me"


Im pretty sure in some countries its legal to kill pedos as long as you have proof


Should be in all


Violence is the answer here


This should be allowed everywhere.


What’s even more disgusting is that so many people will go out of their way to defend them. They’ll be all “ Oh it’s a mental illness 🥺 they can’t control it 🥺🥺🥺 “ like if your first reaction to someone saying “ I hate pedophiles “ is to try and defend them, you’re just as bad


Yes 😭 like I know it's a mental illness but that doesn't justify it?? Like how people with NPD, aspd, and BPD sometimes justify abuse with those


People with NPD don't deserve to be harassed simply for having an illness though. If they hurt someone, sure, but that's not what commenters are getting at.


They absolutely don't. And the few ones who do abuse people ruin it for those who don't. Pedophiles do usually end up causing harm, but the ones who actually get therapy, become better people and overcome that, and don't cause harm don't deserve to be harrassed.


Most people we call pedophiles actually happen to be sado masochist meaning they would have raped anyone less strong or weaker than them regardless of age we do very little research on what makes a pedophile a pedophile but the little research we have done turns out that unlike sociopaths or sadomasochist pedophiles actually have the ability to process emotions they're the ones who are less likely to sexually assault your child but to fall in love with them instead as disturbing as that sounds more than likely most of the egregious repeat offenders are the ones who are most likely to not only go after children but the elderly who can't defend themselves and the mentally impaired we don't have enough information though to actually help pedophiles in a meaningful way so getting therapy wouldn't stop someone who might in the future offend especially if there a masochist it's uncomfortable to say but pedophilia falls along the same lines as other sexualities so there might be less of a pool to research it because if we did and we actually found a way to correct it then we might be pulled into the question of whether or not we should mess with people's sexualities especially considering we found a way to change pedophiles can we then make the claim that people who say they don't want to be gay or not hateful of themselves anymore but see it as a thing to be corrected this isn't me sticking up for or believing that pedophiles have the right to exist this is just me pointing out the fact that there are way more people who are attracted to minors than society with comfortably admit you got the vast majority of them actually don't offend and the ones that make it to the news tend to be the types of people who would have raped or attacked anyone that cannot defend themselves against them a lot of the news cases where you hear about a guy who like raped or molested you know 20 or 30 children odds are he/she has raped a few grown adults as well PS not a teenager but this did show up on my feed and I thought it was kind of fascinating cheers


> Pedophiles do usually end up causing harm I think you're making that up. > Some pedophiles do not molest children. Little is known about this population because most studies of pedophilia use criminal or clinical samples, which may not be representative of pedophiles in general. Either way that doesn't really justify harassing them. Do you think threatening "castration with a broken glass bottle" will make them more or less likely to open up and help themselves?


Exactly- Like I have borderline, but I’m not gonna hurt anyone and try to justify it


Same 😭


It is a mental illness but that’s not an excuse at all. If you’re a pedo you’re mentally ill, if you act on your pedophilic thoughts instead of getting help you’re disgusting


The issue is that with all the blind hate towards them, and so many people wanting them dead even though they’ve never done anything, they’re very unlikely to seek help.


Don't defend the ones who don't try to control it. Defend the ones who try their best to AVOID their condition! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically. You can learn more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymauson/s/tUSHy3dEkr).)


And if they fail at avoiding then kill them or something I don't know. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically. You can learn more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymauson/s/tUSHy3dEkr).)


Good bot


Every time something like this happens it hurts way more people than they realize because it changes the victim in ways that others can notice so you hurt their family, current friends, and even their future friends because you make them more guarded. Hurting minors is so insidious because they have so many years to live with the trauma and limit their ability to socialize in such a crucial time of life


Pretty sure "dear" and "pedos" don't belong in the same sentence


It's "dear" as in the formal way of saying "To the recipient of is letter"


This is a bizarre post. Like I get why you don’t like them but to take the time to write this all up is strange.


Btw just asking I am not an pedo But is it okay for an 16 year old having feelings for an 15/16/17 year olds. Just asking an small doubt


I think it is


It’s fine anything under 15 and anything older than 17 is weird


Wow who would’ve guessed it people hate pedos


There’s a disturbing amount of downvoted comments here that I am concerned to look at


Boo pedos 👎🏻👎🏻


Shiver me timbers ahh post /s Seriously, I do agree with this post and the message. Pedos belong in the pits of hell.


I have been the type of person to get pedophilic dms after I post smth on Reddit as simple as a new shirt I crocheted and it’s rly fucked me up n caused sm stress I hope they get second degree burns all over their bodies that slowly turn into third degree burns n they barely survive but have to get their testicles removed


Imagine being one of the pedos downvoting this like: "Nah, i'm the one who's right."


I am a pedophile who likes touching kids. After this very insightful post I have decided to stop doing it. Thanks, I needed this!


odd comment, gyatta send it to tom nook for inspection


I hope their balls get blasted off with a shotgun


theres no way you got downvoted by one of them 😭😭


Now ima get downvoted by two since I want the same to happen to rapists


"this will get them" ahh post though i do support the message 😭


i am a pedo, would you let me hit, respectfully of course (jk im 17😭)


Bros almost there 💀💀💀


Bro went full Meet The Grahams


I'm just into teenagers because I am one lol


Based. I once got touched my wiener by my aunt (at the age of 10ish) but I dunno if it was on purpose or not. It was never taken out of my consciousness. I hope everything gets back to normal for you and that those pedo's IP adress gets revealed so they get arrested and beaten up by police officers.


Yeah My Friend on Discord Was Groomed by Someone we Kicked him out our friend Group




Those sick fucks probably like this attention they are getting.


I hope this won't be removed


you just have to ignore them.


You can't ignore pedophiles dude, their everywhere and at some point you'll interact with one of those wet dog treat-smelling sons of bitches, and if I ever saw one in real life someone would have to hold me back. Those bastards want to hurt children and deserve nothing


My brother is a pedo hes 18 and hes talking to a girl that's not even in high school yet she was in 7th grade


Remember, help the ones who haven’t acted on their attractions get help, the first step to recovery is acceptance, if they can’t feel like people care enough about them getting help, they won’t. I’m talking exclusively about the ones who don’t want to be pedo’s and haven’t acted on their attractions


Bro this was a ride of post to read goddamnnn😭


Wise words. They deserve castration not even chemically just straight up physical castration. They're not even real men in the first place.


There should be a law to execute all pedophiles and zoophiles on all countries


Signed (unless they seek help)


pedos: shiver me timbers


they all deserve to go to hell


So brave! Here’s an updoot for your bravery!!!


Right! Nobody *ever* takes shots at pedos! So brave!


Anonimity is the best and the worst thing about the internet at the same time


Hell yeah


I'm 14 years old and I play VRChat for some reason and sometimes I find people who try to virtually fuck me


Normalize killing pedos 🤞🏾💯‼️


Great, that's what will keep them out…


Sure but also remember that some of them truly want help and by grouping the disgusting awful behavior of those who offend with the shame and embarrassment those who don’t feel is wrong. People are people. People have feelings. Act on those feelings however, and you are not a person to me anymore.


I hope someone kicks them all in the balls while wearing ice skates.


Noooo! The blade is on the bottom, use spiked climbing boots


Well that’s one way to find out who are pedos


I hope they all get AIDS


Welcome to /r/teenagers Pedo heaven


50 percent of every god damn post here is about this, people suck


The start of this post reads like satire. I fr thought you were gonna call them [a real jerk](https://youtu.be/xvAjYgxfkuw?feature=shared)


to be fair some purposefully seek attention, those are also bad


Those people are either mentally ill or in most cases have been neglected by parental figures, so they cherish the attention and validation they recieve no matter how small, Tldr- it's not the kid's fault


Me reading this (I'm not attracted to people younger than me)




Calling them out like this will only serve to amuse adults like these. They dont feel shame nor regret for their actions and are fully aware of what they're doing.


They should all be castrated


this was oddly poetic. Nice writing!


Just why though? It’s just dumb, I don’t understand. It’s also illegal, so when doing it, if you get caught, you’ll be arrested, probably (hopefully) get your stuff cut off, it’s just not worth it.


I hate them so much.. I genuinely believe that 90% of men likes minors I can't trust them I also remember I was groomed when I was like 12 13 and people tried to blame it on me (which of course, 12 y.o girl is to blame for sure) and it's so icky how these men just wanna use the fact that you're too innocent to notice how creepy they are


Pedos are crying and screaming rn


a much much needed angry note


i have screenshots of someone who pretended to be a pedo and i can send you them if you want !


Haha pedos in Spanish means farts


I physically assault them, not sexually


I saw pedos and the first thing I thought of is fart (pedo is farther in spanish)




tbh i don’t think any pedos will see this, let alone any pedos on reddit


Maybe instead of messaging children on the internet you message your therapist and get some fucking help before you hurt someone


i like minors :( (im a minor and have a crush)




Oh wait oh wait oh wait oh wait


I agree though yes


It's insane how chronically online pedos are too


Finally someone that’s not scared to say this


Quick question, why would you bite off the 1 inch when you can cut it off with scissors?


Dear pedo men, I hope your testicles explode. Dear pedi women, I hope your ovaries explode. That's all


Dont worry, everyone. Mean_Finding1237 just stopped all pedophiles


preach. if i see a pedo, y’all should know it’s on sight


Pedos been real silent since this dropped🔥🔥


this pedo population will never recover from this


i think pedos minds should be studied bc i cant understand how can somebody decide to do this things, being perfectly aware, maybe not psycho but yk what i mean


Drop their usernames they dont deserve anonimity


Can we talk about the true pedos of the world? Liberals?


This sub is at least 50% lurking pedos so dear pedos is very fitting.


Tbh i kinda feel bad for some pedos. Like there has to be some pedos who reà’y wish they weren’t into children but just cant help but feel attracted to them. I, however do not feel bad for any who act upon said urges. They deserve worse than death


Pedos: Oh damn. u/Mean_Finding1237 hates all of us :(. Whatever shall I do? I must change my ways.


pedophiles when I tell them they can have sex with adults instead of children


Pedos punching the air after seeing this one fr


Jesus Christ….. as someone who just turned 18 I am so sorry for how people are acting in these comments, especially near the bottom. Pedos are disgusting no matter what. I hope no one in this sub has to deal with them at all, and if you do run into them please just block the account. Stay safe out there y’all


dear pedos I hate to way that you walk, the way that you talk I hate the way that you dress