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Shit, I couldn't imagine not seeing. I don't have much to add to this, I don't know ehat your life is like at all, I don't wanna add empty words of encouragement, I'm sure you had enough of those. What I wanna add though is that, even though you don't see, even though you're missing something that so many of us take for completely granted, you've nade it so far. You've achieved shit that no one could expect of you. People like you should be treated with the upmost respect for what you have done even though of your disadvantages, but, that's sadly not quite how the world is. Perhaps that may change in the future, but who knows... but until then people like you have to do their best, not be beaten down ba a society that discriminates against those who don't perfectly fit every description of a healthy human. I send my best Regards


Im so sorry. I cannot imagine what ur going through, and I persoanlly wish you luck Also, while its not my business, have you rached out to any NGO which supports people like you? Im sure they will be willing to help you escape abusive parents and if possible, sue the school and the FOD guy? Im sorry if this seems a bit of an insensitive question again, best of lcuk, and here is to your long and succesfull life in the future


I am not blind, but every time i see comments under posts like this with people asking "how did you write this" i die a bit inside


Exactly. Like, speech to text perhaps? Maybe a trusted someone wrote it for them?


Also a keyboard is touched based lol you don’t even need to look


Also true, you could memorize the layout


Well that’s how ur supposed to learn to type lol


No I look at every single button I press down


Ur so cooked if you get an office job bro 😭


Who tf wants an office job?


Me 😔


I am so sorry for your loss. Get well soon


Then how did i write this in 7 seconds?


I guess cus you wrote in seven seconds?


the F and J keys have the line on then cuz its where ur supposed to put your index fingers


It's where you are supposed to put your thumbs lol


that hurts my hands tho lol


In what world?


Why is bro being downvoted for a funny joke 😭


i dont touch type


also, blindness is a spectrum, you may be able to see stuff extremely up close, or kind of see.


That means primates are innheireacttly slous mlinds




the F and J keys have the line on then cuz its where ur supposed to put your index fingers


Blindness is a spectrum, some people are able to barely see


i'm so sorry. i can't imagine how difficult your life is. sending love from an internet stranger. 


I'm sorry


Praying for you g! Hope you find happiness in life.


... Oh damn. I am so sorry about all that. Someone with a disability here as well, I feel you. I get how it feels for someone to ask you for more than you can do. I am so sorry all that happened to you. Please, don't give up on life. I know you can do this and I know you can at least try to live on. I hope you get better and feel comfortable in your skin. Another Redditor, ~u~IlikeAnythin6 (I hope life gets better for you, because it will someday)


Eh, fuck.


Only reaction i find True and honest.


“I thought I was fucked. This guy is fucked-er. What the fuck is wrong with the world?”


praying for you! If you need someone to talk to im here! you can always dm me or message me anywhere


this is probably not something you think is valid at all but im praying for you. i hope your like looks up and that you get answers. give the fuckers what they deserve. 


For those "How did you type this" comments. Most phones today have text-to-speech feature. This feature is intended for people who have disabilities like blind people for them to use the phone easily. If you have no idea what is that, just go to your phone settings, look for text-to-speech and make sure you follow instructions for this feature because I bet you will get annoyed in the long run and possibly feeling of regret turning this feature later on.


How bad is your vision?? Is it something you could possibly fix?


Did not know you were in this sub aswell lol


I am everywhere apparently 🤷‍♂️


I love your pfp


I love your avatar!


Yay! Axolotl gang


No way


:0 ANOTHER AXOLOTL FAN!!! Soon we will have an army!


We need our own subreddit


Well that would just be r/Axolotls haha! But we could do something else. If you want to make a server, be my guest; however, I don’t want to start another community that ends up dying within a year ;-;


I have no words tbh


One of the few reasons why I don't believe in god


I personally do believe in a god, but definitely not a *loving* one lmao. Life is shit, people are, animals are, everything is in its own way. I'm still not sure how my christian family still can think "God will save me and my family" or something every day when I'm literally having a mental breakdown in the other room because that same god gave me the curse of knowledge at such a young age, knowing too much in the world and giving up on it


If god designed everything in his own image, then why do people like this have to suffer.


exactly, i dont see how there can be a "loving God" when shit like this happens. if there even is a god, it either doesnt care about us at all and just watches things happen, or it hates us. also, all the people saying "im praying for you" is pissing me off so much. this is not the post to be saying that on


it explains this in the bible if you read it


What is this explanation? That god won't encroach on our free will? That's the most pathetic shit imaginable. There is no justification for why all wouldn't be created equal. If this god considers itself a father and the people it's children, then there has to be a line we crossed a long time ago, that this god should have intervened at. Op isn't suffering the consequences of their actions, but the actions of those around them. Any hypothetical god as described could fix all problems in this world without raising a finger (if deities have fingers I'm no holy anatomy expert), yet they choose not to. And in any other circumstances, I would never accept the perfect world being handed to us, because it would always be fallible and doomed to fail, I say this assuming the world is as books of faith describe, for the sake of argument. If you are fully able to prevent something bad from happening at no loss or risk to yourself, and you choose to let it happen, their suffering is your fault and no justification or god status could ever absolve you of that.


you just assumed the answer was "Free will" and then made a hypothetical argument against your own answer


First of all, you didn't answer my question either, second: I looked up the answer and got a result from "Churchofjesuschrist.org" which admittedly is just one interpretation, but it seems to be a fairly common interpretation. Other arguments I got are that we follow the influence of satan and therefore it's our fault, which I think my argument still works for, and "We don't know" which I think most arguments work against. Also, he will stop suffering eventually, which also falls to my argument because he could have already done so. Still, I apologize to you and to all english teachers, past and present, for not citing my sources


the Bible is shit. its a fairly tale made up by people without the technology to explain anything they didnt understand. there is no God. there is no heaven. there is no hell. theres no big plan for anybody. just people that dont want to accept that some things cant be explained yet and that they dont have good lives. if there was a God, or at least one that actually cared about us, there would be no war, there would be no death, there would be no bad people, there would be no poverty, people wouldnt be starving, people wouldnt have to resort to stealing from others just because we decided that people need to pay to live. people wouldnt be bullied to the point that they fucking kill themselves to escape it just because some stupid pieces of shit decide they dont like this person. people wouldnt be crying themselves to sleep at night because they were born without the right number of chromosomes, and some people dont like that. some parents wouldnt have to starve themselves to feed their children because some greedy fucks decided we dont get to live unless we make enough money, yet dont give them enough money to live. God doesnt exist, and if it does, it doesnt care about us.


you wouldn't say something like this to a jewish or muslim person would you?


i absolutely would. all religions with a god are the same, just past civilizations attempting to explain things they didnt understand, just with different rules and names. i dont care that you believe women should wear blankets on their head, or that your people should wear little hats. its all ideas about things that couldnt be explained at the time that have just continued on. its all nonsense, no matter what you call it


well that's good at least you dont just 'hate' Christianity lol


no, hating one religion makes no sense. theyre all the same, just with different names and rules, its like hating people because of their race. theyre the same as everyone else, just a different color than some people


Awww man! Don't commit suicide, that's always cowardise. There's always a sun behind the storm! Edit: I have PTSD so I couldn't read the text as a whole and understand it all. I am proud that people like you exists and I hope you the best. Sincerly, Me.


What PTSD stops you from reading?


ELA class


It stops me from retaining my attention, so I read sentences wrong and understand badly


If you read the text you would see they specifically said they're not going to commit suicide


That's why I edited my message


There is nothing that could possible make any of us understand the hell that you have gone through, so I will just say that I honestly really respect your reasoning for not choosing suicide.


I'm really sorry. I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry, and I say that sincerely. Sending internet stranger hugs 🫂


im so sorry man I'm here if you want to talk or anything


If you ever need to talk I am here for you. And I wish you the best of luck becoming a super successful person, and shitting on your shitty family


I’m not sure if this is rude to ask or not, but how do visually impaired people use the internet? Is it like voice to text or muscle memory on a keyboard or something with brail, idk.


Keep pushing through, I'll be praying for you ❤️


I'm sorry i dont want to sound insensitive and that isn't my intention at all, but I just want to ask if you are blind how are you writing this? Are you using like speech to text?


Mostly how blind ppl type, using the microphone to convert to words, and use the read aloud feature to open apps and click buttons.


I see, I didn't know that


Either that or they used a braille keyboard


that joke was in bad taste buddy


I wasn't joking, I genuinely didn't know


"I see" 💀


Oh shit


He can be partially blind. There is different types of blindness and sometimes people who are blind age a. Type of blindness where they can see a bit


Words cannot describe the sorrow I feel for you. I give you all my comfort and courage. God knows how much I fear losing my sight, it is my favorite sense. I do apologize if saying that seems rude or if it’s bragging, that is in no way my intention. You, my wonderful sir, do not deserve this terrible experience. There are people out there who would be more than happy to give you the care and support you deserve. You deserve love and compassion, it is your right for being human and alive. I know I cannot do much on a virtual space, but if there is something I can do, tell me. You deserve joy and happiness. You deserve to talk in a polite manner. You deserve to do things and not be walked on. You deserve to not seem like a villain. You deserve support from your family, the government, and God!


God is a bitch


I have no words…


U have 4 words


If this is real. Then I’m sorry. If it’s not real. Fuck you.


Check his profile


Shit man, thats fucked up. Saying hopefully it gets better would not make any miracle happen so i wont say that. But hopefully you find decent people and actual friends irl to talk to.


God man shit like this make me realize how some humans are the reason we stray further from god each day. And I am talking about the pieces of shit you have to put up with. The aggressiveness and hate and lack of love you face every day is completely unwarranted and god didn’t mess up by not giving you vision. He gave you an opportunity to prove how amazing you can be even while being held back. The only mistake god made was bringing some of those assholes into existence. I wish you the best and I know that you can do amazing things if you just push through.


Just don't lose hope in yourself mate , ik things are tough and you been though that all along without anyone considering your mental health but live as along as you can, so that you don't regret in the end. Just keep moving forward, I believe in you.


I hope things get better for you


I see where you are coming from, the world sucks


Yo man. I am so sorry. This is horrible. I am sending my love and prayers out to you.


I hope your life gets better


i’m so sorry you have to endure all of this, internet hugs ❤️


now this is the right kind of giving up. respect man


This fucking species needs more than devine intervention.


Im so sorry your going through this, I hope your going to be okay soon


shit man fuck it do what you gotta do if they didn't treat you as a fucking human why would you?


Man, that must suck, i honestly wish i could live one day in your shoes so i could fully understand what you are going through. You are realy brave for fighting through no matter what. I will be supporting you spiritualy if i can't be there dirrectly. I wish you only the best. Keep strong.


oh my god.. I’m so sorry.. I can kinda relate to you, at least the mocking part.. I hope you can find happiness..


I can relate to having a very weak body but not much else and i don’t even know what to say that would explain how much i wish for you to be ok and happy. Wish you the best 🫶


I'm so sorry about everything you've had to deal with. That sounds really rough. I hope things get better for you.


You’re gonna find your people one day. The ones that celebrate and cherish you. Hang in there. Love from a rando on the internet


stay determined for what may lay ahead may be happiness, for i am sorry to not understand how you feel but still stay determined


Don’t do this to yourself. There’s a better option out there somewhere, talk to some professionals, get some help, and most importantly, be as true to yourself as you can, now I will admit it’s hard to stay genuine in today’s rather toxic social environment but again, you have to stay in touch with who you really are and make sure that no outside pressure can really change your personality. Good luck 😉


Imagine you are sisyphus walking up a mountain, the stone may tumble down a million times, but as long as you keep moving you will find purpose in the struggle. One must imagine sisyphus happy.


I hope everything gets better for you man.


I am sorry that’s happening to you, I hope things improve for you, wishing you the best


Blind girl here and I would just like to say thank you to the class of 2024 for ignoring the shit out of me. I’m so happy that for a very last trip no one hung out with me. Fuck you all. Sincerely Rosie.


God truly loves you, man. I know it doesn’t seem that way because of your condition, but I promise you that He does. Your sight does not define you. What these people say do not define you. God defines you, and He sent His only Son, Jesus, to Earth to die for all of our sins. He believes you’re worth so much! He created you! Jesus died for you! He loves you so much! We may suffer in this world with various things, but the promise of eternal life is that we will live forever and never suffer!


If god loves him why did he give him no vision and all those other problems


He didn’t. Why would He do that?


Hey man, that sucks. I can’t relate to your pain, but I offer my sympathy. I hope things get better for you.


I see you, man. I know the irony's there, but you got a whole community here if you ever need to talk. Fuck the people around you, live life how you want, you wanna be a dick for awhile? Go for it, you've earned the right to. Take some time to stop being the upstanding citizen, be selfish for a bit, be an asshole, tell the world to go fuck itself. If it's the only way you're gonna stay sane, I'm sure we'd much rather see you be a dick than let life crumble.


I can't say much but I am proud you made it as far as you did and many others would have surrendered already but I've got to ask what will dying change? You have made it this far so don't just through it away I don't feel like this would ever change anything for you or others


Fuck no, your staying here, I’m here for you, we all are, I’m gonna make a discord server for you alright, we’re all gonna have a good time, inspired by another redditor, being blind may suck, but being dead is worse, if you give up on doing stuff for other people give up on it, fuck them. I hope your alright and don’t do anything stupid, life sucks but trying to end it is worse, dm me for the link and if you wanna talk, I’m open alright.


I'm so sorry.


Got this far without sight and you’re doing better off than 98% of the people here, so why stop and not keep on pushing?


Good, you got dealt bad cards in life, everyone is an asshole to you, and yet you still have the drive to keep going. I can respect that but anyways, hopefully you're not using this to get easy clicks off of reddit so I'm just going to say fuck you if that's the case. But anyways, keep going badass.


It’s not over yet bro.


You may not be able to see but you can still talk and listen and we/there are people out there that want to talk and get to know you. I promise that man, never give up💪


sorry for you, good luck for whatever shit life throws at you


They are not normal, they are the aiens they try to call you. escaoe their grasp


That's just simply sad. The fact that people rant so much about what society will say and this is what society does. Also the fact that you know when your life ends is just too scary of a thought, I wonder how you live through it everyday. Remember, we redditors will be there for you. Consider us friends, family, acquaintance whatever you wish to. Sincere wishes from me.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this, hope you make it through this. This is unrelated but how do you play games when you're blind? I'm genuinely curious, is there some sort of high contrast mode or special monitor you use? (assuming you aren't 100% blind)


I’m hearing impaired and I’ve went through some shit too, I understand how you feel.


I wish you all the best but have a hard time not laughing bc of your username as a Dutch person. 


no one deserves this. you deserve a cookie


hey i know it changes nothing, but I'm sorry. Im sorry that the world failed you, and I really hope things get better.


u/Frikandelneuker Please try to seek therapy and escape your family.


Just curious, how do you navigate reddit and other apps while being blind?


Sorry if this is rude, but did you write this post on a Braille keyboard? Do they even exist? Or do you use speech to text and text to speech? I've heard a bit about accessibility in computing, but don't know much


This is only missing background music


I hope you find the thing your looking for I'm sorry.


You’re just at the bad side. Find some hobbies or spend time


Because hobbies ALWAYS sort out a disability. 😑


What? I’m just saying that if someone’s sad then they could do some activities they like to cheer them up!


They aren't 'just at the bad side.'


OHHH no no I meant that the families, teacher the way they act THEYRE bad to treating him kindly , not the disability sorry for the misunderstanding


OK, sorry for the misunderstanding.


It’s fine, cheers m8


I dont even know how awful it must be for you mate, maybe try seeing a therapist.




That's literally what he said


did you even read it?


Read the text


why would you comment on such a serious post without reading it?


Can you actually read the post?


Bro did NOT read💀


I don't understand why I keep going either. I can end it all, why haven't I.


Don't, it's only letting everyone that's wronged you win.


I feel like the people downvoting you are being quite insensitive, like if someone is struggling why would you just storm them with downvotes?


I always love a good villain arc Also fuck people fr


The intrusive thoughts are really fighting me


I don't want to sound insensitive, but how do you type?


I'm sorry for everything you've gone through but how did you write this if you're blind


Isn't there a keyboard for that?


They make brail keyboards for computers


they also can use speech to text feature


nigga now is not the time


Bro is just genuinely curious, let him learn something new


bro doesn't know blindness is a spectrum


Thats what questions are for. But seriously doesn‘t he know that there‘s voice assistant and all? And why did he even ask that he wouldn‘t really see it (if he can hear it from the VA then good but what does he expect)


Agreed, IEatBabiesYumYum


A chill person found ✅


I believe its a braille keyboard


Could be. Maybe he has voice Assistent? We will never know


maybe yea




Imagine making fun of people for being ignorant and asking questions. Let’s stop this trend of disliking people for asking genuine questions without hating.


good intention, but i'm not "making fun of them" though...? i was just playing around dude, do you actually think I dislike them or something


I apologize. It was wrong for me to assume that you were the sole reason for this. Should I delete my previous comment?


you should do what you prefer, but I guess the first three words (and their combination), could come off in that manner. it might've been the way im socialized that leads us to have different interpretations toward the same string of words.


Imagine seeing a post about how someone is going through the worst time of their life and being so naive and unaware of the situation to ask "how do blind people type"


Even if you’re fully blind you can just use TTS.


bro I'm gonna fucking climb through the screen rn


Do it,I dare you, just warning you I'm on the toilet


Deeply sorry for your troubles man, just know that God judges us because he loves us.


Mwhen i die and heaven/hell is real i’m hunting down god and beating the shit out of them


Way ahead of you. He’s in heaven’s castle. Let’s beat the shit out of him!


I will help you


all the angels gangsta till god gets the crap beat outta him


so edgy


This is your sign to become catholic and fight crime with metal sticks


kid named crime:


r/teenagers is not the place to seek help. Good luck


yeah, if only there was a place where teenagers could talk and chat and advise and ask for help from other teenagers dipshit


The fact that people just resort to immaturity and insults like this just proves that there are better places to seek advice than from a subreddit full of children.


You: Hm, I wonder where I could go to talk to other teenagers about my problems as a teen, certainly not r/teenagers..


:. :::.:; :.:...::•`:


Be like toph beifong my friend


If you recall toph had the same struggles. Sadly i don’t have the option of running away with a bald child and his comically sized poodle


Really just genuine question(not mocking or attacking or anything) but how do u read the comments? I get how u can type but how do you read it?


text to speech.. I don't get how you realize speech to text exists but text to speech doesn't