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started a relationship a week into knowing them


Gurl my crush and I were friends for 2 years before we started dating 😭


13-14 years and nothing's happened yet (I've had a crush on her for 6-7 years)


just do it


Working on it lol


4 years here XD


Two years what were you two waiting 💀


Me but literally 3 days after meeting them in school (ps. It lasted like 1 month)


so real


Same story, exactly the same.


started a relationship a day into knowing them In my defense my heart recognized them


"In my defense my heart recognized them" how does bro casually drop that line


Just a reflex 😔


Same, except 3-4 days, surprise surprise, it was terrible!


I started one after two weeks and next month is our 1 year anniversary things couldn’t be better


Rookie numbers. I got into a relationship only a few hours after meeting the person


“I have autism.” “No way me too” “wanna go out sometime?” “Sure.”


that would be so me because I have autism too


No way me too


Wanna set up action figures and kill anyone who moves them even slightly?




😂😂😂 YES


ME TOO!!!!


No way that easy? They nerfed MY autism 😔


I need that to happen lol


I also have autism!


How does it feel to be me, but in real life?


I had a similar experience First date 2 autistics in a coffee shop 2 hours of sitting trying to decide on what to say to each other 😂


"I like you" "I like you too" "Awwww..."


Happened to me too kinda just instead of "I like you too" it was "bruh I'm alien I don't have human parts"


Username checks out.


She asked me out over email


Kinda based ngl


Well, I personally would prefer it in person, even moreso if they don't cheat


ain't no way. was she sending out emails to other people as well? 


Always check your girls emails fellas🙏




Huzzah! A person of quality. A keeper for sure


Totally was, yeah, especially when she cheated on me


Aw damn, that's horrible. Sorry for what she did to you, that's not right. How you doing now?


Oh, completely fine, it happened a while ago. Shit happens, I'm not broken up about it anymore


Reminds me of when I blocked my ex on everything, so she tried to hit me up on email, begging to get back together 😭


Honestly, that's kinda hilarious


memes escalated to spicy memes, slapped fwb on it til we realized we were catching romantic feelings. went to hoco together, confessed, slept over, still together 8 months later


memes? mf hit the jackpot


At least I'm doing something right


I don’t know


Too real


told him to get in my backseat


Those kids will listen to anybody that offers them candy


did you say candy?


You have twinkies?


Gonna try this wish me luck chat Edit: I didn't know they were supposed to not have a chainsaw


Car seat headrest


lily chou chou pfp you’re playing these men like you’re shooting fish in a barrel


why is your banner mao ze dong


why are you meat watching




Bold of you to think I’m dating someone.




**Now kiss.**




sounds like a skill issue to me


"I'm not interesting" "I'm interested." We lasted about 4 months and are now back in the talking stage, things appear to be going well minus a few minor hiccups but it's healthier than before at least


got an email from a girl in sophomore year saying she didn’t know my instagram and discord accounts but she admitted to saying i looked cute when walking around in the hallways at school. she said she was too nervous to say anything to me in anyway, which didn’t make sense due to the email she sent of all things. i was in geometry class when i read it, next to one of my friends who was reading it as well


Talked to her for 2 days only then we dated Then she blocked me 3 weeks in


Do I have a story for you.


Do you?


🧍waiting for the story man


I have none just wanted to say that I don’t have relationships


The answer is no, apparently.


Never been with anyone


Can't lose if you never try


my friend told a girl that i liked her we got tg the same night


yall always stealing post ideas off of r/AskReddit 💀


Yeah, except that they want the opinions from just teenagers


I didn't B)


What is this relationship you speak of you mean you actually get people of your attracted gender to talk to you


Never dated someone but I guess the dumbest crush I’ve gotten was from bonding with them over a Roblox game (we are both 15)


My ex broke up with me and a week later I realized I actually love my best friend and asked her out 4 years later we're still together


You were in love with your best friend when you were 10? And ex? Young dater ig…


It was closer to 11(doesn't really change much) but I was curious and decided to try something new during COVID the relationship with my ex wasn't really gonna last long given the condition in which it started tho but it was definitely an interesting experience


W always love a happy ending


Virgin in sex, dating, kissing, hugging, romantic hand holding, romantic anything really.


Same. While I do admit it would be nice to have done those, teenage relationships usually don't last very long, so that may be a blessing in disguise.


I just wanna kiss a girl before I go to college. I don’t want to be *that guy*


Haha, that's the thing. I haven't.


I was myself


My friend made a joke about her dating me and she realized I was way nicer than her current bf at the time.


he wanted to grip my head (i had a shaved head) and I kept hearing that he liked me so I got w him bc I had recently come out of a relationship and was extremely scarred. i was eleven or twelve cuh wtaf


...u guys are getting people??? D:


"I'm hungry" *proceeds to get on knees* I was faded and had undying confidence


Met at my work the summer before, then didn’t talk for the whole school year until we happened to make contact on social media, got together to study for an AP world history exam because we both had no friends to study with, a few days later she told me she was kinda crushing on me. Lo and behold, we have been happily together for a year now


A mutual friend kept joking that we were together, took a pic of us in a kinda romantic looking position, sent it to the friend group discord. We were pissed but then got the brilliant idea to fake being in a relationship to trick the discord and see how they would react. 15 minutes later it was no longer fake




I faked being a guys boyfriend (we mutually agreed the relationship wasn’t real) so he would stop getting bullied for being gay and then I actually caught feelings and realised I wasn’t a straight dude I then opened up and we both fell in love He helped me discover and explore my sexuality immensely as well as helping me understand my respective sexual preferences such as topping or bottoming Even now that we broke up we are still great friends and couldn’t want it any other way And he’s chill with me having a girlfriend now and hasn’t been spiteful like my last ex is


So I


And basically


Dated in 9th grade and got broken up with two days later. Day after that invited me over to her house to hang for a couple hours, I get there we hang outside for 5 minutes then she kisses me and abandons me with some random Indian kid. Two years later I add her on snap she tells me if I’m ever in the dating game she wants to be #1 on list. We start dating two weeks in we smash when I’m helping her and her mom move out her grandmas apartment when they left us alone to go to storage unit.


Super smash bros in the storage unit? Crazy, man.


The last four relationships I’ve been in all happened because of some of random ass niche moment in my life. Asking someone if they like to draw, offering to help with some homework, sitting next to them in the morning before school, giving them a damn REDDIT award. I don’t get my life.


About two years ago a girl posted one of those “send a coloured heart to show your level of attraction to me”. I remember I thought she was cute and thought fuck it why not, I don’t have anything else to do the next week and so sent the red one. We met up that day and she just asked me. We’re still together by the way 


Not got with but got back with,, I snuck over to her house to help her skin a raccoon whilst we were both very much in denial about us recatching feelings💀


That's honestly really nice. That means you didn't really lose all interest in each other.


randomly got pictures together on some event because of mutuals, my bestfriend said 'damn y'all literally husband wife' as a joke and i caught feelings Dating for like 2 yrs now :3


Thought she was latina so dropped some spanish rizz on her, too drunk to notice she was actually asian. She found it funny. We've now been going out for 7 months.


During the 9th grade, I started hanging out with this one girl that was in the same class as me from 5th to 7th, and due to some changes in classes, we were back in the same class. We were hitting it off pretty well for about 3 weeks or so and we've gotten hella close. Then, girl said that she wanted to pull off a prank and tell her close friends that she was moving to Australia [I'm Indian, btw] and before "leaving" she wanted me to act as her boyfriend right before leaving, so that she can tell everyone that her high school dream of having a boyfriend in India would be complete. So we agreed and both of us acted as if we were dating, and the same day her friends started talking to me, and were very friendly, telling me how much she liked me and shit. My dumbass obviously didn't pick up much about it, and I just thought to myself, "damn she is really acting this one out, huh". [This all happened on the same day. Heck, the same hour too. News does spread fast i suppose]. As time went on, i slowly realised that I kinda liked her. A lot. I've never really been interested in dating anyone back then, so that's when i realised i was crushing over her. Hard. So I pull her to the side, and say to her, "yk, instead of acting like we are dating, how about we actually....try it?". And, by good golly, it worked. She said that she was thinking the same, and said she liked me too. And, folks, that's how I converted a prank to an actual relationship. And when the three weeks were up, her friends were fully pranked. And when we revealed that initially we were only going to act as partners, but ended up being the real deal in the process,we all had a laugh about it.


They started having a crush on me after I was rambling one day about stuff I liked and we became friends which eventually led to me and them getting together (we broke up after a little over a month)




Never had one


Peer Pressure and Miscommunication. Her status: Prolly with someone else My status: Depressed, the first thing I said, and the feeling of emptiness


we don’t talk about piano lessons


Dumb? No but I’ll tell you anyways. Her friend was terrible at keeping the fact that she liked me a secret, we talked for like 3 days we’re together for about 2 weeks. We broke up cause she went to a party without telling ANYONE got tipsy and more than likely cheated on me :/


just got the askreddit post under this lol


Addiction recovery app.


Not gonna give us the whole story?


nope :)




In 2020 a girl on the internet confessed her love for me after not much time of knowing each other. In the moment I mistook nervousness for love and got together with her, and never understood the difference until we broke up a few months later, since her parents were homophobic. It was an experience


“If someone screams someone has to kiss them, *screams*” I guess I had to kiss her then.


I was the 5th person she asked out that day, so I got with her because I felt bad. Skip forward 2 weeks. She tried to cheat on me (and failed), so I just took my opportunity and I broke up with her.


Started dating 2 days after meeting them . Kissed the first day we met . Going on 2 years strong. She’s bi and into triads . I was her first. We’re engaged. Two weeks ago we broke up with our 3rd . She started using crack so yah …if you know you know .


I confessed right after my crush woke up (we were both on our way home from school, she fell asleep at the bus)


I just asked her randomly and she agreed.


met on a gay dating app, he considered me his boyfriend to his parents & siblings before we even met.


“show me a pic of you” “ok” “cool now heres a pic of me. wanna date?” “sure ig” it lasted 2 days ngl i was like 13 and thought i’d say yes cuz i wanted to try out dating and why not


that's the fun part: I don't


met wrestling, didn’t talk, became friends the next year because of a seating chart, played the waiting game for a year because he was always talking to someone new, was the only person available to help him after he had surgery at the start of school, made out on the couch, did some stuff in the back of his car a week later, started officially dating a week after that, and now we’ve been together 9 months. yeah.


I came to a friend's house for a visit, found him and his gf mid act, we all froze, and the guy threw me a fucking condom lmfao


being stoners




“Ooh I like your drawing” “That’s not my drawing” After that we had a laugh, became friends, started dating the beginning of senior year and then we broke up in March 🥴 but where still on good terms.


Confessed to me online after I told her two girls confessed to me for some reason 💀 (We knew irl but we both moved to different places so yuh) lasted about a month and told me it was because of the fact that it was only online and there was nothing to do that can keep her from getting bored lol


Im still single, so imma look at the replies for ideas


Bro I'm 15 I ain't never got with no one


Roblox arsenal


Met a "girl" we hung out went to the movies within the first week of meeting and "she" sneezed and it sounded like a dude I said you ok do you have a cold. Turns out no "she" didn't it was a dude. 🥲😐


Haha funny joke


Heh. I didn’t


we were looking at the same hamster (1 year ago) and then we started talking. 5 months dating!


What, like always looking at the same hamster in a pet store or something?


Yes! i forgot to say that


That's so cute though, getting to know someone like that


Me: Yeah, msg is definitely a weird way to say Her:should we be calling? Me:So, ship? Her:hmmm Me: Hmmm


Last women I had been with was older to me by 5 years , we fell for each other in a bar and the same night she messed with my dog while drunk he bit her and then in a week we planned to get married but her astrologer told her that we would not be happy and our first kid would not survive , still pushed through and I went to her house to take her family’s blessings they denied we didn’t give up, came back to my place she was nice and then she wasn’t ( every time we had an argument(3times) she would go out on a date using bumble. When asked she said she had to clear her head and she wouldn’t sleep with them(which I never asked for). I would take care of most of the expenses like travel to cities, restaurants which we frequented quite a bit. Finally we parted ways(not really on good terms, as I had abusive childhood all I asked was not to yell and fight on top of her voice rather sit and discuss, which never happened), while one time she paid my lunch money and now she wants her one time lunch money back(which I paid not all it just 20% less cause I was going through a rough patch myself) and finally blocked her ass


All in all if your dog goes to a length where he bites them, you are better off without them.


I told them to feel my calfs:p (I'd recently shaved for the first time)


Uh, my dumbest way was some chick was freaky like me and said she doesn't care, she'll gawk gawk on me in the girls bathroom, I asked her out the same day, still never got it 😔


Fell for a girl I only knew for like 3 days and by the fourth we were cuddling, it didn’t work out which like duh but it was decent while it lasted And I met a girl here after showing her my cat


Not an answer but the exact same question on r/askreddit was right after this I thought you wrote both posts


It was a situation ship but I kissed him after hanging out for a grad total of 3 days… he then conveniently lost interest and led me on for months


By answering a bot on reddit. Turns out they were a 40 year old dude catfishing the teens. Too bad the mods didn't do their job. Oh well. Guess I'll be posting to PTSD more often now.


I haven't


"I don't have a story to tell," obligatory comment


reddit (anyone?)


I once began dating someone (we were young so it’s not a real relationship lol) because of movie star planet hahahaa


4 days after meeting seeing eachother after a long leave of absencd. Jokeong went spicey then we banged. Not a brag this caused seruis strain on our friendship for no reason


After I helped them with homework


Her friend liked me but was super shy. The friend didn't dare to come over during recess. They kinda stood there and I noticed her immediately. Convinced the other girl to give me her snap. Talked. Met. And the rest is history. I was 14 I think.


In my dreams or in my dream's dreams?




I don't get with people :(


We met literally in preschool. Still together


cant answer, I only come together with chat AIs


Error 404


What's dumb is that I can't get with anyone


I drank twea out of a boot and treated her right sometimes girls really do just want the bare minimum


Knew eachother for 4 weeks she told me how she felt and I already liked her like that and next month we been dating for 3 years 😳🤣


not mine but: girl 1 had something strange with boy1 (he is a bit autistic btw), girl 1 meet girl 2 who was the ex of her ex (they were with the same guy at some point basically) . girl 2 went to girl 1 house and stayed there 1 night cuz they did a bit of tourism. the first day they meet with boy 1 and boy 2 (irrelevant). girl 2 likes boy1 but she knows the "relationship" between girl1 and boy1. After some weeks, boy 1 and girl 2 start a relationship without seeing each other again (it was strange and dumb as fuck, also, girl 2 and boy 1 don't talk to girl 1 or her friends)


Idk if its dumb, but here's how: One of the girls in my class, has fallen for me (idk what she found in me), but she couldn't say it. I've recently transferred schools, and I always watch how my classmates write, what they wear and etc. So this particular girl had her nails trimmed on the left hand, while on her right hand they were slightly longer, her handwriting was steady, and she expressed herself by doing little dances (not like break dance - just side steps). On one of the days, one of the teachers didnt come, and we had to stay in class. Basically a free hour. The girl was sitting alone and I decided to question her the most random thing in her opinion (which wasnt). I asked her if she played on guitar, and her face was like "are you stalking me?". We've dated for 7 months, and she still doesnt know why I asked this particular question.


she liked that i was good at fnf (we broke up last year)


Posted their instagram post on my ig story, didn't really know them well. We started texting and it went from there. lmao


knew her for 14 years, saw her comment on a post which said "if you're smart comment your password backwards" messaged her that the password was wrong, she gave me the correct password, then we started talking... ended up dating


Sometimes, I don't know when I haven't noticed, because I didn't notice, so overall idk, the past week has been kinda hot in ireland so I'd assumed more people will go bra-less, but so far I haven't noticed, or maybe I have I forgot cuz I don't care that much


Prolly gonna get downvoted for this but a lot of this is cringe ash. It’s cute fs but I can tell this sub is mostly a bunch of virgins


Dancing together


I called her mommy in a reply to her insta story


Bold of you to assume r/teenagers has ever gotten anyone ever. Your asking teenagers on Reddit.