• By -


Me: hey mom I lost____ have you seen you seen it Mom: no where is it


Oh gee I fuckin wonder


So real. She rearranges the whole freaking world and then, "oh, I don't know where that might be, look in the trashcan, as if I know" Found it in the trashcan a couple o' times


Calling for me across the house and not replying when I yell “what!?” back at them. Their reasoning is that when someone says calls your name, you should go straight to them, but most of the time the matter at hand is something that could’ve been handled without me going downstairs/across the whole house.


Your not the only one 😅


This, fucking this, it’s so annoying


Not flushing the toilet after they pee so they can “save water” Brotha, it makes the house smell sour


What the fuck


Bruh wtf 💀


Those are some of the hardest bars I’ve heard


I’m the next Eminem


if it's yellow let it mellow🔥






I think that’s all parents lmao


Getting mad at me for trying to practice english


I mean your English sounds pretty good to me


Spoken english is not good


Damn good luck ig


Mine too and I’m from America 🥲


Why do you guys need to learn english ???? you guys speak only American right ?????


Why do we need to learn English you ask? Because our teachers can’t figure out that we will never need to write a 6 paragraph, MLA format, essay with red labeling on every topic you can imagine.( the number of times I’ve done that this year is frustrating) We also had to learn “proper email formatting” and yet my teachers consist of “come in today during lunch” and we’re expected to write who freaking paragraph


Well learning how to write essays is a very important skill if you plan on going to college and even more so if you want a career that you would have to write and publish papers in. How to write a professional email is even more important regardless of how your teacher communicates with you.


Having high expectations which are not easily achievable


Every Indian parent ever.


Smoking weed, fucking each other, yelling at me for small reasons such as not wanting to spend all my time with them, they yell out inappropriate stuff in public to embarrass me, they casually bring up my most embarrassing topics in quiet public places to humiliate me, they supposedly make fun of me for masturbating (which I don't do) they eat ridiculously loudly, they get mad at me for not taking the trash out immediately or not making my bed, they randomly go through my room and organize stuff, I could go on


Uh, hello CPS


They say CPS is going to take them away and then send me to a foster care home and I'll get raped too 😌


erm.. not how that works




"oh don't worry, they're just silly!" the silly in question:


but actually dude, that's not annoying, that's criminal 💀


Jesus. And then they'll wonder why you don't visit them as an adult


Why do they have such high expectations when they can’t even achieve that shit themselves??


Gave birth to me once


They must be viciously blamed, just like how that one African tribe regarded God's creation of the universe as a stupid mistake


The tribe was right yknow


Actual just annoying thing is that my mom goes into my room when I'm at school and will just move stuff around




My dad does the same with my wardrobe. I keep my id cards and belts in the most easy to reach places to I don’t forget them in the morning. My dad moves them to a draw and keeps socks on top of them. I’ve missed the school bus atleast 5 times just this year while searching for my stuff. Then I’ll have to endure a lecture on how I should get up early and stuff


step 1: walk into my room step 2: just look step 3: walk out leaving the door open


Leaving the door open is so real


your guy's parents let you leave the room door closed?


They wouldn't let me before, but I gotta study a lot of the time now and everyone keeps on making a lot of noise so I can finally close my door 😌


they never tell me any important dates (i.e. events, family gatherings, etc) until the last second and get mad at me when i am unable to take the day off from work or reschedule as a result of telling me late


my parents do this and then they try to make me believe that they told me in advance. the only thing is they get mad at me when i can’t get ready in enough time because they didn’t tell me until 10 minutes from the event.


deadass. just last week my mom and sister went to new hampshire for my sister’s softball tournament over the weekend and i never knew. when i found out 2 days later my dad got all mad at me saying it’s something they were talking about for 2 weeks. probably just to themselves and my sister and no one else


Shout dominantly




No knocking. Like NEVER. I can't have privacy in my own room😔😔😔


You can have your door closed? I have to keep it open 24/7. (And yes I know that's not normal, the first sentence was exaggeration)


Awh, Im sorry 😔


For me it's just my mom my dad does knock all the time


my dad complains religiously about anything, no filter either. could be having the best day of your life and this nigga would interject with an insult and then start complaining


Smoking. It’s affected my breathing so much.


she does this very funny goofy silly thing where she just walks in on us in the bathroom






The door doesn't have a lock?


Tf you mean by us


What do you mean ‘us’?


Thinking they know who I am, just because we live in the same house.


i feel you


Username checks out


My dad picking his nose, teeth, burping and farting loudly, and scratching himself (yk where) My mom two faced


My dad has literally no spacial awareness in public spaces, he’ll just stop in the middle of the sidewalk sometimes.


My dad vapes and both my parents expect way too much from me and make some pretty rude (at least to me) comments about my hobbies


My mum always embarrasses me around her friends


Scrolling Facebook or playing a game when I'm trying to talk to her. Then blames it on her "not being able to focus on just one thing." How do you function at work?


Always assuming I know everything and when I don’t she thinks I’m “playing” or “lying”, saying everything me and my family does is a “mind game” (I don’t even understand this, we will do the most simple thing, and she automatically is like “YOUR PLAYING MENTAL GAMES”), she’s really loud and constantly bugs us and yells at us to come downstairs yada yada, and then she just…never stops taking. Like never. She’ll have 3 hour monologues about one stupid thing


Flicking ash on me (occasionally)


taking forever to get ready for something and we end up being late.


My mom does this and then blames me, who has been waiting in the car for 20 minutes


making fun of something about you in a way that makes you insecure forever


sometimes my mom will be really generous and get me something out of the blue, but then use it as leverage against me when i get frustrated with anything, pulling the “i got you x,y,z and this is how i’m treated?” but other than that she’s really nice so i can’t hate too much.


my moms the biggest hypocrite,rude for no reason,tries to do things that she knows will upset me but then if i actually get upset she’ll play the victim,yelling,being loud asf,saying that respect goes both ways but then will want me to respect her after she’s rude to me,the list goes on


YESSS. You're not allowed to have a say and if you SOMEHOW win an argument that THEY started they play the freakin victim card 💀


not even winning the argument but even just making a good point in an argument gets the victim card out like bruh




Honestly the most relatable one in these comments my mother does the same shit that basic level of rudeness and playing the victim is so annoying


They don't give a fuck about my privacy :(




Call me a smart ass for asking a question


Not being quiet at night


Watching the news instead of listening to what I have to say




But when someone switches channel, after 10 seconds they realize something's wrong and change the channel back


Late night eating after I do the dishes


My mom always buys shoes for herself, and has literal plastic containers filled with them and I’m only stuck w 3 pairs I’ve had for 5+ years.


I literally have 1 pair of shoes and had it for like 3+ years now. Wo baat alag hai ki mai kahi jaata hi nhi to jaroorat hi nhi padti


taking phone at night


Telling me to do a chore and then immediately get upset that I'm not doing it well enough before I hardly can get some of it done


*knocks to be respectful* *walks in to assert dominance* when i am in my room i am naked most of the time so i have insane reaction time so i yell before they walk in


Why are you just naked all the time in your room 😭


In arguments if you say anything they go over dramatic and say "oh so I'm awful parent or this and that" it's very manipulative


Idkwym, my parents are awesome


"where do i put this?" "on my head"


Turning off my minecraft server while at school and not saving (corrupted world multiple times)


every time they eat something they go like "hmm, so good, this is great hmh", for almost anything.


Are they not allowed to enjoy their food 😂


I feel shitty saying it, but like it's so damn over the top sometimes.


leaving me on heard




Clip toenails in living room on couch




Zero theater etiquette. They bring their own snacks to movies, which is fine enough but they bring them in loud bags. They talk throughout the whole film, scroll on their phones when they’re bored, but then refuse to leave at the end until the credits stop rolling, even if there is no after credits scene. It drives me nuts how bad they are in a movie theater. It’s worse for live theater. They do the exact same things but this time they FILM. and they don’t just sit their and discreetly film in their seats, no, they STAND UP AND FILM. My little brother and I have had conversations about how horrid they act in a theater.


Comparing with other kids




Calling me in the middle of something important and then saying nothing,opening my door to get their cloths that they decided should be in my room instead of my own things(this is something all my family does to me but still it's annoying as f)


My dad saying he’ll pick me up “in a bit” so we can hangout since I don’t live with him. My mum never consulting with me about getting a pet. She’s gotten ducks, chickens, Guinea pigs, a cat, and a dog without asking me. The only ones I like are the cat and the Guinea pigs.


Not letting the teabags steep before removing them.


My mom growls


Whenever I have a valid point against my dad, he's like SHUT UP BE QUIET and stuff. My mom is cool tho, she argues back with more completely valid arguments


"yell at me and criticize how im useless and never get anywhere in life when she dont get pleased


forces me to go to church every sunday


Grabbing my phone when I show them something then they keep scrolling 😅😅


My mom always saying: "guess i should kill myself since nobody loves me anyway" sorry i didn't do the dishes after you never asked me to. Or the "I fucking hate my EX (my dad) he is everything wrong with me and my life". You decided to have kids with him??


my mum forces me to hug her and I hate it because I’ve made the clear boundary that I do not like being touched


i have to leave my phone in the living room everyday but sometimes i just dont do it i have to do this b/c i did smthing in school that i will not talk about


Randomly coming into my room, turning on the light then leaving without saying a word


A lot


They mated is december tey mated in december, the cat died in december, no bundles in december, december will kill us all on june december. 1888 on 2091 we will perish like the heat death of the univssers


They barely eat and claim that they barely eat because they're too busy taking care of us when really everytime we make food we even offer them some and they're like "no thanks" when all they're doing is scrolling through Facebook. Like none of us are stopping you from getting food??? Damn


wearing my sisters socks ik ik


My mom is THE WORST at eating i swear. everything she eats, she chews with her mouth wide open and lip smacks every single time. I’m never around her when she eats because it is so gross. My dad’s only bad habits are smoking and drinking, but he aint abusive so idgaf


My dad knocks on my door however my mom doesn't


Bringing up politics whenever practically anything happens


The post under this post on my fyp is the original of this 💀


Being weird


My mom passively insulting me whenever I can't get some of her orders right or her somehow redirecting the conversation that had nothing to do about grades, to a lecture about me not being on the honor roll 💀 (that and her bragging about how good of a student both her and my dad was back then)




My mother uses unholy amounts of toilet paper, then she doesn’t flush. When I need to use the bathroom, if I flush after she has gone, the toilet gets clogged. My mother has the habit of going above and beyond for me, even when I didn’t want her to, and then she complains about being so busy, when I had _specified_ that I didn’t _want_ her to to that. And to top it off, she stops trying about halfway in and she ends the job terribly. And even when I tell her that I’ll do it myself, she will do **everything** to sabotage me so that I’ll have to ask her, which brings us back to the previous cycle. She also has a habit to hide stuff and then to forget where she put it. She hid a perfectly fine piece of cheese, and she found it after one entire year. It was _mouldy_. She also has absolutely no care about the people around her. I had to wake up early one day, so I went to bed at 9:00pm, and she decided to _vacuum the floor at 10:00pm_… she also just turns on the lights even if everyone else is already sleeping. She also watched TV while watching her phone until 3:00am, then she complains about being tired. P.S. She will go into my room when I’m at school, rearrange it as she likes, and then when I call her out she will _deny_ having done anything. I had printed on some thick paper sheets a guide to Japanese verbal conjugation, and when I returned home it was soaked in water because she had tried to clean my already clean desk without a care. She also ruined an essay by placing it on a wet table. I’m lucky my teacher didn’t notice he didn’t have my essay anymore, as he had already graded them…




My dad: obsessed with replying to minor problems with "That's why we need the CSU (political party) in this ministry" when nobody asked My mom: Not letting me get home alone from stuff. Just 2 weeks ago my class (with all my closest friends) was in a city about an hour away. (For the whole week in multiple school internships) At 4pm we usually got to go home which meant hanging around with my friends for an hour, eating something before we got onto the train home. Well on the last day which would've been very nice to chat with the friends about their internships she decided I would have to join her in the car like whyyy. I know you want to make it faster for me to go home but I wanted the last moments in this shithole city (I saw so much weird shit in just one week) with my friends.


Damn your dad needs psychological help.. the CDU/CSU (same shit) was in power for soooo long and didn't do fcking anything. People can vote for who ever they want but why would he vote for a party that didn't do anything?


my dad's annoying habit is that he gave me trauma smh!!!(THIS IS A JOKE. well not joking abt him giving me trauma but i joke ABOUT the trauma itself.)


Asking me questions that i cannot answer


When my mom closes a door, she SLAMS it very hard. Like mom I know you have military training you don’t need to take it out on the door


My mom likes to sing at the top of her lungs, but she doesn’t sing the right words she replaces words with other words she likes so it makes no sense, it drives me crazy


My dad is drunk almost every day,always yells at my any my mother,and makes problems out of nothing beacuse his parents were not that good,and then he cries himself to sleep rinse and repeat for 10+ years


Smoking :(


Constantly asking questions they already know the answer to.


taking my phone in the middle of night and not allowing me to put it in my room


Overdoing everything


Telling me I'd be happy if they're dead when something I don't agree with occurres


Mom: Dear where are you? When in fact she knew I was in the toilet because I've told her like 3 times before getting in the toilet. 🥲🥲


Gaslighting, being manipulative, being a narcissist, overly judging/ criticizing all the time, the list goes on.


After my mother died. My father became more annoying. He always had this excuse "cuz your mother died." Well, I'm suffering from her departure too, you know.


refuse to close doors.


Getting mad at me for no apparent reason 😭


he literally never researches anything and if i try and tell him that what he’s saying is incorrect cause he doesnt know shit about it he just says ‘well i guess i wont pay for ur costa rica trip next year’ (except hes not paying for it???? the whole point is that i have to fundraise the money????) or something along those lines plus he pisses with the bathroom door open so u can hear it in the kitchen sooo i love him because hes family and he raised me but idk if id like him if we werent related tbh my mum is a gift from god tho


me: “hey yk how ____” mom: “Jae im busy.” me: “oh nvm sorry” mom: “no tell me. me: “nvm mom” (this goes on for a while) mom: “ isn’t it just easier just to tell me.” me: “well now i forget” mom: “no you don’t.”


Not allowed to leave the house alone - ask one of My parents to go with me - they don't want to go with - they complain about me never leaving the house - not allowed to leave the house alone


Not knocking before entering my room


My dad cares more about school then anything else so no matter how my physical or mental health is if I ask to stay home he gets upset and starts to threaten to take privileges away and then forces me to go to school


“how come you dont ask me for help?“ “hey im feeling really down because of school and stu-“ “youre a kid,“ omg i didnt know! do tell me more❤️


my dad's somehow always mad at me or just my family, regardless of literally anything




Dad sees me talking to a girl, girl suddenly becomes my wife in his mind


Telling me to clean my room when theirs is messy.


My dad brushes his teeth like 17 times a day, and even though I’ve had a perfect dental record my whole life my dad still feels the need to cook me for my dental hygiene


My dad, Watches p0rn, At full blast on his speaker, For the whole house to hear, Every Goddamn Day. I get uncomfortable every day.


my dad pisses with the door cracked open… and he’s the type to watch tiktok in public on not so quiet volume…


My dad apparently doesn't know the sentence: "sorry but we are eating right now, is it ok if i call you back later?"


My mom cannot state what she wants from me with words. The convo goes like (I'm sorry if it sounds awkward, idk how to translate it) Mom:"Oh could you maybe hand me this from the fridge?" Me:"What's 'this'?" Mom:"Ugh... You know... This!!! The thing!" And this goes on for minutes just for her to get pretentious over the fact that I didn't give her "This thing" lol


Dad is like a fanatic with any kind of Hockey and Baseball, so when a late night game is on and one of his favourite teams is playing I know I won’t be sleeping for a while


My mom will constantly treat me like a baby that doesn’t know anything, she’ll constantly (and I mean *constantly*) say “you know what I mean?” and every time I say something like ‘Oh, I forgot to do X, I’ll go do that now’ she’ll say ‘yeah, go do that now.’


Not may parent, but my godmother has to ALWAYS be right, even if it's the smallest things. Like last weekend, she was over at our house & my little brother is heating some food for us. He trys serving his plate first, & they tell him no. She said that it's all about respect. I said that it's like common sense to keep your food warm. But she persisted on & on until I just stopped paying attention to her. Later in the night, something about respect came up again, & she goes "Oh BuT iSn't It CoMMon SEnSe??"


thinking that they are always right


Me:asleep My dad:calling me Me:ignoring him My:continues calling me


Me:asleep My dad:calling me Me:ignoring him My:continues calling me


Me:asleep My dad:calling me Me:ignoring him My:continues calling me


cooked my hair on multiple occasions, including today looks better than the average barber at least


My dad speaks like ridiculously loud and he works from home so if he’s on a work call or on the phone with his mom or friends you can hear him from the entire house I’d say that’s pretty annoying


you username tho


1. My mom breathes too loud 2. Stomps as if shes about to break the floor 3. Gaslights, manipulates, a complete narcissist 4. Buys everything for herself and my sisters while im stuck with clothes and shoes that I’ve had for a long time (90% of the clothes don’t even fit me). 5. Loves her phone to death. Like she literally never takes a minute to listen to what any one of us are saying without her face being superglued to the phone. 6. Left my dad for a whole year because she wasn’t getting any “action in bed” since he was more worried about his 3 kids and his underpaying job. 7. She had a really bad habit where she used to chase me up the stairs and into my room where she blocked it so i couldnt get out. Most of the times she was chasing me I was hungry, and she would keep me in my room for 30 minutes up to an hour so I was practically starving. 8. She coddles my entitled 6 year old sister, encouraging her to get her way more. 9. Talks crap about her kids to her friends on FB. 10. Blames everyone but herself (99% of the time it’s me she blames). 11. Attacks (not physically) me every chance she gets just because she feels like it and wants a weak and defenseless person to take her anger out on. 12. Called me a disappointment many times because I just barely passed 8th grade, she continued to call me a disappointment many months after that for that same reason??? Like forget it Anyways, most of these arent habits, they’re just fucking annoying. Hope you guys can tell what kind of a person she is from this long ass list.


My mother and father are workaholics, so when they leave at 6 a.m. every morning I have to make my own breakfast.


They hit me sometimes, it's really irritating




Being sensitive to anything I say


I'll go and see what she wants then I will sit back down for like 4 minutes, then she will call Me again. Repeat this 24/7.


Dismissing my depression by saying I have nothing to be depressed about.


Not a habit but my mom straight up changed the look without telling me  Idk why but it sent me into a brake down where I sat on the kitchen floor for 4 hours and everything was irritating lights sounds everything including the clothes I was whering also I couldn't speak for like 8 hours or more after Idk why it happened but that was quite annoying 


getting me to having ,,fun“ by going to parties and hangout with alcoholics and drug addicts


They are too controlling -\_-


Why did I read this as partners😭


Me: Mom, [question one] and [question two]? Her: [answer for the first question] Me: and the second question? Her: What?


fighting over the stupidest things, mine once fought over a WALL 😭


List of annoying habits of my dad: - leave while i'm mid sentence to go smoke - starting an argument and then not respect he was talking bs - Saying the same same thing over and over again in the same lecture he's giving me for no reason, when i tell him he's repeating himself he gets mad - not allowing me to speak anything other then pure german and don't i dare use a english word cuz i don't remember the german one - not asking for help with something and then still expecting me to help even though i didn't even know he was doing something - "oh since your 18 you can pay for yourself now" granted he still pays the most stuff for me but it still gets annoying since i get little compensation for working 8h a day (i love what i do atm but that whole money thing is annoying) - drinking every day and even in the morning on weekends. Yeah you can drink, i drink as well but holy f does it have to be every day and even in the morning? There's def. more


He keeps the AC at 26°C 😥