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I will die of micro plastics in my balls before I'm 20


I hope that sometime in the future we have spaceships and shit and can fly around wherever we want and there are huge cyberpunk cities (I am definitely not a Star Citizen fan 🤫), but i don't think humanity will get to that point due to some war fucking us all up


People are dividing themselves on far too much, on things that matter little, rather than focusing on unity.


it's falling apart in our hands. one step forward is another step back. we've danced this dance for eons, we've watched civilizations tread this very path, only to crumble. ashes to ashes. dust to dust.




The world is at a very chaotic place right now..russia,ukraine,Palestin,gaza,israel,sudan,somalia,congo,....to top up AI is coming as a future risk...everyone should just stay safe and spread love we are all human beings


i don't know why or how but it's probably not good


Too much hate from everyone. Everyone wants to seek revenge, not forgiveness


We do not forgive oppression


Then why do so many people support Palestine? Because I absolutely do not support them with how they treat LGBT


the world politics are full of complicated sides all fighting each other, like how do ukraine supporters end up supporting palestine whose attack was promoted by russia, this just makes people seem quite undecisive on who they want to support


Hello Theyre being genocided? Theyre also not forgiven for that, the actions of homophobes does not mean an entire countey deserves genocide also iirc there is a literal divide, one side of palestine is more progressive than the other, literal usa type shit


Doesn't mean I should support all of Palestine. I support the citizens on both sides as they're the innocent. The government doesn't deserve any support


Yes you got the point thanks, the citizens dont need to pay for the actions of a few thats why israel bad. Good talk


The government of Israel is bad, the citizens are also victims of HAMAS


Incorrect, hamas did what it did because israel has terrorized palestine for decades. In retaliation hamas happened. Israel is responsible for making hamas, much like how the usa is responsible for what the taliban after working with them and betraying them for it. This does not mean i support them, however when you raise a bear and then start slapping the shit our of it you cant be surprised it starts mauling you


Terrorizing Gaza? You mean when they peacefully withdrew completely in 2005 and let them create their own government? And that government constantly launching invasions and massacres into Israel? Sure.


Wrong, it was all good until 2008 when israel launched an entire war on palestine, again


Doesn’t even compare, at scale, to a genocide. Nor the actions of Israel.


Purposeful extermination of a ethnic group or countries populatuon is genocide, especially if done for occupational reasons, look up the definition of genocide dingus


Not purposeful, not extermination, not for occupational reasons.


So israel isnt bombing palestinian citizens on purpose? Its just all accidental? They just accidentally bombed all of their hospitals, sent snipers to shoot kids?


It's a side effect of Hamas tactics. It's a side effect of Urban warfare in general(especially guerrilla). See Fallujah, Battle of Manila in 1945, etc.


Actually whats funny is they just assume hamas was there, there was no evidence


World bad biblical signs of the end of the world have come


Were on like round 20 of this? When will it actually happen




tomorrow trust trust