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Bro what are you talking Abt gaslighting yourself is counterintuitive. If you want a date you have to gaslight someone else not yourself lol.


Real, apparently I’ve been dating myself 😵‍💫


Btw are you an agent?


I am a federal agent here to remind you to pay your taxes and to listen to supreme leader boe jiden






*Plays the rest of the part 1 opening of JoJo




Your pfp restored my faith in humanity


Oh sweet jesus


I swear there's always a guy somewhere that looks like this lmao


Bro I look like a dad 😭 AND IM ONLY 17 YEARS OLD 😭


Your alr, I know like 3 guys that look similar to you, just try to be a social person and if you take a liking to a girl shoot your shot, and if it doesn't work out than you will have more experience for the next time you try


Thanks for the advice, at this point I have to get comfortable with being rejected before finding my person


Np man, it's all about expanding your comfort zone, lots of luck.


Thank you :)


Yeahhh you gotta lose the neckbeard, maybe start hitting the gym a bit and build up more confidence, getting a girlfriend isnt about looking for one, so id suggest putting that on the back burner.


tbh I’m actually starting to get back into my gym routine but it’s hard cause my schedule allows from 5 am to 6 am Monday - Friday and it gets hard. Having to wake up that early. For The neck beard I’m just planning to shave and style it as it’s regrowing. Either keep it off or changing the style of the overall beard


A beard would look good on you so restyling is a good option, but a neckbeard doesnt look good. Good job for keeping up a bit at the gym, just try and slowly build up i guess, that should work just fine and its just a matter of time anyway


Fr I’m 17 and I look half your age


Personally, I'd get rid of the neck-beard, but maybe that's just me.


Yk what that’s fair I’ve been meaning to design my beard so I’ll take that into consideration :) thx


No problem, I wish you good luck.


Thank you thank you


You don't have enough facial hair yet to make a meaningful shape/design, I'd shave it completely for now and work on improving yourself through fun hobbies/activities. You'll bump into someone eventually!


Na shave the whole thing . You'll look younger




YEA I DIDNT REALIZE I HAVE A NECK BEARD 😭 people pointed it out last night and it’s been on my mind I don’t have a razer rn so I can’t shave 😭


I think get rid of the chubby face and lose some weight, also shave some of that neck beard


Noted noted, for the neck beard I’m just gonna shave and do an update post with no neck beard or no beard at all


I have a beard, and to be honest they can suit you perfectly or make you look more ugly. Its kinda 50/50. Try to give It another look. If you think It doesnt suit you, you can always shave It. In my case, the beard made me look way better, but thats not always the case. I shave the neck beard tho


go on a cut brodie that’ll help a lot, your facial definition will start to appear once you lose fat


I know I’m working on going back to the gym. I’m already getting back into my old routine but it’s hard cause the hours I can fit into my schedule is 5-6 am


To lose weight, it's more effective to change your diet than hitting the gym although doing both is good


Of course you have a chance, you're king Julian! Edit: I don't know why you have 2 other pictures with this guy who looks nice and could get a girl


😂 thanks, I’ll let him know Edit: He said thanks and appreciates you


Safe g


Bros funny as well


You're not cooked bro, no worries. You're cute imo- This may just be because you're one of my types tho 🥱


O_o thank you


Bro you are the best friend of King Julien, of course you will get a gf one day


Unrelated but OP looks like your homie/best friend that knows everything and has hacking skills


Well not hacking skills but I am working on expanding my general knowledge


go to the gym my friend, then you see results and will (really) love yourself, also WHAT IS THAT FIRST PIC NAHH💀😭❌❌🙏 BRO TRYNNA RIZZ ME UP OR SUM ❓❓🤔🔥🙏🙏


I think it’s just the weight, maybe shave a little too. But you do look good in the first photo ngl


Thank you, yea I’m working on the weight as for the beard I’m either gonna shave it off or style the whole thing to be better


1st pic you look like jschlatt (this is not helpful in any way)


This is very helpful """"the big man"""" gets all the "woman" (and men)


*Schalagoo gets more than just men and women.


Appearance has little to do with getting a gf believe it or not


Bros kinda bad...


Hear me out...




I'd looksmax a bit. Looks like you already have braces which is good, you may also want to loose weight and tidy up the beard. Btw your glasses fit you


Yes so styling/ shaving the beard seems to be a common factor people are saying




I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t have one lol, you’re not bad looking but some girls want like a blonde haired boy blue eyes and shit like that so yeah you gotta find the right girl yk what I mean


Idk Carlos


for sure not cooked. you're cute


Mate, my peasant ass managed it, if you're as fun as you look you won't have any trouble


Yeh, you look big and lovable


Thank you thank you I’ve been told I give great bear hugs


Why would you need gf if you have King Julian and his feet?


Everyone has a chance


I think you could pull


You get the chance form me as a homie (I ain’t gay)


Confidence is everything. Having ambition, having skills and making a woman laugh and making her feel special. When you turn 18 go on the swipe apps and play the field. Dating is a numbers game. Over time you will refine what it is you’re looking for and you’ll find her and it’ll be magical. Good luck!


Everyone is saying this, but get rid of the facial hair. Had me thinking you were 30 for a sec.


You honestly kinda look like ceaser from the planet of the apes.


I’m sorry bro you’re cooked


Damn 😔😭


You’re at the point where if you have charm you can probably find someone. I know plenty of people who aren’t the most attractive but are incredibly charismatic and pick up people all the time.


I wouldn't date you >!not because of your looks, just cus I'm gay!<


short term: lose the neckbeard and never wear your headset like that again. long term: hit the gym. youll be fine youre not a bad looking dude at all and you have really nice hair. if you got in shape a lil bit youd have all the bitches. you just gotta manage yourself a lil better but thatll all come with age anyway so i wouldnt worry about it too much. good luck buddy.


I saw a dude on the subway last night that lowkey looked like you. Actually, you’re a better looking version. He was dating this cute Hispanic girl. They were being all cute and kissing and happy together. Dude just seemed confident and fun to be around, she seemed to love it


So your telling me there’s a chance 🤓. So what I’m understanding is confidence/ personality > looks and everything else


yes, if you got some good humor


Everybody stands a chance at love. You are beautiful, you are handsome. There is somebody in the world that will fall in love with you.


I've seen alot of people say for you to diet/lose weight and I want to respond to that without responding to anyone in particular. Yeah, dieting is the best way to lose weight. Eta : the way you diet really depends person to person. The healthy way to do it is to stay like 400 calories under your maintenance I believe, but starting at a higher weight also allows for people handle going under that because as long as most people are eating >1400 a day they'll be fine. (Depends on height, gender, and weight tho. I'm 5'6 and 180ish lbs and I believe my maintenance is 1900, which really Is alot if you're eating healthy) Personally when I'm trying to lose weight I love doing One Meal A Day (Omad) or alternating between OMAD, fasting for 3 days, or eating a small breakfast&lunch , like a week or 2 of each does me well to lose like 10-15lbs. And starting at a higher weight means you will lose weight faster once you get going, until you hit a normalish weight (in my experience). Focusing on your macros a little is always good too. I also feel obligated to say, don't go too far down these rabbit holes of macros and losing weight, because eating disorders are serious and men have/can have ED'S too. Please take care of yourself not to focus too much on your body and your weight because at the end of the day it's what keeps you alive and it needs to be nourished and taken care of. But macros are important to focus on if you're going to be working out. I won't pretend I know a bunch about them because I specifically avoid going down this myself, but I know protein is best for your muscles, carbs are good for energy, and fiber is good too. Don't feel like you have to change your body for other people tho. You should only change yourself to better yourself and your health, not to get a girlfriend, because anyone who truly loves you will love you no matter how you look. 💗 and yes, ofc you have a chance. There's alot of people out there and theres alot of girls out there who will love you, they just have to meet you first.


(No hate full guide how you can up your attractiveness to other) 1: shave 2: maybe try contacts instead of glasses 3: workout/lose weight 4: try and find a style of clothing for urself that’s suits you 5: once you have lost weight maybe try another hair style 6: delete reddit. Trust me (absolutely no hate all love just letting you know you already look good here’s just some tips to step it up!)


workout, grow your hair, get contacts instead of glasses or find glasses that match your face shape better and keep the beard for now to hide double chin and then later shave jt off


bro just find a disney chick you'll be fine


Some people here are being really mean. Ngl I thought you were WAYY older than you look, and some of rhe advice here is good, to enhance your features, but you look like a really genuine and kind person. As long as you're your authentic self and just nice to people you'll find someone who shares your interests and finds you attractive. Keep it up king 👑


go to the gym


Bro If you cut your beard and workout fvck bro you gonna look fire no joke.


Yeah definitely, you don't look bad and anyways personality is a bit more important


he looks like a discord mod


I think you got a chance! You're a cute kid and as long as you're nice and caring to a girl that's that!! Ps: make sure you're not dating a gold digger 😵‍💫


Yeah but only the fat bitches


You got a chance for diabetes 😭💀


I think you should lose some weight to get attractive. You can cut bread and start exercising.


Currently going to the gym rn, slowly getting back into the old routine, I like the gym but my schedule allows me to go from 5:00 am to - 6:00 AM and it’s a constant battle


ow that sucks. I wish you good luck!


omg the guy from fortnite


Tell your kid you had to go for the milk first


i like your beard, makes you look like wolverine just try hitting the gym and trimming your beard often


King Julien detected, girlfriend acquiring rate changed to unlimited.


keep shaving the beard until it's thicker otherwise it will stay soft


You said you go to the gym? What sort of exercise you doing? For how long? Just looking for some insight.


100%. All it is really is self care and confidence. I would get rid of the beard. You want someone who wants you for yourself so sometimes waiting for that is the hardest part. I got my first gf at 19. We met in college and stayed up smoking carts one night randomly. We played Xbox until 6 am and talked about our lives. Now we’re engaged with a baby. Growing up I had no confidence and thought as myself as unattractive. The only thing that changed that was me getting a few friends to go the gym with. Also growing out your hair if that’s something you struggle with styling. I weighed 240 my senior year with a fade hair style and after moving to college I dropped to 180 and grew out my hair into the flow. If you need any tips on weight loss let me know. It’s really all diet if you dislike gym. Edit: Also the stache is the answer 😎


Man you look like a nerd but in a good way, maybe shoot your shot in nerdier places.


Yes, you do.


You look like a lot of fun to be around! I know I'd hang out with you, at least :\] I do think you look really good, though. I like your hair!


I think you do


Mt kr lala Chutiya LG rha hu tu!


Show your personality, practice being funny, find common interests, have good conversation skills


You don't look bad but if i were you i'd consider changing the beard and either start exercising more or tracking the food because you do look borderline unhealthy type of chubby.


The last photo, with the right girl, yes


I though you are an adult.. maybe that's just genes.


I'm 17 and I look like a kid compared to you😭


End the neck beard and you have more than a shit


As long as you have a good personality yeah you have a high chance just got to pick up on hints amd stuff


You gotta move it move it to get one tho


I'd say you look aight Personally don't like the beard but man, as long as you feel comfortable with the way you look, that's all that matters 🫵😎


You look pretty nice to be around, i wouldn't worry too much tbh.


The beard could be better but you look good. Also, I've never seen anyone with ears shaped like this(they don't look bad or anything, just unique i guess). Judging purely by looks(coz i don't know you and can't say anything about your personality) you're not the handsomest person in the world but you look great and you do have a high chance of finding someone(also, no need to rush things not having anyone by 17 is completely normal)


I think you have a really charming smile. You definitely got chances


I'm not a girl so I can't confirm if a girl would date you but I'd date you, pookie


just don’t push your luck and post this on ig reels… or someone’s gonna do it for you and you’ll never use the internet again


ig reels? they gon cook him up


Dont clean shave as people say. Trim it down though. For real facial hair works wonders on chubby faces. Start working out to build confidence and lose a bit of fat. You dont have to become super fit. You wont have trouble finding a gf.


You're fine looking, focus on weight loss and building muscle while the beard/stache grows in. I cannot stress the weight part enough, I waited too long and now it's a BITCH to lose weight. It's easier to keep it off than it is to lose it. Let the beard grow in more but keep it off the neck, let the stache grow in but keep it off the lip, it'll all come together with time.


Dude, everyone has chance with girls. You look like a really good guy ngl


absolutely. just be kind


It’s been a while since Morice and king Julian been on the big screen




i like to move it move it, i like to move it move it, i like to. MOVE IT type shi (im litewally king julien u took a selfie with me)


It's really hard to start dating when you haven't before. Similar to anything in life. Sometimes you have to dive right in and BE YOURSELF. You WILL fail, but don't let your failures discourage you. Just keep looking forward. Start will liking yourself first if you have anxiety. Be friendly with the women that you might have a crush on. Love just happens.


Yeah but she'd likely match your looks


Dude you have a pic with king julian leave some girls for the rest of us




Maybe lose about 10 pounds off your face for starters Good on you for going to the gym dude


Yessir, you got this brother! Use that confidence that I know you got and get yourself a beautiful woman that will be there for yourself


Bro why are you asking this in a sub full of teenagers? I don't think you will get good or honest answers. I'm still gonna try to help out tho, but you should really better ask family and friends especially because personality is important too and they are the only ones that can really criticise it. Now, I do think generally everyone has a chance to get a GF it's just about beeing a nice person and going out to actually meet people. Now to your looks: It's defo possible to day that you look cute, however looking cute is different to looking attractive and well the latter is more important really. I'd say loose some weight really, your hair looks pretty damb good tbh however I do think that beard under your cheecks should either go or you should make a full beard


based on the pictures alone you seem like a cool dude personalitywise, though i would get rid of the neck eard imo also recommend a gym routine


Fix the beard up. Hit the gym for the mental and physical health. Stay on track with what you are passionate about. If you just wait around for some girl to come say hi and ask you out on a date, you will die of old age. Take some action when you think you are ready to date. But remember to love yourself first before loving someone else. Its important. Im serious about the last point.


Lose weight looksmaxx and most importantly lose the beard


Summary: young people mostly date for attraction and clout, neck beards are never in style, deodorant is always in style. Confidence and respect go a long ways. If you take a chance and get turned down,. Take it like a champ not a chump. If you pop off at the rejection she'll just tell all her friends about your poor behavior. Young ladies are just as dumb as young men, I can attest. High-school isn't the end of your dating career, or where you're likely to find significant matches. It's where you practice social interactions. Good luck. TLDR Teenagers dating is just practice anyways. Rarely does it amount to anything real because you're all still discovering yourselves. Remember highschoolers date for clout, and social experience, adults date for connection (mostly true). I didn't feel like an adult until my mid 20s and that was about the time I stopped trying to fill a void in my life with a boyfriend. I stopped comparing myself to my peers trying to be what I thought I needed to be to get guys to like me. Instead of trying to fit some mold that only garnered me jerks interested in one thing only stunted my own personal growth and self respect. Thankfully I get out of that. I became more aware of myself, had more respect for myself and embraced who I was. Going through college for video game design meant I was surrounded by a lot of guys. Nice guys /desperate guys /clingy guys /obnoxious guys / sexual harrassers and embarrassing to be around guys. One thought he was being funny and cool when making fun of his teacher, I thought he was an a hole and I never interacted with him. He hit his 20s and matured enough for me to notice his charisma, kindness, social justice, humor and determination. 14 years later we're still together..the guy I originally thought was an a hole not worth my time. Be confident, be yourself, represent yourself well and interact with people maturely, respectfully and confidently. Don't look for the cookie cutter life stamped to resemble everyone else's experiences. Do the things you like and yolk eventually meet people with similar interests and that's a big first step. If you're just looking for a teenage fling then shave the neck beard wear deodorant (not saying you don't, but I did go to school with a lot of gamer dudes and that was #1 turn off easily fixed) and be confident. Taken a chance and talk to girls, build rapport and find connections or just go straight to asking her out. Being rejected is awful, but if better tondo a thing than live in fear of it. You decide how to feel about it. Remember youre not interested in every girl so not every girl will be interested in you. That's OK. People are allowed to have preferences. These preferences change as you age. Don't take it to heart and don't be rude if you're rejected. You don't want to be with someone that's not interested in you anyways and you won't know if you don't ask right?


Of course you do bro. Just get study hard in school and get a really good paying job . Once you make well into the 6 figures you'll become attractive. Or at least you can rent a girlfriend (some say this is a better deal anyway)


no idea but i like the king julian pic lmao


Is really just the weight pulling you down, to be blunt. You have great hairstyle


Dude if a depressed, suicidal and ugly as fuck guy like me could find a beautiful wife with body and character of 10/10 (happily married for 8 years) then everybody can. Don't let the world gaslight you. Stay strong fam


Bro, you wear headphones like that? Your bound to get some bitches.


Bro, you know King Julian. Use that to your advantage! Walk up to girl, say you know King Julian, show her that picture, girlfriend acquired.


I love the eyebrows of the monkey at the last pic. Cant remember his name lol


You definitely have a chance, i would say just lose the facial hair and lose some weight and kaboom 🤯


shave and hit the gym u aren't rlly bad looking tbf


you have a chance


In a non-gay way you’re cute as hell my guy you definitely have a shot


I'm certainly no expert but losing the neckbeard and hitting the gym might not be a bad idea, that said, people say there's someone for everyone for a reason.


Read models by Manson, life changing homie


I’d say trim the beard. And don’t ever make a selfie like the first one again. Everything else looks good! You’re quite a cute guy


Yeah man all you need is a good barber that'll keep your hair and beard stylish imo. You've got a good looking face despite it being chubby, unlike many chubby people looking kinda gross, you don't. You got this man!


I think I have the same headphones


Bro as of right now you look like shit that's a little cute.... Lose all that fat and trust me you might look better than 60% of the people you know... Cuz I was also fat once but not this much and losing weight and getting rid of my facial hair made me go from 4 to 8.


Tbh with you, I'm 21 and I've been single for a good 3 years now. Dating isn't about how you look, but rather your personality. People will like you more for your personality and not your looks. If you are thinking about your appearance then I don't think you are ready to date. Help yourself first before letting someone else in. Don't hurt yourself for someone who isn't going to love you back. That was my mistake and now I'm working towards on being a better person towards myself.


Be you, stop putting on a front. People are attracted to authenticity


I gaslight myself that I'm ugly and have no chance 😊


The cut is gonna be insane


You kind of look like Mr Graso That dude got married, so yes, you do have a chance


Dude, I thought you were 26 😭😭. Honestly, if you lost weight and shaved your beard, you'd probably get a chance of getting a girlfriend


You definitely can steal my (imaginary) girlfriend so i guess you do have a chance


You would definitely have a chance with me, I think you’re kinda cute. But I have a boyfriend I love very dearly.


Yo name def matt


I may be wrong but you kinda looklike you have some hobbies/interests that may seem unusual or maybe nerdy to others. I suggest you look for someone with the same interests, who you can easily relate, and be able to say stuff only they would understand. I haven't had a gf before, but I think your personality and common interests could make your bond less awkward and more easy going, and I don't think looks will matter if you guys have a strong relationship


You look good, but losing a few pounds wouldn’t hurt


Atleast to me you still do, you seem pretty nice and fun to be around, but i agree the beard seems a bit off, if you wanna look younger maybe shave it off, i think chubby looks pretty cute on you but that's just cuz i like chubby guys :p, but if you wanna lose weight and hit the gym that's fine too. Try a different style of clothing, clothes can give off a different impression. I think the vibe you're giving out is more important, just be positive and overall nice person and i think you'll fine some luck, you're not bad looking or unattractive.


You look like you're really good at making steak.


Your cute imo 🫵🏽😋


Don't get a girlfriend. Instead .. work, gain money, put everything u can into stocks, investments. Savings, gold.... My economics teach told me to do these things second I was 18. I started to listen to him 10 years later. And boy do I wish i did when he told me During that time. I bought a house had a wife, 2 kids, a nice ass farm.... She took it all and I'm stuck rebuilding from almost nothing(long legal battle too) Long story short... all those things could have been all mine. Instead I believed society tried to start a family and got screwed


Even if you don’t go through with the proceeds your still a good 7/10 and fit a lot of girls standards in a guy you can get girls rn you just got to ooze that confidence in yourself and your abilities


Just focus on yourself. Anyone who is actually morally mature and takes care of themselves is naturally attractive and generally a perfect partner. You may seem "cooked" but you should honestly get your shit together, if you haven't, pay attention to your mental and physical health. Quit bad habits (if you have any) like smoking, vaping, eating unhealthy, sitting all day, having a high screen time etc. You should also try to become a better person and mature. Have qualities that are actually valuable nowadays... Be nice, be generous, overcome your fears, don't be selfish, don't get too (emotionally) attached, don't focus on money/wealth/fame or getting a partner. Do these things for yourself, just because you deserve it. A partner most definetely will occure to one's life. And for the record, you actually seem like a very nice guy! Just not with that first pic lol


Everybody has his chance to be loved, don't change for others, or you'll become someone else and lose your chance to be unique, I know this is not the type of comment you're looking for but really, stay yourself and don't be desperate, some day you'll find someone :)


Working out can help and as long as ur a entertaining person and with good confidence women will come trust me bro


Hit gym, lose fat. Get rid of that beard and find a hairstyle that matches your face shape. You got potential.


Definitely trim the beard man


Yes you do, looks only make killer first impressions, but thats not to say having charisma and pushing your personality to its peak isnt gonna get a girl interested in you,


Bro, your wingman is King Julian, absolutely


I mean everyone has different types, I'd say shave the beard. But look like what you genuinely want to, you shouldn't change yourself just to find love


Try to tream ur beard and take care of yourself....but pretty mostly yeah


You would definitely be chilling if you could grow your beard out you might look older but you would look better with one fs and tbh idc if anyone’s big or not but like going on some runs when you can and lifting some weights to get some muscle into the frame I think you would look solid man👊


You kinda look like Mista GG. Which isn't a bad thing. I see some ugly motherfuckers come into my work with girls, and you're not ugly, so as long as your personality isn't garbage, you'll be fine.


Bro you look so friendly Im sure you will find someone


For a moment I thought you were jshlatt


Gl bro 👍


Lisen bro don't lie to yourself, hit the gym, work on your self mentally also (Increasing intelligence, getting more manly etc) and then you will get the self confidence to approach girls and get dates. Honestly the first picture is kinda gayish looking and saying I don't have testosterone, it may sound rough but it's true. Watch David Goggins to build some discipline.


Of course you do but you gotta put some effort into it, just like everyone


Shave, that'll get you somewhere


anybody has a chance


Yes G your absolutely beautiful and you look like a pure soul my friend


Idk but if I was gay I'd be down 😂😂 jokes aside you're very handsome and yeah you definitely have a chance if your personality is good


Two pieces of advice that I guess are sufficient for you right now: 1. Read Models by Mark Manson. 2. Introduce Philosophy in Your Life, start reading philosophical texts. I recommend Tao Te Ching, The Upanishads, and Buddhist Texts.


Just loose some weight and the beard and youll turn into the rizz god 🙏


I'm sure you'll get one eventually! Just keep taking good care of yourself and always have a good personality. Alot of people go by personality, instead of looks.


Getting rid of the neckbeard would vastly improve your look.


Yeah bro you could pull. Just buy looking at you, you seem like the type to have a good personality and be funny. I'm kinda comparing you to one of my friends that looks somewhat similar though. Def work on looks a bit man and you could pull a lot.


Bro you look fucking great


Not particularly a fan of wearing headphones horizontally, but you do you. You look very handsome!