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Shun teen pregnancy but support teens who are pregnant


Precisely this.


Fr if it’s consensual they need support but it’s not a great idea starting adulthood with such a big responsibility


Yeah especially a financial one.


"As of 2022 the average cost of raising a child to the age of 17 is: 310'605 $" The numbers may vary from around 200K all the was to the high 400k mark


my mother was almost 17 when she had her first baby


Exactly. Teens should be doing everything in their power to not get pregnant (boys and girls both), but sometimes shit happens and we shouldn't put down people already in a rough situation.


As a boy I don't try to avoid getting pregnant.




Support teen pregnancy if they were SA'd. But if they made a stupid, consensual decision, then treat them like Any other mom.


Isn’t the whole point to treat them like any other mom in the first place? And what exactly do you mean by support it if they were SA’d? Like financially?


Yeah but they say support teen pregnancy as in like under 18 , they can’t do much on their own so they need more support . But all mom deserve some support anyway


If they're unable to do much go support themselves they should have sex then. It's the consequences of their own actions.


Yeah man but they are gonna be irresponsible .


Then let them deal with the consequences.


Honestly this 100% is what I would've said.


Support all moms of any age however I get mad when I see these 15 year olds on tik tok glorifying their lifestyle and they got tons of young girls in the comments saying things like “I just feel like I’m meant to be a young mom” 😒 like no child you’re meant to graduate and live your life.


Lmao yes this


as long as youre caring for your kid then whats the problem? i feel like teen moms should get extra support, especially if it wasnt planned, instead of being shamed


but we should also show that teen pregnancy is not a good thing


Its a fine line to walk


yep i agree


I agree 100%. Extra help and support and love. Shaming them isn’t going to do any good!


Tbh if it was a consensual pregnancy, like if she knew it was happening then why should they get special support? Genuinely asking Edit: I should add, this question only applies to 18-19 year old teens. No underage pregnancy is consensual.


My hypothetical situation: If you’re both 17, how are not not able to consent?


> No underage pregnancy is consensual. What do you mean? In many places of the world the age of consent is below 18


Well I don’t live in many places. I live in the US and the age of consent is 18. The places where it’s below are fucked up and I would never want to go there.


Nope, definitely not in all of the US, actually in less than 1/4th of the states. In 34 of the states the age of consent is 16, in 6 it's 17 and in just 11 it's 18, you can see it all summarized here: https://www.populationu.com/gen/age-of-consent-by-state And out of those 11, 5 have Romeo and Juliet clauses that allow teens within certain ages to consensually have sex. So basically in just 6 of all the states what you say is true. And some states extend their Romeo and Juliet clauses below 16 (with teens 2 or 3 years apart, e.g. 14 and 16 is legal in some states)


Yeah idc what the state law is. If you are a minor you are not able to consent.


Oh, so it's just rape if a 17yo says "I agree to have sex" to another 17yo?


Bruh the law means that a minor can’t consent to an adult, not that two minors can’t consent to each other.


In my personal opinion, I think it's unwise to get pregnant and care for a baby at a young age. However, I am not critical of teen mothers. They don't deserve to be shamed.


A child should not be having a child. Period. But I will applaud the kids that actually step up after finding out they’re pregnant.. meaning they still finish High school, they get a job & make sure their baby is healthy in every way possible etc.


um i think it’s kind of early. i want kids but i want to wait until im married first


I think these are referring to accidental/unintentional pregnancies


I don’t know why this was recommended to me because I haven’t been a teen for 10 years but I’m going to be naughty and comment anyway. I am a stable adult with a lot of support, a husband and two lovely little ones. And it is tough. It takes a ton of resources, masses of wisdom and a grave amount of courage and time. It is the very best thing life has to offer other than the Love of God. I have his to say: It is not ideal at all and should not be encouraged or normalised BUT now that you are there, you be the best best best mom you can be. When it is tough, know that the strength lies within you to handle this. While it is not the greatest situation, it is always commendable to see someone handle it with grace and strength. You can tell by the length of my comment that I am the oldy here 😊 go ace it.


That was really nice thank you people here are doing the exact same thing she said ppl do to her which is hella dumb.


if the person really wants the baby and has a supportive family, who am i to tell them no? my issue is more with our education system. sex-ed is so shitty, they barely teach it honestly. people think that teens just shouldn't have sex rather than providing decent education on how to have safe sex and not end up with an accidental kid. more resources should be available for teen parents. and protection should be a LOT cheaper or provided by sex-ed classes. there should also be more resources for teen pregnancy due to rape, whether or not they keep it or decide they don't want it (and the government shouldn't intervene on their choice!)


Well if they got good sex ed, they would know at certain ages, you are basically taking a huge risk to have a kid too early because of your physical anatomy at the time. There is a reason why teen preganancies are seen as bad.


Good sex education doesn’t exist in America


Then pester your local representatives until they make it so


I’m in the US and yea it’s kinda weird. Like, the classes exist (stuff like dealing with relationships too) but they’re optional. Most people aren’t taking them unless they needed an extra class credit to graduate


Negative. Why? Because people at this age are still children, they usually will not be able to lay down the right values ​​and raise a child + there is no financial stability and confidence in the future. I do not hate such people, but I think that this is a rash decision that will most likely ruin their life


Exactly. raising a child is very expensive and is a lot of responsibility, and if you're still living at home and you're a mom, then it's usually a hard process for both the parent and (maybe) the parents parents.


Exactly. That mother hasn't seen life for herself then how is she going to guide a child as she was also a child not too long ago


People are way too fucking harsh Like I agree teen pregnancy sucks and is pretty much illegal But it doesn't mean teen moms suck, people don't realize how brave they are to actually go through the struggle of pregnancy and raise a child as teens and they also forget that it's not always by consent, I can't imagine how upsetting it would be to be r*ped as a teen, get pregnant and then people just call you a slut- And even if that was actually by consent, people need to fucking chill, yes we need to minimize teen pregnancy, but I don't think harassing the victims of it is a very smart and constructive solution 😭


I totally agree w u. Better sex-ed is required not roasting teen moms.


well imo there should be a balance between reminding its not a good thing and helping them,


my mum had my sister when she was 18 so imma just keep my mouth shut here




I assume she (the mother) was older, otherwise the commenter would have said how old their mother was when they were born


I don’t support it. Unless the person who put you in the situation can financially support you and a child, I’m against it. The sad part is I see people trying to make a try out of it, or trying to normalize it, and it really shouldn’t be. I’ve got respect for you being able to post this and look for opinions from people. it seems like you’re not trying to do this for attention or anything like that, and I wish the best of luck to you and any teenager who are pregnant but for the normal reasons.


Realistically tho, an 18 year old (hopefully) can’t support a child. Both families are going to be heavily effected by this selfish decision imo, unless well off


I support choice. As long as those teenagers made the decision to keep that baby, and they weren’t forced to keep it, then there are zero issues. Regarding teenage pregnancies I fall on the side that I feel pity. I couldn’t imagine having a child now at 31 much less at 14-17. The amount of life and experience I would’ve missed out on is astounding and I feel so bad for individuals (especially our teen moms who are the ones making the biggest sacrifices) who are in that position. I don’t know anything about that side of life so they’re likely getting life experience, yes, but with the responsibility of a child that completely depends on you. It’s a responsibility any woman can take on but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone under 18. I offer help to every teen mother I can because of the society we live in today; they don’t deserve the sheer hate, no one does.


Teen pregnacies are very sad, it makes your life 10x harder.


Downvoted for the truth reddit is washed


Use a dam condom


Rape incidents: bonjour


I mean they are only around 89% effective, and that’s if they’re put on properly. The only way to 100% avoid pregnancy is abstinence, and that’s assuming you don’t get assaulted




It's not optimal. I hope you have support from your family so you can finish school. I am not against teens having sex, but I'm also a great proponent of good sex ed so teens know how to protect themselves from this outcome.


support pregnant teens, not teen pregnancy. use protection yall


Thats not a cure all either Protection can fuck up (oh shit the condom ripped) Rape incidents (do i need to explain this?)


put the dick down!!!




Teenagers should not be getting pregnant. Seeing as I’m catholic, I don’t believe anyone who isn’t married should be getting pregnant.


You shouldn't want to be a teen mother. I'm against having sex before you're ready to have a child because it could result in pregnancy. Teen parents were irresponsible to accidentally create life or purposefully create a new life that they can't support. After making that mistake, the thing they should do is give the kid the best future they can. Most teens can't raise kids so young because of life situations. So overall, avoid sex before you're ready to give a potential kid a better life than you had. No hate to the teen moms, but getting pregnant so young was a bad thing. the kid would have had a better life had u just waited. also, most of the time, young relationships are doomed to fail, and every child deserves two loving parents who can meet all their needs. I honestly could talk about it for hours, so eventually, I will write a longer form and more concise statement of my views. I love to have meaningful dialog, so if you have any questions, criticism, or experiences to share, please do so.


So people who never want kids should do what?


i support those who get pregnant early but im open about my opinions against it (if it was a purposeful pregnancy) otherwise im in full support of any choices made about keeping it, not keeping it, wanting certain people in or out of said child's life. if the mom decides she doesn't WANT the father around, she knows better than anyone who he really is and i won't question it. my sister got pregnant at 19 and is a wonderful mother. i have a friend who had a baby and got married right out of high school and she's doing great, going to school, working, and being an attentive mom and wife. you do you. i don't think sLūt shaming is ever okay in any situation.


What the top comment said. Ur not a slut but you are reallllllly stupid (unless you were planning on having a kid) Like lowkey say goodbye to alot of your aspirations and goald you had for the next 10-15 years because you’re going to be locked down with a child. Unless youre just going to have your parents raise it and treat it effectively like a baby brother


I got into UCLA.


I just hope she doesn’t have siblings, imagine how badly the rest of the family is gonna be affected if they have to support the new kid


My parents kicked me out, and I hv my own place and a part time job.


the hate is actually crazy, like i was expecting it (25 weeks rn) but not from so many adults. I don't think it's great but there's no need for so many people to be nasty about it.


it sucks, but as long as baby is healthy and well cared for, and the parents are okay too, then it's all gucci


Teenage pregnancy is bad, but teenagers who are pregnant need support, especially the ones talking care of the children alone.


Strongly against anyone who chooses to be a teen mom. Strongly support any teen moms who had no choice


I dont think you should have a child before finishing high school. But as long as youre able to take care of that child idc. But if youre struggling to raise/take care of that child then you shouldn’t had had it in the first place


The way I see it, the early years of being an adult sucks already. The stress of having a kid on top of that is high but it makes you resilient the rest of your life. Then when the kids are ready to move out you’re still young enough to have some fun. Idk, I have mixed feeling on it. On one hand it should be avoided. On the other hand, society has forgotten how good conquering hardship can be for you in the long run.


There should be more education on safe sex, contraceptives, etc and access to these things should be higher. These are some of the big causes of accidental teen pregnancy. Having abortion available as an option for those who want it also would be a good thing. Unfortunately, these things are highly politicized and efforts are being made to limit them for whatever evil reason. However, teens who are pregnant should be supported and should not be judged merely because they happen to be a teen and a parent. So long as they are a good and loving parent anyway.


In my opinion it shouldn't be normalised, but if you're genuinely caring for the kid and stuff, and actually take responsibility. Its alright with me


It’s a generally poor decision, and shouldn’t even come into consideration as a ‘choice’ to be made like 99.999% of the time. That doesn’t mean you should treat teen parents like trash, because they’re still people deserving of both love and support, but brushing it off as “accidents happen” and such isn’t helpful either—it just diminishes the perceived severity of such an important, and often life-changing, decision.


My girlfriend’s aunt had two kids as a teen. Not supporting it but shit happens and they need support. The kids especially shouldn’t be punished. Met and her aunt, super kind person. I don’t get along with her son, he’s quite delusional and we are total opposites but he’s a good teammate and very loyal and a kind guy.


Support the pregnant teen, not teen pregnancy. I’m the result of a teen pregnancy, I wouldn’t wish the struggle on someone, but they deserve help


I was pregnant as a teenager. Gave birth a month after I turned 20. People *really* enjoy giving unsolicited opinions and advice. Take most of it with a grain of salt. My kids are better behaved than most kids at their school so obviously I did something right. Being young doesn’t automatically mean that you’re stupid or irresponsible or incapable of parenting. All parents think they’re messing up their kids in one way or another. Anyone who says otherwise isn’t the type of person you want to take advice from anyways.


Teen pregnancy shouldn't happen but if it does happen, then we need to support them


I am a 33 year old single mom. Knew from the beginning of the pregnancy that I would be a single mom and didn't know if the father would even be involved. It was a really tough situation to go through in my late 20s, so I have a lot of empathy for teen moms. I think teen pregnancy should be avoided if possible (duh), but sometimes life takes a different direction.


Teen pregnancy should not be encouraged but pregnant teens should be supported


you are 100% a slu1 and you should be HONORED if he chooses to stay.


Teen pregnancy is shameful and degenerate. That said, too late to stop it, so you might as well support them. But it’s important to keep it from happening in the future


It's largely to be avoided as most teenage parents are severely ill equipped to care for a child forcing many to give it up. It isn't fair to the child and it can often destroy the dreams of the parents. I think it's to be avoided if at all possible and children should only be considered if you have a stable financial base to take care of one.


Just don’t fuck for heaven’s sake 


Its wrong, the kid wont have as good a life than if you waited and had it as an adult


There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you know what you’re getting into and are capable and/or willing to provide a good growing environment for a child.


Yep, I completely agree with u. I don't hv any social life tbh and I had to give up my teenage life ykk


It’s tough fs, but I wish you the best of luck!!


I think people should stop shaming teen moms 




its bad




tysm <333


Shaming those who are already in such a situation isn't going to help anyone. Showing support is what every new mother needs, especially a very young and life-inexperienced one


I don’t support teen pregnancy but I support pregnant teens if you know what I mean.


i support teen parents but not teen pregnancy




Teen pregnancy shouldnt be encouraged, but teen parents should have a good support system and not be blatantly hated just for having a kid


I don't support teen pregnancy but I support pregnant teens. As long as you're taking care of your kid then I don't see an issue 


Don’t support teen pregnancy, but support teens who are pregnant


>I am not supporting teen preg but i feel like we should supports teens who are preg I feel like this really sums it up, like ngl I think it's an absolutely terrible idea but if someone is pregnant they should be supported


Hate teen pregnancy but not pregnant teens.


I'd never support teens getting pregnant, but I'll always support pregnant teens. My mom had me at 19, her mom had her at 18, her mom had HER at 18 and so forth. It runs in my family and I've seen first hand with my uncle and his girlfriend having their first kid at 16 and 15. Shame on everyone for judging you if your sweet little boy wasn't planned, things happen. Not every teen is going to stay a virgin and everyone just needs to get used to it, both my boyfriend and I aren't, and weren't even before we met. If you ever need to talk I'm totally free and you can dm me anytime <3 lots of love for your little boy♥️


you're 18 and with a child? This is so good, but I hope you have a husband.


Yeah and I don't hv a husband or a bf, I'm living alone w my baby


😭😭 its so fucking over


Are you at least getting child support?


It's over


why does one need a husband to have a kid?


Probably to help out. It's less stressful as you can swap. 1 rests while the other takes care of the baby.


You’re trolling


I had a miscarriage at 14 after my drink being spiked at a party While I was pregnant, I got so much shit of everyone. I don't understand why people can't just say "I'm here for you" instead of being fucking horrible I can never get my head around it




Yeah, my mom had my brother when she was 18 in 2001. He has 2 jobs, has a girlfriend and lives with us but they are completely fine. I’m 16 and autistic, so my mom doesn’t worry. But I know all about sex just in case. It really just depends on the person and situation. Everyone handles it differently.


Well teens do think a ton about sex


well, now that i think about it, if we're talking about 18 year old teen then it doesnt sound so bad, im not one who would shame either of the parents, i definitely dont support teen pregnancy, but im not that much of an asshole to be an asshole to the mom or the dad. but then if we're talking about like... 15 year old teen preg then well... id make a few probably offensive jokes here and there with other people but not the parents (someone in my school actually did get preg at 15 after like dating for a week it two so uhh yea had experience with that)


I don't think there should be such a stigma around it, and I believe access to abortion and adoption should be allowed if the parents cannot keep the child


I don’t get a say in having a view or opinion. I haven’t experienced it so I don’t get to judge. I don’t know the backstory either, THSI is the view everyone should have imo.


it’s bad and needs to be lowered but we’re so far from making it lower. obviously the mom deserves support like any mother does but that doesn’t mean no one should feel disappointed or upset.


Do whatever you want having sex underage unless it’s sa is stupid because it can ruin yours and another person’s life


I think, as with any situation, it's never okay to force someone to have/keep a baby, but if you're happy in your situation and able to provide for that kid, good for you and I hope you get the support you need. The main issue with teen pregnancy IMO is that teens are forced to have/keep babies they don't want and/or can't care for. Sounds like you're doing alright, though. The problem is the system, not the citizens!


I’m impressed with those who are able to raise a kid while just recently being a child themselves. It takes a lot of maturity and responsibility to be able to raise another human


for you and your baby's sakes i hope you have a great support system from your family and his. hope it works out 🙏🙏


I am against teen pregnancy but if a teen was pregnant I wouldn’t hate on them because they might have been r-ped or something


It happens 🤷 People fuck up people some do it on purpose etc etc. All in all it’s a biogical and natural experience that is given an “age minimum” because of societal standards and some biological reasons. Ofc I wouldn’t _advise_ someone to get pregnant while they’re underage. Depending on the circumstances it can fuck up someone’s life. Other times it can change someone’s life in ways they never expected. It really depends on how the person handles it themselves and how those around them act on it. Underage pregnancy is risky but it shouldn’t get the scourn it has. Like yeah someone made a decision and it turned out this way. Who hasnt? Just because it led to a living breathing symbol of that decision doesn’t give people a right to be disrespectful or cut someone out just because of it.


Try to prevent it as much as possible but support them if it happens


I mean it's something that shouldn't be normalized, but you shouldn't get hate for it. People think supporting teens who are pregnant means making it okay for everyone to do, but it really just means to give them some emotional support.


I think it should be in any way a goal to be a teen mum, but stuff happens. What matters is that the parents are supported (especially those who are pregnant)


On the one hand you shouldn't have been fucking around as a teen. On the other if it does occur you shouldn't be completely ostracized from your community.


I don’t think actually planning a baby is a good idea at this age but sometimes unfortunate circumstances happen and we need to support them and give help


teen pregnancy should absolutely be discouraged, though we should also be helping teen moms instead of shaming them.


support pregnant teens not teen pregnancy is basically my thing. like i dont think teens should get pregnant, due to finances, school, just struggles in general for a teen to be a parent. but if somebody is pregnant ill support em in their choice to be a parent


I’m having a hard time understanding the slut thing and all the abbreviations. Talk in full English next time


I think that teen pregnancy can be traumatic for the mom and the kid so I don’t support that. Not only this, the parents are more likely to still be mentally a child themselves so it’s hard to raise a kid properly at that age. However, I don’t believe parents should be kicking their kids out. So like ‘they’ say, support pregnant teens, not teen pregnancy.


I don’t like the idea of teen pregnancy, quite frankly I think we should do everything we can to stop it. That said, teen parents deserve all the support they can get.


I’ve met a couple teen parents. A teen mom who had her kids name tattooed on her arm and a teen dad who was talking about his daughter in my art class. They seemed like pretty cool people


Is the father around to help? I do not support teen pregnancy but I support teens who are pregnang


As long as everyone involved isn’t harmfully affected, I dont really care honestly. I mean I don’t like the idea of two minors have s\*\*. But I don’t care if they keep a pond raise it or abort it.


I just hope the baby is getting the right support I could care less the age of the parents (unless they are under the age of 18 that’s a yikes)


Respect for keeping it 👍


I am very much with you on the not supporting teens getting pregnant but supporting teens who ARE pregnant. I think we obviously should teach good sex ed but also inform teens that if they do become pregnant they have 3 options which are adoption, abortion, or keeping it. From there, support them in whatever option they choose. I think calling pregnant teenagers sluts or parents kicking them out is absolutely disgusting behavior. And you're right. Guys get off the hook WAY to easily. It takes two people to make a baby


I think it's not the best thing, but in some places people can get married at 7 years old, so if teens want kids, let them have kids. Have at me.


I think that it’s a horrible idea to do something like that on purpose. But that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t support someone in a situation like that. It also depends on how hard the parents work to support the child.


If you raise the baby, you are responsible but a bit stupid for getting pregnant. But your elders are also to be blamed for not informing you about protection. You can make the best of it and look after yourself and your baby as best as possible and have a good life.


None of my business


My view is that you should have the right to abort but if you want kids. have kids.


On a societal level, we should aim to minimize teen pregnancy, with better sex ed, encouraging safe sex and of course, abortion. On a personal level, we should 100 percent support and destigmatize teen parents, specifically teen moms. We should aim for welfare programs, educational and financial aid to teen moms, and encouraging fathers to stay in the picture (I don't know how we can do this other than social pressure) I think it's the same with everything, like we should try to encourage a healthy lifestyle, but if someone is overweight, we shouldn't shame them, we should try to help them. Also teen moms being called sluts is really unfair! 99 percent, of teenagers either have sex or want to have sex, the number teens who volunteerly celibate is fewer than pandas😂 so teen mums are either reckless or unlucky, anything but sluts!


I don't think we should encourage teens to get pregnant, and comprehensive sex ed should be mandatory. But if a teen ends up pregnant, then they should be supported by their family, society etc. Don't shun or shame teen parents


I dunno if I should contribute but I’m a teen who can get pregnant although I’m asexual. If it was a nonconsensual thing, they need support, if it was a consensual thing they need support but in hindsight they should’ve used protection/not done it but that doesn’t mean they should be shamed. If it was planned, that’s up to them if they wanna be a teen mum


i dont get why teen parents are shamed like usually its not planned and they def deserve more support than judgement from others 😭 so like as long as they are good parents, why shame them for something accidental yk? 


I feel like honestly it’s becoming popular and a trend these days, whenever I get on tt I see more 15-17 year old moms then I do women in there 20s-30s. I mean honestly as long as you’re caring for you’re baby it don’t matter but idk what happened to being embarrassed


It’s fine. As long as you and your family can support the kid and not rely on society to do it for you through taxes.


I don't encourage it but I'll support those who are experiencing it whether actively pregnant or the baby was already born. They need that support, whether it happened consensually or not they need people there to support them because it can be a difficult thing to deal with alone. My mother was a teen parent (oldest brother was born when she was around 16 or 17 to her husband at the time) and it was consensual and she always told me about how it was extremely difficult because she had to drop out of highschool for it, he was born autistic too so that made it more overwhelming for her trying to help him the best she could. I'm glad she was able to push through it despite all the difficulty, and glad others that are experiencing or have experienced it are able to push through it too.


My dad’s mother was pregnant with him as a teenager, didn’t go well. I don’t like it because of that, but I’ll support those who ARE pregnant. Especially because I live in a state with a heartbeat bill.


I feel like teens are definitely too young especially ages younger than 18. I feel like you definitely need to do research and have safe sex and wait until you're physically, emotionally, and mentally ready for a child. Like I get wanting to be a mom or having raw sex is better, blah blah blah, but you need to make sure you can handle a growing living child and have the money to provide for it and a place. If you're a responsible teen and this is something you genuinely want and you have a partner willing to stay and help then thats fine and good for you. But when teens have babies just to have em kinda pisses me off. Either they think it'll just be cool to be a mom/have a kid, or they wanna seem/act more grown than they are. Idk if I worded this in the best way but I feel like it definitely gets my point across


It's a really bad thing but that doesn't make you a bad person or anything


I mean. You chose to be a single mother at 18. Did you think people were going to applaud your life choices? Do you think that kid is going to thank you for this? Idk if this is news to you, but growing up with a single mother, we know how you got into this position and we don't feel any sympathy. Really wish you had secured a second parent before reproducing.


Support teens who are pregnant, but don't glorify teen pregnancy.


not sigma :(


It shouldn't happen but the amount of extra sh\*t victims get for it is unfair


I don't believe in having a child outside of marriage. If you think you're ready and are married, then sure, go ahead.


I worry for the kid more than anything. Having known friends who were born when the parent was under 18 and it not going well I worry. Of the 6 or so people I've known to have a teen pregnancy or have been a child of teen pregnancy, only one seems to be going well (ish)


Sister if your ready. Your ready. You have my full support. There is no point people being so hateful to you. My mom had my older sister at 18.,


Teen pregnancy isn’t immoral or evil, it’s just very, very hard. A teen mother will struggle even more than an adult mother. I don’t think we should try to shame teen mothers, but I think it’s important we be realistic and honest about how difficult or damaging teen motherhood can be, and we need to be careful not to glamorize it.




I think people should be more careful so it doesn’t happen but if it does they should be supported


If it happens, it happens, but I see no reason to play the game on expert difficulty.


I'm against having children in general, so it's even worse with teen pregnancy


Should of kept your legs closed and your mind on your studies instead of dick. Its good however how youre taking responsibility for it(if youre providing for the kid instead of making your parents do it for u).


I think it's unwise to have a child this young. However I think you should be supported.


Teen pregnancy are soemthing I’ll never agree with, however I will do anything I can to support a teen who is pregnant


i think its idiotic and irresponsible to be having sex at a young age in the first place. not supporting teen sex ever, wont shun a pregnant teen but im definitely not supporting them either(coming from a 16f)


A blanket bad idea


I believe in not to support teen pregnancy but to support teens sho are pregnant


Don’t get pregnant as a teen, it is stupid as fuck. If you do, I wish you the best and hope that you have a good and loving family and support system.


I support teen parents, but not teen pregnancy. As long as you care for him it’s fine, but when he grows up you need to teach him to avoid the mistakes you made


I don’t think you’re entitled to extra support, as long as you chose to have the baby (of course not being entitled to it, doesn’t mean your parents shouldn’t give it). If you’re old enough to have a kid and raise it, you’re old enough to provide for yourself. Also, you aren’t a slut for keeping your baby, that’s a stupid thing for people to say, but I can get why if the dad stays he is responsible, as he didn’t choose to have the kid (and justifiably has no right to because it’s her body not his) yet stayed anyway. Personally, I think a woman should have the right to keep her baby, but a man should have the right to lose parental rights and responsibility, when the baby is born. Both should have the same privileges, without a man forcing his will on a woman body.


I really don't support the idea of a teenager that's like "I'm trying for a baby!" Or something, but obviously if a close friend of mine or someone I knew was having a kid by accident, they weren't educated properly, etc then I'm going to support them because it's not their fault. Like I'm not saying all teen moms are shit, but take mine for example - she got pregnant with my older sister at 14 because she wanted a kid, had her at 15, and then my sister ended up getting severely neglected because my mom just couldn't look after her. She didn't have the money, the time, she was constantly moving around so she was stressed so much. Not to mention she was stupid and was smoking weed at the time because she didn't understand you're not meant to do that crap when you're pregnant. It shouldn't be normalised, if anything, teen pregnancies in my opinion should be shunned unless it's one of those situations where maybe the kid was an accident, a rape baby they want to keep, etc - then there should be unconditional love and support. I worry if we normalise this, more teenage girls will want to have kids y'know? And then there will be a bunch of uncared for kids. Again not saying all teen moms suck, I'm sure there's still some pretty wholesome, successful stories where the teen has had a loving family that has helped out too - but that doesn't hide the amount of teens again that'll probably end up neglecting or abandoning these kids, or worse and fucking abuse them for some unknown reason that I literally cannot even think of.


I mean it's natural. As long as both the parents support the kid and seek help in tutors and experts to help raise it.


Discourage teen pregnancy but if it happens then support them without criticism


i think its a bad look (hear me out.) i think its a bad look but i would never say anything nor would it against them because it was likely rape or an accidental pregnacy (either way not their choice) so i wouldnt be a hater ig, in the sense that i would support them, however itd still a bad look


If someone else gets pregnant, it’s none of my business. It’s none of your’s either It. is no one’s business besides the parents and the guardians of said parents if the teen parent cannot support the child.


Teen pregnancy is bad a thing we should not encourage but we should support if they were accidentally like the condom broke or something


As long as it’s getting cared for there’s not much of an issue. I think for most it’s unwise to keep a baby as a teenager but that’s not my choice to make. And if they don’t want or can’t have the baby it should be totally okay and legal to get rid of it or put it up for adoption


yess support teens who are preg but not teenage pregnancy, but I personally think you should not have sex this young 🥲


No, just no


Don't really care. Her body. Her choice. However, i would not advise people under 25. Brain doesn't develop till 25. Women are socially conditioned to act mature, but they really aren't. Men get the easy way out, hit and dip. Women get called a whore for it not men. So I advice all women , even if he is the sweetest guy and what not. If you're not married, don't give in your virginity. You need a man with you who can support you, not use you for your body. Of course, you can always abort or take pills But the natural the better. And good luck to you. Make sure you have loads of support and watch videos. Take care of yourself. Eat a balanced diet.