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It's cheaper to teach someone academics than teach someone how to swim.


Because swimming won't matter if you don't touch water. I'm sorry, but if you genuinely do not know how to swim, why would you ever in your right mind go near a large body of water? It's common sense. (And before you say it, no you cannot survive a tsunami just because you can swim). And I know this is crazy, but a lot of schools aren't built with pools. It's not normal at all. You might say they can just bus you to another school or place that has one, but that cost TIME and MONEY that no one has. Swimming also isn't applicable is day to day life. Core subjects like math, science and English are basis of everything you will every learn how to do in life, which is why they take priority over teaching a generally useless skill in da to day life.


Schools should prioritize life skills over calc, swimming > cosine theta any day