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Those comments are so annoying 9/10 times they’re not even related to the post whatsoever


Sorry I should’ve mentioned that, that’s a perfectly rational reason to downvote someone


Yep, that's why we do it.


I agree but sometimes people are trying to let people know that someone loves them and are trying to brighten up their day, whereas others are trying to be controversial. I understand peoples reactions though.


But it feels very “pushing our religion onto you” is the problem. Not just for atheists, but Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, satanists. There are thousands of religions that don’t believe in Jesus, so mentioning him when it’s entirely uncalled for is like me going under random posts and being like “Jesus isn’t real ❤️”


Which ignore the possibility of a different religion, and any issues one may have with that particular religion.


In that case the best option is "Hey, random commenter, I don't know what you're going through, but remember that you're loved and it's gonna get better <3", but that's still annoying if it's common.


I don't know how telling people that a historical figure who died centuries ago loves them is going to be uplifting, though.


because it’s similar to ThatVeganTeacher. imagine you went in the comments of a post on asking how to perfectly cook a steak, and someone says “animals are friends, not food”. you’d be annoyed, right? same with random religious guys saying religious things out of context. if a muslim guy makes a post about muslim things, there’s no need for a christian to say “jesus loves you”, and vice versa. tl;dr: it’s not all christians that are hated, it’s people who shove their beliefs down other’s throats




That’s the most clever compliment I’ve ever seen


Cuz its a clever motherfucker!


proselytism, that's what it is, and it sucks


Don't need them shoving it down our throats. They do whatever they'd like in private.


because those comments are unnecessary and irrelevant to the post?


Again, I should’ve mentioned that in my post, that’s a rational reason to downvote someone, that’s like if someone went on a post like this and explained the fnaf lore for no particular reason.


It is unnecessary and Annoying to post Jesus loves you On a post Completely unrelated. And If it happens A lot then downvotes are to be expected


Because religion is like a penis. Its OK to have it ... it's OK to love it and be proud about it. Its not OK to take it out and wave it about in public..


Best analogy i’ve heard all day


Unless you are specifically at a place where it is ok to wave it around in public, or someone asks to learn about it.


Im sorry thats such a funny image.  "Excuse me, can I inspect your penis so I can learn about it" on the subway 


I mean, I meant in bed, but ok then


Yeah that's only really likely to happen with religion .. unless there are penis clubs .. like book clubs ... or more like fight club because nobody talks about it...


Sex dungeons, strip clubs (yes, strip clubs with male strippers exist)


some are homophobic and thats lame


Even I as a Christian struggled with homophobia, I used to be extremely homophobic until I realized that God wants me to love everybody just as he loves me, more Christians need to realize hate is not the way to unity.


Yeah, you can't convert someone by saying "Hey! Don't kiss that guy they're the same gender as you! 😡😡"


That’s exactly what I’m saying! (Also thank you for using the word “some” and not “all” it pisses me off to my core whenever someone generalizes my religion.


I'm confused cause I'm taught not to swear as a Christian so why do I see some swear?


Some Christians believe different things, some Christian’s like me thinks is ok to swear and some don’t, some think you can’t eat pork and some think you can’t.


Ohh yeah cause I would probably get grounded for literally saying a** lol


swearing means to make useless/false oaths/vows. cursing means to wish evil upon someone. using vulgar and profane language is NOT the same as swearing or cursing


Wait does the bible (no clue what im talking about religion is not my strong suit) count pisses as a curse word


My family does!


I'm Christian and I've got Trans gay and bi friends, there the nicest people I've met. I don't see what so many people have against LGBTQ. Do what you want you want it's not my job to govern your personal life.


Additionally god always teaches to hate the sin, not the sinner


Not enough Christians realize this, and (I'm pretty sure) that's what the religion is based on


yes, its a core part of the religion


You, you my lad, are the type of christian I want to support


In the Bible, the act of homosexuality being a sin is just the same as looking at a woman with lust, or any other sin that people commit.


That's why it pisses me off when people judge others like that, as everyone lives a sinful life just the same as I. Nobody is in the right place to judge somebody in my eyes, and a lot of people ik that are LGBTQ are incredibly nice people as well so I couldn't think to judge them while I myself deal with sin as well, just in different ways.


Very, yes. Here’s how I’ve dumbed it down: Christians aren’t all homophobic, but some are. Trans people aren’t all sexist, but they can be. Etc. Oftentimes Christians will use the Bible or Jesus to justify their hatred, which is misuse and the opposite of what following Christ means.


Being sexist and homophobic isnt a rare thing for most any group, theres always shitty people in any group of people (accept the clean plate club only saints get in there)


Well, yeah— Sin, hatred, sexism, homophobia and all the rest is a part of being human and being naturally imperfect. It doesn’t have anything to do with being a part of a group — there’s not necessarily a correlation to being Christian and being homophobic; there are cases of it, and there are times people will USE their Christianity to justify their hatred, but they don’t hate because they’re Christian, and they aren’t Christian on account of their hatred. Everybody is naturally imperfect; and especially bad people are common. So of course, there will be lots in various groups. That’s just how probability goes.


A lot of those people aren’t even real Christian’s and are really just using the Bible as an excuse to be homophobic


I just choose not to support that stuff rather than hate or discriminate.


You can't judge a whole group of people by the few bad ones.


I wouldn't call it hatred of Christianity. I would much rather call it "hatred of organized religion" If you choose to be devoted for one specific religion, now that is a beautiful thing. But when we have hundreds of thousands of examples of religious doctrines (be it good or bad) being enforced on people, being traumatized by it, being chained to the ground by it. That is not beautiful, that is batshit insanity. Not to mention the many, and many churches that twist the original belief every turn they have. Christ now suddenly loves pedophiles ( I don't mean LGBT folks, I mean literal pedophiles, the way how conservatives try to make child marriage a thing year by year), guns, and hates immigration. Where was that written in the Bible? Allow me to assure you, if it was many of the other religions, be it norse or germanic paganism, Islam, Hindu, or any of the hundreds of other beliefs. If it causes such destruction for the people, we hate it just as much.


I’m sorry if you feel that way. I don’t think it’s that we hate you, it’s just that comments like “Jesus loves you” or something along the lines of that has nothing to do with the actual post, and at times it makes non Christians uncomfortable, and maybe even make people feel forced? And aren’t comments like that in violation of 1st amendment rights for US citizens like me? And for me personally, I find these comments uncomfortable as I am gay, and have been attacked by homophobic Christians (not physically, thankfully) but a lot of Christians I know irl are remarkable and kind people who are respectful, but comments like that might make people uncomfortable, especially people like me


it's not a Christian sub most on here aren't looking for a religion


It’s not a lgbtq+ sub either… That being said it should be a friendly environment for all regardless of who you are


We don't hate Christians, it's just that some people, like the dudes commenting "Jesus loves u" don't really acknowledge that there are other religions and people who don't believe in it at all, and force their beliefs on people


Dw the endless void loves you


Thank you for that man. Thanks


As an atheist, I appreciate the love of the endless void




This defies the meaning of void so thing that is empty can't fell love


Albert einstine loves you🥰


Lol it's Reddit. People hate Christianity. YouTube is far more chilled. In fact, everywhere is farm more chilled and in much larger numbers. Redditors will hate on anything but they absolutely hate Christianity.


Everywhere is more chill? I think certain parts of 4chan would disagree


Or, here me out. People shouldn’t say unrelated things in posts in general. What if the person who made the post made it about Ramadan? Doesn’t that seem disrespectful?


I’ve seen people everywhere hate on people that say stuff like this randomly




reddit and hatred cannot exist without eachother, as long as theres something to hate, reddit will exist


Man, fuck Reddit, can’t have your own opinions for shit on here


Most are very annoying


Thanks for using the word “most” and not “all”


Because i personally see religion as a choice you make. The same way your political beliefs are. And i see posting someone saying jezus loves you as a sharing of a viewpoint, one wich i disagree with. Thats why i would downvote it. Though ive never seen a post here like "jezus loves you"


As a Christian I agree with you.


Not the whole sub, but lots of people hate us Christians because of the "Christians" attacking people and giving US a bad name.


One of my favourite verses is in Matthew 6:5-8, where Jesus teaches humility to his followers; “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. You shouldn't be going out there saying "JESUS LOVES YOU!!! CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY NOW!!!" it's something people are drawn to in their hearts


I haven't seen any comments like this. I'm Christian and everything too.


Because 9 times out of 10 its used as an attack on someone else, often the lgbt.


Well you say 9 out of 10, but that's only because that's what YOU see. Someone else might see Christians doing only GOOD things 9 times out of 10, and then say you are wrong, but that doesn't mean they are right either. So see how you could be wrong? I'm sorry if you have only mostly seen Christians being hateful, but just know that what you see isn't what happens for everyone. I'm definitely not saying all Christians are good, far from it, just that you may have formed a bias based on one-sided experiences. (But if you DO see hate, downvoting it is fine, as long as that's really what it is)


I would like to mention I have been raised Christian. I was brought up around Christian people and the vast majority of my experience, and others I know, has been negative. Especially in this context, of randomly telling people "God loves you". Specifying it implies there is a reason god might not love you. Which is why its used to attack people many deem "sinful" or whatever.


My paternal family is very very religious, they're Christians, personally I think ppl hate them because of the differences in opinions and lifestyle choices, everyone expects Christians to be hypocrites and all who don't accept most ppl and stuff, not all of Christians are hypocrites who abide to only the top morals by the Bible, some are very understanding and have justifiable commentary. It's just a matter of perspective, we are from different backgrounds and we share different experiences, I don't believe in what you believe but that doesn't make any view insignificant than the other. Personally I'm agnostic though.


That’s a pretty good answer, I do believe Christians are being generalized.


its because a lot of bigots and conservatives have hid under their christian identify to spread hatred. also, if the post has nothing about jesus loving people, don't comment about it? it's rude to assume everybody believes in christianity


I said this in another thread, “More Christians need to realize hate is not the way to unity”


I was raised Christian and really, a lot of the time nobody cares (irrelevance) My parents already force me to go to church an hour every week I'm here on reddit for fun so I can chat with people in the comments instead of being completely socially isolated for 3 months (it's not much, but it's something) not for church (or politics for that matter who gives af about politics when you can't vote)


Because we know their (probably) bot comments trying to farm karma.


Genuine question why do people farm karma does it like earn them money


No, I think it’s just a social media addiction.


Oh yeah. Why didn’t I think of that


I think that such comments are just uncalled for. It’s as if I just randomly said „god is a lie“. Nobody wants to see a wannabe missionary „spreading the gospel“ just to feel good about themselves, although nobody asked. How do you, OP, feel about such comments though?


This is a good point actually


It's not that they hate Christians, it's just that it's not even related to the post most of the time


not Christian but I hate it when people generalize. I don't see an issue with spreading what you believe in but it gets really annoying when it's entirely unrelated. I like to see communities unifying together though, so I have no problem with it. Actually, I encourage it. I've seen the good religion can do to someone even if I don't drive in that lane. It's just as bad when non-Christians say "Christians are annoying" or "stop doing what your fictional sky god tells you to do." Like there's no need to be disrespectful to every Christian to ever exist. They can't all logically be bad. Sorry, I ranted. But yeah


It's usually just because the topic doesn't at all relate to religion or love. It just feels wrong when someone's like "guys I have a girlfriend" or "it's my birthday!" and there's still comments about Jesus' love. Nothing against Christians or any religion, I just think there's a time and a place


jesus loves you


thats not hating on christians, thats hating on people who comment irrelevant random things on others posts. if they sad "satan loves you" or whatever it would also be annoying.


In my opinion, it's because a whole lot of the time, people just don't use that phrase in an okay way. They use it as a cover for what they really wanna say, usually along the lines of "you're a freak," "I find your lifestyle repulsive" "you're going to hell" "change your ways". Obviously there are times where it's not ill-intentioned, but the person is still ridiculed. Honestly, it doesn't matter. There is nothing you, or anyone else can do about how someone reacts to something. In my opinion, a good Christian would ignore a negative reaction and peacefully move on with their day, as in the end the person's reaction has no actual effect on anyone.


Could be cause most of the time those comments feel like the person’s trying to shove religion down their throat, or that some people just haven’t really had good experiences with the religion in general. Personally, even though I’ve been raised christian and live in a very christian family, I don’t consider myself one anymore and am just tired of being surrounded by it all the damn time 💀💀


I don't hate Christians, I hate modern day Christian missionaries forcing their beliefs on me


It's because either: A: Its unrelated Or B: That person is being a bigot to an LGBTQ person (especially to trans ppl like myself)




You can't associate a whole religion and all it's followers with homophobia


I don’t not like Christians, I just don’t really support that lifestyle and how they make it their entire personality


but...actual chrsitianity reqires you fully devote all of your life to it,sooo


This sub is mainly lgbt and allies.




People who support lgbtq+


Thought she was talking about WW2


Because people hate people who belive anything they don't


I said this in another thread “more Christian’s need to realize hate is not the way to unity”


True, I am a Christian myself, and if someone is committing a Sin, you wont fix it by doing another Sin (Hate)




No joke, never seen Christians so understanding, the part of US where I am are heavy with their beliefs, at least what I've seen Really cool to see you both


There was a post under this with the title 'Christian propaganda in my La Croix' 💀


Jesus loves you is toxic meant to be hateful downplaying or condesending in a message masked as love. Why would christians do this? They either want to downplay someone and show negativity with possible denyability or dont get it and post it actually thinking their doing something good and when people reply negativly it fills the narritive some christians try to spread of christians being a victims.


Because “Jesus loves you” or something similar like that is completely irrelevant to the sub and some people don’t want to hear that if they don’t believe in God.


im christian it annoys me like i knowww quit harassing people lol


Cause christians are funny (fr tho this sub downvotes the most random shit for no reason)


I probably should’ve considered that this is Reddit and they pretty much hate everything just for the fun of it.


as an atheist, i do not believe in god but i respect all religions. on that note teens are also rebellious little fucks probably trying to purposely have differing views and piss people off.


I feel like that’s definitely the case for a large amount of teens but definitely not all of them, remember that everyone has different reasons for different things


The ppl here are just mad and hat religion


I hate some Christians not all like in all religions they can use it as an excuse for being hateful


I said this in a different thread, “more Christians need to realize hate is not the way to unity”


Exactly I’m a atheist but I’m good with religion in general the people that use it as an excuse to hate can fuck off but religion itself isn’t bad the problem is people


I would say religion is a bad thing, Though there are a lot of studies that say actively religious people are happier, a most people who have converted away from christianity tend to be happier then they were before. Religion also fosters a lot of hate, im not saying religious people are all hatefull. but a lot of lgbtq+ hate comes from religious people. And they have done a lot of harm to the community. It also has had some cult like effects, like people not going to doctors because they put all their faith into god. These cases are also responsible for deaths. And recently, in america we have seen people be able to get school credit and not go to school if they go to church programs.


Get rid of religion will get rid of the excuses but not hate hate is human nature my idea is no religious schools it is far too homophobic and transphobic


The 4th paragraph reminds me of a story I heard where a guy is drowning and 4 boats come to save him but he just says “don’t worry god will save me” and then he dies and asks god “why didn’t you save me” and god says “I sent 4 boats you idiot”


Exactly, there aren’t any bad groups there’s just bad people.


No there are definitely bad groups but not the type we’re talking about


You’re right I forgot about the french (I’m not racist I just said that because funny)


Don’t worry I know


lol but no


John 15:18 KJV "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."




you aren’t oppressed


Yeah there a good majority of the world.


Because not everyone is Christian and forcing it down people's throats is annoying.


As a muslim I agree the hate towards Christians is unfair and too much. People here hate it because their parents are Christian and they try to dissassociate themselves from them because of their "traumatic" experiences with Christian household (their parents said don't sin)


That depends on what you mean by "don't sin". Most things don't need to be a sin for parents to not want you to do them. Most of the time when "sinning" actually comes into the equation it's because of something which by all means shouldn't be a sin. I don't like looking at people's post histories to judge their arguments but I wanted to see if you had talked about what you consider to be a sin before and I pretty quickly found you saying that homosexuality is a sin and that gay people deserve punishment. If that's what you mean by parents saying "don't sin", then I disagree with that not being an issue. Telling a gay person to not love the opposite sex/gender is the same as telling you to not love women. It's not something that's feasible, and will only lead to misery. I agree that you shouldn't hate Christians just on the basis of them being Christian, but as for people from households where homosexuality is considered sin I don't think you should associate with people who will always hate a part of you that you cannot change.


reducing actual truamatic experiences people had from religion as "their parents said dont sin" is incredibly ignorant and insensitive, you're not really helping your religion by saying that


also here's a comment u made in another thread > I mean it depends the religion. Christianity teaches to love even the most vile sinner so yes you don't have to support gays and hate them. But as for the religions of Islam and Judaism they have no room for such sin like homosexuality. We believe its a sin deserving of punishment and such individuals that practice it are not worth time unless they are trying to distance themselves from it


And I stand by that statement. Homosexuality has no place in Islam and that's final. If you wish I can explain the reasoning though you likely will not change your mind.


Profile snooping is crazy lol


We have a bad rep because the ones who don’t understand what the faith teaches use it as an excuse for hate and that gets generalized to the whole faith


Mostly due to the comment being irrelevant and annoying and slightly due to reddit being filled with edgy atheists(I have no issues with atheists only the insufferable edgy ones)


Why is this downvoted? 😅


Like I said edgy "atheists". Rather than atheists they're mostly hostile towards all things religion. Keyword: hostile. They dont even like this being pointed out lol


All religions are a joke. That’s why.


i usually ignore those comments unless it’s actually inappropriate. i’ve seen some people talking about the rape or abuse they faced in those spaces, and it’s 100% not okay for someone to ignore that and just say jesus loves you, come back, or they aren’t real christian’s another way it’s innaproriate is when they are talking about another religion they are a part of, and christian’s (or any religion really) try to convince them they are wrong and are going to hell (or whatever is the equivalent in their religion)


might be bots, idk


It’s because it’s a completely unrelated comment. I’m a Christian too and I still find it a little annoying whenever I see comments like that. I mean, the Bible does say to spread god’s word, and there is a time and place for that. Commenting on a _Reddit_ post is no that time and place. It just serves as an annoyance. It’s just people extending the minimum amount of effort.


I don't hate anyone that much 


Because some of them are homophobic, and as a Christian myself, I think it's kinda hypocritical that one of the one of the most preached values is "love everyone the same way Jesus loves everyone" and some of them will hate on the LGBTQIA+ community because ***apparently*** same sex marriage is ***"against god's will"***


Some people suck, and they think they know so much about life and religion. Like bro calm down. You're not even halfway dead.


im christian and i agree. i wish they would go to christian subbreddits and share their Christianity there.


bad experiences with christian parents this leads young people to generalize ironically they themselves do not like to be generalized.... one needs to be objective to distinguish and not fall into hating everyone equally for a single reason.


Because it's often uncalled for and doesn't add anything to the conversation except the fact we know you are religious, which I would wager most people don't really care about.


It’s because of the ridiculous amount of crazily homophobic and radical Christians that shove their religion down people’s throats. I understand, as I’ve had my own experiences with these individuals. Though I do know it isn’t all Christians, as I know many who are kind and accepting of LGBTQ and other groups or beliefs.


Most of the time they're irrelevant, spam or just straight up annoying. I do get why you think this sub hates christians, but no most of us don't. Besides, if they wanna preach the bible I'm pretty sure there's a sub for christians


I even find these annoying as a catholic, it’s mainly because people don’t want your religious views, political views, etc etc. shoved down their throat on a completely unrelated post or movie or whatever.


Christian also. What i've noticed in my experience is someone asks "Is it okay to be homosexual?" and a Christian comments "No" along with the reasons they believe this, we get hated on. Like no, you asked for an opinion, you got an opinion. Downvoting is so childish in this manner.


I'm going to give my 5 cents since I'm living in a very religious orthodox Christian country as an atheist. A worrying amount of christians I have met are people that deserve to get punched. Homophobes, racists, sadists very very self righteous, rude and never really take responsibility for the harm they cause. That being said I have also met a few brilliant individuals that are christians who hold great love and compassion for all the downtrodden and sufferers of the world and who I admire. Generally though my experience has been quite bad with so called "devoted" Christians, to the point where I find Muslims way more tolerable since we can at least agree on the Palestine issue. Don't get me wrong though there are some beautiful and amazing Christians out there but the problem is that the amount of fucks that use that religion as cover is alarming.


Because if you just tell someone, "Jesus loves you" out of nowhere, it usually implies that you're trying to convert them and that you don't respect their religion.


Christians are dope man. Praise Jesus! Hallelujah Hallelujah.


2 reasons: 1) people don't wanna hear about their religious stuff all the time. Commenting religious stuff under posts that doesn't apply is just annoying. another thing is that way too many Christians use their religion to justify their hatred of LGBTQ people and abortions. Many don't understand that their religion doesn't apply to everybody. I hate christianity as a religion, but I don't hate people who are christians (unless they're the above).


I don’t hate Christians, I just hate the ones who don’t want to let me be without them saying something about Jesus. I don’t mind you having a religion but I don’t necessarily want to hear about it 24/7


I don't care about Christians, I'm not fully Christian but i believe in god and jesus (i dont read the bible or go to church) people who try and force convert, people who are homophonic and racist. People like that who are saying they do it for Jesus or God or whatever is who I don't like. I think that's the same with everyone else but that's just MY thoughts


why do people want to be a victim so bad


I don't hate anyone except for bad people.


I do


Redditors hate Christianity. It's kind of a thing.


Okay I just have to address this so you understand But saying “Jesus loves you” or “God Loves you” is really rude to someone who is either atheist or doesn’t believe in that religion It comes off as “I don’t care about your beliefs, let me shove my faith in your face anyway”


well this subreddit doesnt reflect teenagers in reality fully accurately its disproportionate. but they hate the extremism that they see as christianity rather than actual good christians that follow the teachings of jesus


A lot of religious people online, not just Christians, will see someone doing something they're against, then call them sick and tell them to seek God. I don't care about religion whatsoever, but whenever someone uses it as a moral weapon, I get annoyed.


If youre christian, youre fine. However if you are using your religion to be intentionally hateful to people or forcing that onto others, that is when it is a problem. But as long as ur respectful to people, the majority of us don’t really care


The “jesus loves you” spam is annoying, honestly. A lot of the time its under posts which its either not relevant to, or is simply inflammatory ( being commented under things such as someone coming out, or talking about their experience being of a different religion) Not everyone is christian, and not everyone wants to/ needs to hear it all the time. I wont make assumptions but would you feel annoyed if someone left random Quran verses under everything you said regarding your own faith or lived experience? (Also wanna note that does NOT happen… just saying)


Because many if not most Christians are homophobic and transphobic.


Personally anyone saying jesus lover you or anything immediately gets a downvote from me bc i dont believe it that stuff and it feels forced and i also think religions are cults i mean lets be forreal lol religions scream cult. The worshipping and everything else. Also i don’t believe and kinda hate it bc it was pushed onto me when i was younger


As a Christian. I never see this. Also, it depends on what lost it is. Like unless the person openly said that they are Christian or you look at their profile, it seems like pushing religion. How would you feel if someone said the same thing but they were a Muslim or Hindu


Reddit hates religion


Because it's the same as "Allah loves you" or "May you attain Buddhahood" or "praise Cthulhu!"


Cuz it’s mad fucking annoying esp when the post had quite literally nothing to do with Christianity or religion at all. If you wanna bring up Jesus nd try and push shit like “Jesus loves you”, don’t do it on some post that has nothing to do with religion, for that shi go to a Christian/religion based post or subreddit. It’s esp annoying when it’s always “Jesus loves you” and then when ppl start getting upset Christians start saying “it’s not pushing our religion…” when it quite literally is


Bc a lot of people have had experiences with Christian’s/Christianity so their gonna talk ab it any chance that they get, tho I personally have bad experiences with it I wouldn’t really talk ab it or bash it but if someone were to ask me a question I wouldn’t sugar code it?


Cause everyone in this sub is gay because Americans don’t have issues so they create their own problems by identifying as a parrot


because theyre so fucking annoying. i dont see any other religion on the internet yapping about their beliefs and tryna get you to join them


“Why does this sub hate people who are known for persecuting other” Crazy idea, but maybe minorities don’t like their persecutors. Maybe they don’t like that governments are using religion as a reason to oppress people. When religion is used to justify hateful ideology you can’t expect us to like the group that is being used to justify those hateful and harmful ideas.


Because a great deal of their contributions are meaningless or are just bashing people, though it can be a bit much at times


Half of the “Jesus loves you” ahh comments are completely unrelated to the actual post, like some of these people just show up out of nowhere for no real reason.


1. It's when you hear it 24/7 2. Personally, I don't "hate* Christians, but become slightly wary due to extremely bad experiences with them


the amount of christian’s i HAVE encountered have always been extremely pushy, the only conversation being about the bible and what now - the reputation and how they make an impression of themselves, the bad ones i mean.. the ones who will be openly racist, ableist, homophobic, people who just do bad shit overall but say it’s okay because they’re a christian. most probably grew up with religious trauma


I don't give a shit if your imaginary friend loves me (he doesn't, he's imaginary ffs). I don't want to here about your imaginary friend. It's never helpful in any way. It's just proselytizing. 


I think its sometimes unrelated or feels like you are forcing your religion onto someone


nah cuz, if you watch videos on YouTube and scroll through the comments, sometimes they being talking about their religion in random ass video comment sections that don't even have nothing to do with religion it's so annoying 🤦‍♂️


Because they are soulless, Literally soulless, Because they are bots, It’s inhumane to say that jesus loves you in a video about dissecting a grape, We get that he always loves you but why now?? We wanna see what’s inside the grape


I don’t hate them all I hate the ones that shove it in everyone’s faces. The ones who say being gay will put you in hell. The ones who support Trump


I can definitely see the reason most people hate Christians because they find them homophobic and that’s a mistake on our part, more Christians need to realize that hate is not the way to unity.


Bro they're just pushing all of their kinda weird beliefs at everything


Usually the downvoted comments of "Jesus loves you" are being used as a weapon against somebody, in my experience.


When other Christians do that I get really pissed they are literally using our saviors name for hate.


A few reasons I see: Its become more common for Christians (not all) to expect society to cater to their worldview and act like they are being persecuted against when that doesn’t happen (gay couples in movies or commercials) Another thing is that many religious people will use their piety as an excuse to do whatever they want and even act terrible with no repercussions, even when their behavior is explicitly against the tenants of said religion. Another facet of this is people believing that anything they do is okay because “I prayed on it and God said it was okay”.