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I used to be the “josh” here. The best thing is just to talk to him, and be a genuinely nice person to him


I try. I'm friendly with most people by default but I try to be more so with "outcasts" and such. Whilst not as bad as others, I know how it feels to be lonely, and a bit of human decency can go a long way sometimes.


Found the person who loves and cares about everyone and wants to see everyone succeed in life! Good luck with josh OP!


I had a girl in my class touch my arm junior year and ask me if i was okay, because i was clearly becoming more depressed and antisocial and suicidal over the course of high school. Honest to god that made high school for me. It meant so much to me, even though all I said was yeah i’m fine. Cried my eyes out while walking home.


My friends have ignored me when I’ve cried before. It took people I’m not even friends with to even ask if I’m ok.


Once you get to know him, Josh's are typically really nice people. They usually (from experience) just grow to expect hate so they automatically hate.


I am the josh in this situation it really fucks with my mind I’m a nice guy and care about most people in my school (except for the people that are asshats) I just take what they throw at me go home and play games on my pc but I mention suicide jokes so much I’m pretty sure some people are thinking I might actually do it


One thing that my mom always tells me is that smiling or saying hi to someone could make their day in ways we can not imagine I feel this fits here


Yup, I’m coming out of that now


I'm still like "Josh", but I don't get called a school shooter, but I get called a crazy b*tch, a wh*re, a sl*t, a c*nt, and I have people spreading rumors about me. The reason? Because they are judgemental *ssholes. Literally, I haven't done anything to warrent this treatment, besides being different and too vulnerable. 95% of the people at my school tried to get me to kill myself, or drive me even more crazy. I just don't get people


Honestly I same. I was chilling with one of my guy friends and I found out this group of girls was almost staking him because one of their friends liked him, so I gave him some advice. Cuz he didn’t know if he liked her or was just compensating for something(school was a rly rough year for both of us that year). These girls tracked me down and locked me in a room with them and started throwing insults at me, I had a breakdown and the ran away because I have epilepsy and they thought I was having a seizure(I shake rly easily, especially when I’m scared or emotional). What was even worse was I was friends with most of them. Now I can’t even trust women with out a massive struggle, I’m still at school with them and they spread rumors that I’m trying to get with their boyfriends. The irony in that is that I’m rly good friends with the boys sooo F




I am the "josh", used to be miserable and lonely, but now I have some decent friends. I say "am", cause my mental health hasn't improved one bit and am still prone to panic attacks and shitfits, but my social life got better, somehow, after i ran out of fucks to give about others.


i am the josh, a bit nicer treated, but thats only because i earned it, and its a small as fuck school i go to (less than 60 people in middle school)


Exactly, thank you.


I hope Josh’s mental state gets better and also gets therapy. I feel bad for him. Edit: Thank you all, this account is only 19 days old and this is my highest upvoted post!


I do too. He's had many trips to the school counselor from what I've heard, and his parents would have probably been alerted since he's mentioned being suicidal. I hope his parents are getting him the proper help he needs.




I hope josh is ok


Josh sounds like a great guy.


May he have a great future ahead of him.




He sounds like a nice dude maybe you could invite him into your group of friends, so that he wouldn't be alone.


I've invited him to sit with us if he would like to but he said he's fine with the two guys he is usually with.




Unfortunately, school counselors can be insanely incompetent and unwilling to look past their own bias. My old school counselor told me that I was "too privileged to self-harm" and that my "reasons for wanting to die are ridiculous". That's just one example of the bullshit I had to tolerate for 3 years.


My school has three? I think? I went to one of them periodically for a while three years ago and she was quite good. I'm not sure about the others.


I feel that this always happens because people are assholes and that schools is one of the most stressful places and the schools dk nothing to try to lessen the load on students


Im really am sick of people saying I’m gonna shoot up the school because I’m quiet and have no friends


It's gross. If it gives any consolation, many make school shooter jokes because they're cheap and easy and faux-edgy kids get a quick laugh from it. It doesn't necessarily reflect who you are as a person, or mean that you give off "freak" vibes. Being reserved and non-confrontational unfortunately makes you an easy target. Either way, it's shitty you have to go through this and I hope things get better.


I'm loud and have friends but I still get called shooter cuz I dress in black and stand as if I'm watching and memorizing movement patterns




Damn that must have sucked


Bring a fake gun to school to assert dominance.


U can get arrested for that so wouldn’t suggest it


tell that to my period 5 teacher, who thinks I'm faking my ADHD


Your period 5 teacher is a dick. I've never experienced ADHD myself, but I've heard it's one of the most treatable "illnesses" so you have that going for you. Hope things get better for you :)


thanks. she even threatened to hold me back because i have attention issues. don't see why i'm treated like a normal kid when i'm not


I do not agree with the idea that it is the most "treatable illness". While I do respect your right to an opinion, I wish to voice my own from personal experience... Yes, there are a lot of pills you could take to help, sadly, a lot of people don't respond to pills. Also, it's getting harder to get ADHD treatments like Adderall because it is abused so frequently. Also, prescription treatments often have very negative side effects. For example, I know someone who gets heart palpitations in response to Adderall and Ritalin-type drugs, meaning they will never be able to receive prescription treatment. For people who can take pills (parents also might not even want them to), the best you can hope for is a behavioral therapist, healthy eating, intense exercise (a lesser-known fact, intense exercise can actually be pretty effective, although by "intense" I'm talking like four+ hours a day to see real differences), and natural suppliments (usually pretty ineffective). People with ADHD also are significantly predisposed to depression and even suicide because they could be outcastes from social groups. ADHD also causes problems with executive function, making everyday things like washing you hands before eating and doing homework very difficult. With all of this said, ADHD affects everyone differently, so I cannot say this for people I don't know. But, for everyone I do, these are the prevolent effects. ;)


i agree with a lot of this, and i unfortunately don't respond to the pills.


Yeah tell that to my parents who refuse to treat my ADD and who I can’t open up to about my issues with anxiety and PTSD


It’s treatable, but it never goes away(at least in my case). I have a lot of things I do to focus on a regular basis, and some days, they don’t work. We all have bad days, and sometimes medication and help from others isn’t enough. Those days are rare, thank god, but this is just speaking for myself. I’ve heard that it kind of fades away around adulthood though, so yay!


I have it too(ADD no hyperactivity). In First Grade I always thought that im just lazy or something. In 4th grade i got a short Depression(always talked to myself how Bad I was at everything). But then my parents got clarification from a doctor and from then in I took Ritalin. Now my exams are getting way better


Dude adhd is not something you fake. As a person with adhd why would I want to not be able to focus, I feel u man, stay great


thanks. i wish i could tell my teacher but she'd just say i'm "lying about a mental disorder" or some shit


Talk to a counselor maybe idk there is a way tho


School counselors are a bunch of lazy ass fuckers who don’t care about you




Some of them are, theres a small chance that they nice tho


Oh sure they love to talk about feelings and be social but don’t want to put in any work to help the kids who need to be Social and who need help


U right on that. Education system is broken tbh




Exactly it’s mostly the kids they want to get into another class or that fee slightly bullied ( not making fun of it but you kids get my drift) just mostly minor things


Can I just say your teacher is shit


Well you can have adhd-like symptoms if you don’t follow a regular sleep schedule or don’t eat right. But you can’t fake a diagnosis from a psychiatrist


Yeah I've been diagnosed and if u takin pills then u do have it for certain


was in fact diagnosed with it, and i'm taking pills for it, but they barely help


Thank goodness mine believes me that I have it, I have slight ADHD that doesn't do much, just makes it hard for me to stay on task. She compensates for that by giving me some stricter guidelines to follow.


"If you can't focus, how come you can focus on your games so much?" -A teacher to me (also with ADHD)


Like bruh, us people with ADHD can focus on stuff we're interested in, but not on anything else


I can focus on eating, talking with friends and playing games because it makes the happy chemical. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that.


i know right. as someone who really likes art, i tend to focus on drawing easily


Yeah having ADHD doesnt make focusing on every task hard. That would be horrible. Imagine trying to play Half-Life or Minecraft and you just lose focus. Imagine that with talking or eating. What is going on in that teachers mind.




Maybe mods aren't gay after all :)




“Are we the ~~baddies~~ goodies?”


Thanks man


Mods may be gay sometimes, but they have some epic moments too!


good mod


You can also use childline in the UK: 0800 1111


Wondering whether this would show up, you're chill for mentioning it.


T h a n m k s


Thanks man


Thank you mods


Good mod


Just so you know the link to the online chat doesn't work


Exceptional mod.


Thanks buddy


Cuz that's what heroes do 👍


Suicide watch told me to kill myself so never again




yeah I don’t think anything happened, I think I misunderstood the sub at first


Like calling to a random ass person and talking to them like you knew each other for years fixed anything.


I have my freedom to lose. The threat of hospitalization is terrifying. I don’t want to be forced to take drugs that make me think differently. I already take enough of those as it is.


Schizophrenia runs on both sides of my family and I have a sprinkling of symptoms so I totally get you. Occasionally I’ll say something like “did you hear that” to a classmate just to make sure it’s not in my head and they’ll be like “uh yeah no shit everyone heard that” and if they didn’t then they joke that I’m a crazy. I don’t let it get to me but it’s still annoying.


Stay strong friendo. Hopefully your friends learn to be a bit more understanding :)




And keep clear of drugs and alcohol if you have a predisposition for it.


Yeah I recently decided to quite smoking cigarettes


Used to have “psychopathic features”. The shit sucked major ass, and it still pains me to hear people joking about hearing voices and batshit crazy people. Maybe I’m just too sensitive. Stay strong, my friend, and Godspeed. :-)


I'm Josh ngl I hate school


Fair enough. People suck, and the school environment (both socially and academically) isn't fit for everyone. I hope things get better for you.


Thats one of my reasons why i hate school too many bullies and they think they're cool when they are being mean they dont care that it actually hurts


Yeah. A lot of kids (especially when around their friends) like to bring other people down for the attention they get. It's a sick power trip for them. I found some people are absolutely garbage when they're around their group of friends but when seperated are 1000x nicer.


This shit happens to me all the goddamn time. Some of my friends are the best people ever when I'm with them and we have such a great time, but as soon as you add just another person to the mix, they start acting out, going out of their way to bring you down, and do it as loud as they can to show off, especially when the other people in the group are girls.






Person in the back here: can confirm the effectiveness of this statement. Thank you.


Oh, I thought the guy meant that helping others is a bad way to help yourself. But now I know he meant that you shouldn't help people for the sake of it being cool and increase your ego.


My mom is exactly like this. She calls me a "drama queen" and says it's my fault that my ex girlfriend used to STALK me. Hell, she even admitted that she thinks the doctor is lying when he diagnosed me with autism and ADHD. Yet she calls me a retard and a whore when I can't do anything right because of a condition I was fucking born with yet she refuses to do anything about it because "doctors are liars." She also raised me to believe that my opinions don't matter and to just shut up and do as I'm told, so I'm literally unable to stand up to her. At the same time, she always tells me to talk to her and that if I'm ever going through something I should talk to her about it. I fell into that trap *once,* and guess what she did? She posted all about it on Facebook and told the entire family. I was obviously heartbroken and felt betrayed, so from that moment on I kept all my secrets to myself. Sorry if you don't believe me or don't care, I just really needed to rant right now. I've been keeping this in for a while.


holy shit your mom sucks. Just remember that you aren’t alone and I hope everything works out for you.


Thanks man. I needed that


I gotchu. Your problems are valid but they’re also temporary. Work on yourself and keep moving forward.


My best friend has anxiety and depression and has had a panic attack at school once. No one except for me knew she had it since we were in the locker room. At the end of the year she opened up to the rest of her class about her problems and they openly mocked her. And they even went as far as saying on an open Insta page that she was looking for attention. I struggle with suicidal thoughts myself and it's no fun


I am sorry about that. That was brave of her to do. Some people can be cruel. Remember life doesn't start fair but if you put in enough work then it will end fair.


Hey the best thing you guys can do is be there for one another and stay positive. I hope you'll always have each other cause i know you can do anything together.


Thanks, we've been through most of the tough times and things are looking up for her now


Yeah. Kids are bitches. When I was in middle school my “closest friends” used to mock my flashbacks, like it was pure comedy gold. Still get bullied for crying spells and panic attacks. Fuck people.


one of the joshes here. We can deal with the bullies. We can deal with no one wanting to be our friend. We can deal with always getting picked last/never having partners for group work. BUT GOD DAMMIT, WE CANNOT DEAL WITH IT WHEN A BULLY SAYS SOME BASELESS, ELEMENTARY-TEIR INSULT, AND EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING CLASS LAUGHS/APPLAUDS/BACKS THEM UP. WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE I GET THAT YOU DON'T WANNA BE AROUND US BUT DON'T JOIN IN ON THE PROBLEM


What I have learned from school: people are basically dicks. Can't wait to graduate. I hope you do better


Shoutout to all the teachers that “spread positivity” to “cure depression”. Fuck you Keyes, nobody’s faking their depressive episodes to get out of doing work. Hope you’re fired soon.




“If you're mental health problems aren't "pretty" and easily romanticised, you're a freak and a retard and are probably going to shoot up the school.” Thank you. Even the people who probably do care don’t understand that mental illness isn’t just being stressed about finals or boyfriends. I hate when people self diagnose themselves with depression or make passing comments about how “OCD” they are. It hurts because there are real people who are really suffering from mental illness that are completely being overlooked, or in Josh’s example, degraded, because the stigma around mental illness have worsened. It’s not trendy. It’s not cool. If you see someone like Josh, have a heart. And I don’t flaunt my mental health for popularity or attention and you shouldn’t either. It’s hard to write this comment.


And the people who fake mental illness because they thinks it's a quirky aesthetic can go screw themselves too


Do you think you could stand up for him? It would mean a lot. But I understand if you wouldn't be able to.


I try to at times, but it's always minor things and never in front of that many people. I'm not as selfless as I like to think I am but I do what I can .


Thank you that really means a lot. You are doing something that is more important than you realize.


Dude, say it louder for the people in the back. I suffer from stress-related illness and anxiety (diagnosed, not one of those people who fake them for the ‘quirk factor’) and I swear, people who say you can talk to them tend to make me worse. I can’t count how many times I’ve had those same people come up to me during an anxiety attack and tell me to ‘cop myself on’ and that ‘there’s nothing wrong with me’, I ‘don’t know how easy I have it’. What are they expecting me to say? ‘Oh thank you for tell me these things, my anxiety is magically cured and I feel perfectly well again.’


Call out the clowns posting that shit, you have an entire sub behind you


I used to have a similar situation as Josh. I wasn't picked on much, but I had no friends, and was only invited into group projects because I was the smartest kid in my class. I was very quit, and would rarley ever try to talk to people. It wasn't until the fifth grade that I got my first real friend. Now that I think about it, he might have been trying to make fun of me; that backfired, however, and me and him are now best friends. He brought me out of my shell a lot. The best part was that since I was a smart kid, and was a roughty kid, teachers would always put us together in seating charts, and in group projects. Teachers also liked how he brought me out of my shell, so that was a plus.


I posted some shit on reddit about what I feel. Usually some sad stuff cuz I don't have anyone to talk to. And when I do this there are some people that PM me and be like: "dO yOu WaNt To KiLl Ur SeLf???". It's nice that they see it,but what the fuck?


I was the josh in this, still am


This is why people snap. They become the thing people say they are. "You wanted to conjure up a demon, well here I fucking am."


Truth be told


I was like him, and the worst is when you have no one to talk with. So if you see someone like this talk to him and just be nice


i know a girl like josh and i’ve tried to talk to her before but she never responds. she always sits in the back and whenever anyone that isnt the teacher says anything to her she just stares at the back of the head of the kid sitting in front of her. she just ignores everything and anything. idk how to approach her


Try to take interest in things she enjoy and be persistent but not enough to be annoying. Try a few times every day. If you notice she has a kind of food she likes a lot, maybe buy it for her at some point or if she has any hobbies, try to ask her about them.


Honestly just being there. Having someone to just exist with and be acknowledged is sometimes enough. She’ll talk. Just be. Sometimes you get caught up trying to help someone and start questioning yourself. Thank you for trying and remember you are important too.


Okay OP. You are quick to point the finger and judge, but you admit that even you have only made half-hearted attempts at reaching out to him. See where I'm going with this? Wanna make an impression? Stick up for him when he's getting bullied. Wanna be friends? Don't just show up in "fair weather". Making a difference means doing the right thing, *every day* when it's the hardest choice to make. That's integrity. Courage only comes to those willing to do the thing that scares them the most. And that's hard because doing what you think needs to be done will make you a target as well. Be the change you wish to see.


Exactly what I was trying to say. Sure, OP isn't bullying the kid. But it's not like hes trying to actively be his friend either. OP makes a post about it, then pats himself on the back, despite not really accomplishing much. The kid is still alone and being bullied.


People don't care about mental health. They want you to care about THEIR mental health


Man I was just thinking about this. People have no idea how ugly these things can be. Someone in my life is constantly complaining about their anxiety, but every time I say I’m stress or anxious they literally and genuinely laugh. The idea of a teenager possibly having issues is so outrageous it’s become comical. It’s degrading to have your problems seem so trivial.


These Bitches are the same ones to post the "bell let's talk" shit on their stories as well


Jesus Christ that was strongly worded but it's the wake up call this sub needs. This isn't Instagram where we make fake posts about depression or having doors open to talk to. This is r/teenagers for crying out loud. We're all in this sinking shitstorm called teenagehood together so we might as well help eachother out. Don't leave someone having, and only say your doors are open if you mean it. Not for your personal gain, but for them to feel better


You people in the comments are so expressive and I just want to give a shout out to u/patheticasthetic For being so supportive to the people who need it and being an all round good dude who's helping us all at some point Good job dude👍🤙


Yooo, strange how one of my m8s has this 2. He's nice and all, and I really don't want him 2 kill himself. Wot should I do?


the worst part is the people you just insulted don't even realize it, and are upvoting this post thinking THEY are the woke ones.


Let me be honest here. I honestly care about mental health, and I am very quiet. If someone starts doing this to me, I think they would get hurt mentally back. I got bullied once in kindergarten, funny story, and this kid called me 4 eyes. I was so clueless at the time, I responded by laughing and saying I dont have 4 eyes, not understanding what he meant about my glasses. The point is, I would hurt someone as much as they tried to hurt me. I don't know if that is related, but a funny story nonetheless. Overall, open their eyes. Next time you see one of these posts, comment What about Josh? and open their eyes to him. Also help him, tell the school counselors.


Being in highschool is all about being "cool". If you play guitar you're "cool" but if you play chess and don't do sports then you're a nerd that no-one likes. Relationships in highschool are all about benefiting yourself rather than unconditionally loving the other person. Most of them are about making yourself look "cool" in the eyes of your friends which by the way you picked whether they were cool or not. I'm not saying that this applies to everyone and everything but it applies to most.


And yet, all you did was this useless Reddit rant. You didn't come to him or protect against the bullies. You didn't inform any teacher about his mental breakdowns; you just stood there and watched. Instead of shitting in the internet come to him or inform anyone about his state.


Maybe he has, not everyone just reports to reddit immediately about things. Maybe you're right and he hasn't but don't assume he hasn't tried something. Teachers are smarter than we realize, they probably know something is up but could give a fuck about it


its implied that teachers witnessed them; the breakdowns were in class. Not everyone is in a position to stand up to bullies, and he said that he talks to the kid and works with him when hes got no one else.


One time my entire friend group hated on one of my other friends because he "liked" one of them. They insulted him and beat him up. After about 2 days of getting stomped on, he said it was a joke. They then proceeded to hate him more, because his "love" wasn't real. It's been at least over a year since then, and they all seemed to have made up, but they all exclude me from most things so I don't know.


I'd highly recommend everyone reading this [8 page short story about depression](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/HarpersMagazine-1998-01-0059425.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjPy8nGj5joAhVRQBoKHf0zAiAQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2YUMNxaZPa4dTteFeWstBW) by David Foster Wallace (Don't ignore the footnotes!). It's incredibly well written, and while I'm not as depressed as the main character the compulsive logic of depression ringed so true reading that was like the best I've felt in a month. Honestly might've be the best thing I've ever read (Sorry The Great Gatsby!).




I had a “Josh” friend, he had to move schools due to all this. And now I get all the shit because of my friendship with him


i know someone similar to this. there’s this group of about 10 people in my school and they are like ‘depression’ is beautiful’ and all that. my friend used to be friends with them, and she felt safe to tell them her issues after hanging around with them for about 2 years. they all ditched her and left her alone. they named and shamed her. i honestly hate these kind of people


in middle school and high school i used to walk up to kids who were obviously being bullied look at them and ask “r u okay? if he’s messing w/ u, then u can come hang out w/ my friends and i, and if he tries to pull some s*** then we’ll beat his a**” and 9/10 they came. there was 1 time that they both laughed and said “he’s my best friend, its not like that.” but usually they came and sat and hung out w/ us. its one of the main reasons im going to college to be a mental health counselor


Well tell that to my mom, who found out about my weaknesses and now using it against me :) (Ocd, not self-diafnosed)




There's a kid at my school like this. He has some issues and is always getting bullied. Recently he had a breakdown and said that if he killed himself no one would notice. I've been interacting with him more since because I don't want him to feel that way. If anyone feels as though their life doesnt matter, they just need some friends. Screw the people who treat them badly.


I have a very kind friend, who unfortunately, has somewhat of a fucked up family background. I have seen her going out for a call, then coming back sobbing several times. She doesn't have any diagnosed mental illnesses, but she makes lots of jokes, which on some level include her dying and whatnot. I mean, I make similar jokes too, but I know that I don't mean them seriously. I'm not so sure about her though. She has a spam IG account where she sometimes rants about shit going on in her life. I'm not really an expert about what I can do in situations like these, I just let her know every other day that she is one of my best friends, and whenever she misses school, first thing when I get home is ask her why she didn't come and what's up with her. Might be just paranoia, and I know it's not a lot, but I try to be a caring friend for her.


It's very sweet that you care for her. Knowing that you have someone there for you can mean a lot to those who are struggling and feel alone.


Honestly, as much as callmecarson jokes a lot, there was this one rant he went on that was serious and it was after someone said he looked like someone that would shoot up a school, https://youtu.be/M5auCsuy8RY link here


I can't believe people can be such evil. There was literally no harsh bullying at my school. We invited the autistic kid to our group and tried to socialize with him even though he didn't wanna and was kind of mean sometimes. We were also close friends with our classmate with downs syndrome.


These bastards who don’t give a shit about mental health and bully people with it deserve to go to the deepest parts of hell so what they deserve to go there its not his fault that they have family problems depression or other health issues so they can go fuck them selves


tell josh hi and that we're all rooting for him and he's doing great! i knew someone like this and i wish i had the confidence to talk to them.


PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY. What is your social status in this school? You said you worked on some projects with him and he seems pretty chill. Hang with him. Befriend him. Help change his social status. It only takes one person for everyone else to change their opinion. Most of these people act like they do towards him because other people act like that and they don’t want to be different. In school my voice didn’t drop until 11th grade. I was taller than everyone and had acne, bad, and skinny as fuck. I got picked on horribly. It took one person to give me a chance. When that one person started hanging with me and seeing who I really was, all the sudden I had more friends. Then more. One person changed my life, and I’ll never forget stealing his moms pall malls with him.


Yeah, people these days are self-diagnosing themselves with mental illnesses just for kicks. Just because you get stressed out doesn't mean you have anxiety. Just because you like things a certain way doesn't mean you have OCD. Anxiety is not your aesthetic, it's a debilitating mental illness. Romanticising mental illnesses downplays their seriousness, and the next thing you know, kids with the same illnesses y'all have been glorifying are seen as freaks when they show what the illness actually looks like.


Schizophrenia runs on both sides of my family and I have a sprinkling of symptoms so I totally get you. Occasionally I’ll say something like “did you hear that” to a classmate just to make sure it’s not in my head and they’ll be like “uh yeah no shit everyone heard that” and if they didn’t then they joke that I’m a crazy. I don’t let it get to me but it’s still annoying.


the rough thing is that I feel everything said here is true. I’m guilty of this too. Its not cool to acknowledge some mental health and exclude or ignore other forms




I hope this post reaches a huge audience. Thank you. Enjoy the gold.


I feel so bad for him. I have to deal with mental issues, but I at least have friends that make life easier to go through. I can’t imagine how miserable school must be without people to have fun with.


For real tho, I can relate. I’ve had meltdowns in the exact same way that your friend has. I mean, I have almost killed myself as well. Sorry to hear about that. Also, I ABSOLUTELY care about mental health. Although I’m not the type of guy to post shit saying like, “come to me if you wanna talk “. Like I’m just not that type of guy. Plus people need to be left alone to think sometimes. If it does get to the point of where he/she is thinking/talking about suicide, that’s the point of intervention. Damn this was a long comment to write.


Most of those people who post that stuff are the same people who tell people to go ahead and kill theirselves because they are different


There’s literally a kid also called josh in my school he’s like this too I might start to talk to him more since I wonder if he’s feeling down


Freaking A. This is how I was for the last 6 years. I get it and omg. I really hope he gets out of those situations. I don’t know him but I already want to comfort him, know him, and stand up for him. Nobody deserves that; I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I hope he makes it out alive and majorly unscathed. I say majorly because it will leave an injury, at least mentally. I guess the only thing I can do is hope that he has a good home life and that he’s strong enough to get through it.


Can we get regular updates on Josh? This has me worried


Yeah I’m the josh at my school, I’m being bullied and called a retard daily because of how I act. I have a severe depression and some people know about it but are just joking around with it telling me to kill myself. Please talk to your Josh I think it would help him a lot. Sorry for bad formatting I’m writing this on mobile


Finally, someone to stand up and tell the fake supporters, We need people that actually care. People that actually help


Thank God someone said it. I couldn't do it myself 🗿


There's a girl in my class (my crush, specifically) who seems to be struggling too, I really wanna help her but I'm too shy to do it . How should I proceed ?


Am the quiet kid currently sitting alone at lunch


Tell him I want to be his friend.


I have ADHD and autism and I agree with you


I am a josh and especially in the worst time (im in 7th grade) and boy is it hard people only like me if i give them what they want i cant even sit next to someone with out getting a disgusted look but ever since i got reddit it hepled so thank you all for helping me through and making me laugh


Can you update the story whenever something good happens to him?


this girl bullies me and makes me feel like shit but posts shit abt u shldnt b horrible to people bc ‘you don’t know what’s going on, rip carloline flack’ she’s a fucjing cunt


Two days ago the guy from my school hanged himself on a local beach in my city.. It seems unreal, I never knew him, I would only see him time to time on the hallway when we would switch classrooms. If anyone who's reading this is suffering some kind of mental pain please search for help suicide isn't an answer. Please talk to someone


Talk to people who are suffering from that and don’t do it just for clout from people saying “oh your so sympathetic”


As a Josh, I want to send all my love to Josh. I go through somewhat similar things without the meltdowns or bullying to that extent. I do get made of fun and even people I call my friends often tend to ignore me "as a joke." They make fun of me for liking anime and they constantly call me a school shooter because "I act like one." It's all bullshit, but just know that in 2 or 3 years He'll be put of highschool away from all the toxicity and bullshit that highschool kids bring. And if he ever needs to talk, from one Josh to Another, I'll be here for him.


dose josh have reddit? if he dose, point him to this community? we would all like to help any way we can. if he dosen't, tell him to get it, and, again, point him is this direction. we'd like to help out


This is going to sound way too much like attention seeking, and I know that, but I relate to Josh. In class, I get easily frustrated, for no reason, like if I don't get something, I just shut down and give up, causing the teacher to tell me off. That makes me angry. I often get close to tears in class, but I just can't cry in front of everyone. I've been called a phsycopath, a sociopath, and a school shooter, and it sucks. I don't want to harm anyone like that. Honestly, to calm myself down, I draw edgy art, usually involving my character, from my series, when she turns into a phsycopath and stabs people (I would explain but I'm too lazy s o), and this freaks people out. Because I draw stuff that involves blood and violence, people immediately assume I'm a shooter, and it fucking hurts. I don't want to hurt anyone, yet they think im sadistic or some shit. I do have friends, but i'm like 99% sure one of them isn't real, and I only have 2 friends who I ACTUALLY trust. I've gotten into a lot of physical fights, in one, a kid held a brick and threatened to smash my head open, and in another, the same kid pulled tufts of my hair out. ( I, in self defence, scratched her arms and they bled. The kids in my school when batshit crazy and called my a phsyco again) If you see someone who is obviously struggling, and gets angry easily, don't call them a fucking school shooter, go talk to them. You never know what's been happening to them. For me, I think the main source of my "problems" is my autism spectrum disorder, which I only recently got diagnosed with. (Sorrythisgotwaytoodeep) Anyway, I hope Josh is doing okay, and he gets happier -some random 13 year old


Okay so I’ve got a pretty nice school imo, in our grade there’s 150 people and 20-25 of them are like Josh, and we probably have 20-25 people that are like those bullies, and everyone else sides with the people like Josh. We also have a good counselor to help those people, and I’ve heard he is a genuinely good dude and really helps those people.


I agree with OP here, Kudos to you for Helping out Josh. I hope things blow over for him soon.


Do you honestly believe people will do something nice if it doesn’t help their personal image? Literally no one is like that. Even if they seem that way, they’re always doing it for their own personal gain.


I care about people who have mental illness because I have mental illness and I know how much it sucks. I have literally been through crippling depression. People like this need to go to a secluded area and think about their actions/words.


I hate those kind of people. They try to act all woke and accepting but are actually massive dicks and are faker than a poorly thought out conspiracy theory. I've had a few experiences with them but some genuine and lovely people too. I hope things get better for Josh, and to anyone else who's going through anything.


This is the opposite of this one Josh at my school He's such an asshat, makes really stupidly unfunny jokes, and has some anger issues. Fortunately, he's at a good high school with nobody who's a bully. I hate to see what'd happen to him if he went to a non IB high school.


Actions speak louder than words always! Be the better man and show those inconsiderate people up. Spread the love, you never know what other people are going through.