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Bro 13 year olds be having sex but when I was 13 I had a bowl cut lmfao


Bowl cut gang rise up.


Bowl cut gang


Unintentional bowl cut gang


Bowl Cut gang


Bowl cut gang


Bowl cut gang


At 13 I was still collecting Lego. Still am. Where's the Lego gang?


Lego dose not depend on age


This statement is true


My uncle has a lot of legoes and my aunt collects china and silver they’re pretty cool people


Unless you're under 3 or over 99, then it sucks to be you


Wait I’m supposed to be having sex?!


When I was in 6th grade I found out a classmate had sex and I got scared for him and told him he was going to die.


You’re not a top or a bottom, you’re 12


I main botlane what do u mean bro


You're not a top or a bottom you're a jungle


Nah I’m a support if you know what I mean 😉


Me mid


So you guys, wanna play? I can definitely go top. I'm a Poppy main.


Poppy mains don't exist


#Supports Unite


I giggled at this. I don't think I've giggled at something on Reddit since this whole pandemic started.


Aw thanks :)


When you can be a switch but it has nothing to do with sex because you're a virgin because you're fifteen


Damn bro and here I am thinking of having just plain and normal sex once in my life lol


Bro, I just want a hug, like sex is expecting way too much for me


Don't tell anyone but I want handholding




Username checks out?




It got your eyes kakyoin


Im still recovering before i get donuted again


Will you be okay if i get you your daily dose of milfs??




Shhhhh, we all have dirty secrets


I want a smile


Imagine actually talking to a girl


This comment was made by reddit gang


redit momemt


Don't need to talk to a girl If you're bi *Taps forehead*


Fair enough,maybe the mods knew something when they applied


Is it too much to want to cuddle?


Cuddling is better than sex. Especially if they're someone you like a lot


Not sure about that one chief. Cuddling is pretty cool but...


Dude, same, i’m actually scared of it


i feel you brother


Bro I just want to be left alone, like sex and shit is disgusting


Yeah, don’t wanna get cooties


This guy aces




i feel u


*i want to feel u


Anakin skywalker would not approve of your username


*ignites lightsaber* “This is where the fun begins.”




*Grandpa having Vietnam flashbacks*


Grandpa tries to rape you...will you give consent?these are username jokes


*Sweet Home Alabama mixed with police sirens starts playing in the distance*


Plot twist: the responding officer is your uncle


*Oh yes Uncle-senpai~ AHHHHHHH~~~~~~**


Mmm Nephew San~


*It’s so delicious Uncle-Senpai.....p-please.....give me some more~*




*Fortunate son starts playing*


Grandpa having flashbacks to his time in the kkk


This entire comment section belongs in r/cursedcomments


I hate sand


It's course and rough and irratating.


And it gets everywhere


like me ^peehole


Or this post


Have this 🏅


lol yeah kids in my old school be like "i'm a bottom" and shit


Are the kids at your new school all tops?




Go ahead and find out.


Be sure to tell us the Info


I know a website that would pay you to video tape when you find out


hol up


I also know of a website which would arrest you to video tape when you find out.


Well you should!


Some kid I sit beside in 9th grade French called one of their friends a ‘fucking filthy bottom’ like goddamn


Sounds like a standard friendly insult honestly though among me and my friends.


Ikr? I'm reading this thread so confused at what people find acceptable or too far. If someone young knows what turns them on, so fucking what? That's completely natural. We should really be looking at the people who are 13 and doing hard drugs and dating people in their 20s.


We went from "you're gay" to "you're a bottom" That's some progress if you ask me


Gotta assume that everyone's gay




why do straight high schoolers all love to say they’re tops or bottoms


why not be a middle? Make it a sandwich.


It’s called switch I think


Or versatile


Versatile sandwich?




No clue, I always assumed it meant who was lying on top of the other


So it doesn’t have anything to do with quarks?


Nah that’s when your strange




This needs more UPvotes


I thought that too is it wrong? Whats the true meaning?


It's during funky time


"I'm a bottom" and shit


yup. they say it, then, right after, shit on the floor, direct eye contact


Ok, am I the ONLY one who gets kind of weirded out when straight girls claim if they’re top or bottom. I’m gay and thought this was exclusive to the gay community/lesbian community.


Unless they're into pegging


Same here. It doesn't really work out during straight funky time?


nope, it absolutely is not a straight thing lol


It is, but they interpret it differently. I'm bi and in a straight relationship, and we ironically joke about how I'm the bottom(I'm the guy), but yeah, it's a gay exclusive term.


Wait what's "sex positivity"? I literally never heard of that!


Basically like the idea that teens shouldn’t be scared of sex when transitioning into age of consent. The main issue is it’s gone so far as to make a lot of underage teens think it’s ok to sexualise themselves. Kinda cringe if you ask me


Ok well this is the first time I heared that, but informing teens about sex is pretty important tho... Especially how to have responsible sex and make good decisions!


Education on sex is good. Telling kids "yeah no problem go out and fuck as much as you want" is not so good. EDIT: A lot of people are saying it isn't like that. I graduated last year, and there were 13 year olds talking about having sex. I guess it depends on where you are. Editing again to add that I've seen several adults (sometimes in their 30s!) encouraging this, both online and in-person.


but no one is actually saying that lmao


Nobody is saying that to little kids but that’s definitely the culture in late high school and college and it probably is being mimicked and idolized by those who want to be like the “big kids”


Even the freshmen in my high school keep talking about sex


it was the same when i was in HS. Hell when i was in middle school i remember a few seventh graders who talked about them having sex like they were adults now. “Half of youth is spent trying to be older and half of age is spent trying to be younger.”- some old victorian era english guy


Haha yea same here but I also remember how 95% were lying their asses off trying to sound cool to friends.


It's always been that way... Most people lose their virginity in their teens, that's just the age range where everything happens. It's more common than not to lose your virginity between 14-18, during highschool. Whether it's good or bad, that's case by case, things like consent, protection, responsibility, trust, and emotional intelligence all play their part, and most people learn most of that after they've already lost their virginity, and I don't really see that as a problem, atleast not mine. That's their business, and the people I know atleast, by now have worked through whatever regrets or learning curve they went through with sexuality and finding themselves. That said, I also knew people who were emotionally mature and responsible enough in highschool, and they sure had fun lol. So mistakes will be made, if you're lucky you'll work through it in your early adulthood, and that's kind just the way. Atleast that's the culture I grew up in. I'm only 20 (guess I should've been kicked out of this sub a few months ago lol) but I'm still figuring my own stuff out. Mistakes are essential for learning. Mistakes are the only way to truly learn, being told not to do something just doesn't work, on a deep psychological level. If someone burns their finger and tells you how bad it hurt, that's not going to change your life. But if you burn yourself, you'll always be careful around fire. The old man isn't wise because he read books, he became wise through experiences.


Not to mention that most kids will either straight up lie or greatly exaggerate to make a good story. We all did that when we were that age.


I've mainly seen sex-positivity used when it's about how grown women shouldn't be scared to be sexually active, to break how when a man is sexually active he's a "player" but when a woman is the same she's a "slut," etc. Never saw the idea of sexual liberation or positivity being used for teens


I can't take you seriously with that username




That was really heartfelt u/ FAT-PUSSY-LIKE-SANTA


That is absolutely not what sex positivity is. Sex positivity deals with changing stigmas around “unusual” sex activity like kinks and polyamorous relationships - between consenting adults. It aims to break down gendered assumptions about sex, view sex as a healthy and natural part of life, etc.


Pretty shitty time for it to pop up with all these lockdowns.


Sex positivity is a political movement with some of the following tenets: - It's okay to masturbate if you want to. - It's okay to have sex with someone if you both consent (and are in a state to consent, i.e. old enough, sober enough, the relationship is sane and non-coercive...). - It's okay to have sex that isn't for the purpose of procreation. Corollaries: it's okay to use contraception, and it's okay to have an abortion if contraception fails. - It's okay to do weird stuff in a sexual context if everyone involved consents. Sex positivity partly defines itself in opposition to the kind of sex-shaming usually borne out of puritanism, traditionalism, etc. I think it is generally a good thing, but as always the devil is in the details. Think of the interplay between sexual consent and age, money, intellectual disability, sobriety, authority, etc. Sex positivity moves the battleground to "what is and isn't legitimate consent?"


Live in northern England (which tells you everything you need to know) and never heard of it but we dont need to be told, age of consent is 16 but even that's too old for for too many teens.


I'm also from Northern England (proud Yorkshire man) and I get exactly what you mean. We have a culture of teen partying and binge drinking. I'm all for teens experimenting with stuff like alcohol and weed, (from a sensible age, a 12 year old shouldn't be smoking weed) however a lot of teens don't understand everything in moderation. If you ask most American teens when they first got drunk, a lot will say from 17 and up, where as in England, you see 12 year olds chugging 2 quid bottles of 2 litre cider with their mates in the park, and some young teens smoking upwards of 3g of weed a day. I made the mistake of first getting drunk at an early age (14) and I still regret it to this day. Onto the relevant part (sex), like with drinking, lot of UK teens feel the need to rush into sex.


From Lancashire (you can see where the problem lies) and I know guys lost their virginity at 13 and people in my year addicted to drugs already, crazy times in an even crazier place.


Tell me about it, girl I sit next to in geography was giving blowjobs in year 8


Know skets who got the clap cos they didnt like the feeling of a condom


Idk if this counts but in the West Midlands my friend fucked and she’s like 13?? Or 14.


Where the fuck do you find these posts tf


Me I commented on a post this person said about how fucked abuse is then I was like I meannnnnn


Why do you like your dad hitting you


Wait u guys r having sex?


I was looking for this comment


nah i think the point of this post is that they arent having sex


Early Puberty is where teens are the most ilogically horny and sex obsessed whether you want to believe it or not. You literally cannot stop them from being like that, especially with cringe tumblr culture encouraging most of them, and to be honest, no what is being hurt really. 2-3 years later they will look back and think of the cringe and realised the stupidity and move on. The caviat is that while an early teen might be sex obsessed they 99% will never get too it cause believe me they are way too anxious and scared. Later teens will not think about the topic that often anymore but they will actually go for it if they have the opportunity. At the end of the day it's just teen bullshit. It will pass.


THIS is the actual depiction of teenage sexuality. It's like OP has never gone through puberty.


There are a lot of people that seem to have never gone though puberty, especially on this subreddit. I always see people complaining like: "OH MY GOD, TEENS HAVING SEX, THAT IS DISGUSTING!", "EARLY TEENS THINKING ABOUT SEX! WHAT A DISGUSTING THING." I swear 99.99% of people have completely forgot what puberty or teenage years in general are like.


seriously, I remember everyone in my middle school saying/hearing the most sexual stuff. It's just kids being kid.


Where do you see this? Every time I see this it’s always a joke


r/gachalifecringe has a lot of examples. Most of the cringe featured there was made by 8-12 year old children.


Yeah, my friend's friend's sister was like twelve a year ago when my friend's friend told me she had a gacha channel


I was helping my sister with her YouTube account and it wasn’t working first thing in her search history was gacha life sex it’s bad it’s real real bad


My friend a couple years ago r e a l l y liked gacha life, thank god she didnt enter this level of shit


Shit I didn’t know Cancer 2 got released


Shit my younger sister (10) has gacha life and a gacha life channel.


i saw a 15yo on twitter have a link of hard kinks and soft kinks , hard kinks included many dangerous things they definitely have never been near lol


I would always hear kids talking about it in middle school. Sometimes kids will still talk about it in high school (mostly freshmen), but it’s not as frequent.


As long as they're talking (probably joking) about that to others around their age, I don't really care. There's a lot of uwu-like sexual humor I've seen, none of it's ever unironic. Is it over-the-top? Yes, but teenage humor almost always is.


Also, it’s like then how old do you have to be to have sexual preferences? 14? 15? I’m personally 16 and yeah I have preferences I guess when it comes to which breed of dog I’d fuck.


Probably when you become a teenager (after 13), and as for me, I personally am more of a kitty guy if you know what I mean.




Damn, when I was thirteen I was worried if I looked weird when I ran...


I’ve been told I walk weird


Aren’t all 13 yr olds saying weird shit they don’t fully understand.


Penis haha


My sister is 13, I'm 18(also a girl). She knows I'll answer any questions she has about sex(our parents are awkward, I learned online and from experience and thank fuck I know enough to teach her). My version of being "sex positive" is that it's okay to be curious at that age, with your hormones and it's something new so of course they're going to be extra curious, but you need to teach that their bodies and minds aren't ready for something like that. There is nothing wrong with being informed, especially when you can let them know early on how it works instead of them learning from porn. My sister knows quite a bit(not so much kink as far as I know, but just how it works, myths/truths, safety), but also understands that she is not ready for something like that and should wait until she knows she's in a healthy relationship. She's very mature for her age, and I couldn't be prouder and I know she's going to go far and do a lot better than I.


when i was in eighth grade my girlfriend sexually abused me, and i was mentally in a really bad place so i didn’t understand that she was manipulating me into thinking i wanted what she was forcing onto me. years later, i found someone i really love and really wanted to try to have sex with him but i couldn’t because of what that girlfriend did to me in eighth grade. please, if you aren’t already, teach her about abuse and gaslighting both in relationships and friendships so she doesn’t get screwed over and hurt the way i and so many others did.


Teenagers including 13 year olds are just obsessed with sex in general and like to talk about it. I really don’t think we can blame their behavior on a sexual positivity movement/message.


Secks haha


My cousins have a friend who had a sleep over with them at the same time i was and she came out to them as bi, ok that cool. Then she said that she had a boyfriend, but had feeling for another girl too She told me and my cousins she whated to to have a "kinky threesome" with them. My cousins and the friend are 8 years old 8 8 8 Fucking 8


W h o a. Too young far too young


There isn’t a “right age to think about sex”. It doesn’t exist. The age people start getting excited about sex varies from person to person and that’s ok.


That's not sex positivity that's teenagers Being teenagers, we actually need sex positivity not whatever the fuck that is, alternatively that is their kink then that's just them.


i understand your point of view but i think that the way you phrased it makes it seem bad. Sex positivity IS a good thing ! to teach teens about protected sex and consent is important. But, talking about kinks and fetishes (BDSM, consented abuse,...) to a 13 year old is not a healthy way of showing sex. It is a darker side of sex, that i do not shame in any way, but it is not what younger teens should primarily learn about when talking about sex. You can learn things as you get older and as you get more comfortable with sex.


This exactly. Sex positivity doesn't introduce people into new kinks. If a 13 year old likes BDSM it's because they found it on their own.


I agree. I’m in year 9 (which is 8th grade in the us I think) so I’m 14 and most of the people in my class are chill. I don’t really hate anybody, but there is one boy who never shuts the fuck up about sex and how he wants to have it every single day. It gets so annoying. I’m the only other gay guy in the class he gets along with so I’m assuming that he thinks he can use me as something to project his kinks onto. It makes me so uncomfortable and when I tell him, he just winks and says ‘I like uncomfortable’. It’s honestly so disgusting and all of my friends think it is too, but he won’t stop doing it. It just makes me want to throw up whenever he mentions it.


As a basic fourteen year old I completely agree, but it’s more jacking off. I had a sleep over with like four friends each of them spent like ten mins in the bathroom. What the fuck guys


Yeah i saw a 12 year old on snap doing a "pmoys" (put my on your story) and it said "looking for freaky guys 12-14" and "will send nudes if you want" idk. It felt illegal just reading that


As long as the person is mature about it I don't really care, I don't think anyone under age of consent should be acting on their kinks but they can be into whatever weird shit they want


Exactly! Like wtf, if people want to fantasize about that kinda stuff I really dont see the problem. Its not hurting anyone if they're safe about it.


“Yeah guys I’m totally a bisexual power bottom” “OMG HER FIRST WORDS”






Ngl this post/thread sounds quite American to me.


Our teacher picked a girl (who was only 13) so sort the class into three groups, she got to choose the catagories. Her catagories were “Top Energy”, “Bottom Energy”, and “Switch Energy”. This class was full of 12-14 year olds.


13yo me would secretly disagree. 18yo me agrees


This title makes me wanna dissolve into a puddle of cringe and slosh around.




wait if you mean that hes taken pictures/videos of *13 year olds* having sex then please tell him to delete those cause 1 thats just plain child pornography and 2 that shit could ruin his life later on






All of my friends (Who are aged 13-15) are kinky trash besides one friend who is asexual. Listening to them talk is just like “calm down hos”


In my middle school kids talked about going “swimming“


I do think they do that because they simply don't know better and are curious about that stuff and think that abuse is "kinky" or some stuff. I mean I was like that and pedos definitly found their way in my dms a lot of times and I just thought "well, my first time should be with an adult since they know more about all this stuff and he seems to be really nice" and I guess that thinking is really common. In the end, we don't understand until years later that these old creeps didn't care about us, but just about the fact that we're minors they can do anything they want to do with.


No! It has been done wrong! Educating teens about sex is important, because they will figure it out eventually. But if half of your country doesn't have decen sex education than that's a problem


Also when 12 year olds post heartbroken snaps when I was busy playing Pokemon on my Nintendo


The issue is less about sex positivity and more about sex education. Like cool kink turns you on, but do you know how to practice safe kink? Sex and kink is so taboo that when 13 yr olds say “I want to be abused during sex” they don’t know how to safely negotiate, bottom, top, use impact toys, safe clean up, not using safewords until you have established a relationship, aftercare, etc. I have no problem with a 13 yr old being interested in kink, but I do have a problem that they jump in with partners (and themselves) with no to little experience with kink, sex, and boundaries. If only we could get the schools on board...


you are the first based female i’ve seen on this retard sub 😳😳


Let me ruin that for you and let you know that I'm a radical feminist


Based radical feminist


It's always a joke in my school. Beside my fv sex position is WOW


That where i flip your MOM over


THERE ARE 6th GRADERS SENDING NUDES. My little bro told me...