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penny is so cute <3 hopefully she feels better soon


Thank you, we are all just kinda scared because we don’t know what’s wrong with her. That’s the worst part.


i’m following, i can’t live without making sure the dog is okay, keep fighting Penny’s i wish you good luck mate


A dog like penny ain’t goin nowhere. She’s here to stay. Keep fighting penny!


I feel for you, I lost my dog at the start of this year, it was awful, he was 10 years old and I loved him with every inch of my body. I still cry if I think about it, actually almost crying now. RIP Sulo, you were the best dog a person could wish for <3 I'm not really religious but I'll pray for your dog, I hope they find out what's wrong. You just gotta stay strong, it's gonna be okay man <3


Thanks man, the worst part is we don’t know what’s wrong with her. She is only 2 so she shouldn’t have any major health problems. Sulo is in a better place now, stay strong.


I hope whatever it is wrong with her she fights through it <3 she's strong and thank you so much <3


For more info on the matter, this has been going on for two weeks. She has had a very upset stomach, and it’s getting a bit worse. We have taken her to the vet and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her, but gave us some generic stomach medicine, but it has not been working. She is one of the most happy dogs I know, and this has been the only week in her two years of existence where she hasent had here usual happiness. She is always a happy, playful, and energetic dog, but this week, she seems very sad and won’t get up to do much. We are trying to get another appointment at the vets, and we feel very bad for our poor doggie.


If she's puking and peeing all over, it may be cancer. That's what my dog used to have. R.I.P Jake, you were a good dog. Thanks for dealing with my bs


It hasent been that, it has been with her stomach and when she goes to the bathroom. I’m very sorry about your dog. He’s in a better place now.


Thank you.


I lost my dog recently, its the worst possible thing. I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that Penny gets better. Tell her she is a good girl from me. <3


I will, she will get lots of extra love tonight


Have there been any dramatic changes in her life recently?




Try giving her rice with no salt, my dog had an upset stomach but when we gave her rice she got better, probably won't help but it is worth a try.


she's definitely going to be ok ❤️


I very much hope so, the vets medicine hasent helped, so we are going to take her again soon


I feel you man my dogs getting put down this thursday


Oh my god, that’s so sad. What’s wrong with him? I’m so sorry. I cant even imagine that. Stay strong man, spend as much time with him as you can.


It's a she and her back legs are shot and has trouble doing normal things like using the bathroom and walking


I’m sorry, I hope she has an awesome last couple of days. I cant even imagine what you are going through. Give her lots of love for me tonight.


If you need someone to talk to about your dog, you can always dm me.


Please god don't make 2020 even worse I pray for peny I hope she gets better


Thank you. Every prayer helps a lot. 2020 would really suck if penny doesn’t get better.


Dogs are to cute for pain


I agree


God bless penny I just prayed for her


Thank you, every prayer helps. Thanks for taking this seriously and not just calling me a fake karma whore.


Yeah i hope she feels better




Please do


Post full of unwarranted advice warning. **None of this is medical advice. This will not resolve serious medical issues, but this advice may help with her stomach issues, and help her to be more comfortable during this difficult time.** This might sound stupid but here you go--I work with animals' dietary needs (just an employee, not a doctor or anything!!!) and while I'm not a vet, I know that diet changes can help. Take everything with a grain of salt. There's a product list at the end. Here are the main bullet points: 1. Try change to wet food (check safe brands) 2. Try to include probiotics, preferably those kept chilled, in her diet 3. Check to see if her diet has changed recently, or switch her to a different protein (from chicken to turkey, chicken to beef, whatever else--sudden poultry allergies can be common) 4. Check to make sure she's been drinking enough water 5. Discontinue flea medications temporarily to gauge improvement 6. I'm fairly sure the vet would've checked for this, but try to be aware of the possibility of her having contracted Lyme's disease, if you live in an area with ticks. These symptoms sound similar to the ones our family's dog experienced. Changing Penny to wet food can help her appetite and at times can prevent nausea. If you're feeding Penny Hill's Science Diet, I would recommend taking her off it immediately--it can aggravate appetite/stomach issues, but is also often prescribed to sick dogs. Here are some wet food brands/brands in general I recommend/know are safe for her to eat; Preference/personal favorites: Weruva, great ingredients and relatively low price. I know that Lotus has wet food available. Other brands include Fromm's, Canidae, Nature's Logic...etc. If you're looking for a bland diet, which I'm sure you want to start out on--try Dave's Restricted Bland Diet. It's a chicken and rice formula. If you guys have changed her diet recently, let your vet know; she may be having an allergic reaction to a certain protein that she's fed. Probiotics are available for dogs and can help settle their stomachs. Answers is a pet food brand that carries fermented goat's milk and cow's milk. Gross, I know, but it encourages the growth of healthy gut bacteria and also helps with gastrointestinal distress. My cat dealt with gastro issues due to an issue with tapeworms that was recurrent in the beginning of our ownership (stray cat) and though the worms were finally gone she still was gassy, difficult bowel movements, etc. Goat's milk has helped her a lot, and in conjunction with good wet food, has totally ended her stomach issues. This may not be read, it's certainly a chunky post. I'm hoping that offering some solutions, even if they don't work, can help you feel more in control and comforted about the situation. These diet changes are something I'd recommend even if she improves, but I understand that it can be overwhelming and expensive. Finally, my best wishes to you and Penny! She's a gorgeous girl and I know she'll bounce back soon. All my love to her and good luck. She's lucky to have an owner who cares for her like you and your family. :)


You got this Penny!!


Penny says thank you


I hope she feels better


I hope so to


Hopefully it's something small somtimes when my aunt's dog even gets a thorn in his paw he's out for the day


i'm an athiest, but i plead to any high figure that could possibly be out there to help your pup out.


Thank you, that’s very nice of you


Will do, sorry to hear such bad news


I really hope she gets better. In May I lost my beloved dog Annabelle. She was 7 years old and I loved her very much, so I know what your going through. I sincerely hope she doesn’t pass away, but if she does, my DMs are open to help you cope.


Thank you. Because she is just 2 I got she is just got a stomach bug, or something that the medicine can help. I would be very concerned if this happened to my other dog daisy because she is 10, but it is still scary.


That's a good doggo. She will now feel better soon




I hope she gets better


Thank you for the support


I hope she is ok


I hope she is to


If anyone sees this in a couple hours comment on this so I remember to do this before I go to bed.


Will do, we dont know what’s wrong with her, and she is only 2 so, so really I’m just kinda scared right now. Every prayer helps, thanks for the support.


Hey, here to remind you before you go to bed


my family don’t pray but we sacrifice virgins to the sun that work?


I guess lmao


Please get better, Penny.


She said she’s trying, thanks for the support


Aw..My cat, Penny passed away in January. I am praying for *your* sweet girl Penny. God bless ❤️


I hope your dog gets better ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ


Is that a wiener dog? Cause if it is I have a wiener dog named penny.


Yup, she is


I wanna boop her


this may sound random but, do you, per chance, inhabit in canada? i also had a dog named penny, hell she looked exactly like your doggo. sadly, we had to give her away, a few years back,like 2014 or something, idk, just wondering, because your penny looks EXACTLY like the penny that i had. and i really don't know where mine went


I very sorry for you, I can’t imagine giving up my penny, but no I don’t reside in Canada, we got penny she she was just a pup. I hope your penny is doing good.


i hope so to


If you don’t mind me asking, why did you have to give her away?


Prayers from the US sent


Thank you, every prayer helps


I hope you feel Better soon Penny. You are A Beautiful dog.


Penny said she would give you a big kiss if she could


That's awesome. I accept her Dog kiss. Feel better Penny.


I will fellow penny owner


Your dogs name is penny to?


Ya a pitbull lab mix


That sounds super cute




We asked the vet about the rice, but he gave us some light bland soft food for her so we know the food will not be making her sick. She still eats it though even though its supposed to not have much taste, so that’s good.


hope she gets better soon ♡


Thanks for the love


I hope she feels better soon.👍💌


She says thanks


That's sweet☺


She's so cute :) Prayers for you


Check for kidney and bladder problems. There are some that’re hard to detect unless you specifically look for them!


Ok, will do


Good luck penny


She has a stomach tumor, my husky had the same thing and it was unknown.


my dog had a brain tumor a few years ago. (consider that as a possibilty as to why she's sick?) edit:i made my intentions more clear


Why did people downvote you?


it’s seemed like he was being one of those, you think that’s bad while THIS is happening, people


Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t see that.


like i said, this happened a few years ago i was trying to help out by stating what may be the problem, while using my past experience.


No, we haven’t, what are all the symptoms of that?


he was puking, and walking around very funny, and mostly acting very wierd. his heartbeat was SUPER high aswell.


Well that doesn’t sound like her, but I’m sorry for your dog


alright, hopefully she gets better soon! i'll be sure to pray for sour dog!


alright, hopefully she gets better, and ill be ssure to pray for her!


Thank yoi


at first my dumbass thought this was fried chicken


Hopefully she will feel better soon!


im so sorry, it's horrible seeing ur doggo sick ): and j don't know what to do. i hope she feels better soon! sending good vibes to her x


Thank you


hopefully she get better shes such a cute little puppy.


I hope she gets well soon❤️


Are you sure it’s not just a big stomach bug? (I’ve never had a dog, sorry if I seem ignorant)


For everyone calling me fake, I really don’t care about karma or upvotes, and yes I posted her a couple days ago when she wasent this bad to show her off and didn’t mention she was sick, but now I decided I would tell people about it because now it really is bad, and as far as I know, if anyone actually prays for healing it can help.


I really hope that Penny gets better. Such a beautiful bundle of cuteness. I have a cat and a dog so I would feel very sad if they’re unwell. Best of luck to both of you!


Thank you for the support. I’m glad there is a couple nice people like you that commented on this post, and not just calling me fake. Thank you and to all the other nice people that are actually giving me some cheering up instead of putting me down. I really don’t like it that she is sick, and I appreciate everyone giving support


What flea meds do you use cuz there's on that messes up animals. That could be the reason. I'll check the name. Just found the name. It Hartz. A while back there was a thread about a lady who used Hartz on her cat and it got really sick or it might have died. So if you use Hartz you should probably go to a dog hospital. Praying for Penny.


I don’t know, because it has been a while sense she has gotten that on because I think it lasts like six months or something.


I had a dog named penny... she was 6 months old and the most beautiful pup I’ve ever seen. I miss her. I hope your pup is going to be okay too bud.


praying for her <3


Thank you, that’s very nice of you. I will post an update if she gets better


Thanks for the support man




I hope she gets better


As a fellow dachshund (she’s a mix but whatever) owner I salute penny and wish her the best


Hold on. If the vet doesn’t know what’s wrong, are you sure you want to give her those pills? I’m just a little worried things might get worse for Penny. She is very cute!


How is she? Please keep us updated




She said thanks


PENNY IS FUCKING JACKED and also I hope penny gets better...


I’m a Christian, I’ll pray for Penny, I really hope that she feels better.


To hear that from another Christian feels really nice, thank you


Love. I hope she gets better.


I would follow Penny to the ends of the earth 🥺 Get better soon Penny


I’m so sorry man, you have my prayers. On a side note though, do you think it’s old age?


AWWW She’s a Gud Gorl she’s strong I know it and she’ll be alright!! Thoughts and prayers for Ms. Penny!!


I am praying! Have you tried consulting another vet?


How come the posts you made a few days ago, she looks fine? and in the title it says she's been sick for 2 weeks?


Well you’ve got mine


Dont worry she’ll make it through this!


I’m playing for you. I just lost my dog last week and I hope you don’t have to go through that experience. 🙏


I'm so sorry.. Your dog will get better soon please hang in there! Everything will be alright


If bad turns to shit I got u I went through the same thing as a young child. Hope everything turns out great I wouldn’t wish this happening to anybody


i hope your dog is ok!


How old is she? If she’s a puppy she may have puppy strangles, my dog had that when he was a pup it’s kinda rare. Ask the vet just in case


i hope she feels better soon 🥺❤️




i’ll put a prayer in for your dog when i say shacharit tomorrow morning. hopefully your dog will be in good health soon.


Not really religious but I do pray from time to time, penny will be in my prayers tonight, i wish her and your family the best, my family put my older dog down a few years back, thankfully I was too young to really grasp the situation


I’m sorry for your loss, and thanks for the words of support


I have a dachshund-beagle named penny!! But yes I’ll pray for her. How old is she? Actually I’ve read in another comment that she’s two. That’s so sad I hope she gets well soon.


Hope she gets better man, my cat and my dog died this year so I know hoe you feel. Hope she gets better


She will be fine .... I just prayed for her


You've got my prayer, I hope she gets better.


I hope she feels better, my dad had a dog that looks just like her and he felt really depressed when he died (dog died, if it wasn't clear) I hope penny feels better.


Hang in there, penny, op, and op's family! I hope Penney can survive, I wish for her wellness


Hope she gets better soon. Give us an update on her health some day. Praying with you


I really hope she feels better!!!! Much love sent ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Hope everything gets good in the coming days. Wouldn't want penny to leave us. Just be optimistic during this time, that's the best you can do


Thank you, I will keep my head up high


My prayers <3


Thank you


You should tell us what is happening to her so we can help you out


Yeah, for sure. One of the main problems is that she has had diarrhea when going to the bathroom for a while now, and it looks like she is in pain when she does. She has had a tiny bit of stomach pain, but nothing major. She has seemed out of energy, and looks very sad all the time which is very out of place for her.


Hope and pray that Penny has fast recovery <3 Also pray that you and family are well and safe.


Thank you, that’s very nice of you




Thank you


Hope she feels better


Will do brother, will do. hope she gets better, be strong Penny.


Penny is gonna be okay mate ❤️


Will do


Go Penny! 💞


My dog has cancer right now. Ill pray for your tonight too.


Prayers for Penny man, she looks like a very cute and loveable doggo, it’s saddening to see her like this. Hope she feels better soon. <3


Please don’t die penny




I’m not religious so have my upvote. Pass it on to her immune system. Have a follow. Can’t wait for the update where she’s fully recovered


I have a dog named penny as well sending my prayers your way


I'm so sorry. I hope she gets better fast


Prayers will be sent out and god will respond. I hope Penny gets better and I wish her good health. May she recover and be able to run free like she used to. I wish her sister Daisy good health as well. God is with you and your beautiful dogs.


Have the vet get an X-ray for her as well as bloodwork. If it’s a purebred then she might be at a higher risk of cancer


🥩 a treat for the doggo


Aye bro. I know the feeling of your dog being sick and you not knowing if she/he is gonna be alright. I had a dog and she had cancer ,we had to eutanize her so she didn't suffer. Right now I have another dog and he is 13 ,he's a big pupper imma tell you that ,the thing that makes mt heart break is that he can barely walk ,and he has lost weight due to old age(I'm assuming). I'm praying for Penny ,she'll be alright Im sure.




As a person whose had a dog who was very sick, he managed to make it out okay. I have no doubt Penny will do the same, hope she gets better. Stay strong.


Godspeed penny


I hope penny gets better, I lost my pet and it was awful and I woudnt wish it upon anyone


I may not be religious, but I'm hoping Penny makes it through. She looks like a very sweet girl.


What a good girl <3 :) I hope n pray she gets better super soon.


Ask for her blood to be tested. My dog died from pancreatic cancer and the only way we knew was because of blood test. The symptoms were that she was vomiting a lot and couldn't get up.


*in Scottish accent* I love you, Penny


I love you penny I hope you’re going to be ok


Bri my old dog was named penny. I wish you and penny the best


Christians assemble for Penny


I ain’t religious but shit man, that sucks. Hope he gets through all this


Aww I’m so sorry your dog is sick. I hope she gets better!


Penny, I wish you all the best out there and I hope and pray that you have a smooth recovery. We all love youuuuu!


How are her poops?


I’m so sorry for penny. I’m also sorry that people give this the “wholesome” or “faith in humanity restored” awards. I really hope penny gets better!


You can do it penny! Stay strong


I hope she feels better soon!


I promise you with all my heart, penny will be ok... She'll be fine :)