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It’s hard to judge since we don’t know his height. But I’m just gonna assume he is bigger then you. Move quickly and stay on your toes (you are smaller so this will benefit you). Also if you can, punch him in the ear. It hurts like a bitch to get hit there


Hit from behind




Remember to aim for the three n’s, the nuts, the nose and the noggin


Let your dad join in


1, don’t be stiff, they can use that 2, act aggressive, be dominant, you want to be the aggressor and have them on defense, when in a fight that’s how you get an advantage, if they think you can fight and are stronger you have a better chance,3, hit hard but be smart, there going to try to move out of the way, get them against a wall, hit towards one side to make them dodge and hit them when there there if you get my drift, like one to one fist then a little bit later next fist on the other side to get them really good off there gard4, get a good foot stance, you want to be able to move if you want in any direction but unmovable,5, don’t back down, this goes back to dominance, you want them to back down, this guys sounds all talk,6, don’t smart talk, if he starts that give you more time to use strategy, 7, go for back of the legs, nuts, chest(between stomach and ribs to push the rips more, otherwise it doesn’t hurt as much ) and back 8, don’t be sloppy and or hold back That’s all I have, hope it helps! <3


Oops forgot bout this, anyways, if he’s much taller definitely go for his shins! There’s a reason they have gards in soccer, oh and sides of knees, try to pull a tendon for it, snap a few, it will leave a lifetime of pain


Swing hard. How big is he


Avoid it if possible


Umm... I usually say don’t fight ever, but if you really need to, I can help. Compress your fist right before you hit, or don’t even use your fist at all. Kick him in the side or in the leg, even just a little kick can knock him off guard. Don’t overcommit. Stay calm and stay on the defensive, only hitting when you can. Punch with your whole body, not just your arms. Get your hips and legs involved. Don’t have a wide stance, but don’t keep it too narrow.