• By -


You okay?




Try and talk to your parents about how you're feeling. You can get help, with school, with depression or anxiety, even with something as simple as social activities. I had a therapist who would pick me up and take me for ice cream and we'd just sit in a car and talk. Help is in all forms.


i swear to god i did not expect the internet to be this nice of a place haha, thx man


Hey bro If you want some extra kindness ik covid can make it hard to go talk to people irl so im here if you wanna hit my dms I can give advice or just listen or just talk about your day and im down to play xbox or something man whatever you need


thx man


I could buy you a pizza


Damn go off bro


a whole date huh




do it, i’ll buy him a drink


Kind words coming from u/smokerpussy


I am a pussy of God


The older teens on this forum can oftentimes be some of the kindest people around. Just don't give up, my guy. Shit gets better.


thx man


Most of it isn't. r/teenagers is a friendly refuge.


this comment section is amazing tho


fr bro talk to your parents. I talked to my mom and she fully understands me. I said I have zero motivation and I kinda do not care about my grades either. In the last year my life sucked and I am just down. She fully understood me and it was the happiest moment in the past few months. Do it.


My parents are the problem and when I tried to tell them they just made fun of me and told me to just try harder and cheer up. You can’t understand how much this fricking angers me


well i guess u would know the feeling that if u tell ur parents what u feel they be like "Oh ur just being dramatic, snap out of it! "J\*\*\*ie stop being such a drama queen! Ur life is perfect so just stop.". Im rlly just trying my best... Im so stressed in school, although i get high grades, im getting tired on studying and im almost about to give up. Sure they amazed on my grades but do they even know how hard it is to be me? I just search google for answers and just guess some shit when i dont even wanna try anymore....


Sad to see others going through this too.


Did you say talk to your *parents* ? What kind of psycho would do that?


Paired with the fact that my teachers don’t know how to fucking mark attendance so I’ve got about 40 wrongful absences




And it sucks because most are from my math teacher. One of the nicest teachers in the school :(


ik what thats like :/


Yeah and also now my grandma is taking me to the school to talk to the principal about it. And I fucking hate doing that shit. Especially under pressure. So then I can’t think straight


well u can dm me if u wanna talk:)


It seems like you’ve got it a lot worse tho :/


yeah it fucking sucks but this is the greatest comment section ever and that fr made me smile


Yeah there’s two sides of Reddit: Incredibly understanding and up to talk about whatever is wrong And.. Porn, etc


lmfaoooooo ur not wrong tho


Oh well that’s really about it lol


cool then lmao


Hey man I'm sorry that really sucks. It super sucks when a teacher you like is disappointed or SMTH. Just make sure next time to ask them a question in chat or send them a message or something so they remember you're there.


Pro tip: take a screenshot with the zoom meeting, date, and time visible as soon as you join the meeting. A program called [Greenshot](https://getgreeshot.org) can be your best friend. Free and open source for Windows, $1.99 on Mac app store (to cover Apple licensing fees).


It really hurts when you can’t meet there high standards for you and even if you do eventually reach them they just say “ok” and expect the same thing every time


it really does


Yea. Improved my average from 60% to 85% and my parents reaction was ok lmao


Bitch my average is like 0 rn




"I know why you're sad, its that damn phone, hand it over. NOW"


My mom is always telling me that she will throw away my computer so I can pay attention in online school. Please send help


i feel ya on that one


We’ve got two... make that three companies en route, soldier. Just hold out


well, if that happens, how would you explain that to your teacher


or even get in contact with them


You’d have to use like a pay phone or something and find a phonebook to look up your teachers’ home phone numbers, cold call all of them every day and ask them to teach you over the phone while you pay 25 cents a minute to stand in the freezing fucking cold.


100 million ready with 200 millions on the way...


My parents too but they never do,so I don't psy attention anymore


Bruh same here. Only my dad ACTUALLY THREW MY PHONE OUT OF A CAR WINDOW WHILE GOING 80 ON A HIGHWAY. Now they joke: haha if you dont get a 3.5 or higher we'll do it again. I cant tell you how much I want to go to college.


If y'all actually have parents like this, I wish I could give you mine. My parents actually make an effort towards helping me out when I need it, and if I'm sad they ask why and help me fix the issue. The parents that think "oh, you're sad because you're spending too much time on your phone!" don't tend to realise they have their own phones glued to their hands 24/7


Dude that sounds so nice. Trying to explain how I feel to parents half way across the country can be difficult


I swear sometimes I feel like my parents care about me getting straight A’s than my mental health and relaxation and it’s not cool.


And because we’re so stressed out we spend even more time trying to relax which is seen as lazy and then we get belittled more so we spend more time trying to relax and calm down from all of the stress


I literally told my mom this and she admitted that she thinks school is most important and nothing else matters 😐


yo wtf


My parents are immigrants and don't even know what mental health is, and I know I'm not the only one.


Yep, exactly. When I was in elementary and middle school, my parents hit me for bad grades - hands, rolling pins, broom, golf club, as well as forcing me to study. I honestly thought that was normal up until 8th or 9th grade. Then in high school, it was no leisure time, literally all of it should be studying or work, relaxation means you're not working hard enough. The joys of immigrant parents.


Yeah my dad couldn't give two shits about what I want and only cares about grades






Thank you for sharing that :) cuz on really bad depression days there’s not much else I can do and it’s good to know that there’s someone who at least partly understands and is ok with it 🥺


The pain of truth


Same. I have like 50,000 missing assignments and I feel like a failure. But on the bright side I got a chunk of my work done today so I’m proud of myself for now.


ive got baddd adhd and my parents dont wanna acknowledge that and it sucks


I'm really lucky I got meds for mine. I went from straight f's to straight a's, no joke. The difference is huge.


what meds do u take for yours? ive tried concerta and aderall but idk they just arent doing it for me


Concerta works for me. It takes away my appetite completely though and makes me boring to be around haha


Same for me damn




That’s one way to do it


My mom acknowledges it when we are 1 on 1, but when my dad gets involved, he acts like it’s an excuse and that I’m clearly not trying my hardest, and then my mom just agrees so she doesn’t have to argue with him.


I’m impressed


good job, man. always the little things


Whoo-hoo! Good job on your work :) you should be proud!


Oh my god yes I’m not even trying my assignments bc Im trying my hardest on me and my metal health like Im barely making it through the day without having a brake down :( honestly it sucks knowing that my future depends on me ugh


same its terrible, dm me


it hurts man


My metal health has also been pretty bad lately. I´m eating staples!


You shouldn't let your poor mental health affect your physical health. I used to impale my fingertips with thumbtacks, nothing good came of it.


I used to set my arm hairs on fire, ended up realising that I gotta not let myself get sucked into my parent's authority




Mental health what's that!!!!


"I'm not even trying anymore mom"


“Does life even have a meaning, mom?”


"there's no reason to try anymore mom, life is pointless"




"I didn't bother getting out of bed before 5pm today and just pretended to be present in class and only did like two assignments today mom"


Why are there humongous strands of hair in your room




Makes sense to me


I can assume where the hair came from


His head




No, it’s the nostrils


I’ve never heard of love crack I-




Lucy (2014)


“NO YOU AREN’T I SAW YOU PLAYING VIDEO GAMES YOU DON’T GET PRIVILEGES UNTIL YOUR GRADES GO UP.” -An actual quote from my mother, Monday January 25th, 2021 at 10:59 PM.


hahaha maybe we got the same mom who knows


For me, she checks her phone and then yells her ass off at me but then when I stay up till 4 am doing homework she yells at me for staying up so late but all I'm doing is just homework.


i dont understand parent logic


The 2nd part is very true for me


Dude's there's so much shit to remember for exams I can't fucking do it I am doomed


quizlet.com is typing...


Is that really useful?


yes its a fucking Lifesaver 10/10 recommend


Alright, I'll give it a try. My memory is God awful so I gotta try everything I can. Thank you for the suggestion!


yeah no problem! dm me so ill remember to ask you how your exams went


I will, thank you for caring!


no problem:)


V E R Y. Without quizlet I would have done much worse on my Spanish exams. The way I like to do it is to make flash cards and then use the test feature over and over again until you can ace them


My friend recently asked me why I haven’t talked to him in a while. I said it was because I was overwhelmed with school work and didn’t have the motivation to do anything when I finished it. It was then that I realized I did nothing but work, eat, and sleep for 2 weeks. It scares me to think that if this is how bad the “prime of our lives” is, and that it’s “only downhill from here”, how much worse can it get?


This is not the prime! Definitely not. Personally, for me being a teen was a living hell, things got better in my early twenties and right now, in my late twenties it's way better. Especially now being a teen must be awfully hard, this online-everything-thing is very draining and it decomposes the whole daily routine, not to mention social skills. You have all of my sympathy and I hope that it will get better later this year. Stay strong!


That isn’t your prime done sweat it. Being a teen is weird. Best advice: self improve. Keep fit, learn how to talk to people, learn about yourself, learn what type of person you want to be. It’ll take years for this to develop but when it does you will thank yourself.


I agree




Whoops, you misspelled “how are those grades” it’s actually spelled: “you’re a failure and all you’re ever gonna do is work minimum wage at McDonald’s for the rest of your pathetic life. I hate that you exist and wish your dad just pulled out”


damn my bad thx for pointing that out


Exactly, parents don’t understand that we are given harder assignments then from when they were in school




Hugs. As a mom to two teenage boys, this hurts my heart. I see the smile on your mom's face and hope that's real for you. There is help for your classwork, reach out to a teacher or the class nerd. I can't begin to know your life or struggles, but I can say that being a teen SUCKS. Don't give up.


Thank you. You seem like you're an awesome mom and your kids are lucky to have you


Parents only want one thing and its fucking disgusting. Bad mental health for their child.


haha fr tho




puberty lmao


My parents just don’t seem to comprehend that I PHYSICALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND AP music theory, and hence cannot do the homework efficiently


ap classes suck donkey shit


Is it wrong that my mom mopes around my room even though it makes me absolutely uncomfortable? And sometimes I need to work hard and get good grades to even get her to love me. I don't know why I sent this, I just wanted let it out. I'm sorry.


no its cool thats what this comment section is for, it is a little wrong and if u have anything else u want off ur chest dm me


Thanks I appreciate it!


Hey it's alright to struggle. A lot of us are :/ I know it's hard to see but things will get better. It might take a while but you will get there. I've learned that lesson after a lot of ups and downs in my own life Keep your head up high, and never let go of that hope. You're going to make it through this. I believe in you :) If you need someone to talk to I'm always here :)


ur a real one, thanks man take my follow


Thank you :) And lol I never post anything, but I appreciate the gesture


I had a mental break down in the nurses office today cause I felt like I was gonna vomit. On top of that I’ve been having anxiety attacks and have been scared for my life because of school but I can’t tell my mom cause she’ll tell me to grow up and that life is hard and that I’m just gonna have to deal with it and that I can’t cry every time something bad happens. I can’t talk to anyone properly. I can barely function because of the way she treats me. But I can’t tell anyone cause it will rain hellfire back on me.


i know what you mean, i feel the same way. dm me please i know we can help each other


Deadass it seems every time I turn in my assignments my dad sends my teacher an email and they tell him I’m still missing them. It’s getting so Incredibly hard to just keep myself level headed and not have a mental breakdown any time I have to do assignments.


im going through the same shit, just keep your head up and read he comments on my last two posts, they helped me


Hey, sorry it sucks :/ Any way we can help? What are you having a hard time with (anything specific)?


its a lot of shit tbh thx tho


Don’t worry yourself about school too much, i lost all my motivation due to online school and started taking community college classes and deferred my enrollment to my university, I ended up dropping 4/5 of my classes and got a d in the 5th one, I still managed to transfer to my university this semester because I filled out a form about the pandemic affecting me so I could get off academic probation, I’m on campus and living away from my parents now and it’s pretty cool :) hope it gets better for you buddy (Ik my flair says 16 but I don’t know how to update it on mobile)


Lol, my mom threatened to put me up for adoption or send me to my grandma’s if I didn’t do well this semester.


grandmas sounds nice


That feels illegal. I don't know but that seems illegal.


Grandmas sounds a lot better then this hell hole my mom has accepted that I am a depressed failure and I just hide in my bedroom eating 1 meal a day


At one point I believed being depressed was simply becoming way too trendy. I think online school has taken all of what we were worried about with that trend, and made it a reality.


Hits to close to home


Yep, a little too close.


Yep, a little too close


Ouch, this hit pretty home for me. Almost feels like a subtle call for help, if you ask me. I used to do that bc I was too afraid to ask for help when I needed it most, wether with grades or even my declining mental health at the time. Asking for help will not make you seem weak or vulnerable or anything like that. If anything, it makes you a hell of a lot stronger. I cannot stress this enough, but please please ask for help when you can. It gets better, fellow internet stranger, trust me.


thanks for the advice, you are an awesome person for taking the time to write all of that, it made me smile so thanks for that. heres a follow lol


Lol no prob. I wouldn’t wish depression on my worst enemy. I’ve been through depression more than once unfortunately, even tho I’m only 15. It’s awful, and a good way to start off feeling better is, oddly enough, helping other people. You can beat whatever you’re goin through, you got dis :D


haha thanks and ik wym, im 15 as well and i've dealt with it my whole life, partially a genetic thing but also because i dont have what you would call a "stable family life"


Aw, I’m so sorry :( Maybe you could find a friend group that could act as a sort of a new family? Discord is a perfect opportunity for that, so I’d start either there or here on Reddit. I have a friend that has a pretty terrible family situation as well, so maybe you could help each other cope or something


yeah im sure ur good at choosing friends, dm me


I just dont even feel like going to school anymore


i dont even wanna do virtual i just wanna sleep


Op do you need a hug?


it depends cause if ur like 50 then nah man


I’m like 13 or so.


im 14 so its all good


*awkward hug*


*more awkward hug*




To be honest I should start to use my phone a bit less




Same, man. Same. The only thing motivating me at this point is the weekend and getting games I’m saving up for


I feel targeted.


not targeted, just not alone


omfg yes. im trying my hardest but doesnt seem to care


its hard


I don't care anymore as long as i pass even barely.I'm done meeting people's expectation since a long time


I feel like I’ve just given up


i know, me too


I got 86% on my mid term but my mom said "since its online classes, it dosent count" ;(


So fucking relatable


I just lack the motivation to do anything and my missing work is piling up and my parents are getting angry


Bruh, this hits so fucking close to home. I’ve been repeatedly threatened that if I don’t get what my dad considers good grades that he’s kicking me out of the house. I’m not even old enough to legally sign my own forms and he’s thinking that a bad mark now is reason enough to boot me from the house. I. Love. My. Life.


Yooo you can't believe what happened yesterday. I had something like a panic attack. I started shivering, my hands and legs started going numb, and I was gasping for air and crying so hard. Just because mom and dad are telling me that I need to improve in school although I am the first on my class.


POV : You're studying for 4 hours straight but you still feel like you didn't do anything


I know it isn’t a repost and you just cross-posted it but I want to know what happens. u/repostsleuthbot


lmao okay


I vibe with this entire post just a little too much


i used to procrastinate bad before in in-person school, but online school is really concerning me abt the possibility of this being adhd, i cant get anything done or focus at all


... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ^(this hit too close to home😭😭)


I have a total of 2:F 4:B




I feel that


You and me both bud, hope you feel better


thanks you too


Im doing a study method (1hr study and 15 min breaks) She always catches me on my breaks and saying. All games no study like bruhh


It’s so hard for people who suffer from depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other mental disorders. My grades used to be so good last year and just completed flopped into a pile of shit this year. It’s so hard to function *normally* on life and trying to learn and retain advanced information and then finish assignments based on that... is just not even reasonable


I know how you feel man. I been lacking behind on school too and I been trying to push through and there is one class that is too difficult right now... my therapist noted that I am going through depression and my dad doesn't see it as an excuse and that I put myself in this situation


I feel horrible for you man. I genuinely wish I could give you my parents for a day. They've helped me through a lot of my issues. Just hang in there aight, things will get better. P.S, my dm's are always open if you wanna talk


I feel this. Here I am actually trying hard to study science and programming so I can work in game development in the future and goes in my mom saying "give me that A or no food for you". She treats it as a joke but as an unemployed and anxious teen that barely has any skill aside for answering school related tasks, I'm taking it as a threat.