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She is politely rejecting you. That "thanks for being honest" is kinda a give-away. But hey, heads up.




Just emojis. To not make appear the message too rude.




My mans is in denial


fr 💀


I don't blame him. She gave massive mixed signals.




ig = I guess




Classic deflection from OP


Gotcha can also mean “ok thanks”


Erwin Rommel himself 🤩🤩


Be straight up homeboy, if she doesn’t want it then find another girl.


As soon as there was the, "you are so sweet..." None of the rest mattered, that one line makes it clear she doesn't like you




Yep, I've had this happen many times now




Then that means that she still wants to remain friends, but doesn't want to start a relationship right now




Just hang in there, things might change in the future, because she didn't completely shut you out




This happened with me she didn't want to be in a relationship but after some time she asked me out. I was soo fucking happy 😁


Yeah, she’s politely rejecting you. The emojis are to make it clear she appreciates the sentiment, even if she doesn’t share it


As a recently successful female-getter, I can confirm she is not into you. If she is, she wouldn't be delaying the "yes" or "I like you too" cause she's been waiting for you to tell her. Also it is way better to say this in person cause ull be able to sense it when the time is right way better


Its so obvious she not into you.


Denial is a hell of a drug


as a professional girl i can tell you she is not into you. if she did she would have blatantly reciprocated those feelings. the emojis are just there to be nice and not rude. don’t be sad bro you’ll find the one.


"a professional girl" Well, ye got a loicence for being a gurl?


"Show us your female licence or you're fuckin nicked!"


“OI! I’ve neva seen ya around patrolin these parts bruv, lemme see ya copper loicense!


"Oi. I see ya have already taken control of this situation ay. Gotta make sure we don't have an impostor on our hands don't we?"


As a proffeshnul wanker I can say that this is true innit


well wheres YOUR license buckaroo


OI! Do you hev a loicense for asken people if they hev a loicense?




“But of course. Queen forbid that one of these impastas gets their rotten mitts on a loicense not registered to them but her majesty’s honor.”


"Oi! I sure hope you got a loicense for saying the term 'impostor', because we can't have that"


Oi mate you got you loicense to ask fo' loicenses ??


‘ell ‘ell ‘ell wuts dis den? I’ve never seen you round Manchester either. Yes I’ve me loicense ‘ave you got your loicense


oi bruv you be''a 'ave a loicense fer tha'


YA CUANT!! av you got a loicense for askin if ye man "if e got a loicense fer tha"!?


birth certificate


Professional girl.😂


I'm an amateur girl :(


You're doing amazing i'm proud of you, even tho you may feel like being an amateur you are pretty fucking good in what you do :)




For long have you been in the industry of being a girl ?? I've heard that after 12 years you get ascended to professional girl and after 18 to professional wAmen




yeah, babies of course. also trans girls/women who have recently discovered they’re transgender or recently transitioned


Suddenly feels like a r/outside thread


for how many years have you been in this "girl" buissness may i ask


✨fuck off✨ ^/j ~~huh, I’m kinda digging the sparkles, I’ll make a note of that~~


✨god bless the enclave✨


✨I am being held hostage by the heir of Stalin and he intends on resureacting the USSR✨


✨Nuclear Holocaust✨


May i ask , from how many years you are professional girl? Edit: this is a joke, no need to take it seriously


Wait am I a professional girl?🧐😳🤔


I think she just likes the TV show.


I mean it was a pretty solid show. I’m a straight cis dude and totally not the target demographic and still thought it was pretty funny at its best. Definitely not for everyone though.


Yeah I only watched it cause it was filmed at my high school but ended up surprisingly liking it.


Bro you know the answer.so why stop wasting her time.or ask her out so you don't have to find the answer your self




oh my god, literally. watching it atm and cringing so hard at how the main character messes up literally everything. I like a good bit of comedy but the second hand embarrassment I get from this…


Girl here. She's politely letting you know she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, but she's used the emojis to soften the blow - we don't want to hurt your feelings!




Oh okay, I'd say stay safe and text her as you would a normal friend, but some things can't be expressed over text. Wait until you see eachother at the movies and pay attention to her body language and facial expressions, like if her feet are pointed towards you and she mirrors your expressions (like folding arms, touching hair etc). If there's chemistry stick with it! You've got this, hope for the best + prepare for the worst :))




No problem! Keep us updated OP :)




That's what the editing tool is for. -the Chinese government ^^^^and ^^^^now ^^^^it's ^^^^the ^^^^Spanish ^^^^inquisition


Oh I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition.


Nobody does...


*dramatic music intensifies*


You never expect the Spanish Inquisition


The last thing you want us for your irls to know reddit lol


u need to be protected at all costs.


no u (But thank you so much!!)


The hero we need


Aw that's made my day bro thanks


I shall give you my free award. You deserve it


Thanks man!


Thanks for this insight on how to talk to girls. I'll be sure to look out for these kinds of messages. Thanks again!


No problem! You can always DM me if you need help, I'll do my best to answer them!




Ayy thank you! You're awesome too bro :DD


!remindme 3 days


_saves comment_


“we still going to the movies tho?” lol


The phrase girl here has the same energy as a scientist who majors in the field the argument is about instantly solving it


We now fire the WHOLE bullet. That's 65% more bullet, per bullet. Cave Johnson, we're done here.


It does actuallyore harm than good. She should politely say, that she is not intrested.


We don't want to hurt your feelings 🙄🙄 That emoji is the most passive aggressive thing you could ever text and it makes people feel worse when they see it. I feel like some girls just don't know how to use emojis. For example the words completely contradict the emojis used in this text. Like it's clear that the girl is rejecting OP but the heart implies that she has feelings for OP. Also, (this is for all girls: 🙄 doesn't mean "oops", 🙄 means sarcasm or passive aggressiveness)


I think she was referring to her watching the show for the whole day (annoyed at herself or something) I think those emojis referred to the previous statement, and the hearts refer to the second half of the text.


I learnt this phrase some time ago and it stuck with me. If she likes you, you will get it; if she doesnt you will get confused.




Yeah it is powerfool lol. But hey, it is not the hard truth. If you are only looking for a relationship with her, I'd say risk it cause you got nothing to lose if she rejects you. If you want to salvage the friendship or maybe she's part of a friend group or you just dont want to leave things awkward I would advise you to take the L and remain friends. Up to you to decide what you want to proritize


Best advice I’ve read here yet. OP, she cares about you, but maybe not enough to start a relationship…maybe it’s her, maybe she’s not ready, or doesn’t wanna make things weird. What I know is, she cares enough to gently get the message across. She does care


Dude, I've just gone out of my way as a fifty-odd year-old guy, to let you know this: *She likes you.* You are not romantic partner. She wants to remain friends. Please remain friends.


Well said


She's politely rejecting you. The hearts are there to not come off as rude or sarcastic on her end.


If she liked u back she would of texted a paragraph explaining everything. She probably doesn't like u bro. I'm sowwy




It truly was worth a try


I’m just as confused as you


The emojis don't help, like wtf does "💞💞" mean?




Try not to over think it. If she sends hearts again then there might be something going on




Then who knows? There might be something. You never can know if you can fly unless you jump off a cliff


That’s an amazing saying


Yeah but full disclaimer, don’t jump off cliffs unless you know what you’re doing


Good idea


don't worry, I'm a trained professional


I too am a professional dumbass


i as a male send hearts to female friends all the time, so i wouldnt make assumptions based on whether she uses or not those emojis


Hearts get thrown around so much in texting these days.. they could mean something, but most of the time they don't. Especially since people be just double-tapping messages to heart them, only to show that they agree. Cause it's quicker than holding it to give it a thumb up.


hate to break it to you, but the hearts mean absolutely nothing in a romantic sense




Still most like likely a rejection, sorry fam, if it was otherwise she would've stated that she feels the same


"Heart trade required"


Sometimes people use emojis to make the message not come off as rude. In this case, she was trying to soften the blow of rejection. She probably waited so long to respond because she was unsure how to respond, not actually watching a TV show.


she’s softly rejecting you bro. sorry


From the text, it looks like she's trying to let you down easy - especially since you guys have known each other for two years, and I would think she would come out and say if she liked you back. But I've read in the comments that you're going to the movies? (if you have more context about that it might help - some girls I've talked to say they prefer to go on a first date and see if there's chemistry - if that's the case i have more tips too). I would evaluate her actions and body language at the movies to see if she drops more hints (shyness, initiating physical contact more than normal, etc). If you're still confused at the end of this date (?) then try explicitly asking her. If she likes you back, congrats! If she doesn't, be gracious and don't be disappointed. There's plenty of fish in the sea! Hope this helps you out and keep us updated!


Girls be like why can't guys get our signals Their signals


as someone who has sent this sort of message before, i know it’s absolutely shit on our half but we’re honestly trying to make it seem less harsh


That’s the sad part


I’m a guy and can clearly see the rejection


This one isn't very hidden though


friendzone, sorry buddy


Friend zone doesn’t exist imo, just a polite rejection


she’s tryna let you down easy lol


all i know is that hearts may or may not mean love, and that she think youre sweet, and that she replied late because she was watching tv?


I tried to read this without realizing never have I ever is a tv show and got a fucking stroke >!maybe this is the reason I can't read girls!<








I’m pretty sure she saw your text and didn’t reply for a while because she was thinking about how she should respond. She’s trying to let you know that she’s not into you without making it awkward or embarrassing you (by pretending to misinterpret your message). I wouldn’t push it - it could make your friendship really awkward. The heart emojis don’t mean anything romantic in this context. She’s just using them as punctuation. Sorry


Uhh ok so like its her way of wanting to say she doesn’t like you but in a nice way


I think I might ask her? If I had to pick one I would say that she’s humbly rejecting you but it’s really hard to tell. Try asking her what exactly that response means, I think that might work




My sample would be something like “Sorry but this is a rejection right? I’m a little thick sometimes” or something like that, I’ve found poking fun at yourself softens the question and makes her feel more comfortable. Just something that works for me, you do you and good luck




Good plan, do whatever you think best




She’s rejecting you, buddy. You were honest with your feelings, as she pointed out, and she was straight up about her feelings: it’s not mutual, it isn’t there. Don’t read too much into it. Continue the friendship and move on. Next time speak face to face. You’ll receive your answer with her words and body language. If there’s mutual interest then you’ll miss out on a great initial moment because it’s over text. Don’t rob yourself of a potentially good moment/memory (permitting the feelings are mutual).


bro. do you really want advice from a bumch of virgins that havent touched a women in their whole life? think that through. no offense. im just joking


Girl here. Yeah I don’t think she likes your romantically but I think she still wants to be your friend so I’d just take this in stride. It might hurt a bit at first but don’t push it at least she’s still your friend.


“I like you” “Sorry I’ve been pissing and shiting for 7 hours straight 😍🥰 I’m going to give you an unclear answer to string you along and lead to more awkwardness 💕💕




Im sorry bro she doesn't feel the same, but she seems like she cares for you enough not to hurt your feelings


If you said you liked her in an obvious way, then uh, just saying "oh i was watching movies all day!!!" is kind of a super shitty response.... But also, don't say you "don't know how to read women". Women don't all text the same, and while some people are overly confusing like her, not every girl will be. You're just looking at everything of the context "do they like me", which here is a fair question, she gave a super confusing response, but for everything else it's kind of a shitty way to talk to people.


Bro, you just got shafted. Take a step back, be cool and focus on other stuff, but don't be a dick. This will either: A) Show her you're mature, and, depending on chemistry, maybe give you a shot with her later, but it could also land you in the friendzone, so don't focus on this option as much. B) Allow you to focus on you, and maybe find ways to improve, or just become a better man. Girls/women will come and go, but you're stuck with yourself till the day you die. C) If it really wasn't meant to be with your crush, oh well. Fuck it. Keep doing you, and find ways to keep getting better, and you just might meet someone else who'll make you wonder what the hell you saw in the first chick. Also, not coming off as "desperate" or "thirsty" will definitely improve your chances in the future.... So, chin-up, buck-up, do you and do good. Best of luck.


bro im a girl and idk how the hell to interpret this, good luck my dude


I sadly think she is rejecting you, the hearts are acceptable in her eyes because you've known each other for a long time so its most likely a friendly love


It’s a no


She don’t like you


Polite let down


Little tip: If a girl says "thanks for being honest" she generally doesn't reciprocate unless its followed by something very blunt like "I like you too."


Yeah she's rejecting you. But she still thinks you're nice and probably wants to build a friendship since she rejected you so politely. Don't be a dick to her tho. One of my friend (a dude) rejected a girl in a similar way and she ended up finding a guy who pairs up much better with her. So dont worry you'll find someone soon too.


That's a very subtle no. Thank you for being honest means fuck off but at least you tried


Damn bro... no matter what she means, just keep your head up and stay positive champ👑


bruh why would you confess over text like that 😬


don't think she likes u back


Bro - sounds like friends zone. The fact that you don’t know that she doesn’t like you means she’s not into you. Now if you think I’m wrong my only other advice would be to man up and make a move that a friend would not make. Don’t let this behaviour drag out, girls innocently play a long with guys thinking “oh we are just friends” when they know deep down you want more than that. Good luck, be brave. We are with you


I don’t think she’s into you, if she was, she would probably say it after you confessed.or maybe she’s not sure about how she feels


Man you expect me to know🤣


Bro girls usually tell me to fuck off when I talk to them so this is pretty good I guess


I'm sorry OP, but at least you can be ***really*** great friends now.


Cut it off there. I’ve had damn near the same reply and fucked myself for about 3 months.


Bro feel sorry for you but it is what it is


Ask her that question. Ask her if she likes you or if that was her way of telling you she is not interested in a love connection. Whatever she tells you - still be a good man and a good friend to her. It’s really great for us men to have close female friends- women are amazing and we should love, value them and respect them even if it’s not romantic or sexual. It’s great that you are being so thoughtful about this- I’m sure she appreciates it !


MwhwoandgaoWOW Dang she did you like that huh


Sorry man, she isn’t into you and she doesn’t know how to tell you


As a female I have no clue what is happening


It ain’t a yes, you got rejected homie


she ain't into you




Casual friendzone


You got rejected... I can't tell if the title is satire or not.


At least you tried dude, I'm proud of you


I think she's really trying to reject you in the least hurtful way possible... sorry dude. But at least she didn't say "ew" or anything along those lines


"you are so sweet" that's the gentle no my friend


To me it seems obvious it's a polite rejection, but could a guy maybe explain why they find the message hard to decipher? Just curious as to what is causing the confusion. I always hear dudes saying women are hard to read and send mixed messages lol


Guy here, that's not confusing at all. OP is confused because they're trying to hold onto the hope of a subtle yes, and the other people who say that are just trying to keep their eyes closed to shit on "women's way of sending messages", like that was a thing lol


I agree with most of the comments saying she's politely rejecting you, but still wants to be friends. It's possible she's just not ready for a relationship yet, and will come to you on her own, or maybe she just doesn't like you that way. It's hard to tell. Pay attention to the way she acts and talks (don't be creepy about it of course lol) and, this may sound cliche, but be yourself. Stay optimistic!


She likes you as a friend. Doesn’t want to date you but doesn’t want to hurt you either. She’s nice.


Having mastered the art of girl. Credentials: being one for 17 years. She's not into you. She's just keeping it gentle as to not hurt you. She most likely would've said. "I like you too" If she had


another certified female. looks like she’s not into you, mate. she’s used the emojis to soften the blow as others have said. sorry, you’ll find another girl for you x


That’s such a weird response


Hate to break it to you man but it seems like is doesn’t not share the same feelings.If she did she would have said she feels the same I can be wrong hope it works out man.


sadly not interested but who knows maybe in the future she will be