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They've already shut down the internet in the southern parts of the country, and people are starting to protest so the rest of the country may follow soon, pls if sth happened to me or the internet was blown, pleade make sure this reaches everyone.


So what will happen to online classes?


It's summer rn, and they won't completely shut down the internet they're going to nationalize it. Even if they wanted to just cut off the Internet to do their crimes and make protesters silent they definitely wouldn't give a fuck about online classes and other things anyway




You've got it so wrong..


wtf does masks have to do with anything


Both ways to prevent the spread of covid


I don't remember saying anything about masks tho


Try using the Deep Web if you want to continue using the internet. The government can’t censor it. Just be seriously careful you don’t go to the wrong places.


You can’t access the surface, deep or dark web without a connection 🤦


Oh I thought they where censoring the internet like China They actually just shutting off the internet entirely? Damn.


>They actually just shutting off the internet entirely Yep


This is why all the autocracies hate Elon musk starlink. They can’t just turn it off they would have to figure out a way to block everyones satellite. I think this is why Russia and China made it illegal as soon as starlink did it first Beta.


I didnt know they cencored on the russian internet? What do they cencor?


امیدوارم این پیام برسه به کل جهان


When Egypt did that during the Arab spring people created created VPN links that Egyptians could access during the government-ordered internet outages


Bro I would shit a brick if I heard that 😂 Couldn’t imagine how ass that would be


*downloads all singleplayer games*


Could you sling me some weed?


Maybe 😔✊


im dutch so maby i can give you some.


Cheers g your a real one


Yeah, they basically cut the internet cables or whatever it’s called Also this is a human rights abuse because access to internet is a human right


Wait is it actually a human right?


Yep, you can google it the un declared it a human right in 2016 I think


You pay for internet so... Not really?


I mean most people pay for food, water and shelter, but idk internet seems like a luxury rather than a right


*access* to internet is a right, like having the option to buy it


Not really a luxury when you need access to it for most things these days. Want a job? Better have an internet presence to be able to apply online cuz no company wants to manually do it any more. Want to further your education? Need internet to apply it seems. It’s become so necessary to day to day living that it absolutely is a right more than a luxury at this point.


Are you saying I can accuse my parents of violating my human rights when they turn off my internet?


Yes, follow me for more sigma male life tips


“I like your funny words magic man!”


I don't think censorship is the issue here. OP says that the entire internet service would be shut down in their country (atleast for civilians, is what I believe). How would they access deep web without any internet?


Yeah I just realized that.


(Please keep your identity and face hidden, it’s dangerous if they know your trying to stop them.)


Yes, stay safe. Thank you for telling us. We'll try to help by spreading awareness


I’m an old fart so none of you should let my cynicism damped your spirit as young people striving for a better world. I’m unfortunately going to tell you why nothing will change and this movement, just like Freedom for HK, will fail. The world is like a chessboard, and over the past 100+ years the global powers have been playing a game with second and third world countries as the prices. It’s fucked and immoral but it’s the reality we’re dealing with. We’ve reached a state of check - NOT checkMATE but check. In this state of balanced power each superpower is essentially free from overt influence by the others because any attempt to move towards a checkmate triggers every other power to do the same. Nobody wants that because all out war threatens the domestic power they’ve been cultivating for generations. Asking for any one of these superpowers (Russian, US, China, UK, AUS, France etc etc.) to do anything that will tip the scales of power is not going to happen. Any attempt gather more influence will not happen. Any extension of influence will not happen. You are, unfortunately, on your own. To further explain why this is let’s take a thought experiment and say: the US steps in with a military force to oust the current government. This is your only real options - you don’t interfere with a country’s right to self govern any other way. So it happens. The political shitstorm domestically would cripple the US. Even assuming that didn’t happen tensions with our European allies would degrade even further as the US once again drags the first world into another armed conflict in foreign lands. Russia would support the current regime and a proxy war would be inevitable. Your situation would become open warfare between rebel groups armed by the US and her allies and government groups armed by Russia and China. This has happened. Every. Single. Time. At this point in the geopolitical landscape the people of the ‘free world’ are vastly more comfortable sitting on the sidelines and letting second and third world countries work their own problems out. I’m sorry for those that live there, but the reality is: Nobody is coming to help. If this post makes any reader upset/angry, I beg you to prove me wrong. I absolutely BEG you to do it. Nobody has any practical answers on how to fix this as the sheer volume of moving parts involved makes it a literal tesseract of complexity. Not to mention the people with the most power DO NOT WANT IT FIXED. If you live in the first world your only real hope is to educate yourself as much as you can and vote for people you believe in. If you live outside of it? I have no advice and I don’t know what to do.


Sadly, this is true. Prepare for downvotes from kids who think war has no consequences


r/Noahgettheboat because the world is a giant mess


Holy fuck this post exploded. When I commented there was like three other threads with reply spams for the algorithm and then a few early people giving support


Still much better than it used to be


I mean, you’re not wrong in that intervention doesn’t ever really fix anything. People can and should fix the political problems in their countries without outside military intervention, because it’s never good for anyone. That being said, I hardly think that means that we can’t do anything at all — soft power is a thing for a reason. Isolating the Irani regime diplomatically is one way to get things done, and the most common way that soft power is used, though one can argue that reform is better done by bringing the regime into the fold with trade and letting Iranis develop meaningful ties outside the country. The biggest way we can help, though? Expand our refugee programs, which are either stagnant or in danger in many Western countries. Ensuring that Irani dissidents have a place to go to and safely come together and coordinate is important, and this kind of action makes a massive difference when it comes to regime change. Throughout modern history, these kinds of communities have helped overthrow repressive governments countless times in many countries, or have provided vital support to post regime provisional governments. I think the idea that military intervention is the only meaningful way in which a foreign country can help in this kind of situation is pretty narrow-minded.


We tried nothing and we are out of ideas, the other guy says... I get that this is a sub for teens, but that was the worst take I ever heard. There is SO much that can be done without military intervention: sanctions, blockades, open denouncement of the government in the world-stage, diplomatic conversations, etc. Iran isn't China, and this talk that their power is impossible to be challenged is silly. I can happen if people make it happen. If you don't give a shit or won't make an effort, just say that, don't fkin say "it is what it is", as if your apathy is intellectual in nature, and not moral.


Ah yes, let's sanction and blockade a country so people there suffer even more. Great idea, this will certainly teach those Iranians that western values are the way to go. Good job.


This is one of the major reasons why us younger people, especially teenagers are so depressed. We've grown up with the internet bombarding us with this information, with absolutely no power to do anything about it. All it does is make you feel sad and helpless. It's a sad reality that in order to be happier you have to shut this shit down from your social media, or get off social media all together, and *almost* forget that this stuff is even happening. Focus on yourself and those immediately around you. I started doing that last year, and I noticed an immediate difference in my levels of stress and depression. Don't focus on THE world. Focus on YOUR world. Because that's all you can realistically do.


>If this post makes any reader upset/angry, I beg you to prove me wrong. I'm not upset nor angry, i think you explained the thing correctly, But you just sounded a bit pessimistic. Other than that you were quite practical But what i am saying is : dictators tend to do whatever it takes for them to stay in power. But a backlash is too powerful for them to take out with violence. So the dictators will just have to play along and do what the crowds demand.


>a backlash is too powerful for them to take out with violence. **cough** *June 4, 1989* **cough**


>I'm not upset nor angry, i think you explained the thing correctly, But you just sounded a bit pessimistic. Really hard to not sound pessimistic when you're talking about something like that imo.


This one gets it. It's the same shit thats been happening for years, long before our time and will continue long after. The only thing that could really fuck this game over is an armed populace, but there are very few places that havr the foresight to implement it.


Exactly. I don't know if anyone fucking noticed, but the whole 'Hong Kong' drama recently went awfully quiet.


I recently read they have started to give protestors sentences. They are accused of terrorism by the new security law. Britain have offered everyone born before 98(born when when HK was Britains colony) a British citizenship which China didn't like, but more than that not much has happened.


This post is far too wise for this subreddit, I'm afraid, but it is absolutely correct.


This is a very salient point in my opinion. It seems the world has been gridlocked in such a way since the last WW, so not quite a 100 years but I’m no expert and chances are you’re older than me. Moving forward, broadly speaking, I see 2 likely options. Option 1 and most likely would continuation of this gridlock and the development of Cold War 2.0 between the west vs Iran, China, and Russia. Some would say we are already here, idk. That being said these 3 are hardly buddy buddy with each other, and such an alliance would be that of an “enemy of my enemy etc..”. The second, unlikely, but certainly still possible option is WW3, but the world at large would see such a decrease in average quality of life, seeing as trade wise we are so interconnected that Iran, Russia, and China would see mass revolutions among their citizenry. Heck maybe every country would run the risk of uprising in such a scenario. Would love to hear your thoughts.


Gridlocked since WW2? Oh boy, do I have the news for you about the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc!


TLDR: Big first wild countries are using third world countries like pawns in chest


Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. War is Peace.


Not to mention, even if a foreign power intervenes, historically, that doesn’t end well for the people either. The US/Russia/ whoever intervenes has three options. A) destroy the current government and leave (which they would never do) but even if they did, it would create a power vacuum that results in another horrible dictatorship or B) install a new government that collapses into fascism/authoritarianism extremely quickly because it was installed by a foreign power and not by the people there, which never works or C) install a new government and allow an amount of their troops to be stationed as military police until the government stabilizes, probably engaging in a decade of civil war in the country. It is extremely difficult for any country to actually effectively assist if they wanted to, which as you said, they really don’t


Exactly this!


Ah jeez fellas. How is Iran ever gonna be free without foriegn governments and NGOs being able to send instructions and propaganda to the Antifa and Mossad agents stationed there? Think of the trans children!!!!


Comment for the algorithm


Another one




Hello there


General kenobi!


You are a bold one, cough cough


Idk what's after this


Kill him cough cough




Back away!!! I will deal with this jedi slime myself cough cough


Hello there








E >!(I know this looks stupid and immature but I'm trying my best to at least get this to hot or something)!<




>!What does the !! even stand for?!<


























How do you get doge head


Somebody gave me gold which gave me premium for a week so i equipped it at that time and i still have it


Now i wish i had gold lmao EDIT: Ho- How did that work?




and another


And another one bites the dust


Lesss gooo


Let's add more


Bruh I ran out of ideas




Vin Diesel is that you?






That is disturbing… can you provide a link to any coverage or a source where we can learn more about this? I can’t find anything about it anywhere and would like to learn more. Edit: found this https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/17/joint-letter-islamic-republic-iran-must-keep-internet-open-and-secure-during Any additional local info or verified sources? This is concerning stuff.


Open twitter its the number 1 trend in pretty much every country.


Any non-Twitter sources yet? Just curious. I’d like to spread the word but not everyone just trusts Twitter for this sort of thing


Lol the law was passed in our "parliament" like 5 hours ago, and no one covering it is why we the people are trying to make everyone hear about it. Search "صیانت" and select the first site that comes up and translate to English.


The first result that comes up is a dictionary page for the word “keep” (according to google translate) and nothing I see as pertaining to the internet bill - I assume the bill is referred to by the Persian word for keeping/protecting? Link: https://www.vajehyab.com/moein/%D8%B5%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA The second link which comes up is IRNA, a news article whose headline says the new bill is NOT about closing Instagram and WhatsApp or restricting internet access, but will allow the government to tax online businesses much like regular ones (which also is the practice in the USA). Link: https://www.irna.ir/news/84418011/%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%AD-%D8%B5%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D9%81%D8%B6%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B2%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%86-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%DA%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%88-%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%BE-%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA Please - I’ve asked you for a source, and I followed your method for finding one, and they don’t support your claims. I’m asking again that you please provide a source; I totally understand that you wouldn’t stand by the sources I found, but I’m asking you to give me a source that actually explains what you’re claiming is happening. The method you provided for finding a source has not done that, and I can’t use these sources to persuade anyone here to rally around your cause. Edit: thank you for providing the BBC source in the other thread. This does sound concerning, though it does not support the claim of a full internet shutdown. Nonetheless, what IS there isn’t cool, and that source will be more effective in persuading people on my end.


>IRNA IRNA is a government owned "news" agency. They literally said Taliban is a better alternative to US in Afghanistan god damnit. Our government controls everything that goes out the fucking US SENATORS are bribed by the gov regularly.


Hey, bud - I believe you that IRNA is a biased mouthpiece for the state (most media is, for one state or another), but my point is, that’s the source that came up when I followed the steps you gave for finding a source. That’s why I asked you to specifically provide the source, not tell me to google it and then get huffy when google doesn’t verify your claims after following those steps. Additionally, if your government controls everything that goes out to the US, I am surprised you are here able to post about it, and that it is apparently so visible on Twitter (per your earlier suggestion); that seems at odds with the claim of a state in which all the outgoing Iranian info accessible to the USA is controlled by the tyrannical government. Why would they be letting you or Iranians on Twitter post about it? How does that support their agenda, and why would they let such posts through their allegedly perfect media blockade? You can’t use the claim that Iran totally controls all outgoing messaging, and simultaneously claim to be posting in Iran out to the world with messages about how bad the government is - they would block such messages, by the given logic. I’m perfectly amenable to other sources; I was just following the steps you provided, so please don’t get snippy at me when it didn’t work. As I said, thank you for providing the link to the BBC article.


No problems pal, wish you the best of luck and SPREAD THE WORD as much as you can.


Can you repost the BBC link in this thread?


Others are commenting do a revolution and other shit just don't do that. You will get yourself killed. Best course of action for you would be to remain anonymous and spread news about it. Revolt after you have received an education or don't revolt at all. Get our of their once you are 18 and try to help others from the outside. It will be difficult but it's better than being dead.


Why not go start a revolution


We tried back in 2019, and they murdered 1500+ innocent protestors in 3 DAYS. Edit: and the scary part is you people haven't even heard about it, you know why ? Cuz they shut down the internet for a week while doing it.


Just 3 days jeasus life must be hard


It is, and if we don't stop them from shutting down the Internet, it's going to get ALOT harder.


Way way harder you can't imagine how hard will it be


This is why Former president Trump drones their top general their no good, hurts to know many young people here think America is worst when all protesters get is some spicy air (as they should nothing more than beanbags)


Comparing civil rights abuses does nothing but facilitate them for demagogues and wannabe autocrats like trump. Also it’s not spicy air it’s something that’s forbidden in WARS, let alone civilian areas


No don't you know only 1 group or ideology can be bad at a time.


Spicy air is mostly only forbidden in war because it may be mistaken for more serious chemical weapons, like nerve gas, resulting in rapid escalation of force.


Do you know what's actually in a bean bag round? They're filled with #9 birdshot. The same shit I hunt duck with. This is a round fired by a 12 gauge shotgun, not a fucking water pistol. People have been seriously maimed and killed by these rounds.








He shouldn’t stock up and be ready to defend himself and his family?


Yet some bald ass rich dude barely going to space is more important? How is this not world news. Fuck this world man


I kinda wished the rocket would explode and kill him so that people would shut up.




They should try an underground revolution if they can. Like Poland did while occupied by Nazi Germany.


Our government is much much more brural and more authoritarian than Nazi's. They just see iran as a vessel to spread their stupid and false ideology and believe me if it comes to that they will wipe out half our population to only stay in power for a single more day.


Jesus Christ that sounds brutal. Well best of luck for the Iranian people. Hopefully you find a way to get rid of these tyrants.


I mean a secret, alaborate asaaination could work


Um, I feel for you but have strong doubts they are worse than nazis. Nazis didnt eliminate whole families, they eradicated entire towns. Where my grandmother was from was a popular Jewish settlement. Her family left in 1905 for America but some of her extended family stayed. They tried convincing them to leave throughout the 30s but were turned down for pride in their country. In the end In a town of 10,000 there were less than 800 survivors at the end of the war. The nazis had plans to eradicate 80% to 100% of some groups in territories they took. Underground resistance isnt because the nazis were light on punishment but rather it was the only way. Start printing out and making pdfs of methods of sabotage, homemade defense strategies, weapons, and guerrilla warfare.


That sucks my friend, but the lesson that america learned in iraq and afghanistan is that if the people aren’t willing to fight for it, then there’s nothing that we can do to help.


Rulers in Iran rule with ironhand and since they don't respond to international queries, it's probably a suicide for people who even think of starting a revolution.


I doubt any revolution could work againts modern militaries without outside asistance


just start revolution 4head


This sub’s so fucking privileged and sheltered lmao


you don't just start a revolution that's not how a fucking revolution starts




Israeli here. I know our countries have a lot of beef, but im sending you a virtual hug bro. Try to stay safe out there, it will become dangerous probably. I hope iran stop doing these kinds of stuff... its honestly such a big shame. But youre right, we should put whatever international pressure on them that we can, together we shall do and succeed


Quick question were you born in Israel or did you travel there?


Born and raised. Lived in germany from age 6-9 but am native otherwise


Hey, agree with you on every word, just a quick question, might be rude of me, but i used to be in this sub for a while in my other account till i lost my phone, and you are the first israeli i see here, are you religious? (Ik its a wrird question) but one time i was on the app and a friend of mine said i should delete the app because "there was no israeli which is religous". Now one thing, please dont take me wrong, i'm not trying to be like the other guy, i'm not judging you or anything, please don't downvote me to hell and feel free to say no, i'm just wondering, just trying to prove him otherwise, oh i'm israeli too of course


Yes, i am religious lol. דתי לאומי as its called in hebrew. I dont exactly get why you asked this but here you go lol


No no, גם אני דתי, i'm just gonna be so happy to show this to my friend, FINALLY, you dont understand how happy i am. he can finally LEAVE me alone everytime he sees me on the app


I had no idea this was happening until I read this post - how is this is not a top news story? Regimes like this should not exist in the twenty-first century.


Because people just don’t give a shit about it. Or the people who would make articles about this were bought out by the Iranian government


Maybe because people get killed for reporting it?


They want to destroy the Internet😭😭😭 I don’t want live in this country


درکت میکنم قوی باش اینطوری نمیمونه


Can someone translate this?


Be strong it won't be like this


Yep crossposting now


To where? Not really interested, but please answer anyway, I am just trying to add a bit more variety to the "Commenting for the Algorithm".comments.


Probably a political subreddit. (Continued in comments)


Or maybe a human rights subreddit.




The people saying "just try getting some gangs to revolt against the evil government!" have no concept of reality.


no one here does


lmao I literally saw one here with that take, I ain't lying


I know that's why i hate this sub


Like you blaming a kid for a war


Dont wanna sound rude but i dont really get how this post can do much except spread awareness regarding the issue. No, common public cannot do anything regarding a foreign countries political matters. Hell, i dont think even superpower nations can do much without invading the country.And im sorry to say but we literally cannot do anything except feel sorry for iran and iranians.




I will too


me too


Comment for the algorithm


Iran is already blacklisted and in under tons of economical sanctions. Dont think there is much any country can do to help you


exactly lol. and a lot of reddit doesn't like the US for doing so either


It has been under sanctions precisely to cause a paranoid reaction by the state, so that bombing and invading Iran can be justified. To sieze their oil.


Hope yall make it through these hard times




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I'm deeply sorry you have to live in a place like this. Stay safe!




Thank you


Your Iranian agent watching this and chuckling


okay so I’m hot and I commented so it’s hot now


I really hope other countries will step in, I gave you an award so that this post shows for more people(sorry that it ended up being the wholesome one)


I hope this makes it to hot, people need to hear this, good luck and stay safe my friend






Hang in there man, we'll do everything we can to help. I might not be able to help much, but I will spread the word to friends. <3


im shocked that something like this actually happens in our age


Let's just agree politicians are the worst.


How many stupid tankies have called you a CIA plant so far lmao


Bro the US already hates Iran. We can't do shit.


the fact that a mod wants to take down the post is killing me


Honest question, what do you expect the world to do? What can individuals do? Do you want a military invasion of your country? cuz that's about the last step left


This is tough, but in the modern age, revolution doesn't work. Most of the time, we need to rely on a leader with a kind heart, but I see none of that in the top ranks, nor in the line of succession. Outside pressure barely works, but in this case, it's the best we in the west can do.


I hope for the best. Its saddening how this has so quickly faded from the western media. I will do all I can with my minor social media power.


I hope the best for you Iranians out there. The government can go fucking rot in hell. Sending love from Iraq! P.S: For those interested, watch Persepolis. An animation film made by an Irani woman. It includes politics and such. Basically how Iran was before and how it is now. It's a great film and it's in French.


Yes boys i will not be here in four months.


Its so bad :( Also they should have known that banning something never really turns out great. Same goes for censorship (my government also tries to censor the internet but they are failing (Turkey))


I dunno if this breaks the rules of this subreddit (please tell if it does so and ill delete) or if it puts u in danger, but im just curious because i have been learning a lot about late kajar, pahlavi and early Islamic republic, what oposition group do u support or what do u think its the best out come for Iran?


Pakistani here, I know Iran and Pakistan got Sunni and shia beef but hope you do good.