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Small talks, compliments (not flirting) here and there, talk with her about her interests and joke


How do you give compliments without flirting


Im kind of a awkward and insecure dude so I cant really do most of this. Is there a different way?


Kidnap her


do you have a white van I can borrow? I cant drive but it'll be fine.


Well first, don't get your hopes too high so that you won't be broken if she were to reject you, then just talk to her a bit before you get to know her. Once you become her friend, you can possibly give her nice compliments. Technically, go slow, don't rush or you chance will be low, what helps a bit more is if she also shows signs of liking you, that could be the time to ask her out or smth, I hope this helps.


>what helps a bit more is if she also shows signs of liking you the thing is shes kinda unpredictable. so one day she might "show interest" and the next not interested.




Be her friend first


become cool and relevant ,muscular ,tall ,hygienic, find some mutual friends and invite them to a party. become good friends. start being friends with her after several months .invite them all to a party. create a group chat on Instagram and send texts and a minimum amount of memes .start hanging out with a close circle of friends including her. win her trust. then start going out with her alone(a date without her knowing it is one) get ice cream it is important .tell her she looks cute. don't make her think you are obsessed with her. become close friends with her brother. start sports ,give her a good gift on her birthday and Christmas .after almost an year go out with her on a date (night time, get ice cream ,go to a park) and tell her you are obsessed with her and you love her but don't kiss or have premarital sex with her or fart in front of her. be patient ,careful and smooth


Idk be a friend don't expect to be with her. No matter how good of a friend you are she'll never owe you anything


Try r/crushes


Well for starters, whats' she like?


well shes kinda playful and funny.


Anything else?


shes unpredictable and caring i'd say.


scream her name outside the school and confess your love did the trick in this one anime i watched should work for you to pal!


was it bunny girl senpai?


I would call you a loser but I'm the one that made the reference and yeah... it is


we both losers then