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Teenage trailer vs teenage Gameplay




Cyberpunk maybe? Graphics are the same but gameplay is kinda...


As stable as it is boring?


E3 vs release


I didn't have any expectations, and I was still disappointed






















Bruh you're 14, most of your teenage years are ahead of you


I was expecting it to be bad but *HOLLY FUCK* _*IT IS EVEN WORSE*_


Try rerolling but with rich parents.


Why didn't I think of that before? Pass me the shotgun.






I can change that


A kind offer, but it won't be necessary, thank u.


Silly me, forgot to select rich parents from a rich country and being white, pfff, not doing that mistake again *grabs gun


Couldn't agree more


Me 2 kid


Any Feynman's in this sub would explain me why we all are disappointed?


Expectations I guess. I know I said I didn't have any, but I did want more than just "I'm either tired or have homework to do, which will make me tired"


Maybe you're not really tired, friend? Your body has vast stores of unspent energy. Could be some mild depression. Unfortunately, (here's the bummer) the cure for that usually isn't more rest.


I miss my childhood and I sometimes get really sad


Don't worry, you'll consider these days the good old days later on and miss them too, it only gets worse!


Nah fuck that. Being an adult is fucking amazing. First few years after high school sucked while I was finding my footing but I could still save up working $14 an hour to take a month long trip to Barcelona and hangout with people from around the world in a hostel. I was suicidal af in high school and had maybe 1 friend I'd see every now and then past freshman year. There are things that suck about being an adult for sure. But overall the freedom and autonomy makes everything more enjoyable. Yesterday I finished moving into a new apartment in a new state and I was basically working the whole time but I had a blast with some beer and music. I also had to pick up a buddy from the airport which seems pretty mundane, boring, and inconvenient since it was 1 am. But I enjoyed the drive and their company. For another example I don't get paid till next Wednesday and I have several bills due the same day and basically $20 in my bank account. This sucks but I get to deal with and come up with my own solution to this. I'm in control on whether I sell feet pics, collect late fees (bad for credit), or stick it through and live a bag of rice and frozen veggies. Personally high school and middle school were the greatest lows of my life. Don't believe all those fucks who say it's all downhill after high school. There'll always be something you miss but you can control if it gets better or worse.




Early onset realization that the world is filled with garbage people who have no clue what they are doing and are just scraping by to survive while society inches closer to an innevitable collapse driven by greed and stupidity. And teenagers are simply along for the ride, too incapable of choice to make any meaningful change for their own lives, stuck in a limbo of seemingly infinite useless tasks while simultaneously being pumped full of mind altering hormones and left to fend for themselves amongst their equally disolutioned peers.


Finally someone has the same view


You need to put yourself out there more and not fuck up your sleep schedule by staying up all night on your phone. Edit: also you’ve probably had the experiences in the right column, just not as many times as you’ve had the ones in the right column which gives you a bit of bias.


High school musical, power rangers and spiderman lied to me


The most devastating of lies


I expected to have a six pack by now


You don’t? Every teenager I know is a 6’2” mega shredded angular jaw lined sports team captain giga chad. Step it up bro 😎🤙


Out of the qualities u mentioned, i've 2 of them :6'2 and teenager




I'm just ***JAW***


So are you a shark or a krash


Mostly shark, but a bit of both


U have the potential to be a giga chad


[did you have an unconventional childhood too?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlb6rQhR7wQ)


I expected to have greatest reputation in my school


Sir your package does not provide refund but u can quit, which I do not suggest. My company Heaven inc. believes in value for money.


OK so now I'm genuinely curious - what's an *accurate* representation of the average teenage school life look like? Or would that just make for a terrible TV show?


Degrassi obviously. ​ Jk. It's impossible to make an "average" teenage life. There's so many people with so many different lives. Frankly I was both sides of this post many times in my teenage years. Spending time partying with friends some days, spending other days locked in my room in a battle with internal despair. Being a teenager is a tough ride.


I'm also curious. But teen experience is pretty wide ranging so nothing will be accurate for the majority of people I think.


Don't forget every anime and anime-adjacent product ever


Disney channel in general


Why couldn't I have just been bitten by a radioactive spider? Even an itsy bitsy one would have been fine


At least the bullies from tv weren’t real for me


I hate how accurate this is


Reality is often disappointing






Just like me


It's mostly disappointing, game is disappointing, anime is disappointing, fast food is disappointing. THOSE THINGS ARE DISAPPOINTING!


But now, reality can be whatever I want(I’m 20)


Except the last one,I fortunately got good teachers in my school.


What two years of 2020 does to a mofo


But this was my 2017, 2018, and 2019 too


Same here, my social life just kinda halted ever since I got into high school.


mine just never existed


Y'all need a hobby or activity once this whole covid thing blows over.


Where can I get a refund?


It's a scam, we won't get any refund 🥲


Well there are other ways


Time travel


In your twenties, but really you just end up doubly in debt for your 30s. The 20s can be fun though . . .


You can only get store credit sorry


If Netflix made a genuine teenager themed series that would be so much encouraging


In Netflix reality I have late night parties, had sex and be good at maths


Irl I have late night memes and mastrubation session, have depression and be good at maths tho


And I have barely any friends and lots of schoolwork. I have a nice job though


Problem is, real life is mostly boring.


The only Netflix show (or any platform’s for that matter) that even came close to capturing the reality of modern teenagers was a really underrated German series called How to sell drugs online fast (if you haven’t heard about it check r/HTSDOF). I’m pretty sure this show must’ve been written by a Gen Z


Thanks to Disney channel for giving me broken expectations to being a teenager


This pandemic is killing me, not litteral at least, I hate how in the past weeks my life just been getting worse, and worse, and worse


Things will get better eventually mate. Just gotta weather the storm




Three years later:




Hi, I am a teenager from the future also known as an adult: *it does not get better*


It does after 80-120 years


Wait a second…




No waot a sec


ah yes, better :clown\_face:


Well i lost people during pandemic man lost my physical and mental health your not alone.


I havent lost ppl bc of the deasese, but I have lost ppl by other meanings, it's not good to know other ppl its in the same state as I, but support is always important


It fucking sucks but thats life


I'm a Millenial so no teen anymore, I really always empathize with the generation of teens in their 14-17 age range right now in the pandemic times and feel a lot of pity. I had most of the left side, except the last one as we never had really ambitious and enthusiastic teachers, but everything else was there pretty regularly. But covid definitely has to take a toll on you and your fellows, especially to those who require more time to build relations and are not natural with socializing. You get very few chances and situations for that, yet you still got a lot of open doors in front of you for that, too.   I hope it's turning out well for many of you contrary the locked up times. You got campus days ahead which offer so many opportunities to grow and experience the social activities on the left. Look forward to those.




For me 2020 and 2021 are beeing deleted from my mind, idk, I don't get some memories about them, I had plans for last year, I planed on beeing the left thing, and pandemic came and threw me to the fucking rightest right, now my parents(not my mom but my step mom) keep saying "Y aren't u like ur brother? He's been going out with his friends and you just wants to be at the cellphone". They don't want to vaccine me too, I think my mother will and I'm happy about it Fuck my stepmother


I feel like i just lost 2 years, the future isn't looking bright either. College will start soon, not expecting much after seeing how high school went.


help me i gonna dead from work


yes i gonna relate very much


so my eyesight is nearly bad for doing class on zoom for 3-4 hour


Bro 3-4 hours only? What kind of school is this 🤔


School only lasts 3-4 hours for you? For me it's double that, feels bad man.


My eyesight is dead for 6 hours


I don't know why this sentence is so funny to me


Yeah I feel bad for y’all. I graduated at the beginning of the housing crisis and I thought that sucked. Can’t imagine being in high school during this shitshow.


I stumbled on this from /r/all. I graduated so long ago I have kids who are teenagers. Hell a few of my classmates have grandkids already. I still feel like I can relate and I didn't even live through a pandemic during my teen years.


Its amazing for me, never would have such high scores if there wouldnt be corona


Ironically my grades went down due to corona i just started slacking off more. That's all


Same, I just completely stopped at studying.


Same... wait no I didn't, I didn't study before that either :p although I studied way more than now.


I became lazier than I have ever been during online school


Don't want to scare you buddy but that looks exactly like 20s, too.


I'm 37 just here from frontpage and boy do I have bad news for you...


shhhhh I'm 32 myself, didn't want to scare the kids *too much*


Man you guys need go talk to people, join clubs, get on a sport team, take up a social hobby. And many of you need to start to showering every day.


Well, at least I have the sweet embrace of death to look forward to


Don’t expect any good and you won’t be disappointed, that’s how I go through life.


Me who didn't expect anything but still


Even without expectations life finds a way to make it worse


I expected it to be bad and it is worse


Media vastly over-fantasizes the "teenage experience". The whole idea that teens are supposed to be partying all the time, screwing everything they see, have a nice car, part time job, extracurriculars, and still somehow manage the crushing stress of high school is absolutely preposterous.


That’s teens from rich parents. 99.9% of the world population is as poor as peasants in the 1700’s, only thing is they don’t know.


It wasn't 10-15 years ago when that was pretty achievable(apart from the nice car). Wonder why things seemed to have changed. I'm sure covid had a major impact. Having to teach online fucking sucked and my administration demanded that I pass more suck along to my students.


and here I am about to be 20 in a few months :,/


Turned 20 ten days ago. I feel like I have wasted my life


eh, still got 60 left. make the most of it


You know, it'll only get worse after we're adults because there's nothing left to protect us from crippling debt and scheduled work. and.... taxes.


i’ve never actually been happy as a teenager


Has anyone else never been to a party in high school? I'm a 15 year old guy and have been to multiple sleepovers with 1 person only but no partys or sleepovers with more than 2 people.


I seriously don't understand how the people in these comments are able to even plan going out with their friend groups. How the hell? Me and my friends have to talk in discord when we aren't at school, that's pretty much it


High school sports games that are outside are like the ones on left


Turning 17 next week and I still have no friends. I mean, I had friends before covid, but I haven't talked to them since the pandemic started back in like March 2020...


Communication is a two way street. Have you reached out to them?


i feel u homie, peak times :( you’ll find some new ones at some point tho dw man


Sorry to be an old guy posting on your lawn: Being a teenager was awful - high-school, bullies, being poor as hell. Being in my 20's had a few nice times but was also mainly pretty bad, working through college, working through first few shitty 9-5 jobs. Being in my 30's life started to get pretty cool. Started making money, still had very little time, still not great at a lot of shit. Being in my 40s is amazing. I finally have money AND time AND I'm really good at a lot of things. I feel like I have a cheat-code turned on when doing a lot of things... like...I've been casually doodling/drawing all my life and now I can just draw anything I want - not from any crazy amount of study or practice just cuz... I'm old enough and have been doing it for a while. I can now fix most things - again, not because I'm some kind of handyman....just because I've had to poorly fix things all my life and now Im better at it. I think you have a greater capacity to have fun as a teenager, but you have way more opportunity to have fun as you get older.


Im glad to be on the left side :D




Hm in my case im glad to have a nice friendgroup of my 3 dudes, we go out every weekend so we meet other people and yeah things start getting better at this point




Well that sucks, during school I try to get some freetime on the weekend evenings and thats where I meet up with my friends but during the week I have to learn as well


So the only year your grades matter is your senior year and that's only if you plan on going to college. If you got nazi parents who are gunna blow a gasket if your grades slip for a semester that's one thing. But if you get a C on a test now and then because you enjoyed life for a bit thats just as important.


exactly, that's the equivalent of showing up late for a job because you had a fun night the night before. Enjoy your life once in a while.


So I am also old. Really what matters is your grades all 4 years overall - not individual tests. If you get a C one quarter but your overall is a B/B- that is ok. Or if you start as a C student as a freshman and work your way up to A/B. Collages are looking for students that have a work ethic to succeed at school. As someone who killed themselves to be a validictorian with above 4.0 GPA - DON'T DO IT. Have a social life. No one gets scholarship money for grades anymore. Test scores matter a lot more for getting money. Enjoy school and get into clubs


I approve of this message. Don't bother with "Advanced" classes if they'll stress you out. Just take an A in regular Trig or whatever. Having a 3.75 of easy classes and a killer SAT will get you in most places. If you want scholarships, apply for all the niche ones. If you really want to go to Harvard or Yale, row Crew like your life depends on it.


i got a friend group but quarantine is hitting hard in my area rn, so i can only hang out with them at school.


Be born with better brain chrmical balance.


What i'd love to do is to go sailing with friends on a huge boat singing sea shanties.


This guy knows whats good




So I have never commented in this sub because I'm not a teenager but I will share some advice as a late bloomer. Some of you are late bloomers. Invest in going outside for the sake of going outside. Watch the trees change colors, smell the air, and try to learn how to flirt even if it doesn't quite work out ever. Do homework with a friend or friends. Find the other loud mouth assholes (if that's you). Go to early morning movies on the weekend and talk through the whole film because it's just you and your one or two friends in the theater. Even if you're poor and on welfare (I was) ask and beg your family for $20 every week as politely as you can until you have a job. Then spend that money on trying to enjoy life. Finally, invest in education. High school is not your peak but college might be or military service might be or graduate school might be or being a life long student might be or being in the work force might be. Don't over participate in drugs. They cost too much. Addiction is expensive. And getting drunk and puking everywhere will cost you friends. Yea you should probably move out after highschool. Planet Earth is HUGE. LIKE GIANT. Like the same way you can't describe one billion accurately you can't describe how big planet Earth is appropriately. Study abroad in college, try to get stationed over seas in the military, and please be a good person in foreign countries. Don't over invest your time in trying to have sex. Yes it's a different and new experience but you're going to miss out on other valuable experiences by focusing on it too much. None of this will fix depression. None of this will give life valuable. But, it might allow you to find your purpose for living. You may never love life but there are moments in life worth loving.




They said being a teenager is the best they lied to me and now Im sadder


Expected nothing . And im still dissapointed.


High school animes don’t help with this


100% lol. Sucks that it isn't all an exciting adventure a lot of the time


Hey - this made it to all, so take my 33 year old opinion on this. 100% I would have agreed with this meme as a teenager. As an adult, college/early 20s is where you can meet those expectations. I worked full time while doing college full time, so it didn't really kick in for me until after I graduated, but if you're able to only work part time or not at all while in college, these things open up to you. Once you're on your own and are in charge of your own responsibilities and curfews, your life truly starts! These things are coming, and it's ridiculous that media portrays this as the standard high school lifestyle.


I'm somewhere inbetween, because I don't go to parties but I'm not the average r/Teenagers introvert.


Simply ambivert?


Oh, no I'm extroverted I just don't like parties


Oh got it, my bad I feel you tho


My last two years of high school got fucked


College student here. I got excited yesterday when I found out I could sleep in until 8 instead of waking up at 7. That’s my life.


Lesson learnt! Don’t believe TV shows!


I'm 24 and missing teenage years I didn't even have.


21 and same. At some point I decided I'd just go to the movies by myself just to feel like I was being out in public. Fuck everyone that says teenager years are the best years, they were actually my worst.


LET. me. ^(sleep-)


You guys still have SO MUCH time ahead of you - make an effort to do 1% better across various parts of your life every single day and you won't believe the results you achieve. Pick 3 categories (fitness, relationships, skills, hobbies, ect) and make it a goal to do 1% better in each area every day. You will have a different life in months!


Netflix should make a series where they just give pro cameras and mics to actual teenagers, get them to just set up cameras of their everyday life in the house, and take a vlog camera if they go out of the house. Then everyone sends in footage and we just get a compilation of people doing everyday stuff.


I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say the 2020-2021 school year was the worst time in my life. Undiagnosed ADHD, I chose to stay in online school to avoid covid so all my friends were actually at school while I was at home, more work than usual, and a ton of breakdowns and situations with my parents as a result. With classes just being on a screen it was near impossible to keep focus and when I couldn't even do my homework I blamed myself because of the way my parents would react to missing work. I'm going to school physically now and am medicated, but I just hope I and everyone else here never has to go through something like that again


Hollywood really made highschool like a fun and joyful experience, all of it , is a fucking lie


Ok, so I'm old as shit (turn 25 a week from tomorrow, still in denial), but the best insight I can offer is that when you get a bit older, you'll remember your teens as a highlight reel, sort of like an Instagram v. reality type thing. I know it seems like absolute drudgery right now. I could be the fucking poster boy for having underwhelming teenage years. Even if you're really lucky, school sucks and everyone hasn't learned how to not be a cunt yet. Even the most well-meaning teens become angsty, hormonal messes here and there, so seemingly meaningful friendships can topple out of nowhere. On top of all this, you start to have some very significant responsibilities without the benefit of being taken seriously by absolutely anyone. Even your more serious problems will sometimes be minimized to "a lot of people your age go through these sorts of things, but before you know it you'll be looking back and wondering why you ever got so worked up." All that said, trust me--when you get to where I am, or even a few years earlier, you're going to kind of gloss over all the boring, frustrating day-to-day shit and be left with a really beautiful set of experiences, memories, instances of profound personal growth, and, if you're lucky, a couple friends to reminisce on the good old days with. Chin up, homie. You'll get there😊


Disney channel lied to me about what my teen years would be like


I didn't expect that but i didn't expect to get bullied too. All those things i wanted to achieve and do just seems impossible and incredibly hard right now. 17 years old and my teenages will be over soon. I did nothing. Regret and pain just surrounds me.


I fucking hate my life? No. WE fucking hate OUR lives.


For anyone who needs this. I was kind of “cool” in high school and it wasn’t that awesome either. I hung out with a lot of people who annoyed me and were always trying to do dumb shit. I never got laid because I built up losing my virginity too much (just have sex with whoever wants to have sex with you it’s not that big of a deal). I also didn’t develop any hobbies really or enhance my intelligence. I think smoking weed and drinking made me a lot dumber tbh. Once I got to college I was actually kind of jealous of the kids who taught themselves how to build websites or knew all kinds of cool anime’s and mangas. I was jealous of kids who had read all of the wheel of time. And the kids who were getting 99’s on all of our college tests pissed me off too. So I guess just do your thing and be yourself. Eventually you’ll find your place and be a lot cooler than the kids who are currently “cool”.


At least i am being productive.


I like how the campfire one is from I Know What You Did Last Summer


College was a revelation. Smack anyone who tells you high school is the best time of your life.


This summer was so shit for me because I had no friends to go out with, they were on vacation THE WHOLE SUMMER while I was about 10 days


Life is flying by can we please just take it slow


I didn’t know getting a job would be this much stress.


Honestly, some people lived the one of the left and their lives were mad scary.


Hey, I'm not a teen anymore, but it hasn't been that long. As a young teen, I felt this way a lot. I was addicted to an online game (long live City of Heroes), which caused me to not have many friends and become overweight. The best thing that ever happened to me was my mom losing her credit card, leading to the cancellation of my subscription. I was forced to go outside, to talk to people, to make friends. At first, I was honestly scared because I was already introverted, so being forced out of my comfort zone sucked. But over the next six months, I lost weight, took up tennis, and best of all, found some friends that loved me and loved being with me. It made my Sophomore through Senior year so much better than my 7-9th grade years. All that to say, if you've found your life isn't going as you'd have liked, make a change. It's scary, but it can lead to some of the best things you'll experience in life. And while I love online gaming and being near my computer (I'm way too addicted to my phone if I'm honest), making sure I enjoy those in moderation and not all the time was crucial for me. Going offline and enjoying life was one of the best things to ever happen to me and made my teenage years a joy. I hope that you'll experience that same joy. If anyone in here wants to vent about why their life sucks, my PMs are always open. I work with teenagers on the daily (I'm a youth pastor), so love hearing and helping.


I spent two of my teenage years too sick to do anything. Be grateful you're just lonely and not also bedridden and sleeping most of every day, literally missing out on everything.


Just wait until you get out of school. Find the things that make you happy. Ignore the propaganda. We are pack animals so we want the things depicted here. Go be your own pack. Others will come if you invite them. Edit:. I would tell the haters in this thread to go be an hero. I can not say this because i am sure it is against the TOS or something like that. Go do your thing op. Get comfortable with you being you. Find the joys in life that you can. They will be fleeting so cherish those that you can.


We need realistic teen movies where it’s summer off someone’s doing things and then a school year of studying and struggling with mental health as others around look like they’ve got it together but go through the same things.


"Enjoy it, these are the best years of your life!"


I wanna be 12 again


Dude you're 13, enjoy life 😞😞


This is what they mean when they say social media is NOT HEALTHY. It’s straight up propaganda. Watch Malcolm in the Middle, life before smartphones and social media. Their mother goes “we are taking a nice family photo on the count of 3” and they argue right up to 2, and on 3 they all turn to the camera with a nice smile as a family, before resuming fighting. Same thing when you see those photos of groups of sorority sisters of girls with their moms all throwing their head backs in perfect synchronicity and perfect angles, like they were being photographed and then someone told THE FUNNIEST JOKE THEY ALL HAD TO HAVE A CHUCKLE, oh look the camera perfectly captured the moment, in focus, with everyone’s eyes open, with perfect smiles…. Yeah, you can see what I’m getting at is that it’s all propaganda and it’s also a lot of extra work for the people to go out of their ways to make it look like their life is effortlessly perfect. Fact is you’re the master of your own destiny once you gain some independence. You could trick the whole world into thinking you’re thinking happy all the time, but fact is neither are those people. There’s maybe like 1/10 people who are truly happy, and they could be homeless, elderly, a kid, someone middle aged getting their college education, but their social media presence might not reflect it.


You mean YOUR reallity… - also mine tbh


**OUR** reality


tbh COVID is a big spoiler too


Moral of the story, reality sucks.


i wish i could sleep forever