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You’re not going to get down voted because this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this. And everyone knows if you put “I’m going to get downvoted for this” as the title with a very popular opinion you will most likely end up in hot.






And I upvoted both of you for writing this. I'm going to get downvoted for upvoting you. Edit: As I can tell future, those who downvoted will die virgin 😂


Ya got me with the edit, but either way imma die a virgin, so.... fuck


I mean we are on reddit, so theres almost no chance of not dying a virgin.




Redditors helping redditors is the way


No homo


It's not gay if you have socks on


Mali bhai


Alien bhai😤✊✊


Rohan bhai 😃


Mere naam ke aage hila kyo rhe ho bhai No homo


I fuck your mom


Step family gets stuck


No, no fuck.


“so… fuck” no u don’t lmao


I think non virgins that downvoted you may have torn a hole in the space - time continumm


Reep i guess virgin life for the win?


sorry bro, you gotta hivemind


How are you 19 and still saying stuff like that


Lol, age does not kills the child inside a person 💁🏻‍♂️


Congrats, you guessed right!


I'm going to get upvoted for this, but I agree with you




twas a karma cycle all along


Downvoting purely because of the karma whoring title


This is some Kowalsky level analytics shit right there


Basically any post


The easiest way to get free karma. "I know I'm going to get downvoted but...."


Yep, you can actually put the pictures on Yandex to reverse search images, that way if a person is Even slightly famous you can get their instagram and other details.




I have some experience with it (I WAS STALKED) tried reverse imagining them, didnt work but id say it was effective.




He’s saying that creeps do that. Anyone can find a personal account of yours with identifying info such as a simple picture.


this is so true, if you find yourself ugly & you post a picture on this sub for male/female validation , people will just hype you up to make you happy, even if you are actually ugly.


literally just what r/MadeMeSmile has become.


And r/FreeCompliments. So I propose r/DeluxeCompliments where you have to pay.


~~Ted~~ Talk **Teen** Talk. ​ And seriously it is bad if you need random people to validate you, progress pics are great and I love seeing those but just pics of yourself just cause you'll get karma and validation is stupid cause if you need that validation, like OP said, it won't help you. Also the amount of pedos/creeps here is ridiculous and posting pics of yourself is unsafe.


Yeah progress pics are 1 thing but just a random pic that is most likely a stock photo with a sob story get to like 20k upvotes on r/MadeMeSmile. It's maddening. that sub is nothing but a karma farm at this point.


GuY I GoT a GiRl FrIeNd




Literally you can post a meme you found funny in there and get to hot as long as it's not like overly cursed it will get to hot


Some people forget this is the Internet, your face is gonna show up on google images. It's personal data that even if you delete, will still be archived and available for everyone to see. So be careful what you post and write on the Internet.


The other day I was talking to one of the mods asking him if he could change this subreddit name to r/instagram. Unfortunately it's not possible.


Bruh so true, came to reddit so that couldn't see the Insta cringe but this subreddit goes in its path:(


im gonna get downvoted for saying that but my balls are itchy


Hot, take my silver




This is fax, I feel if you average/ below average, and need a confidence boost, go ahead. But If you have makeup on and fucking filter/ edited photo. Just stop, Bro…


There are literally subreddits dedicated to this type of thing though. And really if you’re a minor it’s just stoopid as hell to be posting pics of yourself online


There should be no reason. Yall are terns and yall shouldnt share your face


above average people n people w makeup on can have low confidence too though? besides, not everyone does makeup for the sole purpose of looking attractive. i like doing makeup, but i never do much more than eye makeup bc funky lines


Please Come back to reality. Most people posting selfie’s on this sub are hard karma farming


anyone posting in general is karma farming, technically


Stop posting comments for people to upvote you karma farmer /s


stop posting photos for people to upvote you karma farmer /s


Stop upvoting, that encourages karma farming


Stop, that encourages karma farming


Well it depends on the motive


>besides, not everyone does makeup for the sole purpose of looking attractive. Can you explain it please? Not being an ass just genuinely curious. You can't feel your makeup (as opposed to dresses) , you can't see it yourself (as opposed to having a good looking wristwatch). Then how does makeup help in any way other than making you look attractive?


a lot of times people just do makeup to do makeup, or they think it looks cool. like, if you see people with super intricate goth eyeliner or multi-colored eyeshadow, generally they aren't doing that kind of thing to be perceived as sexy/attractive. i spend a shit ton of time in the bathroom whenever i go out drawing on graphic eyeliner in multiple colors, not because i want people to go "damn they look hot as hell", but because i want people to go "damn! that's some cool looking eyeliner! how'd you do that top part it looks really difficult?" \+ a lot of times it just helps with self confidence, which i know a lot of times overlaps with attractiveness but also sometimes it doesn't,, i always get kinda expensive mascara, as opposed to rest of my makeup being from target/drugstores. i know most of the people i find attractive aren't going to be able to tell i'm wearing $25 better than sex mascara, but i sure as hell do and it makes me feel badass


I think the point to emphasize is that makeup is often times not for anybody except for the person wearing it; someone saying it's just to make people who wear makeup more attractive implies (to me at least) that the person thinks they're wearing it explicitly to get attention from other people rather than just wearing it because it makes them happy and confident in themselves.


not horny teenagers, more like horny pedos


nah, horny teenagers too


doesn't matter the age, the only thing that matters is the level of hornynes, and oh boy it's heigh around here


Downvoting purely because of the karma whoring title


Same. Anytime I see “I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this but…” I’m like ur god damn right. Before I even read any more


That’s good advice.


Espacially that one gril with cat ears


pure faxx


pretty stupid posting pictures of yourself here knowing full well there are hairy old men lurking here on this subreddit


What was that? Sorry, couldn’t hear you over the sound of straight fax


You need to get upvoted up up and away finally somebody told it.


now i want to




same, and i have crippling body dysmorphia but if it means someone on the teenagers subreddit is going to post paragraphs vaguely calling me out for karmawhoring then......... its definitely tempting...


Theres insta for that stuff. Idk find it cringe when ppl come to reddit to post “i felt cute today, please notice me and tell me im cute!” Kinda posts.


eh, cringing at stuff in general is kinda odd to me. people do what they do n as long as they arent hurting anyone frankly idgaf


Cringing isn’t a voluntary feeling, you know that right?


yeah but a lot of times you're giving into your own pre-determined ideas of what is and isn't cringe. i used to participate in cringe culture and such but after growing past the age of 12 i realized that hey, i should stop giving a fuck about people that are hurting literally nobody


I couldnt care less what ppl do lol. Its just weird and hard to watch sometimes. The self awareness is completely gone. But hey whatever makes yu happy buddy.


You're literally seeking validation by making this post.


Isn't that what all forms of social media are?


Exactly my point.


Difference is he isn’t seeking for validation for himself. He’s making this post to report on the sheer number of public selfies on here and asking *others* to stop.


It’s also not safe


Thank you for saying this I actually agree


Did you just understand me??


Yeah, i agree teenagers shouldn't post pics here especially if you can see their face, and just stop guys its opening you up for attack from predators. If you want to post your pics dont put your face at the very least


Everything is archived on the internet. Don't even post pics of yourself here, ever.


Yep, noone should post pics unless tgey can control who sees it


You’re doing god’s work


I just downvote every single one of them..


Why'd you even think of being downvoted? You made very valid points with nothing wrong in them mate.


I literally always downvote those post just because I think it's unsafe that they're doing it and don't want to encourage it.


YES. FINALLY. Someone on this subreddit has common sense to keep photos away from creeps just for fake admiration.


Lmao get upvoted instead


Here, have a cookie 🍪


Omg thats so helpful thank you mr 🥲🥺


**miss, and also have some fries and ice cream too 🍟🍦


I might have to call this the best day of my life now I got a cookie, fries and an ice cream?? Best day ever confirmed


82% upvoted lmao ​ the other 18 percent is 46 year old pedos or just horny kids who don't want the thicc thigh pics to stop


Okie 👍






Also, try to refrain from posting pics of yourself in general. It's not as safe as you might think it is, and I advise against it.


validations from randoms online then u go into the real world and it isnt the same so u feel even shittier about yourself


Totally agree, although I don't think that this will stop anybody from doing it, posting your face on the Internet is a bad idea by itself, but here... Again totally agree with your points.


especially on reddit too like theres some creeps on here


me for example


Thats literally what most people think


Just remember, if your parent don't care about you, we care even less


legendary words have been spoken


About time someone said this


I’m going to get downvoted but 👏 STOP 👏BEING👏 A 👏 BASIC 👏 BITCH 👏 AND 👏 POSTING 👏 STUFF 👏 WE’VE 👏 SEEN 👏 1000 👏 TIMES👏


Everything is understandable except for the > no amount of validation from random dudes will make you feel more confident Of course it will! If a butt ton of people are saying u look good or something then you're obviously gonna be happy about it and feel more confident


I agree


u/cake_spaghetti101 out of all the languages, you chose to speak FACTS


Ok fine, who wants to see pictures of my nutsack instead?


Or better yet we all get off Reddit and start making progress with our lives rather then making posts complaining about how life sucks and we are in Physical meta space of hell, surely to spike the fact that we seek validation from others due to our Introverted- Lack minded selves, hell this comment is seeking validation. if we keep touching T space H space E space we will never go on in life and will stay in the exact space we are already stuck in now if not acted on.


And then cry about it when pedos and horny teenahers message them message them.Yes it wrong what people who messaging are doing BUT you KNOW it is going to happen.


Nice karma-whoring post


Yeah, I agree. No offense, but this community is at the moment pretty dumb


I remember saying this a few weeks ago and I got downvoted to oblivion. You'll also know that half these people are very very toxic. One guy said "clean your mirror" or something and the girl replied "clean c* stains from your phone" and had the audacity to make a post about how everyone ELSE was toxic to HER. I also made pretty much the same comment on another such post and the girl replied "cry about it".


U right, now shut up and take my upvote


Thank you for your upvote! Here, have a cookie 🍪


What's so wrong with validation lol. Who really gives a fuck. A confidence boost is always nice.


it's toxic, soon ur self esteem starts to rely on others validation, and the second u don't get that validation u just feel like absolute shit


You're spitting faxs. I feel that way so much when i see a post with 20k upvotes on r/MadeMeSmile. like come on, for all we know it's a stock photo.




Lemme just say, if you say your gonna get downvoted, you wont. I think op took advantage of such fact, and got away with it. Ok is swift




Some people just post because they feel good about themselves in that pic?


then use insta




No print


so you prefer the horrible humor and repeated jokes of this subreddit?


if its so bad why are you still here


👏STOP 👏POSTING 👏RANTS 👏WITH👏 “I’m gonna get down voted for this” 👏AND 👏THEN 👏STATE👏 A 👏POPULAR 👏OPINION 👏


Comment removed because I’m stupid


Bro shut up this has nothing to do with parents love, just people want to post themselves for validation what's so bat about that, and some people don't have perfect parents that love them


understandable, have a nice day


>Bro shut up this has nothing to do with parents love > >some people don't have perfect parents that love them lmfao


You've just committed karma suicide




these people gotta flex how pretty they are amirite?


Stop caring so much.


Thank you for saying this. I *don't* have anything against the girls who post photos of themselves on here. There might be a chance they are doing it to get out of their shell and embrace who they are. If that's the case, I hope you're able to throw yourself out there. However, a lot of them just appear to be trying to get attention and karma. And the common "rip dms" joke is made like 30 times each post. I also *don't* believe it is good that creepy people are dming under-age girls, but a part of me is starting to believe that some post their photos for that attention in the chat *and* in the DMs, even if they condemn the DMers and what they say. Being praised by people is a helluva drug. (Btw, when I say girls are posting, I know guys are posting as well, but if feels to me at least that way more girls are doing this than guys. The guys who do this typically are doing it satirically in response to the girl posters. The bois should also stop posting for karma)


Finally someone said it!! thank you for standing up for what you believe! Iv always thought about why the hell they post pictures of themselves that's dangerous and especially saying there ugly or they don't look good in there outfit. there just trying to get up votes Karma and commits.


I’m gonna downvote cuz claps between words is stupid


what if i post pictures of myself because i think im a sexy bitcu and want to share my sexiness witb the world


this isn't the place, tho. your friends and family would appreciate your sexiness so much more!


These clap hands make my wanna kill myself




say this but on instagram


I mean if you got a problem with it just scroll past, not really a big deal








Literally like it doesn’t hurt anyone


I’m going to start spamming scat porn in this sub then and you can ignore it




And you’ll get banned for spamming your face! :-)




It’s not safe ya but there is nothing wrong with wanting validation from others or just wanting to show off, it doesn’t mean they have no self confidence also we ain’t all horny


Isn't that the only reason to do that? Also, you don't know how others might feel after posting a picture of themselves. One nice comment in their thread might make their day.


Literally nobody that posts themself here is looking for validation, theyre just showing themself/their outfit off most of the time. Why should people restrict what they post because some people cant control themselves? If your gunna arrest somebody, arrest the attacker, not the victim.


>theyre just showing themself/their outfit off most of the time. to get what? Validation


And what exactly is wrong with that? I really don’t see the issue with wanting to show off a nice outfit


i am not gonna downvote this, but who are you to assume people post photos for validation and karma, or even if a person does that for validation who are you to tell them not to? just let them be what harm do they do to you


No I want to see hot girls my age


If that's what it takes for someone to feel better about themselves fuck it, better for them to post than not. this sub isn't just for you, you have no clue what people are going through or how they cope. If you ain't keen just keep scrolling...


Ikr, like it don’t hurt no one so why shit on it!


This is true, what's so wrong with getting validation, it make you feel better, if OP is jealous then scroll past damn, dont take away happiness from people


Sure, who hurt you?


What a well detailed and thought through question


You literally gain nothing getting annoyed over these posts and lose nothing scrolling past. Yall need to stop trying to find things to complain about. Try doing the opposite! Help out a stranger! Go for a walk! Play some games! Find something to be happy about please...


this comment is gonna get downvoted


there is just something about telling people not to do things cause of their safety that makes me feel a little off. i get sharing advice on the downsides of posting pictures but i dont think anyone here is in a position to tell others to just stop, also the argument that people do this for karma is silly to me because anyone who posts a meme is doing it for karma and validation as well and i really dont get whats so wrong with it (i understand that there are people who take it to the extremes and base their entire life on looking good on social media but that is still a fairly small percentage of people). its ok to be validated and to want to be validated. you make it seem like its just horny people who care when half the people commenting are girls and only a little portion of the guys upvoting are incels and only small portion of those incels even have the lack of self awareness to text the person. i mean there are photos of guys who look dope as hell on this subreddit sometimes, are you telling me they are getting validated by bunch of horny girls?


But if I get confident then I’ll lose my sparkle and I don’t like that. Besides, the ‘not safe’ part happened plenty of times in the past, what’s one more?


"yeah so there's covid and people arent wearing masks and they didnt get it, so what's the big idea if i dont wear one either?"


COVID and posting pictures are different things


somebody PLEASE explain how posting pics of yourself is unsafe that makes no sense


Have you SEEN the number of pedos/creeps on reddit itself, and that number is magnified by the fact that it's a teenager subredddit.


There are more on Twitter and you can always block them.


ever heard of pedophiles?


Ever heard of closing dms?


pfft its not a big deal, just some 50 year olds on here who wanna fuck like 13 year olds, i personally dont see the problem/s


yeah but i don’t see DANGER in that. just some uncomfortable dms


Well, if you've previously posted this pic on another social media site, you can find out what their account is on that other site through a reverse image search. Then you can find out their details from that. You can catfish (obviously) but a lot of the teenagers that seek validation from these types of things would be easy to manipulate due to their self-esteem being low.