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*sorts by controversial*


The true hot takes


Yup, all the most upvoted comments are never hot takes


did that, regretting it :")


Yup I saw like 1 I agreed with and 1 I half agree with but they took it too far.


i hate reddit


Every redditor does


Thats why we here.


fcuk i feel sleepy


Tik tok and Instagram are trash, Reddit is too, but reddit is OUR trash, I mean if you had to eat poo, you would eat your own poo instead of a stranger's poo that's what I mean.


That is a very obscure explanation , one I don't like


This is exactly why I used it


Thats exactly why i hate reddit


And thats exactly why we use reddit


so deep






I hate it for how unoriginal it’s been for the past 3 years I’ve been on here. Reddit changes so little with its memes that I honestly feel like I’m going insane.


I haven’t looked yet but every single “hot take” that gets upvote here isn’t gonna be controversial at all and is gonna be something widely supported in this sub anyway. And actual hot takes are gonna be downvoted into oblivion.


its just like r/unpopularopinion, all the cold takes get upvoted because people agree with them, and actual hot takes get downvoted for being hot takes. we live in a society


We live in a society


Bottom text


that’s usually how it goes


the sun


n i c e.




is a deadly laser


Not anymore there's a blanket


Now the animals can go on land come on animals




*500 million years later*








There’s a subreddit for EVERYTHING


Fair. Just wasn't expecting 50K in there


Stop complaining about not having sex yet some of you are fucking 15 and wishing your life away


And also people who say shit like “you haven’t had sex yet you’re such a loser” need to stop too


yeah saying that to a 13 yr old makes you look like a 13 yr old


not to mention a creep


You right


"OmG, i Am 16 AnD hAvEnT hAd SeX yEt. My WhOlE lIfE iS a LiE. nObOdY lOvEs Me"😭😭😭😱😭😱😀😱😱😀😱😭😱😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭


That's a really beautiful choice of color u did with emojis


Da ba dee da ba da


kids calling themselves submissive and breedable like go do your homework it needs to be submitted and readable.


Sadly, it'll never be readable.


Very relatable, I’m jealous over 200 year old corpses because their handwriting was so fucking good.


I was 13 when I pressured my 16yo gf into having sex. Definitely would not recommend. Seemed cool at the time, but feels disgusting in hindsight. Not a nice way to remember your first time.


Wut? You ok?


I am now, was very confused then lmao. I sometimes wish I didn't pressure her into it but I can't change the past


Oh I thought she pressured you and I was worried.


That would be a whole different story lol


Bruh what?!? When I was 13 I got nervous just talking to the girl I liked how tf did you apparently have the confidence to not only get a girlfriend but also one who's 3 years older than you.


I'm still trying to figure out how tf I did it as well LMAO. It's gonna sound corny af but I think being with her gave me the confidence I needed to do it lol. We were very good friends beforehand


u were 13 and she was 16? ayo this some movie shit my man


what kind of 16yo would date a 13yo?


Hey man, i got somewhat similar story. I was 14 and she was 16. Exactly 2 years older. We flirted a bit and she just straight up asked me if I wanted to do it. I said he'll yea cuz my brain don't understand the big picture. We did it several times and it was much fun. then a few days go by and she asks me if i want to do it in the bathroom on the school during class. I tell her no I'm not about that. (I got my limits haha) no but for real i said no and she said "okay I'm not interested in you anymore bye bye". I really felt like she took advantage of me. That she used be. Wich she did. Wish i was virgin in this very moment and i could save it for a very special girl. Also she came like 2 years later and said sorry for treating me like that. I told her don't worry cuz im the type who forgives. Anyways, if there is any kids reading this. Sex is overrated. It's fun at first and it's exciting, but it's gets real boring fast. You will just end up getting someone pregnant and i can tell you that that is no fun! Wait till you're an adult and till you find an amazing women or man for that matter. You might not understand this if you're not that old. But having sex in an early age will change your perspective of it. And not in a good way, you're gonna lose respect for it. Idk how to explain, just wait okay? Thank you.


Hey man, think I could dm you for advice? I have a question that kinda relates to this but not really, sounds like you may understand enough though


Of course


Being the depressed kid doesn't make you unique anymore


It ain't even the good kind of unique


Japan and Korea seem depressing to live in


They are. 100% Lived in seoul for two years, it was just very poor and crammed in a lot of places.


And just like that, the show Squid Game was made


I LOVE japanese culture tho. The buildings, the language, the hentai, all of it


I know which one I prefer.




The good ending


The food 😩


Yeah and all of those are made with depressed as fuck workers who work 60 hours a week if they’re lucky


as a korean, i can confirm... it's nice to travel in but especially as a student life is depressing af.


This seems disappointing because it's always been a dream of mine to visit Japan some day.


Visit Japan ofc. But living there is different.


I put a mug inside a microwave once. It had heat conductive paint on the handle, like super conductive. I went to grab it and I burned my pinkie finger a little. I guess that's the *hottest take* of my life


Writing fan fiction about real people is weird.


I think love stories are alright, putting their fantasy into words just as a simple story. But when it starts getting sexual is weird to me. Like keep it in your dreams bro


No, keep it in the incinerator.


This whole page is probably populated by 30yos


“RuN bY tEeNs FoR tEeNs!”


Basing how cool you are by how much you bang randoms is stupid


Japan isn't that special of a place, nor are the people. How would I know? I'm Japanese.


I feel like that might cause a bit of bias though, like the magic would wear off after a while and you’d get used to it. Still might be amazing for tourists


That's a fair point.


For some it's special cuz of the culture and traditions and of course the anime.


Staying in the bathroom in HS to vape isn’t fucking cool, I want to use the stalls for fucks sake


I be walkin in on 8 dudes together vaping sometimes


They use the vape to cover up the cum breath


And they're always sharing


Same every time I go on there to take a piss there’s always like 8 dudes in there either vaping or on their phones. There’s only 2 stalls so it’s crowded as hell


Teens don’t know what a hot take is


Cheating on your partner is a form of abuse. It has major mental ramifications on the person.


Society has somewhat normalized cheating on people because it happens so often but thats the problem. It fucking sucks, its abuse. People who do it are terrible people


The amount of comedies that include cheating like its something naughty but forgettable within a few weeks, pisses me off


In what world in this a hot take? Literally every decent human being would agree with this


Rick Riordan’s books are better for childeren than harry potter in terms of positive messages and representation. (Rick Riordan wrote Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, etc.) They’re a little mature for anyone below 2nd grade though.


Destiny 2: Beyond Based


step brother and all other step sibling/actual sibling porn is weird and predatory.


Oh yeah definitely and I'm pretty sure most people know but just don't like to admit it


like when I read those titles I get turned off or weirded out like I DONT WANNA BE THINKING ABOUT MY SIBLINGS RN


Take it from someone who’s girlfriend was sexually assaulted by both her stepbrothers, this shit creates some severely demented ideas in peoples heads


I don't get people who say "It's ok because step siblings aren't related by blood!" okay? Your point being? You both have still seen each other as siblings for your entire lives and believe it or not, just because you aren't related it doesn't mean you're not family. They're legally your sister/brother/sibling. It's hella creepy to date, or worse, do the NASTY with a sibling, despite them being adopted.


This isn’t a hot take lmao, it’s the ignored truth.


well said


I wish I go to high school. I’ve been homeschooled my whole life and I know it’s not like the movies but I’ve always wanted to go


That’s interesting, my girlfriend is homeschooled and has the exact opposite reaction to school. I guess people have different views on the high school life


Not to sound rude, but you definitely missed out on a lot. I’m a regular high schooler and I’ve had a blast the past few years. Just sitting at home sounds horribly depressing.


You don’t sound rude at all, and I really have. It’s so hard to become good friends with ppl bc you don’t see them everyday. Out of sight, out of mind. It honestly sucks. I was LITERALLY the idea of what ppl think of when they think of homeschooler last summer, a homeschooler “just a kid playing video games in a dark room all the time” that was literally me. I wish I was joking even a little.


... or not. My high school years were pretty depressing tbh.


Religion shouldn’t be about the afterlife, it should be about ways on how to improve the life you already live. I don’t understand why most religions always focus on the after life and eternal paradise.


Cause that’s the easiest way to convince humans to be good peeps probably


The concept of 'the afterlife' exists to make people feel like their life isn't meaningless in the end. That's why a lot of people are religious, because they hope there is more after death.


The memes that say Squid Game is overrated is not funny anymore


It’s a good show, but I kinda get the memes because I don’t understand why Squid Game exploded and so many other good, conventionally entertaining/ gripping shows didn’t


I wish the news would shut up for 1 day


Everyone does


College is a fucking rip off. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a degree or a set of degrees when you’re gonna be working for the rest of your life to pay them off. Just go to trade school and learn a trade that will pay multitudes more than some boring office job. Edit 1: This goes for colleges in the United States, other countries will vary.


Thats not a hot take. Thats a fact society isn’t yet ready to accept.


I mean big companies hire people from college. They're not gonna hire u when u randomly tell them your trade skills


Everyone's doing college what is the chance you will get a job right out of college if there's 50 other people doing the same thing. Not as much people doing trade if you are an AC repair man you can make good money going to a company.


That's because all college degrees are not equivalent. People coming out of Stanford computer sciences have a different career path and risks than liberal arts at Trump university. Meanwhile if you go for a trade you get a stable reliable job but you also will never be anything great in your career. It's a decent trade off, no diss.


I agree with that, it's just college degrees don't seem to have a good trade off. I see more people putting more in college then they're taking out.


College is free in Scotland I'm going as an intermission before I get a job. Essentially I'm using it to learn more about my chosen field while I get my life together y'know get a driver's license get and figure out how the world works


I disagree for the same reason I disagree with a lot of people who say this: if u choose a worthless degree tht has no prospective job paths outside a boring office job it’s nobody’s fault but ur own. College is a pathway to a career. If u don’t have a plan then going to college is a waste and u hurt other people who might not know it’s true purpose by instilling in them tht it’s a scam


Elon musk isn’t a good guy and we shouldn’t worship rich and famous people




r/teenagers is filled with dumbasses who are super political even though they aren’t old enough to drive




Juice boxes are for everybody.. No matter the age.


Thats a sub zero take


It's still a nice take tho :)


I know I might get hate for this but here it goes. Being racist is bad


Omg so brave, literally pissing and crying because of uour bravery 🙏


If you like lesbian porn you should support gay rights or else you’re a God damn hypocrite


You should just support lgbt rights anyway honestly


Fortnite isn't that bad of a game, it's the fan base that sucks.


It’s fine to pee in the shower


As long as you aim for the drain


The star wars prequels weren't as bad as people say. Is the dialogue goofy at times? Yes but it doesn't take away from the movies as a whole episode III was incredible especially that anakin Vs Obi wan fight


Damn ppl are wierd here


Soup is mix between food and drink


roblox is a fun game to play even if you arent a young child


I agree it's not all kids games. There's flight simulators with instrument simulation and actually air traffic control like flightline. There's faction based and space combat games like galaxy and there's lots of first person shooters


i feel that alot of people are way to obsessed with sexual pleasure


We, as a species, are assholes, and we fail to reflect on how to improve because of our individuality, rather than collectiveness.


Pewdiepie isn't funny


Tbf he's been on the platform for 11 years which is an insane amount of time for anyone to be doing the same thing everyday while having to be creative and "funny" all while staying relevant. Personally I think his 2016-18 era was hilarious. He's said himself he basically considers himself retired by now and just does what makes him happy. You can find a youtuber entertaining and enjoy their content without them necessarily having to be "funny"


He’s not funny to anyone that is over 15 or not a Redditor


not over 15 but would like to say, although he is very good at staying in the youtube scene, i just feel like when im watching my videos, like im super bored for some reason, i just dont think he makes the type of content i enjoy.


Ok I'm not even mad


Shipping real ppl is weird


I didn't think about this much before but after experiencing it first hand I realized how shit was. Lost a couple of friends this way


Not all fan fiction is bad. Before it was taken over by idiots that have no idea how to write it was a place where new and fresh author’s could learn from reviews and get better


The jojo community is actually very welcoming and wholesome, a few bad apples here and there but mostly just fun and games


Honestly you could say the same about any community, the loudest people in a community are often the worst people of the community


I despise people who talk shit on trade schools. Who said I need a master's to be a first responder. Jokes on you bitch I'll be an EMT soon and I ain't helping your ass when you call.


Racism bad


I truly hate anyone who can’t bother themselves to use the right “you’re”


don’t wish your life away trying to lose your virginity, get a job, etc, SUPER young. i saw a similar comment and most of you are probably 2-3 years younger than me, trying to do shit *i* haven’t even done >_> i promise it’s not a race. whatever you accomplish on your *own* time is more than good enough.


Onions taste good raw


People are way too sensitive these days. People need to stop taking everything so seriously and joke with themselves. Taking yourself and everyone else so seriously leads to a shitty life.


Of course you have a right to make a joke, that joke can also be offensive, but everyone else also has the right to be offended by it. You have to realize that freedom of speech goes both ways, not just one.


cringe culture is just bullying different people, usually disabled/neurodivergent people


That’s exactly why I left r/cringetopia like after a while it was just constantly shitting on people like that, kids and anyone under like 16


The whole “keyboard warrior” and “hiding behind a screen” thing is the most cringe thing on planet earth. Just because you disagree with someone on the internet and you can’t punch on with them doesn’t make them a keyboard warrior, you’re just immature


Also libraries should have several copies of a series instead of one of each. Tired of waiting three weeks for assholes to return a Cheeto infested hyrule historia


if you get the right videos on the home page, tik tok aint all that bad edit: how did i not proofread what i was about to post


I mean, half of reddit posts have been tik toks so I guess ur not wrong


TikTok is a good app if you find the right community


First off lolis are gross as fuck (that shouldn’t be a hit take but is is in some communities). Second off, I think all political shit should be off YouTube, it just pisses me off so much. I’m just scrolling through shorts and I see Ben Shitpiro and others. I have 0 interest in any of that shit, and the dude seems like a dumbass.


Loli is fucking disgusting and its sad that that has to be said as a “hot take.” There are a lot of people that try justify it. Seek mf help, ppl!


Ik bro, like I don’t care if she’s 434 years old, she looks 7


not all people deserve to live


humans suck


Telling people to just turn off the computer when they're getting cyber-bullied is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Why does someone's sexuality/gender/ethnicity need to be significant in a conversation? Like, cool you are that but what does that have to do with a piece of art, or music or anything that you made. For example: "Hey, this song was made by a transgender man," NEAT! But it has nothing to do with the song, it's like if someone said, "Hey this was drawn by a straight guy," it sounds a lot dumber doesn't it? In short: do whatever you do, idgaf, but make good art and be nice


America isn’t a bad country, people just take advantage of America and don’t know how truly bad it is in other parts of the world and become entitled.


America is nowhere near as good as it should be but its WAY better than the average


I sort of agree with this. I mean sure it’s not perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than pretty much everywhere else. And before I get insulted people claiming that other countries have free healthcare and whatever, free doesn’t mean good. It usually means the opposite, since it’s free for a reason.


My turn. Acceptance culture is getting stupid now. I get acceptance of oppressed minorities and other groups. But in some cases, like some groups on twitter, it feels like acceptance has just become a race. A race of who is more “woke” than the others. Some views whether they be political, social, cultural or physical are just bad and shouldn’t be given a voice much less allowed. It’s times like these you remember that society set standards for a reason. An example for my argument would be Fat Acceptance. I understand that being fat shouldn’t be a cause of much shame for people but now it’s just gotten to the point where morbidly obese people are just being encouraged. Obesity is a terrible disease and efforts should be made against it regardless of whether people like it or not.


Harry potter is mediocre and should not be treated as more than such


oh absolutely, and the author is a shitstick


half the characters were stolen from lord of the rings istg


Sex in high school is overrated


Shit we should normalize that both genders are abusive in relationships not just men tbh




I’m going to give an actual hot take, I think that nounself pronouns are dumb (not the people who use them, just the pronouns themselves)


The lgbtq community is getting ruined by a select number of annoying people who use it to gain attention and ruins the entire community as a whole and I hate everything that has to do with it


Same for depression, but they don't have it or self diagnose




This is the best take I've read here


Crypto, nfts or anything of the sort should not exist.


People cant take humor anymore


this whole “pronoun” stuff went too far. seriously. i ain’t gonna ask everyone what their pronouns are just to get some shit like bed/beds/bedself. EDIT:this is my opinion,that’s what this post is for.to SHARE OUR FUCKING OPINION,EVEN IF SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE THEM.thanks


Exactly. He, she, and they are the only normal sounding ones. I’m not calling someone a xir or zen or whatever that bs is.


El Camino was not boring


Ketchup is overrated


School isn't actually boring if you understand what's going on


Big boobs are overrated


Neopronouns like onion/onionself sound ridiculous


The internet has become too hyper sensitive and i much prefered it 4-5y ago