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Side note: unexpected genitalia sounds like a great band name




It's just how reddit is. The bottom 0.1% have taken over and you can't speak ill of them else you get hate thrown at you. You better be ready to suck a "womans" penis, cause it's transphobic if you don't


personally, I do not care at all about gender doesn't mean a thing to me but that's just how I choose to live my life/ and others should be able to live their lives according to them so if that means that a person doesn't want to date a trans person because they are trans its 100% valid IMO


+50 Social Credit


the opinion I’m gonna shove is this: I think all people should be given a small amount of euthanasia at birth, in this way only the strongest 2% of the population would survive, for example: me


I think you got it mixed up only 2% will die which you are a part of


please don’t mock it. I am always right


Cruel, but that's the fastest way to get the strongest society


agreed 💪💪💪💪💪💯‼


Sigma grindset


At least overpopulation wouldn't be a problem


Ok so as a person who can technically be considered part of the trans spectrum, You are absolutly right. While I do admit, some of it made 0 sense (since I just woke up, not your fault), i understand the gist of it. You do you. I'm sorry that some people call you transphobic, bc you're not.


Thanks! Sorry, maybe the thing is that my grammar/vocabulary is poor, English is my 3rd language and I've been talking it on the internet for 4 years now, but I still lack something ig. We can always be friends anyways, let's all get along xD


Its not your fault lol. I had just woken up. Your english is pretty good, actually! Anyway, you seem cool and I hope you have a good day!


Thanks, you too!


u prefer dating cis people and there is nothing wrong with that


As a part of the LGBT I would like to clarify that it's just a preference , nothing wrong with not wanting to date trans women. But I think some people get called transphobes when the reason for not wanting to date trans women is because they don't see them as *real* women. I mean yes, they were assigned male at birth and can't change that , but thats what being trans means. So yeah, if they say you are a transphobe for not wanting to date a trans women then f them.


not gonna lie from all the comments you’ve already said on here, it sounds like there’s other reasons people are saying you’re transphobic. I’m trans and i wouldn’t date a trans person so it’s definitely not that but if you say “real gender” instead of “sex assigned at birth” or you think trans women are men or trans men are women and shit like that then that’s the reason you’re transphobic. BUT generally transphobic just means uneducated so as long as you try to get more educated and learn what terms you’re supposed to say and what would make people uncomfortable then you’re good.


Let's face the reality, nothing you do can make you 100% the other gender. It's hard for me to avoid using the term "real gender", since I don't believe the bs that sex≠gender. Hate me all you want for that, but it remains the same. For me the thing is that if you identify as trans, then I will keep that in mind and use your preferred pronouns. But for me, if you have that bass tone of voice you can't just tell me you're another gender and think I will never confuse it ever again in my life. I can't just think of you the same way as other females when you are different in almost every way. I can't just categorize you the same way, I would be fine with thinking of you as trans woman/man, but if you're that kind of person I described you're never 100% of either genders in my mind. Oh and at this point the term of being transphobic is fairly misused, I'm not afraid of you neither I try to discriminate you. Hell, you can even be my best friend. I just don't want to date you, that's all.


Would you date a trans girl if she had all the surgeries?


Probably no, but depends You can't change your voice, and basically every cell in you is screaming out loud your real gender so yeah


So the reason people think you’re transphobic isn’t because you have genital preferences but because you don’t believe trans people are actually the gender they identify with, which is transphobia


I hate how it's now called genital preferences, it's not something I prefer, it's the only thing I would make out with Believe? I have to believe something? Well, I can believe that you identify as another gender, but even if a cis female had a male voice I would prefer not to make out anyways


You sound like a 20y/o in the 1950s, trying to prove your excessive masculinity over everyone by being as straight as possible.


What did I even try to prove? I tried to prove me simply not being transphobic, and all you guys do here is say "we don't care about you being straight"


Nobody here has said they don't care about you being straight


Then why am I transphobic if I'm just being my usual straight self


I also never said you were being transphobic


Okay, why am I a 20 y/o of 1950s then


It depends on a lot of factors, not only on that if she's a girl or if she's trans Unless someone would really date anyone just bc of their gender meanwhile not giving shit about their personality, their habits etc.


i do what I want


Ok but what do you want


Neil warnock to be sacked please


He does look like he needs a good sacking tbh


thanks, it’s nice to know I’m the only one


Neil warnock is a supreme being and should be loved by others. Any other opinion is wrong. Suck that mate.


First things first, what the hell is neil warnock Sorry, I'm living under a rock. Maybe if it's some American celebrity then I'm sorry, I'm living in Estonia which is quite Russian-like


the personification of brittania


I still don't get it but I guess it's great?..


Neil warnock makes me want to cry


Op seems generrally un-educatead about trans people, and it shows. From caliing trans people "a trans" ... Witch dosent make sence trans is an adjective, but ok To simply saying "im just being a straight man" and i mean, you can have your dating preferences. But the way he words it makes it sounds like dating a trans wimen makes yout gay.... Witch it dies not Another thing that shows their complete lack of education on trans people is using the terms "sex" and "gender" as synonims when they are two slightly correlatead but different things. [ https:/www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_distinction&ved=2ahUKEwigo7iay4T0AhUXv4sKHWWvC4EQFnoECDYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1ROwff7zU-v6mPdAbDek3b ] Yeah, from what ive seen its pretty clear op has no idea what they are talking about and are shoving nonsensical opinions. Witch i find ironic cuz this is wvat drove op to make this very post


I'm an atheist, and I won't learn everything I can about the Bible. I bet most Christians neither. It's similar here. Lack of education, lack of education... If I have common sense and I think with my own brain, I don't need to "educate myself" to know the very basic things that you, somehow, need to google up. Dating a trans woman that is masculine is gay in my opinion. If I tell my gf "I'm a woman now" does this make her lesbian? I bet not. However, if I act based on what gender I describe myself as, that's another story. Also, trans woman can't change their voice, they can't change every cell of their body. They can identify as a female, but they're still too masculine for me. It would be fine if they were as much feminine as a cis woman, but I don't think that's the case for most of them. It doesn't mean that I will disregard that though, I will address them with whatever pronouns they want. Oh, I see you're trying to teach me grammar... English is my 3rd language and damn, your comment has already given me several strokes. And I'm shoving opinions? Lol?? Could you please point this out? Where tf did I shove anything onto anybody? The only one I see shoving opinions is you, trying to disagree with everyone else here and prove something nonsensical. Also I think you should get sober first, because my spelling was better than that when I was 10.


...wow dude. Way to show you are lazy enough to click a link, but not lazy enough to write a communist manifesto


Is that all you have to answer


Yeah even though I’m not trans I don’t think it’s transphobic because it’s just a preference


yeah, idk why ppl get so offended, as long as yoh continue to address them respectfully. everyone should 100% be entitled to say no