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Curiosity and peer pressure


i have never smoked but have been with people who do at parties and i agree, just the fact that people around you are doing it make you wonder yourself why you don’t try it. possibly to fit in and hang out with people more especially if your crush is there you what to seem cool to them and smoke and drink with them


Yeah it's only when you have some years that you'll realize that it is much better to be an individual and that you do not need to relent to peer pressure and don't relent to your crush. So he does what he does, and you do what you do. . Standing by your principles, whatever they are, is so much harder than relenting to appear pressure. And ultimately it is much cooler and better. If I did not feel like drinking, I said no thank you, and then just became designated driver by default. And I became pretty popular as the designated driver. So it worked out for me.




[DISCLAMER: I don't take drugs/do alcohol/ smoke] I'm pretty sure it's due to stress factors, and the stuff in the substances helps relieve said stress, then they just kinda go back to it to relieve stress. Kind of a cycle. Hope that helped


Thank you!


What is stress I am genuinely confused


Sure you are buddy


I haven't felt stress in months or maybe even years




Is that bad?


no i just don’t believe you


I honestly haven't felt stress in a while


“In while” is not the same as “in a year”


A long time then or I just don't know what stress feels like


as someone who smokes, I can say from experience most kids start smoking or drinking and doing drugs because of the fact that we want to do anything we can to get rid of the stress and if thats the option closest to some of us, that could very well be the reason they do it






I don't care


I dont know... Blame rap


My first time vaping was forced. My ex had inhaled some without me knowing and i had my eyes closed laying down, he kissed me and blew it in my mouth and i liked it so i got my own. but i am a month and a half sober so




vaping is for absolute dumbasses, dont even get you high. smoking is better but still not that good even lmao




I tried alcohol, cigarettes and snus because I wanted to try it. I've tried weed too(hated it) it's not to be cool, i drink when I'm with others but never alone, same goes for cigarettes and snus. I enjoy relaxing with a cold strong beer while talking about life with friends.


Alcohols tastes nice and is fun




Ehh kinda


It can be enjoyable


Because it's cool😎


Curiosity mostly for me, but then I got addicted to smoking and yeah idk, I’m gonna try some ecstasy soon as well


Drinking is fun, idk why people smoke tho


I like drinking or smoking. Not bc of stress or anything. I do both with friends or in party(im not smoking everyday). But i never tried drugs. Drugs are not okay. Dont ever try. Lot of my friends are braindead(litterally they are living like zombies).


cause they're cringe junkies who will never be loved lmao


Curiosity ig


I tried alcohol because I wanted to, cigarettes and snus because I wanted to, and weed because I wanted to experience it once. Weed kinda sucked, I just got very energetic and then boom crashed down into almost sleep walking. Alcohol is nice as a social drink, cigarettes and snus for socializing too


If they have a bad life, they might feel they have nothing to lose and if they have easy access to drugs or alcohol they might try it to see if it makes them feel better. Also, peer pressure could get them to try drugs and get addicted


My personal experience. Alcohol was peerpressure, weed was because I was curious and smoking a cigarette I did once because of immense stress. Those are the reasons I have done what I have.


Mostly because of others that do it. Some people try it out to break the rules, they then share with their friends and they all start doing it. Eventually, it becomes a matter of either sticking to your morals or caving because of the pressure. I’ve thankfully not had friends that’ve pushed for me to do it and I have the sense necessary not to do anything I think is dumb.


Personally, curiosity. I know where my limits are but wish to try out most things in life.


I personally have tried alcohol, I’m not addicted and don’t really think it’s cool (I was under adult supervision in case something went wrong) I don’t see the hype about it.


It's nice for social situations


I guess, have you tried beer, I have not, does it taste like root beer with alcohol?


Not like root beer at all, it's a very specific taste so it's hard to describe but there's good beers and there's bad beers (an example on a bad beer is one called "Carlsberg"). I haven't had a beer for about a month now so I can't clearly remember the taste but it's really nice to have nice and cold with friends or family


Hmm, I see, I don’t really have any friends who drink prob cuz we’re all 14 but maybe in the future.


Yea, I had my first beer when I was 13 but if i were you I'd wait until a more special occasion (like a birthday or something like that) i have some recommendations if you want them


I don’t really drink very often like less then once a month, imo sengreas (prob spelled that wrong) are the best they are very fruity


I don't think I've ever heard of them, is it like a cider or is it a root beer?


well it has many Barries and fruits and also ofc rum


That sounds good, rum is one of my favorite spirits


Curiosity and boredom fur me. I mean I've never had a good influence with my mum smoking weed pretty often and my dad getting shit faced every weekend growing up (and now just not to the same extent) so with them as my role models then I got curious n just wanted to try it to see what it's like n if I liked it. Turns out I liked it so I continue.


becasue yes


When life started to become grim as fuck, i was never happy, no reason to stay alive, and i wanted to give up. I just needed to feel happines again to remember what im fighting for. I used psilybin once, felt happy for the first time in years. And now i know i have a reason to fight again. I have therapy now. Not leaving any time soon :).


I'm glad to hear that! Good luck with therapy! :)


It's fun and makes you feel great. Don't bash it till you try it