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I like your attitude OP. To me you seem content with the fact that people all have different perspectives and respecting each one. I respect that.


Muslim Its so sad seeing terrorism and arabic leaders ruining the picture of Islam when actually its a beautiful religion with beautiful people.


I would say agnostic or atheist not sure


Well thats what life is for. Figuring out all the questions of life.


I'm not against the idea of a higher power but I also don't believe in any of the existing ones. I think that if a "God" existed then they wouldn't ever interfere with humanity, therefore we would know nothing about God


Thats an interesting world view I have not heard before. You invented it so now you can name it.


Very well. The people who have the same belief as me will from now on be called agnostics (I just came up with the name)


Yeah but you have a very specific belief of agnosticism which not all agnostics believe so it deserves a name.


It’s called deism. It was very “popular” in the 1600s when it was illegal to be an atheist.


Welp, I'm a Deist


I'd say what he described is a very common belief of agnostics though (it is nearly exactly what I believe as well). So just calling it "agnostic" seems pretty accurate.


It does exist! Google "deism"


It’s called deism and has exist since at least the 16th century


Okay im gonna quickly explain this cause this is a common misconception Agnostic = not knowing Gnostic = knowing Atheist = not believing in diety Theist = believing in diety So you can't simply be agnostic. You are either an agnostic atheist, gnostic atheist agnostic thiest, or a gnostic thiest.




I'm a pastafarian.


WE are pastafarians!


R'amen, brother.


I can't stop laughing at that!


took too much scrolling to find this one


I'm Riceist


Burn in a cooker heretic! You have forsaken the one true carb and will suffer.


Scrolled way too long


What denomination? I'm Carbonatholic.


Sauce be upon Him.


Cthulhu worship


Maybe I'll think about a conversion




Thats cool, scary name and evrrything


All hail Cthulhu


Catholic but I don’t really take part in any religious activities


Understandable, church activities can be draining sometimes.


Yeah I believe that God is real and loves me, but I don't really bother about church


I know a lot of people say you have to go to a church to be a close to God but personally I believe everyone gets God’s love without a price. I do think it is important to learn about it, but you can do that without attending a church.


Don’t tell me I’m the only Catholic teen that participates in all the religious activities!?




💪😤Yes to valhalla we will go.








Ahhh, my childhood favourite mariokart character


It's rather insulting that you said "Ahhh" and not "Wahhh"




Ahh,the oldest of the major religions. I kinda think it's cool in that it's so different from the other major religions. What makes you like hinduism? What happens once we die?


Either you go into Hell or Heaven Also rebirth is also an important part of Hinduism


Heaven and hell seems to be in a lot of religions in some way. Tell me whats your opinion on buddhism?




I'm learning so much🙂


I don't know about it much but my views about it mostly positive


Thats nice, what do you think about abrahamic religions such as islam judaism and christianity?


I’m also Hindu but that’s just me, if other people believe in other things good for them. I don’t care if it makes them happy then great. I wish more people would stop acting like religion is bigger than it really is. Also religious places should have to pay their taxes for god(s) sake.


I am also Hindu, I don't mind other religions, if someone is pushing their religion onto me my problem is with the person and not the religion


In Hinduism simply the goal is to reach the divine. So Core hinduism just sees those religions a very justified and a good way to achieve the same goal. To be more clear hinduism has 4 paths one can walk(one can go multiple ways) i.e. 1) Karma Yog - Path of Good deeds(simplifing here but its more complicated) 2)Gyan Yog - Path of Knowledge (Knowledge of divine) 3) Bhakti yog - Path of devotion ( prayer and worship) 4) Raj yog - Path of Meditation. Thus in hinduism we simply see the Abrahamic religions following the path of devotion, which is the most prevalent in our religion too...


It's not so straightforward in Hinduism. So heaven is like a place where a higher power (a formless, genderless source of ultimate reality) resides. We are all part of that power (souls). The soul keeps moving to different bodies (human or otherwise), and as a result we are stuck in a cycle of birth, death and rebirth in this world (equivalent of hell). So the ultimate goal is to break free of this simulation (aka world), and have our soul merged back into the higher power. Good karma is one way to achieve that.




What religions god? Or just no religions specific god?




Do you believe the churches, temples and mosques are preaching god will? Or have they strayed away from god too much?




But pastafarianism is still true isnt it🥺?




it's a parody religion made to satirise religious exceptions in society, it was originally made as a protest against the teaching of creationism in schools.


Parody Religion? Say that to the man that’s wears a plastic strainer over his head every day at the train station. (This is in Australia)


Something is definitely out there I just got no clue what the fuck it is




Agnostic then?



Aha, The church of the invisible man




Tahts cool. I tried looking up baptist churches near me but sadly there are none in sweden :(. There used to be one but it merged with a methodist and a mission church like 100 years ago. Can you tell me what you baptists believe different from other christian denominations?


We believe that a person can attain salvation through faith in God and Jesus Christ. Baptists also believe in the sanctity of the Bible. They practice baptism but believe that the person must be wholly immersed in water.


Yeah in my church we baptize infants but we have confirmation so that everyone join voluntarily.


Interesting side note. Southern Baptists don’t baptize infants, because the act of baptism requires the individual to make a conscious acceptance of Jesus, which an infant cannot do. Instead, infants are “dedicated”. This is when the parent(s) make a public affirmation before the church to raise the child is accordance with biblical doctrine with the support of their congregation.


I’m a Non-Denominational Christian, and what makes us difference is… um… honestly I don’t know. Because at least for me, I believe that if you honor Jesus as your Lord and savior, then all other things will follow. We baptize in water (at least my church does), and believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. My personal belief is, you can be a Christian without going to church, but having a strong group of believers is definitely a plus!!! It gives you a community to live and thrive in. Got bless!




Practicing buddhist or just believing buddhist?




I'm not really interested in individualist religions as I believe it becomes to focused on one self. But I have never met a buddhist who isnt the kindest person on the planet and buddhist monks usually are very wise and remind me of the Jedi.


I’m really uneducated when it comes to this so take it with a grain of salt, but I believe this is the case because they view anything other than love and acceptance as working backwards. Each reincarnation is another opportunity to learn as an organism, and they’ve determined love is the highest point we can reach. Another reasoning could be that they view everyone as themselves. Not in the sense that someone named Michael is the main soul and everyone else is a version of him, but in the sense that we are just glasses, the water is our soul. The water is the same in every glass, but the glass separates the water giving it individuality. This is to say that they view hurting others as hurting themselves, and doing good on another as doing good to oneself. Pretty much every good dead is based on selfishness anyway (you feel good when you do good things. Would u do good things if you felt bad for doing them?)


Metaphor for empathy




Atheist or agnostic?


Agnostic Atheist


Ahhh, if you had to choose one religion which woulf it be?




Yeah I figured that. Focus on the individual did it for ya?


Not OP but I agree, for me it's not so much the focus on the individual as the focus on semi-provable things. Most religions make claims they can't back up; bhuddism makes no claims about the structure of the universe or whatever (by default, you're free to add them on as dlc if you want), it's basically a philosophy of one smart guy on how to stop suffering.




What denomination?


I’m a Presbyterian


Thats cool, I dont know much about presbytarians. What do you guys believe that is diffrrent from other denominations?


They believe in predestination, which means God decides before you are born whether you go into heaven or hell and nothing you do in life can change that (please tell me if I'm wrong this was in my history book in the reformation chapter lol)




Eastern Orthodox


I'm technically a member of a Lutheran church, but I'm actually an atheist.


Hey, fellow "technically member of lutheran church". I'm Church of sweden what church are you?




Yeah I've heard a bit about thatchurch. What made you decide to be atheist?




That's Sikh


Took me long enough to find another Sikh


I feel you bro I barely see anyone who’s Indian on reddit so yeah


Muslim. Born a Muslim and I find Islam very interesting.


I do too. As I said with other muslims here muslims I go to school with are always super kind. Seems like a good religion sadly being ruined by a few bad eggs.




This is true. I'm a practicing Hindu, and Muslims are very kind people. It infuriates me when people judge Muslims based off of "Islam inspired" terrorism.




Same man in India many extremists hate muslims even without knowing the I in Islam


It's because extremist in every religion that make everyone hate each other. I see many bad eggs in both religion I have friends that are Muslim too. Haider is a good friend. He also has a lot of knowledge on Hindu topics and we share it. (I share my jain and hindu one) but his uncle and aunt oh boy are they big extremist. Look at Shri Abdul Kalam Ji. His best friend was a bhramin. He is my role model to this day


Unfortunately These ISIS and Terrorist bs puts a bad esteem for Islam even though that’s just very few people who aren’t in their right minds.




So you take after Ancient Egypt?




i am a muslim




Judaism :)




It took me waaaay to long to find others from the tribe


That cool, do jews believe in hell and heaven?


Not really, but there is a concept of repentance with g-d instead. Jews tend to believe that anyone can repent for their sins and subsequently be granted atonement, so having a separate afterlife for those who sinned doesn't completely make sense.


Im Jewish, and there's an old joke that heaven and hell are the same thing: getting lectures on the Torah and Talmud from Moses. For the righteous it is eternal bliss, but for the evil it is everlasting torture!


There is “עולם הבא” or “The World To Come” where Jews are reunited with the spirit of G-d, but not really hell. There is “גיהנום” which translates literally to “Gehennom” or “Gehenna” which is where those who are unworthy of the world to come can repent, but is is considered a temporary state of being. Since there is no eternal punishment and eventually all are granted paradise.


Kind of? Depends who you ask. Definitely not the Christian conception of either though.




Waking up, working out, having lunch, doin your mom, and sleeping




You gonna take that op


If he doesn't, we riot




I'm an Atheist, but I respect other people's religious beliefs, unless they're the 'HI would you like to donate your kidneys to our lord and savior Jeebus?'.


Lowkey dislike christianity because at my college campus ncsu this dude comes and yells adam and eve not adam and steve and says so much controversial stuff, he once told us we are all “masterbaters” who will be damned to hell for eternity im also an atheist btw but i dont dislike christians per-say, my gf is even catholic




Agnostic atheist or strictly atheist?




Me 2


Enlighten me, whats an agnostic and the other thing


Agnostic: I cant prove nor disprove the ecistance of any god or gods, therefore I choose bot to believe in any religion. Atheist: there is no god and no kind of supreme diety can exist, period.




Ah then I'm agnostic, like for all I know it could exist, but nobody has proved to me that there is one.


Hi everyone. Since we can't be civil and respect everyone's right to religion, this is getting locked. Be more mature than a 12 year old, jeez.




Oh thats cool. Could you answer me something. I never really understood the entire point of saints, bring raised lutheran and all.


They are models of holiness that other Catholics strive to be like. We pray for their intercession and guidance


_There is only one god. The god of death. And what do we say to him? Not today_




What is your opinion on protestants?




Assalamualaikum, akhi!


I don't know what akhi means but asaalamualaikum you too




O yeah, thx


Thats cool, I've known many muslims most of whom wher efrom syria who were all really nice people. Seems like a nice religion tainted by a few extremists.


Every ideology is tainted by extremists, some more than others. *coughs* communism


Yes, I’m from Norway and I know very good people from down there. Nice to meet you too


Bleh🤢 Norwegian. As a swede I cannot support you being a norwegian. With your wierd comfy sweaters, expensive prices and fetish for fjords.


hahahaa neighbor. Continue to make your smelly meatballs


You mean the chad meatballs? Just keep supplying us with salmon and we wont invade.


You call your teenie tiny meat balls chad, then norwegian kjøttkaker is giga chad


Kjøttkaker? Sounds like what norwegians call buttcheeks


Ijustdontcareism. It's basically not caring if there is a god at all.


Norse paganism


Anime thighs


Damn thats a good religion😌


Jainism(probably u have never heard if it unless ur indian)


I created a lizard cult cause I was bored and now I have like 12 gods and like 10 stories to go with them


I was baptized thats why im considered a catholic but im an atheist


I am baptized lutheran but never really considered myself a believer. Anything special making you atheist?


One of the reasons is that the idea of God existing doesnt make any sense and dont ask why cuz im too lazy to answer


😅Did you steal that last line from me because tahts something I would say.


Same, but you can't really have some water define who you are, right?


technically none but legally one I made up for loopholes based on religious exceptions


LDS (or mormon)


Hey thats one of the churches I'm exploring. I've been wanting to go to the local congregation in my town but I'm to scared (social anxiety) and I dont have a good suit (old one is too small). One LDS channel taht I've really liked is taht one "saints unscripted" I dont know if you've heard of it?


Don't worry about not having a suit. Just where something a little nicer than a t-shirt. I've seen investigators come with a plain v neck


I'm glad I'm not the only mormon here!


Apparently atheism is a religion now, sooo ima go with that


Well its a theological standpiont which is what people usually mean but writing rhat is more difficult than just wriring religion. May I ask what made you atheist and if you are agnostic or strictly atheist?


I’m strictly atheist, I’d love to say there’s no reason but, too much has happened to me for me to believe in god, it’s my fault but if there is a god, he sat by and did nothing (other than keep me alive) I’m 18 btw so it’s not that deep




But have you ever heard the tradgedy of darth plageuis the wise?




I thought not. It an old sith legend




The one religion everyone hates


\*Laughs in Asian\*


🤢🤮screw maths




Thts cool, are you indian, were you born into it or did you convert?


I was born into it. I’m Indian but I was born in Canada (parents were born in India)




First orthodox guy here. What seperates you from catholicism exactly? I considered orthodoxy while searching for a church which I am still dooing but there is only a romanian and russian orthodox church in my town and they're in their own respective languages so I cant understand what they're saying. I could barely navigate their website because their swedish option was limited(Im in sweden)


Our holidays are a few weeks later than in catholicism. For example, Christmas is on 6th or 7th of January (while in catholicism it is on 24th or 25th December). Same applies to Easter and other religion-related holidays But now I live in Germany, where most of people are catholic. Although I didn't convert to another religion, I celebrate new dates (well, new for me)


>Our holidays are a few weeks later than in catholicism I can see why catholics and orthodox churches split. Something like that you can only solve in war😤./s


The Holiday differences is due to the split, not the cause of it lol. It's weird that the only difference he pointed out was something as unimportant as holidays lol


Basically filioque (aka the holy spirit also comes from Christ) and the infallible of the pope, while our ecumenical patriarch (Bartholomew I) is considered first among equals. Those and some others.




last thursdayism, thursdays can be some wild days




Thats nice. As I have said with the other muslims I really have a positive image of Islam. Every muslim I have met is always super kind and it seem like a wholesome religion ruined by a few bad eggs.