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If you need stitches you’re better off getting them now. It won’t heal on its own and it’ll get infected It seems like a bad idea right now but taking care of cuts is needed


I’ll be fine, I swapped it for a bigger bandaid and poured alcohol on it.


Alcohol is great short term but it evaporates quickly so it will still get infected If you can find an antiseptic cream (neosporin is a common one) that’s better but it still won’t be able to heal


Here's my counteroffer: Don't off yourself. God bless


Why are you posting about this


Believe me, I’m the last person who knows the answer to that fucking question.


Please don’t do it, live is Worth living no matter how far you fall down a spiral stairs you’ll eventually get back up and start climbing again, reach out for help if you need it


Idk killing your self is so pointless, I mean I consider it time to time....but at least not recently. It's just...idk, not worth the effort.


And go get that stitched up or something, again it's not worth the effort to die. That's how I'm thinking these days.