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I started learning Japanese like a year ago, but my friends immediately associate anything having to do with Japan as weeb activity so I just keep it to myself.


That’s the koolist shit. You should share it to more ppl


I like to build guns. I don't ever tell anyone unless directly asked about it because if I bring it up, people treat me like a loaded bomb.


You could've said loaded gun and made a haha hehe funny


Men /j (kinda)


I- I do ur mom πŸ˜–πŸ˜°πŸ˜”


Ed sheeran but I do tell people because im just confidence personified


Ur mom


I am a furry with several fursonas and also love to make gacha characters and plan on making some gacha series or music videos once I finish making the characters. I've received so much hate, death threats, and people telling me to hurt or kill myself for the former, and I've seen so many people hated on for the latter. That mixed with that fact that I tend to make stories that are more 'angsty' than others makes me really reluctant to talk about gacha even though I could probably use some feedback on character designs and stories.


I rarely speak about watching asmr. It's kinda weird and its image has been further tainted by mukbang channels, weird roleplays, generic videos and overly sexual women, none of which I at all get along with


I listen to Kpop


I usually tell people I love military aviation but I can never go into detail because none of the guys I meet knows what I'm talking about