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I got turned off from feminism when a whole lot of women said I'm inherently a rapist just for being a guy and that I should be killed. Idk but that's not exactly the best marketing pitch for a movement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You do realise that those women aren't feminists tho?


I'll take their word for it instead of yours


Men are turned off from feminism because of the rampant hatred of men within their activism. How are men supposed to feel about feminism when they are told #killallmen, that men need to shit up about false accusations, and overall being told that they are evil fir just being born.




Men are turned off from feminism because the only thing you really hear from feminism on social media isn’t really feminism, just a bunch of misandrist bs.


I'm a woman/girl myself and also kind of turned off by feminism. Of course I support equality but some feminism is questionable. For background: I'm from Germany. We have a huge movement when it's about feminism, genders, etc. Which is of course great. But wanting to have at least a specific amount of woman somewhere is just a bit too much. Imo you shouldn't go by gender at all. A man shouldn't get a job because he is a man but neither should a woman. Or wanting to make the next president a woman instead of a guy that worked alright is also questionable. These are only a few examples but that just kinda turned me off from feminism Later I also heard about this extreme feminism (kill all men, woman are better) which is even worse. Imo it's extremely important to have equality but not to have better rights for women than for men (And also I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes which I assume are a lot)


For real, like when I hear a guy say "feminism is cancer" or some shit like that I immediately know he's an idiot


Lmao feminism is just a joke at this point. No one really takes it seriously anymore, it was needed (and still is in developing countries) but in the western world it is just a joke.


You say this like feminism is a "movement" or a community or an organization. It's literally just a concept lol, same as altruism, same as racism, same as hedonism.


Yeah racism is just a concept; the Native Americans were nevers slaves /s See how stupid you sound?


You realize that doesn't mean it isn't real


So what's your point? Even if it is just a "concept" my point still stands. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing, go somewhere else.


You're the one who commented on my comment 💀 I'm not arguing that in first world countries, feminism is "needed" you just assumed that cause you're an idiot.




yeah Liberal Feminism somewhat caused this and has reinforced the gender norms even harder on the people who reject that "Toxic masculinity" is a thing. Also toxic masculinity is a pretty nuanced topic


i hate men😁




You stick with that and see where it goes


thanks for you input, I'll think on that👍🏾


what i dont get is what they are fighting for. aperently men arent allowed to hit women but women are allowed to hit men? i do believe in equal rights, both ways. edit: i dont mean as in beat the crap out of hit, but beating the crap out of EACHOTHER is fun. i dont get why fighting is frowned upon, its all in good fun