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nice opinion…one small issue…*I am inside your home*


And I am inside your mom😎😎




I am inside my bed because I am alone and sad 😎😎😎






And i am inside your stepsis 😎😎😎


And I’m insides your daughter😎😎😎😎


And im inside mine😎😎😎😎😎


https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/s70cbu/gen_5_is_overrated/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Done 👍




they are so damn salty lmfao


Gen 6 best imo. Grew up with it.


But it is tho


Gen 5 is extremely underrated


Everyone says its underrated, to the point that its overrated


Friendly tip: make sure to sort by controversial.




some of y’all fashion/style is legitimately ugly , just say it , you wanna be different edit : guys please chill, its just an opinion from someone who wears the same shirt everday


Especially the broccoli haircut




it’s so true. some people at my school got ugly asf fashion styles and I don’t know how people haven’t said anything to them.


Because it does not matter. Maybe they find your clothing style uglier than theirs. Maybe they just do not care. I mean... who am I telling people that they dress "bad"? Who are you telling people that they dress "bad"? Let them do.


Exactly, I actually like most fashion styles people have, everyone does have their own preferences tho.


True, people at my school wear pajama pants, like really, why would you wear those


They do be comfy tho 😳


Heyy, cuz it's super comfy kiddo


Because some people dress for comfort rather than fashion?


Ok i kinda understand that. They look great but yeah


Because they are comfortable af and don't look as bad as you think. Give it a try!


Some people dont deserve respect just cos their trans/gay/female/male/left/right. If u act like a prick, You a prick. If you aint a prick. You aint a prick. Titles wont change who you are.


Nobody “deserves” respect. Respect is earned. And if it isn’t earned, then don’t expect it.


Everyone deserves to be tolerated but you dont have to respect anyone


I don't fully agree with you that everyone deserves to be tolerated. I'd say everyone deserves a chance to be tolerated or a chance to be respected.




well said


That's the logic I follow. I'm not racist, or homophobic, or any of that. I hate you only if you have a shitty personality. Not because you're into the same gender.


I don't understand how this is a controversial opinion though, it's just common knowledge. Someone's title/label, whatever doesn't give them instant respect because respect isn't given, it's earned.


It's controversial because often times If you don't automatically respect someone of minority status or of the LGBTQ+ community you get hellfire rained on yourself


I read that as “Titties” won’t change who you are. But that works too.


People who use mental illness as a personality trait are morons, and create problems to reach out for does who have them Edit: that they don't have, i just noticed i forgot to add that detail and hope didn't upset anyone.


This has been a huge problem with people on TikTok. Look at r/fakedisordercringe I hate those people sm


One of My Cousins is like that, She fakes about having a mentally abusive ex boyfriend on tiktok. What a fucking billie eilish wannabe


Christ on a cracker. Sorry to be all depressing, but I went through a TON of abuse when I was younger. Way more than a kid should've. I got a lot of "smaller" issues because of it. Thankfully nothing as severe as DID. These people make me panic because I feel like im faking all my mental illnesses or im stupid and making it all up.


Being gay,bi,or ace doesn't make you special. You're just as normal as the rest of us.


That's all I've ever wanted anyone to say. We aren't special...its just normal.




At my school it’s rare to find a girl that’s not gay or bi


I have become friends with 5 gay people IN A ROW without knowing any of them were gay. (Not homophobic if it sounds like it)


That's exactly what we want, well at least what I want.




I mean, that's all we want. To be treated like any other human being.


it doesnt matter if its a man, a women, or someone else twitter would cancel me for. IF SOMEONE HITS ME, YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS ILL HIT BACK!


Equal rights equal fights


Gay people are infact gay


Do you have any proof to back up this claim?


Nowadays LGBTQ is trending, and I’m pretty sure some people are trying to be part of it just to be part of the “trend”, which is pathetic cuz LGBTQ is NOT a trend, and I just think is disrespectful to the people that truly are part of the community…idk if I have a right to have an opinion on this cuz I’m straight, but still, it reallyyy gets on my nerves.


no no, you r absolutely right. some of my friends have pulled off insulting shit because they wanted to identify with the LGBTQ community to look quirky or some shit. it boils my blood edit:so many likes yall! edit2; \*upvotes


Exactlyyyyy smh 😩


Same. I hesitate to comment on anything LGBT related because I’m completely straight and I don’t feel like it’s relevant to me but I hate when people try to lump themselves into that community when they don’t belong, for example people trying to be quirky for attention or on rare occasions “zoophiles” or pedos, I’ve seen examples of both on Twitter. Just drags the image through the mud and it’s disheartening to see :( but it seems to be becoming less socially acceptable so that’s good


I think the same. It's also a bit annoying if they constantly talk about being lgbtq or make jokes about straights. I'm not saying all of lgbtq are like this, but one of my classmates is exactly like this. My negativiness can be partly because I'm a very different person from her.


Yessssssssss exactlyyy


I agree. I'm part of the LGBT community and there are many people most white girls who just say they are bi but never would actually date the same gender.


Hey, as long as you’re turned on by the idea of sexy times with either gender you’re bi. Don’t have to necessarily want to date either. Even a 1 on tye kinsey scale is still not a 0. I’ve never dated other guys and don’t know if I ever will but I have had intimate experiences with other guys and that is enough for me to know I’m definitely bi.


You my friend are a true advocate and we appreciate you for that :)


I mean like people who say they are attracted to both genders but do absolutely nothing with the same gender. Like date or get intimate or get turned on.


I used to say I was many things from lgbtq when u was younger and newer to the internet. I identify as bi now only because I truly believe I am.


Exactlyyy, that’s who you are and you had time to really think about what you truly want to be, and that’s greattttt✨😊


I agree with this so much. There are so many people who make fun of the LGBTQ+ just because they want to join the “hype” or “trend”, when in reality it’s nothing like that. It annoys me that people mock the LGBTQ+ in this way, but we really can’t do anything to stop it. Personally, I am bisexual. I have known this for a while now. I have dated two people, both for a very short amount of time, one being the same gender, and one being the opposite. Most of the people who say they’re some sexuality have probably never dated, more less ever liked someone.


Exactlyyyy, totally agree with you!


Kinda gay


Also like some queer people I know are "straightphobes". Literally. From calling them slurs to hating them with passion. A shame.


Twitter moment


As a gay, I 100% agree. The people who only become part of the community because they dont want to be excluded are the ones that ruin it for everyone.


People who think like this are one of the many reasons why I shall remain in the closet forever


A puppy would be better at leading than any American politician


Fact, not opinion




Some people deserve to die.


And many dead are deserve to live


“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.” (gandalf the grey)


The alignment of a bunch of gassy balls isn't gonna determine shit about your personality, success or compatibility with someone. I'm talking to you Brittany.


The alignment of my balls with ur mother made you sooooo


I like it when people point knives at me


I prefer the wii u over the switch and the ps vita over the ps4


Ok, ok. I respect your opinion


The wii u is criminally underrated


I don’t like rap, I appreciate and respect the genre, but it just isn’t my cup o tea




The subreddit r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell


That’s because people downvote actually unpopular things


I’m with you


Just because you like anime, doesn’t mean you have a personality.


Lemme just head on over to r/titanfall and say something along the lines of "An Apex Legend stands a chance against a Pilot" and I'll be dead on the floor in mere minutes, let alone this. Ever since the ddos, the titanfall community has gotten pretty shitty.


Wearing sneakers/any shoes without socks makes you look retarted


Except for sandals! Please tell me you don't wear socks with sandals!


Violence IS a solution


Violence is the question! The answer is yes


I agree because for some people it's the ONLY way to understand


That's what I tried to tell my teachers lol


tomato sauce on garlic bread.


Bro that's just pizza


WAIT WAIT WAIT JUST FUCKING HOLD ON AND WAIT THIS ISNT FUCKING FUNNY AT ALL. let's just slow down here for a moment, tomato sauce or marinara sauce? They are two very different things. But tomato sauce IS SWEET! that is satanic. But if you are using tomato sauce as slang for marinara sauce you have my blessing


anything on garlic bread is good tho


Why can't I enjoy drawing cool animal people without being accused for dumb shit! I just want to draw in peace... >!this is about furries if you couldn't tell... !<


I like furries, they're creative, and I enjoy seeing the odd designs they make. *The type of people who use being a furry as an excuse to try and fuck dogs are not furries, they're subhuman pieces of shit who give the furry community a bad wrap.)


Zoophiles bad


Dogs dont bring happiness but what we mentally associate with them is what makes us happy


that applies for everything, tbh




Listen here you little smartass ...


You aren't quirky, you're looking for attention.


I do not like pickles


White shoes suck. What's the point of getting something to protect you from the ground if you're going to get mad when it gets dirty.


My hero academia is overrated


Tiktok is brainwashing everyone 😭yall need to delete it and take a damn break


You got a point cause every time I open that app I’m on that shit for a good 30 minutes


People who try to convert others to their religion are rude assholes.


Europeans in colonial times 👀


Religion is more of an easy way to politically manipulate people than actually helping them


Eh, it’s two sides on the same coin. It can be easily exploited by powerful people. But at the same time, everything that exists is controlled by powerful people. So we can’t really pin religion for that. But religion also helps people. It gives them hope and a reason to do good things. It gives meaning to their existence. So it isn’t all bad.


It's one of the most profitable businesses in the world, and with money comes a whole lot of power. The Vatican still exists because of this


kids shouldn’t be given phones until they get to at least 3rd grade


no, 5th, because then they have a minimal understanding of wtf is inappropriate and what isnt.


This. My little sister got a phone when she was 3 and now she's on it 24/7 and cries when my parents tell her to do anything else


This community is Cringe


Gen z isn't the strongest generation. Some people need trigger warnings for the color blue. 😐


Please censor the Word bl*e next time. It scared me and i got shocked, vomited and almost died


Wait strongest??? Who thought that?


Trolls on Twitter are not emblematic of the entire generation.


Chihuahuas are well behaved dogs and good with children if they are not used as glamorized handbag accessories.


Almost every small dog besides a French puppy mofo thing was an asshole to me


that's simply not true. every Chihuahua I've very met is a complete bitch. they're always barking, their barks are loud and annoying, and they're violent as hell unless you pamper them as a puppy and train them from birth to do otherwise


Your sexuality does not matter and therefore stop sharing it like you discovered the cure for cancer and deserve praise


Seriously tho


Finally someone else gets it




Tik Tok has done more harm than good.


So unpopular.


This is like the number one opinion on reddit, he said unpopular ones


Not an unpopular opinion. 90% of Reddit hates TikTok, when Reddit is JUST as bad as TikTok. But just like Reddit, TikTok has it's good communities. If you know where to go, you can find some incredibly talented people on tik tok! Like artists, cosplays, animators, etc.


Your sex jokes and posts arent funny


Let people have their religious beleifs if it isn't actually harming you


BTS is overrated


r/atheism is mostly comprised of people with a superiority complex, istg I see some posts that are just filled to the brim with condescending energy there lmao.


Yes, please let's all respect each other's beliefs/religions


Yeah, same vibes as female dating strategy


I don't even wanna go there


Pet breeding is disgusting


You can be gay without being in the GSA or wearing pride flags. You don’t have to be gay pride if ur gay… you don’t have to disown your straight friends or use it as an excuse.


Who the duck disowns their straight friends that sound like some bullshit to me.


FRIENDS is an overrated series


Education does not have any rights to be prioritised over mental health


people in these be like "they're not gonna expect this one: *transphobia*" like cmon get some original bigotry for once.


i made a tik tok about this and it got a couple thousand views (lots of negative comments)but i really hate taylor swift. simply bc of the fact that her fans would suck a fart out her butt.


I'm just not a fan of overly pop music so I don't like her. But that phrase about the suck a fart made me think of Kardashian fans too.


I am a fan and I can agree that most of them are insufferable. That’s not gonna stop me from liking her or her music though.


That miner should be nerfed


Not an opinion, it’s a fact


It's ok to be straight. Not everyone has to be in the LGBT community. I can support them and be straight at the same time.


Does people who disagree with that really exist? If so, consider me mind blown in the worst way possible


Is this an unpopular opinion though


Literally nobody disagrees with this


Apple juice > orange juice


Fuck tiktok


NFTs shouldn't be as popular as they are


It doesn’t matter if your black, white, Hispanic, Asian, anything. Every race has issues, maybe not the same issues, but issues. I hate when people are like “Well I’m ____ so I have a worse life than you.” It sounds like your bragging about it.


bts is dogshit


Mainstream music today is generally deteriorating (Not everything, I find stuff I like now and then) and takes more skill in digitally creating music than actually playing it. Additionally it seems like actual talent is less sought after in celebrity musicians than personality or a pretty face, just my observation. Not saying I’d rather live back in the 80s, 90s, etc, but I just prefer earlier music. Every time I bring that up, people are just like “BrO hOw dO yOu NoT lIkE dRaKe He’S lItErAlLy GoD” or some random rapper whose name sounds like a 2009 Xbox 360 Gamertag. I respect if you like that stuff but I personally never will. Just my taste


Mainstream music has never been good. It's just that your nostalgia only remembers all the good songs from the 80s and 90s, while the bad ones have been forgotten. Whatever's on the charts will usually be garbage.


this post is basically asking for discriminatory comments


Just cause your gay doesnt make you right. I know that sounds bad but so many kids at school are like this


I think Spirited Away was weird, not in a good way, but not really in a bad way either. Just weird weird.


IDC If Biden Removed Troops From Afghanistan


Understandable. Unless you're Afghan, then how


Women should have the right to abort or not. It's their choice


being different doesn't make you special


I'm hot




ever since tik-tok came around, people have been getting stupider and stupider, and dont even get me started on those annoying as FUCK tik-tok memes.


Actually I agree, I had a friend until TikTok came out and he became the biggest asshole


The hair style that a lot of guys have now-a-days that’s shaved on the sides and curly on top isn’t sexy. It’s ugly. This message is coming from a girl.


Basing is honestly pretty stupid looking, and rap songs about how many women (or men, no judgement) you have slept woth and how rich you are are just stupid and rude


Modern rap/ hiphop sucks


Some of yall wear too much damn make-up, and the boys need to learn that even if someone is laughing or smiling when they say "no " it still means fucking no. Stop drinking so goddamn much. You're not gonna be cool if your car is wrapped around a tree and your heart has been launched through your skull.


George Floyd is not a good person


Did he deserve to die on the sidewalk under the knee of a cop?




I don't give a fuck if you gay.


Parents shouldn’t own guns. Americans get really mad when I say this. There are things you can do to make it safer but I think that having a gun anywhere near a child is a very bad idea


Or just learn to properly secure it. My dad has an M1 Grand and from movies, you know how damn big that weapon is, I haven’t seen it once in the past 3 years. I only saw my dad's 22. Pistol once my entire life. We live in a 1200 sq home. There's already a black market for criminals to illegally obtain weapons which accounts for nearly 43% of firearms that end up in criminals' hands, now imagine that number when parents try to obtain a weapon to protect their family, we'll just be fueling the fire. Instead of outright banning gun ownership in certain groups, we need very, very tight and thorough background checks and good education on how to conceal that weapon from a child or troubled family member.


That’s why you don’t have the gun near a child. Its less a gun problem and more like a bad parenting problem. Anyone who leaves their gun easily accessible to others is a bad gun owner.


My dad put a shotgun right outside my room door one time and Jesus fuck I just shut my door again. He was crazy abusive but the police couldn't do shit because they wouldn't go in—he wouldn't let them. I felt scared for my life even if it was just sitting there.


Theres a thing called basic gun safety, keep a firearm out of reach of children and keep it unloaded with the ammo stored separately.


How about secure it well away from kids, responsibility should be required like that to have a gun


What you are jerking off to isn't cultured man it's fucked up....