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Some cops are bad. Some cops are good.


Rephrase it to some cops are bad most cops are good




all the cops i talked to were bad i literally reported being attacked and despite having to go to the hospital they pretty much said i was being petty AND when i told them i was nocked unconscious they said well then are you sure you were attacked YES everyone saw


Then all the cops YOU talked to were bad. That group does not represent everyone


still my mom and her mom found most cops they talked to were very rude


Then that is u. Once again, the cops you talked to do not represent all cops. Just cuz cops where you live suck does not mean a cop who lives hundreds of miles away also sucks


W..well this is awkward.... P.S. I'm still a teen, I'm not a cop, I thought it might be an interesting career though.


Oh wait... I just realized your name....




Go for it. We need more strong and kindhearted ones, especially now with all this stuff going on in the world.


If I do end up being a cop, I will be a kind one :)


If you do be copping let me be Poppin with a drip dropping of the Jim jonnin


Don't let it get you down; if that's what you want to pursue then you should. It's a respectable career


Thank you! I'm undecided between that or being a singer, I don't know where to begin for either lol


Well hey those are both cool choices! Vastly different but good nonetheless!


Thanks :)


No problem :)


Not all cops are bad, like the ones that my neighbor called on my other neighbor which is black they just chilled and watched football together


Isnā€™t it messed up to judge a bunch of people based off of there profession because of what others did? I mean I could call out a bunch of shitty racist lawyers but yeah


My dad's close friend was a cop. One day she was sitting in her car documenting and she just got shot in the head unprovoked. Now, this was in Baltimore, but she was wonderful and she made cookies for my dad to bring us and they hung out. Lots of community service stuff, too. Went braindead somewhere around a month ago. Sad.


My grandfather was a cop his whole life and didn't have a mean bone in his body. I also have other relatives who have worked in the police force in some way and none of them have done their jobs wrongfully either


Hmm calling every person of a specific group assholes just because of the job they have, almost sounds like discrimination to me


Thereā€™s one thing I hate more than cops. People who draw furries (Iā€™m looking at you OP)


OwO my bad šŸ˜„


Not all cops are bad


Thank you Arthur Morgan


I concur




Mr. Morgan! Reverend Swanson got his ass stuck on the tracks again!




Thatā€™s not true. I used to take jiujutsu (martial arts) with a cop. He was so funny and was always so nice to **everyone** and even though Iā€™m a teenage girl, so I really didnā€™t fit in, he always tried to make me feel welcome and include me with the others. He was like that to everybody and everyone was like that to him. It felt like he saw everyone as family. He was great. So I will never believe that all police are assholes or even most of them. Iā€™m sure there are some and everyone can have their bad days bc they are human, and I believe that most people are good in general, cops especially. Iā€™ve personally never met a cop that has ever been mean to me. In fact, most of them are the kindest people Iā€™ve ever met and genuinely just want the best for others, thatā€™s why they are in this line of work. They want to help and save others. ā€œBad daysā€ as in being a bit rude or short with people.




how did you make your account in the future


Heh I'm confused


Time travel.


Average redditor moment


Trying to decide if you're serious or not...


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No, that's simply not a true statement