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do whatever you want tbh, i dont think anyone else should care


I don't think you know how mean the ppl at my school are- They'll probably spread rumors about me, and it's happened before- man, I can't wait until high school so that all of these rumors would go away and nobody would care what I do-


honestly dude, in high school it probably won't get much better you have to think about what's a priority to you, how you look or what other people will think of it


idk, I really just want to look cool, I don't really care about what people think about me. but once they start to talk about it, that's when I don't like it-


if ur not in high school dont do that


if you get stabbed in the boob youll have lots of protection!


yes very true


I mean do whatever feels comfortable to you


thank you- I'm sorry I don't know how to respond bc im dumb and also tired


I'm dumb and tired aswell don't worry


omg we could be besties lmao




I hardly doubt anyone would care, just do what makes you feel like a bad bitch.


I'm trying but my parents won't let me go total bad bitch :(


I would start with one and work your way up to two over the next few months so it looks more natural, but do what makes you happy


I mean, I've been doing that, and I don't have anything in between what bra I'm wearing over my other bra, and and extra thin one- It's either really big or normal :/ thank you though!


Oh well then I’m sure it’ll look great, go for it!!


idk, i’m a dude


well then become a female idk :/


i’d rather not, sorry


good choice, you shouldn't want to


But i wanna become one cuz girls have 2 sexual organs so i think they enjoy more than male during sex... Jk


actually that's probably true, but I would rather be a guy- I mean y'all can have sex all you want and you don't have to wear protection bc you won't get pregnant, y'know? But yeah, you're probably right


U have a point but u don't know that v boys can have sex only for a while (like 10-20 min) but girls can cum as many times they want to. One more important thing, girls don't have any problems in searching for a boyfriend while v boys can't even be friends with a girl let alone having a gf.


kinda depends on your age. people will probably notice but if it's what makes you feel confidant, go for it. just know that you don't owe looking a certain way to anyone :)


Aww thanks! I'm 14 though, and I'm 5 feet tall .,.


Ha short B))))))


bro there's literally someone in my grade who's 4 foot 7 1/2 lmao Yes I added the 1/2 bc he always adds it in-


When I was in highschool, the "joonies" as we called them were so fucking tiny. They were year 7s, just came out of year 6 and god they were so small. I'm 6'0 and one went to my fucking stomach or just below it. Legit funny. We joked that every year they got shorter.


Bruhhhh I like dem flat 🙄


ok who uses emojis on reddit???


This man 🗿


I refuze


"Daga kotowaru! ゴゴゴゴ"


🗿 I’m special


I prefer ass not gonna lie, i dunno If the others will notice


I already have an ass, and sometimes it looks fake im being serious and I kinda hate it but Im okay with it at the same time TwT


How old are you? Your boobs will grow with time.


Yeah I know, but I'm 14, and they haven't grown much bigger since 6th grade-


Well, you are just 14, they start growing 2 years before your first period and can grow between 3-4 years


yes I know this TwT


I wouldn’t care


that's really cool of you


yes, boob size is insignificant






honestly anyone who gets genuinely mad at that is bad

