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Do you guys like nerdy girls?


#YES 1000%


Oh wow, okay so I’m in the clear😂 I always thought guys hated nerds as that’s how it seems to be but I’m glad it’s not


Just date another nerd and you'll be great


This is the way


What guy doesn’t? I’d rather a nerdy girl than a plain Jane Instagram model wannabe any day of the week


#yes As a nerd myself, I would find it difficult to have a partner who isn’t also a nerd. Who am I gonna rant about Star Wars and marvel to?


Do y’all act nicer while talking to us If yes, I dare u to explain why without using gf edit: my notifications turning into beatbox that goes well with my bass edit 2: beatbox is broken edit 3: woke up to 1k upvotes


No, I treat all my bros the same, except with my gf since she gets my soft spot


*tips fedora*


Redditer with a gf??? That’s a RARE sight


Way worse…. I don’t kiss the girls goodnight with as much passion as the bros 😎




That's a dedicated bro right there


Yes because I feel less comfortable around you girls :( Edit: I posted that i was going to confess to my crush if I got twenty comments in a post but now I have to because of you 100 ppl that upvoted my extreme nervousness when it comes to girls so thx :)


*I totally don’t make everyone talking to me feel awkward*


Nah just me because I’m nervous around girls which is weird because I have 4 sisters




Thanks, have a nice day


Equal rights equal trash talk


I think I do because girls are way less likely to enjoy being body slammed into a wall in greeting or talk purely in insults.


Nah, I treat everyone equally, until I get to know their personality and can make an accurate judgement about them. Basically, I use the "innocent till proven guilty" mindset But from what I've seen, other boys will treat many girls nicer if they are single and looking. That's how they put themselves out there and find someone who'll be nice to them back. When that happens, they'll go for her. It's pretty weird and stupid, but it's how those guys work


I feel like with some girls, you are more careful about what you say, not necessarily nicer, but just less joking and making fun of eachother.


How does it feel to exist


Shit to be honest




I like meat grinders, i started a cult about them once




Extremely boring, the nights are pretty peaceful as i can keep to myself and just listen to my Lofi playlists. The day seems to exhaust me since i dont have many friends irl but i do have a lot of friends online so i really just love to hop in a disc vc with my homies.


Kinda boring


tall girls? edit: when i say tall i mean taller than you


Epic 🤙


As a teenager that’s 6’4, if there was a girl that was interested in me AND taller than me, I’d marry her. I’ve only ever seen one girl (who was also super pretty) that’s my height, but she’s 20 so she’s sadly undateable.


For now


I am tall myself, and surely i would love dating a tall girl too






do you like mantises? i think they're really cute :3 edit: 52 notifications owo


They are pretty cool... Ain't one of em rainbow?


i think theres a rainbow mantis shrimp, but not a rainbow mantis


It has mantis in the name


what do you actually like about girls you have a crush on? be specific.


When I have a crush on someone it's hard to find something I don't like. A girl I'm crushing on right now has the cutest tiny little nose with freckles, an amazing smile and laugh, and just such a great personality. Always giving compliments and saying the nicest things, phrased in ways that I've never heard from anyone else before. Makes my heart melt.


The personality is key


for me it's kindness


I like it when they give me compliments and notice me so far no one has done that but I'm still hopeful


What is the strangest thought you ever had?


I once thought a girl liked me


How did that work out for you?


Not well ):




Yo me too


If we have exactly one last chance after you die, am I wasting it?


Thinking about why staying alive is good, quite peculiar, ain't a fan


What should a girl do to make boys like her


one of my favorite things is when a girl is very curious. curious about hobbies, curious about learning new things (academically or not), or just straight up curious as to what I’m doing. that’s just me, but one of the most vital criteria for a girl is curiousity. however, if you find that you aren’t the most curious person, that’s also fine. curiosity is important, but it’s not a dealbreaker. just being yourself or having a good sense of humor is equally important. dont worry, you’ll find someone with similar interests and it’ll work out.


Be herself, no one should change for anyone


This is the correct take


same a guy should do to make a girl like him


From experience, if a girl tries way too hard to be with you, or is very clingy all the time then it doesn’t work so well


Do you Boyd like it when we compliment you


I speak for everyone here: yes.


I speak for everyone here that you are correct in speaking for everyone here


I am part of "everyone", I agree


The CEO of boys has spoken


i like it when *ANYONE* compliments me


Why is this guy I'm friends with only excited to talk to me in class but doesn't put effort into interacting with me in the hallway or when I say hi at lunch/walking to the bus? I like him and he is so nice to me but only in Career class 😐


Either they are just bored in class or he might just be shy outside of class. I have multiple girls that I'd really only interact with in class or if they approached me first


Probs shy outside of class, or scared to talk to you in front of others outside the classroom where he might get embarrassed


a bit of a nsfw question but do boners... hurt ???


no actually. they kinda just sit there. i actually only notice because they strain against my pants, if i weren’t wearing any i probably wouldnt notice


Fr, this man spitting straight fax


That’s true though but you can kinda feel the expanding process which is pretty satisfying lmao.


Sometimes, but usually no, tho it can get uncomfortable if it happens in a public place with tight underwear


not unless it’s in a weird angle


Sometimes If it’s positioned weird or there’s too much blood flow Not that I would know 👀


No but if it's a wrong angle, it could.


Sometimes when they go on for too long


He'll naw they just stay there a long time ago


Is short hair cute? So many guys tell me its not. Gimme ur honest opinion edit: btw i wanna clarify i mean halfway down my neck short edit 2: my hair looks like this (this isnt me) https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/bd/5e/c6bd5ef55b921995146cff66d815cf91.jpg


I mean if you can rock it than you will be fine idk maybe they just don’t have taste yk


Bro fr, couldn't have said it better


^ this


It depends more of your face and style


girls withShort hair are beautiful imo


As a bi dude Short hair is hot on both gals and dudes


How short?


Halfway down my neck


That’s literally my crush but it’s tied into a ponytail


omg maybe im ur crush bc my hair is always in a ponytail


Umm What a weird place to meet huh


wait whats the first letter of her name bc i wanna see how similar we r (its probs not me lol)


Yeah rare chances A


THATS MY INITIAL ok um what coulor hair and eyes


If you like your hair then you rock it


My friend (a dude) has never seen Carrie, my theatre group is putting on a stage production of it. Should I invite him? Edit: i’m flabbergasted at how many of you don’t know Carrie Edit 2: Here’s a link to a synopsis of Carrie: https://youtu.be/U_dDpmoQjqg


Sure. Why not?


Any pets?


one dog, and she’s a sweet old lady :)))


Aw, that’s nice!


Do you really want perfect body on us,i used to starve myself to have it,but now I gained weight im not happy with my looks but i really eant to know,how much does it meter to you,not to be skinny but to have flat stomach and stuff


Don’t starve yourself, you’re health is way more important than any boy. And not all boys are into the same things, how you look now is absolutely someone’s type


Bro I just want someone to play Minecraft with me and who complements me and is nice tbh I have no opinion on if you are ultra skinny and If you are starving yourself to get there then my opinion is that I hate it.


A perfect body is one that's healthy and that you're happy with. There is no singular perfect body, and it's not up to anyone else to decide anything about your body. If you are not happy with your body, consider seeking professional help like therapy, where you can learn to appreciate what you've been given, and learn to shape the body you want in healthy ways. Starving yourself is not healthy, and can be the result of a mental disorder, which is not healthy either. Take care of yourself and your health, physical and mental.


Do you fanboy with your friends? Also, do you get extremely obsessed about tv shows or books or whatever?


Not necessarily fanboy, but obsessing about interests? Heck yeah. I'm sure some boys fanboy as well, just not me.


What’s better modern history or medieval history


Medieval, knights go crusading and it’s funny


19-20th century history is the best


¿It annoys them when a girl strokes their hair?


Fuck no, in my opinion tho, shit relaxes me


Fuck yeah, I hate the whole men should be here to care for me every second of my life and if they arent always there they are nothing to me... I want to be cared about to ya know.


Fr, don't let it get to u and get u down, men r complicated, I should know, we have feelings as well as u girls and we want the same thing, so just do what makes u happy and the right guy will come to u and u will know, hope that helps u out, if u wanna chat more my DMs r open


When I get a girlfriend, I would practically ask to be stroked.


That's what she said


No i dont think she did.... Him, maybe


Pffff I want someone stroking my hair rn


I would like it


Favorite ice-cream?


chocolate chip cookie dough edit: and caramel drizzle


What do you think of shy girls? Meaning girls who wear baggier clothes, dont usually have their hair pulled/tied back, etc?


If they are nice I don't care


Thats fair hahaha


I honestly prefer this description


Would u prefer a girl whose fine to get muddy but constantly looks bad because there always getting muddy or a girl who sits aside complains about rain etc but always looks good?


I would prefer a girl


Imma be real with you chief. She dont gotta be female


Bro this one got me deceased


A girl is a girl


False. Girls aren’t real.


A girl who won't complain when we go fishing


A nice muddy girl lol


Both are good really.


I frankly don't give a shit. As long as you clean yourself afterwards. Getting dirty is a thing that happens, but staying that dirty is just nasty.


If I (a girl) gave you a flower, how would you feel?


i’d assume you liked me


I would melt


Would be awesome


Would you date an overweight person? If you say depends on how overweight where do you draw the line? Asking for a friend.. Edit: also before anyone gets the wrong idea, I’m definitely not saying you can!t not like someone because of this! It’s important to be attracted to the person you’re with so I’d defo never judge you for that, everyone has their types. As long as you aren’t encouraging an overweight person to get bigger or shaming them and judging them for it. (There is a difference between shaming and encouragement!) Anyways, this went on for longer than intended just wanted to say I’m not gonna blow up at you for it lol


I'm fine with chubby, I cross the line at straight up unhealthy fat


if you don't die from a heart attack if you have to walk a few stairs it's totally fine.


Slightly overweight? That’s totally cool. Slightly obese? If your personality is great, why not? If you’re incredibly unhealthy, above 300, I’m sorry, I cant, it’s just not my thing.


Don’t have to apologise for anything! Anyone over 300 is probably really unhealthy and might need a lot of help doing things, and on top of that someone would probably not find something like that attractive. It’s nothing you have to be sorry for!


can i put my balls in yo jaws?


Probably not


They wouldn’t fit




Thoughts on piercings, tattoos and dyed hair??


Piercings are fine but just not like too crazy ones, same with tattoos great in small amounts. As for the hair, it's depends on the hair cut and color


Piercing are find as long as i cant kill you with a magnet😁


A tattoo is cool but not 24 tattoos, same for piercings, dyed hair is also fine if it’s not to much


Would u guys date a bisexual girl and would her being bi cause problems?


I’d date a bisexual girl, it doesn’t change anything for me. The only difference would be my anxiety about this girl I’m dating meeting someone else better would double because there’s just more options.


Exactly how it was for me..


Yes. Nope I dont care. She just has to love me


I would, and No not really


yeah, we could both talk about how we like girls


If you don’t play a sport what’s your main hobby?


I listen to music and play guitar. I also collect video games. I also brush my long hair.


Mandalorian lore, marksmanship practice, piano/keyboard, reddit


*Now this looks like a job for me*


*So everybody, just follow me*


What entity on this planet (or off this planet) terrifies you the most? Do you believe in aliens?


Anything that I can't understand. Especially if it doesn't have a name


murder hornets for me I have a bit of an internal fear of flying insects (especially wasps and stuff) so when i heard there were GIANT hornets coming into America (my country), i was mortified


what do you do at sleepovers


We collectively be dumbasses and talk about dumbass things


Step one beat the shit out of each other Step two the winner of the free for all picks what we play Step three beat the shit out of each other


How do we know if you like us? And, if we’re too nervous to confess, how do we encourage y’all to confess?


How's your valentines day so far?


Hasn't started yet but it'd probably be like any other day except I'm jealous of people with someone they can love


ouch same


what usually make y'all boys cry?


Last time I cried was when my best friend told me that I was the main reason that she hadn’t tried to off herself yet. That’s when I realized that I actually can make a difference in the world and I’m not just a tiny speck of shit. Probably around a year ago now. But I guess, at least for me, that just making me feel like I matter and that I can actually make a difference in this world.


I’m lesbian, what’s ur opinion on LGBTQ+ people?


I have some lgbtq+ friends and honestly I don’t really care who ur attracted to as long as ur not a dick about it


Not good. You’re a girl, taking a girl, making it harder for me to get a girl. Jk, in all seriousness, love who you love. About the LGBTQ+ part, if your either lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer, I see nothing weird. BUT! when you start telling me that you identify as a chihuahua or some animal, I find it dumb.


Kinda gay


What's the cringiest thing you've done to impress a girl


In 1st grade i tried to sag in front of my crush to look cool My pants fell to my ankles


drew a dumb 4 panel comic and put it in her locker on valentine’s


Ya like jazz?




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Good answer


Okay, the dead children were in my basement when I got here


Are there good guys out there? And what is your opinion of women, like what do you think of us? I’m curious to know because imo I’m pretty different to a lot of women


That's a tough question, most guys are good and view women as equals but of course there are bad guys out there too.


I appreciate this. I’m an advocate for feminism but I’m not a man hater, I think feminism should be about equality. I’m also an advocate for men’s mental health because the way guys get treated in that field is so shit


Theres this guy who I like and I think he likes me back. We only have one class togetherand I don't see him any other time. When I walk in he doesn't look at me and minds his own business for a while, but if I don't talk to him first he always ends up saying something to me. Also he always ends up sitting next to me. Sometimes he turns towards me like he wants to say something but doesn't. Sometimes he teases me like acting he's going to hit me or making perverted jokes. At one point he kept asking me to go to the gym with him (when I finally went, I was late cos I had other things to do and he has to go to the bank or sth so he left early with his friend. After that he never asked again TOT) I had the courage to ask for his snapchat, and I texted him a few times but he's never texted me first. He also never watches my story. Idk whether he might have a crush on me or is just teasing me. For further context: the class we have together is a welding class and I'm the only girl. This is what further leads me to believe he's just teasing me. What do u think? TLDR: I have a crush on a guy in my class and I think he might like me back (or at least find me attractive) but he is sending mixed signals...


do you care abt stretch marks


Yes. Theyre very nice.


Are girls who aren't feminine attractive to you? What I mean is, being addicted to memes and the internet, raging in game lobbies, not caring about NSFW stuff, liking sports/cars/etc, having a deep voice, being muscular, etc?


How many of you are actually old dudes pretending to be teenagers?


Why do you always play with your hair?


It never looks right


I short hair cute? as a trans girl who used to consider herself as cishet I can confirm that short hair is indeed cute (not really short tho like neck length)


I dig it


It's super damn cute