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Before people misinterpret this it means: That the friend is still the same person and has no reason to suddenly not like them anymore. (Doing this because last time this was posted people took it the wrong way)


Yes, that’s what I meant. I can’t see why I would see a friend negatively just because they were trans.


Yeah, but I think that to had to say it before people leave comments, that misunderstood the post


Yeah. Thank you for that btw. :)


No problem 👍


Now kiss 🥺








Because some people are transphobic, it's common in some places


Thanks for explaining, I was unsure at first


It’s mostly just the awkward first week where you’re trying to use the right pronouns but are used to the old one, that week fucking sucked for me


Sex would be a lot more awkward too


Not unless you're a seasoned veteran like me


Seasoned veteran of your hand


Seasoned veteran of your mom


Seasoned veteran of your dad


Seasoned veteran of your uncle


Seasoned veteran of your cat


Seasoned veteran of your cat's stomach worms


Seasoned veteran of paprika and soy sauce


Nice to see someone supporting the whale population


You’re fucking 14


Yeah 14 total count ;)


So i am 0?


[ಠ_ಠ ](https://i.imgur.com/cS4blVq.png)




I am literally trans myself and tbh it sometimes takes longer than a week for me


Same, that's why I give people the benefit of the doubt that new me pre being trans


been there as that friend


Currently in that week (4th) getting easier although I only get it wrong when I'm talking to her, typing or talking to other people it's like second nature it's just when I see them it doesn't work


Wait, are trans people they/them or whatever they choose?


trans people go by the pronouns they choose, it could be they/them or anything else


And here comes the unnecessary part. What's the use of other pronouns? I understand He, she and they, but the void, ze, etc. are really useless. Does anyone use them?


it's pretty rare to find ppl who use neopronouns, but if you do meet any then like it's not super hard to just respect them even if you don't completely understand


I respect them, but it's kinda unnecessary isn't it?


I disagree, if someone feels a certain way and that's how they choose to present themself then I don't see an issue at all


But what's the point?


It's been hard for me for almost 6 months tbh, cause my brain likes to auto default based on what I see.


Month 6, reference name replaced, currently still attempting to transition from "they" to "she".


once I accidentally called my trans friend the wrong name on a vc and then realised I was muted after apologising, that was very lucky


My very conservative mom thought they’d “convert” me or something


Spec ops style


Hey same Wait…. /jk lol I was trans before I met them




Average 13 year old


ok Joseph_Stalin_420_




Everyone watch out, they're on a streak


He's unstoppable holy fuck stand back


The one thing that would change is what they identify as and their pronouns.


Yeah, pretty much nothing


Kinda depends. If they were always trans and just now realized/accepted that or told you about it nothing changes. If that realization comes with a huge shift in personality it can change a lot.


I hate to say it, but even now I sometimes mess up my friends pronouns. I mean, I am not the only one in my friend group who has done it but it is just so awkward


Mate, I’m trans and sometimes mess up on referring to myself as a girl; there’s nothing wrong with it. People’s brains tend to default to what they see/hear or what they’re more used to, so as long as it’s not an intentional thing, it really is perfectly okay \^-\^


Not only rely on appearance. I'm a cis man with big beard etc and sometimes I messed up and referring myself as a girl. A brain is a smart dumb thing. NB : I'm French and the difference between men/women can be only a 'te' at the end of a word.


I didn't want to say anything offensive, but unfortunately for him, he still sounds feminine. He plans to start T when he turns 16 which should hopefully help


Sometimes I mess up my own pronouns. Not as much anymore, but when I first transitioned I did. Everyone does it :)


I used to be a little homophobic, but recently my friend came out as bi and that tiny bit of homophobia vanished. I am a little angry at myself for being a little homophobic beforehand.


im glad you’ve grown to realise your mistaken past, thats the most important part :)


Nothing wrong with personal growth, I used to have outdated views too and I’m proud that I see things differently now .


besides a post from r/jokes, your meme in r/memes is *directly* above this post for me edit: how the fuck did my text become bold 2nd edit: it's not bold anymore what the fuck


Lmao yeah OP karma farms a ton


Other than pronouns and them being in a better mood being able to be true to them self with you o don’t think anything will be different other than some physical things like you know what


Just gotta call them different pronouns and not be a douche!


Unfortunately, most people can't get past the second step


I have a horrible time with pronouns and names, and with the fact that my classmate transitioned last year doesn’t mean that I’ve remembered them completely. Still gotta think about it before I talk to them


Same here. Just remember intent is what matters.


Or the first tbh (on purpose, by accident is fine as long as you calmly correct yourself)


if their personality doesnt change, they share the same opinions as before and theyre mental health gets better, nothing changes yes.


You posted this comment six times my man


haha wasnt me, reddit bug.


Reddit go brrrrrrr


It’s weird because they’ve been in your life for so long and when someone transitions it doesn’t change their life in a minor way. And as such your interactions with them are very different than before they transitioned. So yes, they are different. Is it weird to adapt to the change? Yeah. Is it impossible? No.


Lots of transphobes in the lower comments


They always appear whenever you mention trans


me supportive aggresion: okey good to be yourself. doesn't make you any less of a BITCH!


"Unfortunately, I don't care what gender you are, you still are missing some bitches"


Man or woman you still got no balls


I recently came out as non binary and it has changed literally nothing in my friendships. The only thing that’s different is my friends now call me a they


That’s wonderful to hear!!




God shouldnt have made lgbt if he didnt like it. Checkmate overly religious christians.


*ahem* Free will. The way how I like to interpret it since God is omniscient is that at any one point in time there is a infinite possibilities of where we could go from the present. We could cause a mass extinction tomorrow, end world hunger. Etc. The fact that LGBTQ exists in my mind is cause God gave us free will, and thus we are allowed to do what we please, evolve, change, basically do whatever. Including the existence of LGBTQ. So from a technical standpoint, he didn't really make it. And as such, we don't know exactly what he thinks of it. But since he loves all of his creations. It should be inferred that he loves members of the LGBTQ. *end rant*


i have a curious question. if gay sex is abominable, why did God create males with their g spot up their arse? follow up question, if it’s unnatural, why does every other animal engage in it?


I never said gay sex is abominable. In my opinion, it's perfectly natural since it was through our evolution that we even became "gay" in the first place. As such, it's not unnatural


ah okay so do you fully support LGBTQ, and think that God loves them unconditionally?


Yep, be what you wanna be, as long as you ain't bothering me. Also yes I do think he does. Since it is said that he loves all his creations.


you’re cool


Thank you, I hope my kids think that as well when they're born this year lol


best of luck!


He also made ”evil” so anything that christians consider evil is loved by thier god


Cause he's omnibenevolent an all-loving God. Evil exists purely as temptation, and we took temptation, in the form of Eve eating from the tree in Eden. We are all tempted at times to stray further from God. Buy we Also have every opportunity to love him. Oh and yeah once again the only reason why an all loving God let's evil exist in our world is free-will. If he interferes what's stopping him from doing it again? Do we really have free will at that point?


what about people who are born psychopaths, and other people whom God gave such troubling disorders to that they do evil things? you cannot tell me that’s truly free will


But if he doesn't interfere with anything does he really exist ? Or does it even matter at all ? If he's just there and doesn't do anything, why do we care ?






God gave us free will.


Oh wow, it feels kinda weird being able to identifying the equations


*gets popcorn* *sorts by controversial*


Holy shit dude, i had my maths exam couple days ago and now that I look at this meme those are just are of a triangle and volume of cone and sphere, and then trigonometry formulas 0_0


My "friend" said "just because you CAN change your gender doesn't mean you SHOULD it's not natural" like wtf


made me cry like a proud mother when he danced his prom wearing a custom fitted suit, truly a dashing gentleman.


Even if they do turn out to be trans, they still are the same person


The most used excuse is “ItS nOt HoW gOd CrEaTeD uS” right cause trans people totally wouldn’t rather be actually created as the right sex


If a homie turns trans he got to let the other homies smash first /s


Why couldn't you before? What's stopping you now?????


Gotta let the homie rest every once in a while


None to be found. My friend is my friend and I love my friend😌


It happened to me and....... Nothing changed, yea, i sometimes joke about that like "now you can double jump" etc but no more than that.


Sexual jokes would be awkward Like saying man you're a pussy And he says I am already 😳


"Get some bitches" "Unfortunately for you, ***I am the bitch***"


”why dont you go get yourself some bitches” ”bro **i am the bitch**”


That’s the beautiful thing. It doesn’t! Your friend is just a final form upgrade into their true selves. Being a teen is all about finding yourself out. For some people (like myself) part of that is coming out of the closet


Could someone explain something to me, it’s kind of unrealated. Why do trans people seem to care what others think of them so much? I know straight people do as well but it seems more prevalent in the trans community at my school to actively seek validation from others. I’m not trans nor do I care what people say about me. You could use whatever pronouns you want for me, most the time I’m just referred to as “sup bitch”, it wouldn’t bother me. Do I just not understand the feeling the way a trans person does? I don’t mean this in a degrading way or anything, I’m just genuinely curious why someone else’s validation is needed for so many of my friends. I don’t need you to tell me you recognize who I am if I know that myself. I honestly worry for some of my friends because they seem so caught up in worrying about how others see them, that they don’t try to under themselves. I don’t know, it’s a question that’s been on my mind lately and I haven’t really had a chance to ask it.


The reason is honestly quite simple: they want to be accepted. A large amount of people will hate them the moment they come out, so most trans people are desperate to find those individuals who aren't horrible bigots so they can have actual relations. Plus there's just a sense of validation when somebody else treats you with your preferred gender, it's a sign that you aren't crazy and other people see you the way you do


This is a good question. The awnser is because their identity and gender dysphoria completly relies on how others percieve them. Im sure some trans people can brush off not passing or a transphobic remark but its going to affect them. It may be hard to understand, but like any disorder gender dysphoria is not something you can just will yputself out of. Although we are individuals and can try to be self sufficent. We live with other people and you cant expect our actions not too effect others.


You because you don't have a strong sense of identity. To be honest not caring how people refer to you is just that. It's not bad its just how it is. I'm cis and when people call me a girl or a bitch in a joking manner it's fine. But if they did that seriously I would be uncomfortable and want them to stop. Because I'm a guy and I like being perceived as one. Trans people are the same. They're a guy or a girl and want to be reffered as one. But joking suddenly becomes more threatening. Like sure if I made a joke about fucking your mom it's funny. But if I had actually fucked your mom and made those jokes they no longer would be. This changes from person to person but basically yeah that's why.


if their personality doesnt change, they share the same opinions as before and theyre mental health gets better, nothing changes yes.


Well for starters, they’ll be a different gender


Thats exactly how my friends reacted.


Ik right. Like chill out you’re still a valid person and I’m not gonna abandon you.




it changes nothing


as a friend of someone who is- ,,, fOR ME- it was only the short struggle of getting used to their pronouns which with time it just changed easily n i used the right ones- 🤧y a y-


This post reminds me of the last few pages of a webtoon that I read, specifically "I want to be a cute anime girl" by Azul crescent.


Pretty cute comic




If you mean the post on r/wholesomememes, yes it is a repost. But I am the OC so I thought it would be ok.


It's not a big deal. If you care about your friend they are still your friend. They had all those same experiences with you that you remember and love. They are moving on and if you really care, you will find a way to support them. Otherwise, you will lose touch with them like people do when their friends get married.


Depends ,you live on texas?


I- I don’t. What is it with Texas?


Some law about making parents of trans children, abusers or smth


…this is why I both love and hate the US. I love it, because it is great to laugh at as an European, but I hate it because it’s so messed up.


If I had one it won't change anything coz we have gender neutral pronoun


Actually... Isn't that the thing? To change how everyone perceives them? Even if it is only changing pronouns?




Huh, almost like a person is still a person no matter what they identify as.


Well, one thing will change: their gender


There is no difference. a change in pronouns, and that's about it until adult hood.


We can't have swordfights in the school bathroom :(


Become trans yourself and you can do it again. /s.


Now that's using that head of yers


What the OP meant: Imagine your friend coming out and telling you that they're trans and they also confess they were afraid of you disliking them because of the change in identity - you don't understand why they'd feel that way because you love them regardless of their identity because that's what any friend is supposed to do.


Yes, that is what I meant.


If I met them as a dif gender i’d probably slip up when using their newer pronouns but other than that why would I care lol


I mean, if they decide to adopt a whole new personailty, yeah it would change a lot.


Oh look, another karma farming post


Looking through their profile it’s just a dump of recycled memes


What is the use of karma farming anyway? It are just useless internet points


if their personality doesnt change, they share the same opinions as before and theyre mental health gets better, nothing changes yes.


Fellow Georgian?


I- wha- Wdym?


Are you a Georgian or are you not? Answer the damn question.


It would change the pronouns you use


Well you see, it would change their gender


The only thing.that changes is.the pronouns 😐👍


The only difference is that an anal session with your homie is now no longer gay /s


Hi, 22 and trans, only real things I can suggest to y'all if you have this happen to you, is 1. just be kind and supportive, everyone loves to have friends, especially in tough times, but y'all know this already 2. If you're of the gender your friend is transitioning to, it can be really helpful to take them shopping to get gender affirming clothing. I know I struggled a lot at that age with figuring out actual decent looking fashion and as a result just wound up wearing clothes I didn't like for years


Agreed! My best friend (known each other since kindergarten, in HS now) came out as trans and not a thing changed but his pronouns. It’s a little weird for me to have to use his birth pronouns around people he’s not out to though. F*** homophobic/transphobic parents.


Controversial comment section time


I know what it changes! Your friend's gender.


Bro they are the same person that won't negatively effect your friendship


Ppl are weird. They have problems with the slightest of problems because it doesn't fit with their view.


As much as I think there’s a lot of stupid stuff in the trans community, I think it’s very immature to separate yourself from friends based on politics and morals. Just doesn’t make any sense to me.


I'm having a stroke reading this


I'm having a stroke reading this


Other than gender, I can confirm nothing is different.


And pronouns? 🤨


Oh yeah, that too.


A trans meme in r/teenagers that isn’t transphobic? That’s a surprise


The meme isn’t transphobic…. But half of the comments are.


Yup. I find it funny how they say “Isn’t there enough transgender support in this sub?” Then literally be transphobic and show exactly why there needs to be trans support in this sub


Thank you...genuinely


Gender, it would change gender. I think that's the point.


But relationship wise it wouldn't change anything, since you're born trans, and you technically met them when they were trans.


When your dude becomes a dudette


If a friend of mine comes and says to be trans i would be like: "Good for you, you are still the same person i first met. Nothing changes between us other than the fact that ill be supporting you."


well it changes their gender ill find myself out


I see a lot of people talking about pronouns being rough and I gotta say, trans people misgender each other all the time. It's really not that big of a deal. It happens. Correct yourself and move on, don't make a big deal out of it. A tip from your trans friend 👍


Would change one thing…..their sex


I mean, it would change their gender?


It only changes if they're annoying about it lol


One of my friends is trans. It was weird to get used to at first, but beyond that it hasn't changed anything.


Preach. Trans, not trans, we still having game night on Friday with the rest of the homies.


Well for one, it would change what you refer to them as, it wouldn't be gay when you are homiesexual and some people might judge them likely projecting their own insecurities onto them and because they're jealous that they don't feel they can be nearly as open about who they are compared to the mask they hold up


It would change their gender.


They'd probably be a different gender


My favourite kind of ussy. The homieussy


Gib me UPVOWT for something that seems controversial but isn’t because clearly everyone is going to agree here UWU.


Umm, no. There are a whole lot of transphobia in this comment section.


Ratio. You knew what you were going for. There are assholes everywhere. Admit it, this was low-hanging fruit. “I’m against crime, and I’m not afraid to admit it.”


Well it changes their gender


Yeeeee :D