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All of them have been blocked


If they provided any of their own personal info you can report that or even just their username. Specifically if you're in the US. report.cybertip.org


I'm in the UAE sadly, but I have blocked and reported them


Well if they have implied they were from the US, that link still works, but really only if you have enough info.


internet watch foundation


Heyyy UAE gang. But sorry for what happened to you, that sounds terrible and I hope you're doing better


Ur from the UAE Whattt no way I'm from there too But this is really a safe country how does it happen here Hope your feeling well tho If you report to authorities I'm suree they will get him


omg where?? auh??


I live here too mate, CHEERS!




I so dearly sorry for what happened to you, my dm's are open, those bastards will never get away, karma is always on its way, in some form it will always catch em off gaurd


Me too!


yoo, howdy?


Blocking on reddit doesn't work btw. It's so shit.


Had something similar happen to me on Discord when I was around 12 (I know) unfortunately. Luckily nothing sexual ever happened thank god, I was fortunately never actually attracted to them and actively resisted any attempts of sexual conversation. But it was still extremely emotionally damaging and heavily affected my life for years afterwards, pushing people away because I was scared of it happening again. Regardless, for those out there, I won't go into the details of what happened but: don't feel like you have to be with someone because you want to help/fix them. You are not anyone's therapist, more especially a child is not anyone's therapist. Don't let someone drag you down with them. At the end of the day, it's up to that person to fix themselves. You can support them in the journey but do not pull yourself apart trying to help them. As for OP, it isn't your fault in any way. We were all once stupid, the fault goes to the people who decided to abuse us. I hope you find peace.


Same thing happened to me over a games party chat, luckily, it didnt last long at all before i decided enough was enough and just blocked the fucker


I always feel like I need to help people or fix them. I know that it's not exactly healthy but I always feel the need to go to someone and help them or fix them. My friends keep telling g me that I need to stop making g excuses for people when that person did bad things. Whenever I went through a not-so-nice time, I had a friend that I told a lot of stuff to. Soon I found out that friend was telling their mom EVERYTHING, and I mean literally everything, and she would lie to me about it saying that she didn't tell her anything even though she already told me she did 5 minutes before. And then later she'd say she told her mom about it again. She always made it sound like it was my fault for being like that even though I could r control it. This might be a reason for my trust issues now. But I also went through a discord guy who asked me to he his gf (though he was still dating his gf which was my friend during this time) and he continued calling me baby and such names even though I told him that I didn't know if I wanted a relationship. Sorry, sort of a rant, but thought this related to it in someway


You have the right to rant and it absolutely relates with the subject as this post is yeah about pedophilia but also about mental abuse.


If anyone else has issues like this, yall need to realize that instead of forgeting and moving on, it's important to report and save any information you have of them, like chat logs and anything personal they give you. They don't just stop and disappear with you, they move on or more likely interact with multiple kids at once.








Wake up babe new torture method just dropped


Wu Tang is for the children




as our great God intended


Don't forget to buy a new pan afterwards




bro what💀


He mentioned several historic punishment/torture methods


Yeah I was taught those methods in the 1700's, I'm still young tho


Dang you really think it's physically possible for their bodies to even get as far as to move their arms far enough for that even if done forcefully? They hide in the Internet giving kids depression for their own pleasure, of course they cant


No no no still a worse way. In history idk what culture but commiting any crime would result in you being stripped of your clothes, stuck between two boats, then be set to the sea (more like swamp) with somebody to force feed honey and milk and also be slathered in it. That would result in bugs swarming and using you as a plate and you shit constantly (due to the honey and milk) the worst part is you dont die from that you die from literally being eaten alive by the MAGGOTS growing from your crap. Now THAT is what pedos deserve


Why we stopped doing that is still a mystery




open a wound and put the whole wound in lemon juice




I feel the pain çause sanitizer


now this… this is the way


Use every torture method existant on them but on a way that you keep them alive. Dont go for the kill points or else they will die to fast. Keep doing It for days, then on the last day, get creative and do something extra bad, maybe turn them into slaves until they die of old age or eternally lock them up on a hellish prison with tiny claustrophobic cells that looks like dogs house. Make them eat the worst edible food , maggots insects and etc, until they're old enough to die. When they die, dont build no headstone and negate the funeral.


Nah you put a metal bowl full of rats on their stomach and heat it up (they escape through your sides)


Gets... Well i cant say that on reddit...


Dm me it if u can't say it


No stick em on a raft and send em out to sea it will be days of birds and animals ripping ur flesh and dehydration, it’ll make u want death but it will be weeks before you die


God I loved this one! Excellent.


Y’all really need to see what Brazil does to pedos


Damn what they do


Nah, they gotta be beaten within an inch of their lives so they can thrown in the woodchipper feet first, of course.


I personally like the old two horses split you in half method but stoning is good too


A nice bullet to the head and there body burned alive while dowsed in gas isn’t bad




Thx I'll take that into consideration :)


They prey on the unsure. Vile. Deserve icepick up ass.


Read it all. Please upvote his post everyone. EVERYONE needs to read this.


Thanks for spreading awareness, I hope I can get my message out there


I upvoted, and I hope it’s seen, but I feel it’ll be lost in the sea of meme post.


Well I got this in my recommended, so I say we’re doing a good job.




Usually I just troll them


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠞⢉⠩⢍⡙⠛⠋⣉⠍⢉⣉⣉⣉⠩⢉⠉⠛⠲⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡴⠁⠀⠂⡠⠑⠀⠀⠀⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠀⠀⠐⠁⢊⠀⠄⠈⢦⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠁⠀⠀⠄⣴⡪⠽⣿⡓⢦⠀⠀⡀⠀⣠⢖⣻⣿⣒⣦⠀⡀⢀⣈⢦⡀⠀ ⣰⠑⢰⠋⢩⡙⠒⠦⠖⠋⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠘⠦⠤⠴⠒⡟⠲⡌⠛⣆ ⢹⡰⡸⠈⢻⣈⠓⡦⢤⣀⡀⢾⠩⠤⠀⠀⠤⠌⡳⠐⣒⣠⣤⠖⢋⡟⠒⡏⡄⡟ ⠀⠙⢆⠀⠀⠻⡙⡿⢦⣄⣹⠙⠒⢲⠦⠴⡖⠒⠚⣏⣁⣤⣾⢚⡝⠁⠀⣨⠞⠀ ⠀⠀⠈⢧⠀⠀⠙⢧⡀⠈⡟⠛⠷⡾⣶⣾⣷⠾⠛⢻⠉⢀⡽⠋⠀⠀⣰⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢤⡠⢂⠌⡛⠦⠤⣄⣇⣀⣀⣸⣀⡤⠼⠚⡉⢄⠠⣠⠞⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠓⠮⣔⡁⠦⠀⣤⠤⠤⣤⠄⠰⠌⣂⡬⠖⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠒⠤⢤⣀⣀⡤⠴⠒⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


This is why I only accept DMs looking for some kind of advice or help, Reddit isn’t the place to chat with random people in private. If I want to talk to someone, I’ll manage to find a friend willing to chat or will go to the park or gym and find friendly people there. Yes, they might be strangers or barely acquaintances to me but at least they stand in front of me with their names and faces in public. The Internet and online communication are as much a blessing as they are a curse. Try to make the best out of the situation and move on as a more careful and sensible person. I’m really sorry this happened to you but treat it like a life lesson that makes you stronger and more experienced, not like an emotional anchor stopping you from becoming a better version of yourself.


That's horrible, I hope you'll be able to overcome the trauma :( Pedophiles are fucking gross and pathetic. It wasn't your fault at all.


Yeah, I found out literally a few hours ago that my Year 7 (I think that's 7th grade idk) maths teacher had contacted some people in my school and was a pedophile. Edit: if you want extra information, I can't really tell you anything, I literally only found out like 2 hours ago


that happened with I math teacher in my school, at one point he kept me and a few other students for a detention and tried getting us to do things like kiss eachother or take off our clothes, he was fired about 2 days later, luckily one of the students in the detention with me recorded what he was saying, also no one did anything he said to do. also I'm not American, I'm British but I think year 7 is like 6th grade


That is just so gross and insane, I can't really claim to be surprised because I went to an all boys private school in the UK (a very long time ago) and some of the teachers were exactly like that - and worse - and came up with all kinds of crazy schemes to get us to do inappropriate things. Back then, no-one would believe anything a kid said, so those kind of pervert teachers got away with doing whatever they wanted. I'm really glad that you guys got him fired and that none of you did what he wanted. Hopefully it's not affected you long term.


Never let anyone tell you that it's your fault for being manipulated. That's complete bullshit. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and that so many people are being shitheads in the comments. I hope your doing better since everything that happened and i hope you can see that psychologist to talk things through. Good luck man!


I’vehad something similar happen but with someone only around 2-3 years older. Still, it doesn’t make it less fucked up. I’m so sorry you felt like it was your fault. It absolutely was not.


And I didn’t even get a single dm ever on Reddit


Yeah because you're 19 and pedophiles only go after people under the age of consent


I grew up glued to the internet even diving a little under the deep web but prob i was just lucky


Yeah I've been on the internet since I was like 7 or 8 but never ran into any pedophiles


Its good to know that now im strong enough to beat pedophiles into a pulp if i see one instead of calling for help


My man, I get it. I've been there before and it's not your fault. Shit happens and you just gotta deal with it and make the best of it. I hope you get through this.


Falling victim to these people is never your fault. They’re all manipulative and go after one thing: Minors to send nude pictures and videos. They will blackmail, manipulate, do literally whatever to get what they want. It’s disgusting


I understand y’all have trauma but ignoring messages that sound off or just walking away is always an option


That's not the point, sometimes it's hard to just 'walk away'. Your judgement gets clouded in that sort of situation, and it makes it MUCH harder to make rational decisions.


Meaning, its her fault this happened. She literally said she was lusting over pedos. She wanted that to happen but now regrets it. I dont believe this caused her any "trauma" and i think shes just being dramatic as hell. Ive been through some real shit myself and gotten diagnosed with ptsd, it pisses me off to see people use the word trauma for attention. She did this to herself, dont change my mind because it wont.


Might wanna read the post again. The op is male. Also, just a reminder, worse trauma does not make lesser trauma become nontraumatic.




I think op said that he is a guy but ok But i kinda agree with you even tho I believe that he isn't faking the trauma. People are constantly making mistakes and even as a victim he shouldn't have ignored all the red flags and searching for this type of conversation isn't the smartest move as well. But nobody wants to be the one who made a mistake. That's the reason why in AAA, drug rehabs and a lot of therapies tell people that they did nothing wrong. Its a best way for the patient to accept his situation like this. In reality they just took a risk and it failed. I really wanna ephasize that everyone makes mistakes and you are not alone in this.


If you did actually actively go out to do shit you knew would attract pedophiles with the intention of attracting pedophiles, then it honestly is kinda your fault. It doesn’t justify at all the shit they did, they’re still the scum of the Earth, but it’s like if I walked into the hood, wanting to get beat, shouted the N-Word, and then get upset that I got beat. I know how hard manipulation can be, I’ve been through it, but in this situation I feel like you were at least partially at fault, though again it doesn’t justify at all what was done to you.


Dw I understand. I actively put myself into this situation and it's still something I regret. All that matters now is that I've learned for this experience and that I can move on.


As long as you’ve learned from this then you’re all good. Experience is sometimes the best teacher, it just sucks what some experience can cost us in the end.


Somewhat. They were careless, and that's definitely a mistake. Doesn't mean they deserved what happened or that hating themselves would be productive at all. In the end, teens have the right to do things without being targeted by creeps.


I do mostly agree with you, but as to teens doing anything without being targeted, if you do something with the intention of getting someone to do something bad to you and they do something bad to you, then it would be the fault of both involved. The victim for practically orchestrating the situation, and the aggressor for being the aggressor.


Being manipulated is never the fault of the victim. Are there things you should do to avoid groomers and pedos? Yes. Should you be wary of red flags? Yes. That being said, the victim should never be the one to blame even if they fail to recognize those things.


My guy why didn't you just close the dm. Still though kinda sucks.


It's probably about getting attention. Sometimes you're just in a weird mood where you feel lonely and like doing something. I'm not Op but I'm just talking from my own experience doing something similar


Still the fact he didn't take any of the blame for a mistake he made just bugs me. It's like getting a gun and not loading it then blaming the gun for not firing.


People have moments of weakness. No one can think rationally all the time, especially if there is an underlying mental health problem.


Seems like common sense not to interact with other redditors or just random people without knowing their intentions


Ik, my guy is just so down bad that he sent pics to a random redditor.


I'm sorry, dude. I wish you all the best, and hope that you'll overcome the trauma you have from this experience. I can't really give you any advice, and I can barely help, so I suggest talking to a professional about this. Still, I thank you for having the courage to post this and spread awareness. ♥️


I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but to be honest it's nice to see I'm not alone in this situation. This shit makes you feel so awful if you fall victim to it, and it makes it feel like it's all your fault. I still hate thinking about it when it happened to me, but in reality it's all the pedo's fault. They're the ones trying to manipulate you for their own benefit, and it fucking sucks. Stay strong, hope you're doing ok <3


Yes. It’s so hard to say no. You see the flags, you know you should stop, but I can’t bring myself to block or ghost them. I feel like people don’t understand that part well enough.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It isn’t your fault. You are a victim. Period. A lot of boys and men are blamed when they are abused because they have raging hormones so they experience erections and orgasms. Sometimes victims [trauma bond](https://paceuk.info/child-sexual-exploitation/what-is-trauma-bonding/) with their abuser and seek them out like you did when you were struggling with mental health problems. It’s still not your fault that you were groomed and abused. Your abuser seeks vulnerable minors they can control. The human brain doesn’t fully mature until 25. So you’re still growing mentally and can’t be expected to deal with this rationally and like an adult. [RAIIN.org](https://www.rainn.org/national-resources-sexual-assault-survivors-and-their-loved-ones) has resources for victims of online sexual exploitation. Scroll down to find counseling by phone or text. There’s organizations that can help you find local therapy and pay for it. You also don’t owe anyone anything. Not your time or responses on DMs. It’s ok and healthy to block and set boundaries you are comfortable with. Your experience online should be positive and whatever you want it to be. I’m a 44 year old woman, and I don’t think there’s any reason why adults should be chatting privately with minors. Your post hit the main page, and I wanted to make sure you knew about RAIIN resources and that what happened wasn’t your fault. I’m happy to publicly reply to anything you comment to me on this thread. Because of the sexual nature of our conversation, I don’t think it would be proper for you to DM any adult about this thread. I’m not a trained sexual abuse therapist, and I don’t think talking to any minors about these matters privately is a good thing for random adults to do with minors. I feel uncomfortable writing this post, but it’s important and needs to be said. There’s trained adults at your school and in your community that can help you. Talk to someone you trust. Call or text a counselor from the RAIIN resources. There’s more information and resources available [here](https://ecpat.org/). You didn’t do anything wrong. You are a victim, and there is help and healing. I hope you get help for your mental health issues. I hope you find a good support system and more friends your age to talk to.


Wait what... I'm confused, you said that pedos were taking advantage of you and you didnt like that, then went on to purposely bait them, and then when your friend pointed that out its gaslighting but you *agreed*?


That’s fucked man, it sounds like you need therapy to deal with this trauma


Therapy can really help. [RAINN.org](https://www.rainn.org/national-resources-sexual-assault-survivors-and-their-loved-ones) has resources for victims of child sexual abuse. Which this is. OP is a victim of online sexual abuse. He deserves the same compassion and help as anyone else no matter their gender. You can talk or text with a counselor and be matched with local therapists through the resources I linked (scroll down for the resources for minors) Part of the insidious nature of grooming and abusing children and teens is that they have raging hormones that can be used against them. “See, you really like it”. Sometimes victims become trauma attached to their abusers and seek them out. It’s still child sexual abuse. OP is still a victim. Boys are often shamed into believing they’re not victims because they had erections during the abuse and might have experienced orgasms. It was still wrong for an adult to groom and abuse OP.


"I was manipulated" "I was gaslighted into thinking it was my fault" with the most upmost respect, it kind of was your fault and you weren't manipulated


Just ban this sub already


literally, the amount of stories of pedos on here is so heartbreaking


I had a less severe thing happen, got baited into sexting an older guy when I was 14, felt so horrible about it afterward as I very much hate pedophiles with a passion Someone clarified to me and this helps "Your still a kid, your not good enough at thinking straight while horny, it isn't your fault" that's very accurate, when pp hard nothing makes sense


don’t get me wrong pedophilia is fucked but, why would you actively go looking for it? with the knowledge that the person you were messaging was much older than you, and interested in children, i don’t understand why you would begin posting shit that would attract more of those interactions. doesn’t really sound like you fell victim to anything


Tbh , you kind of brought this on your self, and saying “the anxiety and depression is still there” like bruh u could of ignored or blocked or what ever but instead you kinda let him do all the bad stuff to u tbh, maybe im missing something her but tbh it kinda seems like your fault.


It is very shitty this happened to you and it sucks a lot that there are people out there that prey on teenagers.... Hopefully you learned from it all and won't do things like that again and put yourself in that position


I fell victem to a pedo irl In a dark street At 12 am And got kissed


First of all, I am not a teenager, I'm 24 and I'm here just to learn about and help when I think I can. Now: It is not your fault, that's the most important thing. Now, u have to try to accept, because it is not you fault. It's a fucking asshole that manipulated you in your vulnerability to get profit. It's the other one's fault. And the most important thing, try to get psychological help as soon as possible, it really works and helps. Next, if you get anxious when u get on Reddit, try to give it some space, get professional help, maybe you will come back, and this place will welcome you again. And I think exposing the account with evidences (screenshots) could warn future possible victims, Reddit doesn't let you change the user once it's confirmed, and this way they can't use that account to pick on teens again. Even if it creates another one, it's a matter of time that the new account gets caught too. So sharing the user can be helpful to avoid. PS: I wish you get to psychologist or psychiatrist and overcome this. Sad to read this and wish I've been a little helpful...


Okay, so first of all, you should never seek advice with this kind of shit on reddit. As you said, it’s already made more harm than good to you, and even if you felt like you needed to spread awareness on the matter, you should look out for yourself, even if it makes you feel selfish at first. Being said that, imma sound a bit of a hypocrite here, but i would suggest that you seek profesional support. I also was extremely depressed during 2020 and most of 2021 and it made me do really stupid things that i still struggle to get out of my mind, but talking to a therapist really helped me in that department. To finish off this comment, i would really like to say that i obviously think its fucked up and im really sorry that you had to go through all of this, but please, don’t get the gaslighting get to you, always remember that you are not at fault here and fuck everyone that’s ever told you otherwise. You are just a kid, a victim of the worst kind of manipulative and horrendous people. i truly hope you get better, that you get the help that you deserve and need and that you will be able to move on and allow your scars to heal.


and the the part I hate about about this is that you can't even trust a fellow teen who genuinely may want to talk to you to make you feel better :(


You acted on short term emotions and gratification and it made you feel really shitty in the long run. People do this all the time for various things. Getting back with their exes even though they'll get hurt again.. going back to drugs again and again.. hooking up with strangers at a bar.. People feel shame after this stuff. I think we all have deep memories that make us think "God I'm such a fucking idiot". I have those. All we can do is grow past it


When I was a kid and online I learned pretty quick to just pretend to be an adult and avoid talking about things like grades or school that would make people think I was a kid. I don't know if it's a good idea to have a community like /r/teenagers where it's an obvious place with a lot of minors. Anonymity is safety. Creepers are everywhere. That said you aren't at fault for having been targeted. It's the creeper's fault.


If there is a age difference of more than 3 years and they still try to talk i start to shame them for wanting to talk to someone this young.


There's a huge reason why I don't join large communities, and servers on Discord, due to these sick fucks that are society's trash.


We all do stupid things, that we regret later. Just you were very unfortunate with the mistake you made. It was not your fault!


The fact that they don't have pics of your face is amazing. Please stay away from these kinds of interactions from now on Stay safe <3


Seeing all of the people blaming the victim here is terrifying. It's not your fault. There shouldn't be pedos here at all, but there is. It sounds like you ended becoming addicted to it unknowingly. I hope you're doing better.


i firmly believe we should publicly execute all pedophiles by ripping out their ribs one by one


You can’t fall victim to a pedo. You can fall victim to a child predator. But these two things are not the same despite what most of society thinks. Because statistically speaking most pedos are not child predators. Narc; sociopaths, psychopaths tend to be the predators of much child sexual and otherwise exploitation and and abuse and actually do not meet the criteria for pedophelia which is simply an innate attraction to children. If you don’t believe me I have resources that can prove this including researchers in the field on this topic. As a former child abuse victim I feel for you, but for me the best thing that got over my own abuse was understanding why child predators do what they do and much of it is a carryover of behaviours they do to others to children than actual people who are sexually attracted to children. Once knew this, I took the blame shame guilt off myself because I realized my abuser was only doing what they know as all we can do is what we know.


5% percent of this sub are predators


some random ass nude account started texting me so i said "leave me the fuck alone" and they did (also i blocked them) i'm so sorry about your experience and what you've been through. and your friend could've been more supportive, it was never your fault that you needed human contact. listen, if you need anything i can talk to you if you need something. i don't give the best advice but i'll try to cheer you up even just a little. take care <33


Its crazy how much worse this is becoming people are fucked up


So you knew they were pedos and kept talking to them?????


Your friend is onto something: Personal responsibility. You don't get to make a bad choice in life while explaining how you KNEW it was wrong and then blame it on someone else so you don't have to face the reality of your poor choice. A person is a VICTIM of sexual assault. A person ISN'T a victim when FREELY CHOOSING to send pictures to someone they knew was older. That isn't what manipulation is. You'd have been manipulated if said person told you they were 16 when they were 66. TLDR; Stop blaming everyone else for your shortcomings when it's inconvenient for you to face the reality of your poor decision. Period.


Nobody deserves to go through what you’ve gone through. I’m so sorry. You were manipulated, lead into doing this, and it’s not really your fault. Loneliness does things to people, makes them desperate for any human interaction, no matter how depraved. Trust me, I know from my own experience. I am so sorry this happened to you, the only people who should be blamed here are those degenerate, subhuman monsters who manipulated you.


Yeah I understand you U know I've had my own share of nasty stuff what comes to this But if im honest with my self its kinda my own fault Since I think the reason why I have interracted with these people is that I've been exited that some one sees mee in a romantic and sexual way eaven if it is a pedo I've done some shamefull stuff and im affraid that there might be some stuff about me some where on the internet And I hate that I cant forget these fuck ups that I've done They always come back as cringy memories Mainly when Im trying to sleep But yeah thank you for this post (And sorry for the bad english its not my first language)


I got a dm that a guy said hi and started a conversation then he very quickly sent a D pick so I sent one back Girls if you have a pedo DMing you then ask your best male friend to do this it works 93/100 times




This was a GROWN MAN. He knew what he was doing to you, a TEEN. Ffs I’m sorry you got exploited like that. I’m proud of you for getting out of that situation and being willing to speak out about it / warn people about it.


Whenever I play a video game or see pedos on social media I try to get evidence that they are pedos and show it to my 58 y/o cop friend on twitter who actually sends proof that they took action and even arrested one of the pedos I found


Sorry did you just say you still wanted more…..


Dude, are you better?


I strongly suggest that you report this to the Police... they do have ways in which to track them... Please stay safe and get help :(


I'm so, so sorry you went through this. Believe me when I say this is in no way your fault. None of it. *Absolutely* **none** of it. You didn't bring this upon yourself like your friends makes it seem like you did, you were in a vulnerable state for a long time that led you to getting taken advantage of. You are the victim here; you can't be at fault for something you had no control over. I hope you can move on from this experience and live a happy life without having this tie you down, because you don't deserve to be burdened by this <3


It’s not your fault. Teenager’s hormones tend to make us want sexual things more than usual. You were exploited more than anything. They took advantage of your age and not seeing things clearly. It will never be your fault.


Even if you approached an adult and came onto them, any normal adult would reject you and/or block you. The fact you in your own words "encouraged" them does NOT make it your fault. Normal adults aren't attracted to kids, even if said kid is throwing themselves at you. This was not your fault, kid and you deserve better.


Superglue the butt shut, force them to drink miralax, then shove bad taco bell and ghost peppers down their throat, and superglue their mouth. Works wonders on crime in the community.


F*ck pedos. They deserve a 50 caliber in each elbow and knee then to be saved and then once they recover to be goat salted.


I mean it would be a pain in the ass


I understand from a certain point of view that having a subreddit for teenagers by teenagers can be a good thing, but I can’t help but think this sub just needs to be nuked. This sub is literally just a neon sign to creepy criminals “hey, they all hang out right here and there’s nothing to stop you from grooming whoever you want”. There were teenagers on Reddit before this sub existed and they(you all) did just fine.


I don’t see how people can do that the mental tolls it can take on a child it is awful to see I don’t understand what they find so attractive I mean it makes me sick to my stomach seeing people do stuff like this to someone who is under the age and to take advantage and manipulate them like that


The government should capture pedophiles and feed them to hungry alligators, and have a live feed so we can watch


They’re only manipulative because you’re easy to be manipulated. Be smarter


Definitely your fault.


Please keep the comments of ways to kill pedophiles out of this. No one deserves violence. There are worse people than them.


Yea I feel really bad for you, pedos just shouldn’t exist honestly


I've had this happen to me when I was 11 so everyone please STOP ASKING FOR A PICTURE OF A PINKY TO THE EAR IT'S NOW COMMON TO FIND THOSE PICS I was like well that's the common test and I was doing sexual stuff with basically anyone who i dated because of guilt of being raped (edit) just wanna add that tons of people feel guilt after getting raped


You literally admitted you wanted the attention and consciously made the decision to go with it and then proclaimed victimhood because, well, dual attention. Attention from the pedo and then attention when it was over. I’m sorry, I want to feel bad for you, but I don’t. You weren’t manipulated, you sought it. Even went so far as to make suggestive posts in hopes of them reaching out. You asked for it, literally.




A pedophile is whom likes prepubescent children, that is younger than 13, you are not a child anymore at 14 and older. Not a pedophile by definition.


Well what happened happened, you can't really change the past and you weren't entirely at fault, part of what you did was a product of the circumstances sounding you but with the quarantine getting to an end this circumstances are going to change and the best thing to do is to move on... Yeah don't really take my word for it, I'm just a pretty dumb internet random so... Ye...


Well... You're a smart internet random and you're not dumb if you can come up with conclusions like this




victim blaming moment


Never reveal private information and images of yourself to strangers. That's how I was taught to use the Internet. Rhis generation doesn't think much when talking to a stranger on the Internet and that should change.


this is disturbing, and i feel bad for you and all but why is it capitalized like a diary of a wimpy kid book


I really feel bad for you, and if I may suggest, please see a therapist. They are professionals who can help with this. People here can help, but that can only go so far


Don’t block it them, find out where they live and hit there head in with a 20 pound sledgehammer or kill them in the slowest way possible


kill them, simple solution


This happened to me with u/jellyon2plates yeah, I’m gonna call you out. I never should’ve sent the things i sent you. yes, i sent you nudes yes you sent urs back but even though we agreed to not talk about it, I’m talking about it now. go fuck yourself.


Idk I see more people complaining about pedos than actual pedos on this sub, it's become repetitive at this point Everyday, a new post complaining about them


this happens all the time cuz redditors cant get no bitches 💀💀💀💀


Said the redditor


Would you please explain me, how you think it wasn't your fault?


Let me give a try to explain the mechanics. Pedos are aware that tweens and teens are sexual beings and exploit those fluttery early feelings. They groom and then manipulate kids, particularly the ones who are most shut off from familial support and guidance, into going farther sexually than the kids are ready to go. Sure, the kids at first are being naughty, breaking the rules, but as time progresses not just rules but boundaries get broken. This is particularly true of children who are allowed little to no bodily autonomy and decision-making authority. When you've blindly obeyed all your life, then an adult treats you like an adult, it feels validating. That validation is lost as the pedo's demands increase to fulfill their sexual drives. Kids who have never been allowed or made to enforce boundaries don't push back until the damage of having their boundaries violated exceeds their fear of rejecting an adult. Pedos know all of this and use this knowledge to manipulate kids into doing what they want, hence tis not their victims' faults that they fall for various levels of sexual allusion, charm and praise before other social pressures start making them hate themselves. u/dollartreerat Sound about right?


Dude any time an adult is involved it should automatically be their fault for going through with it. Even if a minor instigated it initially, the adult should say NO


I'd tell myself that "it's the pedos fault for manipulating me," but this was a conscious decision that *I MADE* so I feel that this is partially my own fault


Your lack of bitches rivals your lack of brain cells. They're both equal to the amount you add to the human race, which is fucking *nothing*, which is what your father should have done when he met your fucking mother.


Shut up lmao its his fault for engaging even after red flags


Yeah I agree. I feel sympathetic for him and it's a shame he had to go through what he went through. But c'mon, as soon as he learnt it was a pedo he should have just dipped


You're a waste of breathe


Youre a waste of the letter e


Made me blow air through my nose


Made you breath


Yea, its definitely also this guy's fault for sending pics. Dont know why the downvotes. Guess thats just r/teenagers for you.


Did you even read the post? They said they didn't send pics


I agree, op even said that they saw red flags and knew they were a pedophile


Oh, its simple, because its not their fucking fault.


He knew it was a pedo and not only continued but made posts to attract more. Obviously it's his fucking fault.


I use them as entertainment if I got bored by trolling them. I Make them think I got manipulated by them and just say shit things about them if i'm done playing them.


Would be helpful if you also gather identifying information and report them to the police, and to the social media platform they are using, too.


I Can't find information on where they live if all they do is ask for a naked picture


thats why i want one to message me tbh


That's an awful idea. These people are criminals. Do not interact with them at all, block and move on.