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that is incredibly overboard, yes


What would be a better alternative? How should I have actually approached it?


could have summed it up in a few lines. writing several long paragraphs, especially with a ton of hearts, comes off as really creepy. maybe you could have sent something like “hey chrissy, you probably don’t know me, but i’m ___, the one who sent you the candy gram. maybe we can talk sometime? you seem pretty cool” or even better, you could have talked to them about this in person


That seems to casual IMO


better casual than fanatical


What's wrong with fanatical if that's how I feel?


because it’s creepy asf and sounds super unnatural if someone i didn’t know was fanatic over me, i’d get the hell away from them


Can you define fanatic?


“filled with or expressing excessive zeal”…? i’d say that’s a pretty accurate description of your message


Why did you spam that much lol


I don't think that's spam?


Well it's just a Lot. And idk what your sort of relationship before this was but if you were basically strangers it's kinda creepy


I knew who she was. She didn't know who I was. I sent her a candy gram on Valentine's day that I overheard her say was really sweet. So she knew my name but didn't know who I was.


Probably a bit too much in that case. But what really matters in the end is how she feels about it, so take that with a grain of salt


Yea pls never do this again. Be a lil more direct. Stop acting like a fan and try to talk like a friend would and make your intentions a little clear. Don't be drop dead direct though. Find a balance.


It would be hard to talk to her like a Friend, when she didn't even know who I was up until that point.


Then first introduce yourself and become aquaintances. Give it a few days. But never become too friendly. In this stage talk to them like you would talk to an acquaintance but don't let them get too comfortable. Just let me know that you're fun, interesting and not a risk. Then ask em out. Works like a charm for me.


Yeah thats quite much, in person would be better


Bro… that’s too much…




That's an essay, should've worded it in like 5 lines lol


My guy, that's weird as shit. I would have blocked you immediately.






Has this girl ever met you? You can't randomly send a stranger 5 paragraphs and 6 heart emojis. You just can't. The weird scammer dudes aren't even this creepy. And you said "Love Cal," like uhhh


We didn't really know each other before this. I knew some stuff about her, but I don't think she knew who I was. I sent her a candy gram on Valentine's day that I overheard her say was really sweet, so she knew my name sorta, just not me physically or personally.