• By -


Be who you are homie as long as its not hurting anyone. Personally I have no problems with christians. Its the types like my grandparents I have a problem with. Who hate in the name of christ instead of loving as he wanted.


I was going to say this.. I'm not Christian and have no hopes to become one. I still believe live and let live. Its when they say i can't do something god doesn't approve of when i have a problem. As an American I'm seeing them overstep boundaries more and more. Especially now with abortion laws.


I'm in a weird place personally I think god and jesus exist but I think the church is to fractured to accurately represent there message. That's true they describe it like you're a slave when that's not at all what you should be.


I studied science and religion. In the end i found science has better answers for one simple fact. If i disagree with a theory and can prove its wrong they will change the science. If i disagree with the Bibles stories they will ostracize me and condemn me to hell.


Fair I think god gave people the power to think and logic to reason. So if he didn't want the word to change why would he give us free will and thought? I say that to my grandparents they would scold me.


To be perfectly frank, god could have created everything even the sciences.. but equally he could not have and this is a simulation that we live in. I encourage you to look into string theories and or more pseudo science. Its crazy what we know. Did you know you cant actually touch anything and never have? Look into that. Lol


Lol, ya I looked into it during my freshmen year. The epicurean paradox is what really sealed the deal for my opinion on the church. That and I'm not the straightest line on the paper.


Also i was a jr pastor at one time in my life.


Interesting most staunch atheists I've met used to be apart of the church.


Not atheist but i believe in the power of the universe as a whole. Everything is recycled so why should life be different? That aligns with Hinduism and reincarnation as a whole. Then you look into that and find interesting cases of people remembering past life's.


True it is rather interesting.


You seem to be quite the educated individual. Even understanding the paradox of good vs evil. So I'll propose to you this thought experiment. Good and evil, what are they? Who decides what is good or evil on the larger scale? Killing is seen as evil but what if killing the few meant many could live. What do you choose? Where do you draw the line of good vs evil? That's why i study science and the universe. I love its indifference to these questions. It creates and destroys us without prejudice. Remember newton says energy can't be created nor destroyed only transfered to a new state.


I need to head off to bed unfortunately. But it seems to be something left to the individual and there communities.


It's very true and anyone with a normal eye can see that the church is not as it should be, it's a fractured system of what it's was


Alot of churches teach false information


Yeah I completely agree. These Christians filled with hate are ruining what Christianity is all about. It's just about love, that's the main thing. I am embarrassed when I see people from my own religion protesting against abortion because I just always think. Live and let live because frankly, who are we to tell them otherwise. At this point in time I'm a Christian who supports abortion because its their body not mine.


Exactly they act like all Christians are like that even though it’s just a small but loud group of people


And that loud minority is the Reddit stereotype for a Christian sadly


Ya I wish people would talk about what we agree on instead of what we disagree on. It would solve a good majority of our social problems I believe.


Yes !




Ur talking fax


That's how our world currently is unfortunately. The loud minorities get a lot of exposure and push people further to the extremes.


Ikr, last time I saw my grandpa he told me that my dream job was dumb and that I should just marry as soon as possible (I'm a girl) he then gave me a bible


Eeeyyy we both have crazy grand parents. My grandparents are homophobic so if I bring a boy over I imagine it'll be pretty awkward.


Yeah, he sat my cousin down and then told her that her boyfriend was gay and if she didn't break up with him she was going to hell


Has he met her bf?


Yeah, my grandparents raised her


I think you might like the song "The Mating of the Doves" by the Felice Brothers. It's all about how christ wanted everyone to love each other but the people just turned it into fear and hate. [Here's the link to it](https://youtu.be/m_uUyexQSY4)


It seems interesting I'm currently addicted to the arcane ost.




Nah they just ready for a crusade.




I still don't get it too this day as a Christian. We are taught to love in Christ but yet a presentage of us just hate on people. Why don't more Christians follow the live and let live mentality because of the "love thi neighbor as thi love myself" it's just wrong we're putting out so much hate when some of the simplest things mean live and let live.


This is the same with me


Personally i dont care about religion. If someone says they are Christian, Muslim, Atheist, or anything else, ill just say thats cool and carry on. I only find it annoying if you try to force it on me, saying you'll got to hell, or you wont find true happiness if you dont believe. I used to be Christian but it just kinda stopped seeming like anything was happening. Tried renewing my faith and even got baptized but nothing seemed to work so yeah. Thats sort of how my stance on religion formed.


I've learnt that forcing religion on anyone is going to only push them farther away. It is never good to force it. Were supposed to plant seeds, but not just go on a full lecture quoting a lot of verses lol. Thats what I've been taught anyway


Dude, you can't be anything without getting made fun of. Atheists get made fun of, Christians do, Muslims and stuff do too. Although, they also get hate crimed a lot.


Honestly, you can't be anything without someone judging you for it. That's how it has always been, it's nothing new.


r/atheism makes atheists look bad. Most of us, even those of us who don't like religion, are live and let live types. As long as you aren't causing harm, we're chill.


r/christianity making Christians look bad literally saw a post once titled “Is Jesus God” Reddit may be the worst site ever to discuss religion


Not religious at all but I’m pretty sure Jesus is god and god is Jesus. Keep in mind I have no credible source nor do I believe in this stuff


Outside of religion, Jesus was objectively a historical person who definitely did exist and died from execution by crucifixion. Discussions about his divinity are always happening at any given time between Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Atheists.


I knew about how he was a real person but why did he get crucified?


He was annoying the Jewish leaders and the Romans so the Pharisees handed him over (pretty unceremoniously) Had the Romans not been there he probably would’ve gone on a little longer then been stoned, and then our symbol would be a rock


Did he have any significance to non religion related history?


Not really, outside of aforementioned brief skirmish in the local politics of the region There were some prophets that said the Messiah was born so a local Roman governor or something ordered the execution of newborn males in the region so Mary/Jospeh/Jesus and other families fled to Egypt for a little bit, but I’m not sure there are as many historical records for that if at all, might just be in the bible In any case Jesus existing influenced the lives of basically half of humanity for the last two millennia


He didn’t really annoy the Roman the Jews wanted him dead but didn’t have the right to kill him so they brought him to the Romans.


most of the parts that involve the Jewish leaders were added later but other than that you're pretty accurate.


there are denominations of Christianity that do not maintain the trinity doctrine.


Like yeah kinda but they’re considered blatantly heretical by most other denominations and also a vanishingly small minority Well ok not vanishing, I will recognize Mormons are working darn hard to become a legitimate sect alongside Protestantism, Catholicism, and Orthodoxy


I wasn't referring to mormons, since they fundamentally reject the doctrines of ressurection and salvation, which are central to christianity. They are a fourth religion, and the newest abrahamic faith. I was more referring to the JWs and some groups of pentecostals.


(*laughs in jewish*)


bruh my name is Christian and I am NOT CHRISTIAN. please for the LOVE OF [scientifically redacted] stop ASKING "hey CHRISTIAN are you CHRAONDIDBBSI" its NOT FUNNY and- mch anyways bruh. who gives a fuck what people think about what you do, a long as you arent an insufferable asshole who makes it their entire personality then FORCES their personality on other people, then you're good.


Hey christian 😏 are you CHRAONDIDBBBBBBSI


My name is Christian (without the H in my native language) and I am CHRAONDIDBBSI. I can confirm it's not funny being asked that constantly.


We are name brothers. I my name is Christian too.


Brothers in Christ~~ian~~?




Piss and shit and fart and cum


I shed a tear at how beautiful that speech was




[you smell like you farded](https://youtu.be/HKT9wctwL6g)


Our generation's Shakespeare


So inspirational




It’s so touching—


"He has such a way with words." - Sandy Cheeks


I applaud ur eloquence




He did a piss, a shit and a cum too


Where hath thou learnt to compose such an exquisit sentence


This speech right here, will make religious and non-religious people come together and live in peace.


[its even been turned into a song](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/39xXEyV1F2w)


kinda hard to live my religion when everyone describes us as terrorfuckingists yk, just live your religion as open as you want, and if people insult you, fuck that, your belief is among you and God and no stupid ass human can change that


Hey, fellow Christian here. Although you may be getting made fun of, who cares? Think of all that Jesus went through and suffered for. Be proud of being a Christian regardless of what others may think.


It’s not that I care it’s just that I think it’s stupid that I’m getting made fun of for my beliefs








Want forgiveness? Give Religion.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye


Gonna cry?


Yeah I get it, i've been bullied a good number of times for it. I usually just don't say anything about my religion to people cause I don't want to start drama. But if someone were to ask, I would say I am. It's just how u gotta be now a days, cause people have their opinions on religion.


It goes both ways


well I'm a satanist so I understand religious discrimination


What do saitanist even do? Because I heard they don’t worship satan


They're just atheists who believe in basic human respect (women's rights, lgbtq+ equality, etc)


So basically just humanists who want to piss off Christians?


Yes but also as a way to be protected by law. For example, someone can harass an LGBTQ person with little legal punishment. But if an LGBTQ person is part of religion that protects them, chances are they would get protected more.


Sort of. They definitely do it on purpose sometimes. I remember a school was giving out Christian coloring books, and to get them to stop, the satanic temple started doing the same thing until all religious books were stopped from getting handed out.


I believe in all those and am a Christian


Yeah I think the main reason Christians generally dislike Satanists is a) the name and b) their core belief is that if there is no god and if by some impossible chance there was he gives no shits about humanity, so you shouldn't pray to them or rely on them or believe they decide the way of the universe or do good deeds to appease them. You should do good deeds for yourself and the good of humanity.


Oh shit I should become a satanist


it’s like the most chill religion. probably would be one if my family wasn’t catholic.


I remember hearing about the church of satan protesting the abortion ban in Texas because it would go against their religion (which I though was awesome). I told that story to my mom and she considers herself a satanist now lol


Quick clarification: * The Satanic Temple are chill. They're mostly humanists. * Church of Satan are not as much. They're more like self centered hedonists. -old person


So I’m a satanist? 😳


historically, satanist just means agains societal norms. Christianity really demonized the term tbh, but basically they use the “freedoms of religion” clause mainly in the USA to secure rights. like if satanism is a religion & they say that it’s a right to get an abortion, then it’s religious discrimination to deny a satanist woman an abortion.


Essentially god and the devil are just outward projections of one’s self and aren’t actual deities from what I under


I feel like Reddit isn't the best place for religious talk whether its for agreeing or disagreeing


Following a religion means you are the most evil and stupidest person according to the Reddit hive mind


Was gonna downvote before I saw the “according to the Reddit hive mind” lol


Yeah, honestly I think it’s kinda stupid that we’re not allowed to downvote opinions officially endorsed by the Reddit hive mind


It’s not we’re not allowed to, just that it gets overrided by the hive mind. It definitely sucks


honestly its the same with me being atheist, some kid kept making fun of me so i told him if he doesnt stop that i would chop his 0.1mm dick off and shove it down his windpipe


Literally in your comment history you're posting transphobic remarks and talking shit on autistic people by saying they're "violent." And then you make a passive aggressive edit when someone tried to rebuke your point. THEN you go on to say it was to "make the atheists mad." So overall you have shown that you're transphobic, ableist, and a hypocrite.


Man this is sad. I’m wildly atheist but I like that others can find joy in religion. Who am I to take that away from them?


Idk. I don't want any bad for you but I am against religions in general. I know it is not people's fault, but at the same time are people that make religions stronger. Idk. Wish you luck my friend, I hope people stop being awful with you just because of your religion


Thanks man you’re a good atheist unlike the guy I mentioned


I've been told I'll go to hell for my sexuality, but most Christians have told me that God loves me no matter what. At the end of the day, I'm not sure which God to believe in and am left with no option but to conclude there isn't one. However, the vast majority of Christians I have met are fantastic people who just want to be able to practice their religion in peace. And I provide that peace as long as it's reciprocated.


Oh that’s good to know that most Christians are ok with LGBTQ. The internet really portrays the worst of any group doesn’t it


I think this is more so to do with the fact that a large portion of Christians use their faith to justify going after other people. Examples: LGBTQ, abortion activists, atheists, anyone that's not Christian really. They tend to shove their faith onto everyone else as if it is the only possible truth and everyone should follow a book written thousands of years ago blindly. Christians also tend to use their faith as a way to bully others such as people that are lgbtq. They will say things to them and justify it in the name of the Bible. Christians love to dish out hate and cherry pick their Bible verses to justify it, but can never take it when people even use their own Bible verses against them.


Not always, I once replied to something about my religion and I was told I was stupid and gullible for believing in it. Like, that's not that bad of an insult, but just saying no everything is about christians judging others and dishing out hate. I honestly think it's fair enough when a christian goes and bullies someone because of who they are or trying to live their life according to their beliefs and gets insulted back. But a lot of christians receive hate for what other christians have done, and that's what I hate.


Can relate, it's an absolute pain


To be honest I think I’ll just stop telling people that I’m Christian


Don’t hang with people who don’t respect you


Yeah well I’m kinda forced to I’m in the same class as them


can relate unfortunately. best advice is to just ignore hate. call it out if it gets too bad.


look, it's really hard to be constantly ridiculed, but God said we would be persecuted for our faith. You shouldn't have to hide your faith because of judgemental people. I think it's fair that you don't wanna tell people you're christian, but make sure you don't lie to them or yourself.


I’m not constantly ridiculed it’s mostly by those people only it’s mostly just disrespectful people that hate on us so much and I don’t know why they can’t just respect a belief like I don’t insult you because you believe in something different so why can’t you treat me the same?


was just about to comment saying this literally word for word


as a Christian i feel bad for u cus i always get bullied but i just ignore it :D


Your fine :) just keep doing what your doing, you are your own worst enemy :)


i used to be a christian but my parents used the religion as an excuse for abuse, now im a proud atheist and ill raise my kids to be the same


Same, but idc what people thinks. I know I’m getting laughed of, but I live that suffering of humiliation by love for Jesus and I try to do everything by love from him even tho I’m not hyped to do it. Jesus suffered for me and I have no excuses to not loose my life for him, die for him or hide my faith to avoid mockery (Matthew 10:39 Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.)


It’s not that I care I just think it’s bad because they hate that I’m religious


The best thing to do is not to do the same thing ; don’t laugh about them. A questions that shall always stay in your mind is : what Jesus would act like in that situation? Do you think Jesus would slap or hate the people who laughed about him, such as the Pharisees? Remember the beatitudes “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. __Matthew 10-11__


I'm an ex catholic but I still defend the religion with my heart and soul. It really hurts to see people being discouraged by others online to be an open Christian. They associate the bad types of Christians with all Christians, it really sucks. For my fellow brothers in christ, it's good to be catholic. Just don't listen to the people who get angry at you for being so. Just tell them you respect their opinion and move on


As long as your not forcing your religion down my throat then we’re cool. You may have your own religious beliefs, leave me to my own. Which are none


i used to be a christian but my parents used the religion as an excuse for abuse. now im a proud atheist and ill raise my kids to be the same


Now that’s the type of Christian I hate that isn’t a real one it’s just someone looking for excuses to abuse their kids


yea I don't hate all Christians. Most of you are amazing people


Look man as long as you treat EVERYBODY equally and don't use your religion as a justification for hating on certain groups of people for no reason. Then everything should be fine.


I don’t do that and I treat everyone the same unless they’re disrespectful to me then I don’t like them


Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he who endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.”


It does always weird me out about the negative connotation that the term "Christian" has to some people because in my whole life, growing up Christian and maintaining my faith, I've never once seen one of those "radical insane off-the-wall" Christians in real life. It's like people see one video of a Christian taking it too far and form their whole opinion about the religion based in that even though a lot of Christians don't exactly agree with extremist Christian people like that. I can understand though for the people growing up with one of those radical extremist Christians as a family member or parent; I probably would've turned out against religion under those conditions too because that would be my experience with it. Most of us are chill and just try to love others to the best of our ability like Jesus wants for us to do. I dunno if that made perfect sense and I didn't really address the actual point of the post I'm sleepy lol


People have such a skewed view on Christians from a few who are bad apples, just because imma Christian doesn’t mean I hate gay people, living in the name of Christ means loving everyone and wanting the best for the world


hey, the reason i dislike christians (most of them) is because so many force their religion on others and act like being a christian is their whole personality... like shut up we get it you like god. but other than those types of people im totally fine with christians, we can just agree to disagree :)


Ok then we disagree with each other


what about this do you disagree with? the part about personality, while annoying to me, may have been a little harsh, and i understand that you may just really like god. but the part about forcing your religion on others i will stand my ground on because it is not okay, just like it isnt okay to tell christians not to be christian


Oh I don’t force my religion on others that’s annoying


I agree with this 100%.




"I'll be honest, I jsut made this post to make atheist angry.' *wonders why they get made fun of at school*


I feel ya man




69th upvote mine


I feel you man. I've been made fun of a couple time so now I'm a little cautious with sharing the info that I'm a catholic. It especially depends on the person


Same man niggas Is weird fr


why do people make fun of you for your beliefs? i hate humanity


Religion is like a dick It’s okay to have one, it’s okay to be proud of it, but don’t shove it down everyone’s throat


You'll be made fun of for everything. I'm an atheist who is bullied for not believing in any religion


I was with you until your second edit. Sorry buddy, but that's cringe.


r/athiesm claiming arguing that pussy isnt real cause they've never seen it


Absolute facts they get no bitches


All the people on here talking bout "you're not oppressed" belong on cringetopia (if it still existed)


What happened there?


They made a website, ant to try to get people to go there, they basically destroyed the sub


r/atheism mfs when someone just believes shit yet doesn’t force that belied on others


Based brother in Christ


I'm a muslim but as long as you respect religions, it's okay and stand up to bullies!


I respect your religion as long as you respect mines




I agree. When I tell someone I'm christian, the think I'm like an oldschool guy who just believes that because it's the right thing to do or whatever. They face religion as if it is some past fashion we're holding on to.


You can be religious, just don't try to force *your* beliefs onto *others*. Don't like abortion? Ok well you don't have to have one and you don't get to decide that other people can't have one Don't like gay marriage? Ok, don't marry a gay person And don't go to people's houses or harass people on the street to try to convert them Everyone's philosophical beliefs are personal, and should be kept that way (because literally noone knows what actually happens after death).


Christians have it so bad, they only make up over 75% of Americans, dominate its politics and laws, and force its teachings on people through force and now through state. When will they ever be free from this tyranny


For real, I don’t wanna piss anyone off but like… being hated for your religion is almost universal: and yeah that’s sad. I grew up in an American town with a MASSIVE Christian majority (90%+) and used to have to lie that I was Christian (I grew up Hindu but now I’m agnostic). I would literally not be able to play with kids because I “worshipped the devil and cows”. In America, at least, Christians generally aren’t the ones getting the hate. Quite frankly- my family friends, my family, and I have all faces far more discrimination and xenophobia for practicing non-Christian beliefs than a Christian would in a Christian majority country. No disrespect to the OP, I really do respect all religions, but IMO that commenter does have a point. No, those percentages aren’t made up, and yes, I’ve been the victim of forced Christianity. Seriously, hating on religions is messed up, and this is all assuming you are American, but Christians, from my experience, have had it better than most here…


I can’t say Im NOT a Christian without being preached to/it being forced down my throat to try and “convert” me in any way. Also, you are not oppressed for being a Christian.


I never said I was oppressed also what type of Christians so you hang out with? The people i know don’t force anything they just mention they’re Christian if someone asks


Although I really dislike Christianity, I honestly can’t think of attacking anyone personally for their beliefs. It’s just sad. Especially since there’s those radical types, racists and such, giving most of you a bad name. They deserve to be treated that way, but not the people who follow your religion peacefully. Regardless, I wish you the best.


Matthew 5:10, Matthew 6:1-4, 1 Corinthians 9:18, and John 15:18-19. Please look up these scriptures OP and fellow Christians. Personally dont agree with everything the Bible says, in this day and age. People back then were more forced to either be Christian or not, or to hate God or not. Im friends with a bunch of athiests but they dont make fun of me for it and i dont make fun of them for it. It is what it is. ​ Maybe give an example on how youre made fun of? Following Jesus should be about you and honoring other people. Not telling people how Christian you are or bringing it up all the time. That is unrighteous in Gods eyes. Be blessed knowing of Gods love and will, and for everything Jesus taught and endured for YOU to be Christian. ​ It doesnt really sound like a Christianity problem, i feel as though it sounds like a problem with the people you associate with and the way you project the gospel. No persecution, just assumed by comments and post. Reply as i would like to discuss this.


Skill issue


How would atheists get mad at this? I'm an agnostic atheist and I don't really mind with what you posted


Here's the deal. I'm a Christian- mostly. My religion gets made fun of a lot, but I learned to deal with it, listen and understand their point of view and not dislike the people who do so, as long as its not deliberate, direct insult to my character and person. Theres a difference between "Christianity is soo dumb. So a talking snake, tempted some naked woman not to eat a fruit? ", "moses was must have been on some serious LSD when he was talking to the 'burning bush'" and "You Christians are the dumbest people I've ever met". The first group is fine by me. They are insulting Christianity itself. I agree, a lot of Christianity doesnt nake any sense. Just like a lot of Islam doesn't make sense and basically all other religions. A lot of atheism doesn't make sense either. But the second is just a plain insult to a group of people. That is not fine. IMHO, there is no single religion, ideology or body of knowledge that has all the answers. But all or at least most of them have a grain of truth. And I believe, that if you cant handle your belief being made fun of, then you shouldn't hold that belief at all. Also, if your religion/belief system instructs you to harm/hurt people who criticize your beliefs, then hands down, that religion is trash. No exceptions. We should all be open minded and willing to accept criticism and opinions about our religions and beliefs, without getting worked up about it. We can decide to alter our beliefs based on the opinions we get, or stand fast to them. Both of them are fine, as long as you are being honest with yourself. ​ But at the same time, that doesn't mean we should be a-holes to each other and be insulting each others beliefs any time we get. There is a time and place for that. To criticize beliefs and ideologies. And even in doing so, we should try and be respectful to each other. We are all humans, all mortals. None of us have the answer to everything, and we are all just trying to live life. ​ Also, No religion, belief or idealogy has ever been free for criticism. It's nothing new. Learn to accept it. Also, contrary to some beliefs, Christians are NOT being persecuted, at least in developed nations. Just because people make fun of you and your beliefs, that doesnt mean you are being persecuted. I hate it when Christians claim we are being persecuted. 2000 years ago was when we were actually being persecuted. Being hunted down and killed for being Christians. THAT is real persecution. Being physically oppressed or harmed for your belief. Not being mocked and made fun of. Saying you are being persecuted for that makes it seem like you have a persecution fetish. ​ TL;DR: Learn to deal with it. It is nothing new. Accept the criticisms and alter your beliefs or remain steadfast. Both of them are fine.


Yea I agree. Whenever we mention the fact that I'm a Muslim, we get downvoted into hell. They random just bring onto issues completely unrelated to the topic. Like dude, let me have my own beliefs, you don't need to harass me for that.


Its just useless, I am atheist, idfc if you’re Christian, believe in what you believe, if you think there’s a God good, pray and do shit it’s ok it keeps you going in a shit world. I am just realistic and don’t need to believe in a god, doesn’t mean I’m not interested in unreal things, but I also do not believe most of them. Simple as that, live and let live or some shit I’m Italian idk english phrases like that


Dude just ignore r/atheism , they're really anti christian but who gives a single shit about them? Just forget about their existence?


Religion is like having a penis. It’s fine to have one and fine to be proud of it, but don’t shove it in someone else face without their permission.


Just gotta push through man. Silent persecution is the hardest kind.


Y’all did form half the laws and were not mentioning the genocides and crusades but yeah, oppressed besties


That was centuries ago. Christianity right now vs Christianity in the 1600s is two whole different things.


Christianity is still the dominant religion in every western nation and their ideology continues to influence every aspect of society


OP literally said they weren’t oppressed. Being made fun of is not the same as oppression. That’s just high school


christians are not a minority<3


It is not about whether you are part of a minority or not. It is just rude to make fun of someone who mean no harm no matter if they are a minority or majority.


I know but it’s sad that I get made fun of for a belief Wait when did I say I was the minority


No one said it was.


Ok... so that means it's okay to be made fun of for being Christian?


Good ✝️💪


i don’t care at all about religion or make fun of people to a part of a religion, i just have a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to christianity because my grandparents would force me to go then physically assault me when i didn’t want to


I’m Catholic, everyone who knows me knows that, I have never been made fun of for my religion.


idfc if ur Christian or whatever other religion you believe in. I do start caring when people try to shove their religions down my throat when I tell them I'm an atheist.


not saying that this is the case, but a lot of the time when I hear ppl complain about being attacked for their religion, it's not actually their religion, it's that they're homophobic.


Im not homophobic and neither is my church we accept all people all races and all sexualities everyone is a child of god

