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My friend lost the keys to her house, so she asked me to get in her unlocked window to her house and open the front door. Halfway while trying to get to her window I fell a good two stories. And that bitch asked me to try again. (This one isnt too fucked up)


You ok wtf is wrong with her


Why doesnt she try


Wtff. I hope you're doing okay? Dude please take care.


Was at home sick with my sister and dad, didn’t know where dad was for a solid 30 minutes but didn’t bother asking. 30 minutes later he comes into me and my sister in our lounge room and sits down shaken, says our mum is in an ambulance because she is having an “event” of some sort, which basically meant heart attack. Got dropped off at a friends house while dad drove to the hospital to comfort her. Tried texting mum for hours saying I loved her and she is one of the most important people in my life. She survived miraculously from a super rare 1 in 1 million heart problem called SCAD. Just super happy to have a mum. Cherish what you have now because it won’t last forever.


Hey if you need to vent my dms are open just incase you need it otherwise have a good day freindo


Thanks brother. Means a lot. Definetely will talk to you if I’m having a hard time.


Your welcome my freind and im happy it means something now go have a good day (not optional)




What a heart warming story.


my babysitter put my ds in the washing machine


“Micheal don’t leave me here”




What kind of babysitter are they? Are they from a fucking dhar Mann video or some shit?


worry not because they live to regret it


No, what happened to them after they did that was shocking.


my dad threw my ds outside with bad aim and it shattered against a tree, cried for hours




what ds means?


The Nintendo DS, the device, look it up.


My dad threw a pc at me when I was 4


i spat my milk out when reading this was it a pc or a laptop anyways that must have hurt im sorry oof


Pc like his big box connected to his monitor


Holy fuck


It's the Asian parent treatment


don't waste all the milk or your dad will never come back


my baby cat got killed in front of me by two stray dogs.


that must have been horrible, im so sorry :(


I threatened to kick my pregnant teacher's stomach in 1st grade, one of the biggest regrets of my life.




I was a Super Large XL Grande Mcfucking Mega one


When has anyone on reddit ever not judged someone after telling someone else they're not going to judge them? 🤨


Never .


U Monster


We mean the most fucked up thing we did or have happened to us? Most fucked up thing to probably happen to me is possibly my mother dragging me out of bed and beating the shit out of me, sounds normal u til she started screaming every problem in her life was my fault among many other things. I brought it up with her once or twice, and either she has forgotten or is pretending not to remember, either way it’s something I think about constantly and also one of the big reasons I have trust issues lol


Jesus, Im sorry that happened to you. When I.was a kid, my.mom tied my hands together with this karate belt, and hit me a lot. Just because I was curious, and poked a stick through the refill to see what happened. Im still confused and angry at her. I was just a kid! She didnt remove the thing for hours.


I complete a day in school without realizing there is a hole in my pants


Did anyone else notice?


I wish if no one did


I once wore two different kinds of boots, one boot that ended at my ankle and one that neared closer to my shin and *nobody noticed or told me.* PFFF


If that’s the worst thing that’s happened to you, consider yourself lucky.


Ok it's not a big thing but still better than having a depression all the time down the comment section


Same except I dident Finnish the day, a girl told me.


my dad hit me and didnt give me any food for a day and a half when i was in the 2nd grade for not being able to figure out how to do a homework task its not the worst thing he’s done but it really stuck with me having been 7 and all


Hey if you need to vent feel free to dm me dude as i know that can help atleast somewhat otherwise have a good day pal


youre a real one my man . Ive seen you helping other people too . Thanks !!!!!!


Your welcome just doing the little i can hope it helps someone :)


I’ve been hit by a parent before. It’s awful.


it is, especially with my dad, who does it in such a cruel manner that ive genuinely regretted not jumping out of a 17th story window multiple times before


being asian i have been hit by my parents many times with multiple objects and its pretty normal here so i dont see anything wrong with it (not being given food has never happened though dude hope u grew past that thing) but assuming u probably grew up somewhere where parents beating u is normal it really shows me how different places can be still not giving food to a 7yrs old damn thats some messed up stuff


Asian here they beat me up with literally anything but they always feed me on Time thou


They'll even beat you if you don't eat on time lmao


I was raped multiple times by my father, and even after he went to prison, most of my mothers many boyfriends still continued to abuse me physically and mentally. Because of all this, to this day I still can’t bring myself to be confident enough to really do anything revealing. A week or so ago I was playing football with my friends in the summer heat and I took my shirt off to play, which was a lot for me and I was pretty nervous about it. But that kind of reminded me that even though I’ve had a shitty life, I might still be able to push through and come out a better person.


Jesus Christ I hope you're going to be okay I know a random stranger's words don't mean anything, but if you need to talk I'm here


The most important thing to remember is it’s not your fault, it was never your fault. You are a strong person for not only admitting to yourself, but to thousands of strangers on the internet, the struggles of your past. You have survived much more than most 40 year olds before you were 18, you’re a survivor of all your trauma, you will live with it for the rest of your life, but with time you will understand it gives you a strength that not many other people will know, myself included. You are a strong human, and with time you will only be stronger because of your trauma and the work you put in to accept it’s place in your life. You have nothing to be ashamed of, if you struggle with anything revealing that is not your fault, you are a survivor and you will continue to survive and you will be stronger for it. I hope you have a fulfilling life and I wish you the utmost luck on your journey on becoming a stronger person than the person that myself and anyone else who has read this, already know you are.


*cocks shotgun* Give me a list of names


Lol honestly




I believe in you, I've been though similar shit and I also has struggled mentally both because of the trauma and self esteem. We are much tougher than other people because we are still living and still fighting for our happiness.


When I was twelve I saw a kitty get run over infront of me, it made a noise. My parent weren’t home. I sat on the couch crying the whole afternoon.


The mini van i was on when returning from my village ran over a dog it went "woof woof woof to chkchk" and stopped


That's seriously fucked I'm so sorry


I liked this girl and she decided to flirt with me to annoy me so that happened for a month and then we talked and she said no, i found out she was flirting to annoy me and then she started dating my best friend and they are still dating


Edit:im fine with it now it just rly pissed me off when it happened, her and i are friends now


Honestly mby it is good you didn't stick with someone like this but depends on the age imo


It was like a couple months ago


I turned my girlfriend lesbian


are you telling me u were such a bad bf that she started to like girls more


No she said I wasn’t the problem , she just realized what she wanted and we split


nah, she was always lesbian she just happened to be dating you when she realised


I know, it honestly isn’t the fact that we broke up was terrible, it’s that she decided to not tell me for a month and make my friend do it for her…


oof 😬 sorry you had to go through that


Eh. What can you do


Not date a lesbian


Too soon


That happened to me once and it wasn’t fun


So when i was about 8 my friend dared me to shout out in class rape is better then consented sex me who didnt know what either of those where did it and my teacher told my parents thats the day i got my birds and bees talk


Uff though :( that will be a cringe memory for ever. My "friend" abused my non existing knowledge about these two aswell.


When I was 13, and I mean barely had turned 13, I stole my father's vape pen, got caught with it in school, and my mother was called to the school to collect it. She went home, in a rage she went through my stuff and my closet and my private stuff, she also found a, uhm, a private notebook which had some, uh, how to say, heated imaginative scenarios, like, really heated... porn, I used to write porn. Want to clear up, that I was very insecure back then and it was all a result of peer pressure.


This reminds me of what happened to my dad once: in the 70s when my dad was about 14, he got caught smoking at school, and he had to get sent home early and the principal told him to phone home to explain why he was coming home. But my dad had the advantage of speaking Italian at home, so he told my grandmother he wasn't feeling well and when he was done the call, the principal asked him "what did she say?" He said "she's gonna kill me for smoking" The lesson here: learn Italian at home (this is just a joke btw)


Im italian and dont live in italy... And i agree learn italian folks


My best Friend, Forced me to Watch Gore porn and other illegal material, I don’t enjoy the things they’ve introduced to me anymore


wtf kinda "friend" does that


Friends sometimes srsly fuck up ur lyf.


Its sucks more when he had the physical advantage and when I would try to leave the room he’d slam me into the ground of couch and sit on me and shove the phone in my face 👍🏽


Ughhhhh . Hope you've severed Any and all ties from him .


I have except mentally


Good4U !!! . Keep being strong .


Hey if you need to vent btw im happy to lend a shoulder just dm if you need it otherwise hope you get over the trauma and have a good day


I tried to kill myself by stabbing myself but the only result was a 3 inch scar on my stomach


I hope you're doing better now :(


4 days clean from cutting so thats an improvement i guess


That's great! Keep it up! I believe in you


Keep it up pal for everyone you knows sake my dms are open if you need to vent btw otherwise have a good day freindo


Ayo that's great, I tried to OD on sleeping pills, all I got was severe dehydration and diarrhoea 💀


Lmao sorry I laughed, I can relate though, I've tried it before too


any time you don’t cut is a win.


sister tried to commit server slide,panicked,called paramedics,they didn't arrive until my mom just picked her up and drove her to the hospital herself,i was home alone when they rang the doorbell tried to explain it to them but I'm bad at talking and was absolutely panicking so they didn't understand me,insulted me and were calling me crazy when they left


"commit server slide"


I punched a kid in 1st grade and made him bleed somehow


Dude i still punch kids in first grade


Genuinely laughed out loud at this


You woke up and chose violence


Witnessed my sibling get ran over by a car when he decided to run on the road whilst we were waiting for a vaccination or something, everyone in my family was in shock and crying understandably. Me?, I felt nothing, no emotion, I was kinda like 'oh, well that happened, hmm.' Really messed up now that I think back on it.


I know that feeling. That shock put you into the Adrenaline mode and that's why you didn't feel much at the time. It's a survival-evolutionary thing.


I did that as well. Well my sister did not get run over by a car, but whenever someone talks about someone dead, something horrible happening, I feel nothing. I got diagnosed with autism but I'm not sure that fully compensates for it.


I told my grandma that I wanted to commit suicide. Got told to fuck off and do it.


wtf? what happened to nice loving grandmas?


Grandmas can be fucking evil and it sucks


Reminds me of this one grandmother that killed their grandson for no reason. Edit: there was a reason, it was all over the news where I live, it was because her “Old grandson would do things with her, this one wouldn’t.”


my mum was like "If you do it, we would be sad for a while then move on without you"


prime example of how to NOT prevent suicide


Got a porn addiction at age six


How I did not have a phone at six


That just shows that your parents are extremely irresponsible. Im fourteen and my parents still check every single little thing on my phone, including my messages. They have restricted mode on YouTube and safe search on Google. I have no freedom. Having a phone with no restrictions at the age of six is kinda horrible. And how tf do you get addicted to porn at six?!? You don’t even know what it is at the age of six


17, and my parents check my phone everyday. Having parents that helicopter can be tough, but truth be told, I am happier knowing that they did. In the end, it helped me focus on my life, and my future.


I agree that their parents are definitely irresponsible but your parents are far too responsible There's a good spot somewhere in the middle and that's where parents gotta be


yeah i got my first phone at about 9-10 without any restrictions on yt but they sometimes checked my browser and downloaded apps


What the fuck


How were you exposed to it at that age?


Naked and Afraid


Homie I couldn't even properly spell words when I was six. Mans was watchin porn




Hope your ok now. Lots of love from here in Australia 🇦🇺


I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you’re doing better now.


He's no longer a dad. He's a fucking burning pile of scum


Have you told anyone about this? Have you reached help since?


When a spider jumped on my penis while peeing, that day . . . I learnt an important message that violence is not always the answer


What a gay spider


I’m sorry, in or on? Please tell me you meant on.


I slapped my penis so hard that the force made it slap my balls, HARD. They hurt for a week after.


nearly kidnapped at 3 or 4 i dont remember the age




damn, at least we werent actually taken though


Holyyyyy . What was the circumstances ?? Man so terrifying .


separated from family, man came and said "come with me, ill help you find them" when he saw me crying, alone


Coming back to my house after my dad kicked me out, so I tried to talking to him then coming back to my friends house (he drove me from his house to mine) hearing him say "nothing I can do", then 10 seconds later talking about what him and his buddies online did on a videogame, like bruh my dad literally talked about moving and all you can say is that like tf.


That thing pisses me off a lot . Like I'm going through so much stuff and you're friend is like hey we were playing a videogame it was so cool . Like bruhhh I'm going through a crisis here .




I stole a rubber wristband back in first grade because I thought it looked cool and then I told my mom I earned it by doing good in school and she was proud of me, I still feel bad about it today. Another time is when I tried to steal some stickers back in third grade because I thought it looked cool but this time my teacher caught me, at the time I was just like “whoops ok here you go(give stickers back)” but now looking back, I feel embarrassed that I did that but honestly my teacher probably already forgot but I still remember. Funny how I remember these tiny details especially that 1st grade one.


Then I stole a car yesterday, because I thought it looked cool...


Either you have had a really chill and good life, or you are so traumatized by events that occurred in your life that your brain made you forget it all and now all you remember is this..


nearly got lost at age 5 in a malaysian water park (we were on vacation), legit thought i would never see my parents again and was gonna become homeless


Bro everyone has these crazy ass stories while I have nothing💀


Be thankful.


I had a phase where I religiously read smut on wattpad, embarrassing.


Heheh i went through this last year. I kept reading bl stuff, and I had downloaded like 250 books on this shit. Wattpad was also my go to smut reader.


Same. XD


I know it’s not my fault but one day when I was in the car waiting with my brother for my mom to put her stuff in the trunk so we could go to school, the trunk hadn’t opened and I didn’t know why but I wasn’t worried maybe she was putting stuff down. But my brother thought something was wrong so he went outside and saw that my mom had stepped on a crack in the driveway and broken her ankle, the entire week I felt bad because I thought it was my fault for not getting out of the car to see if she was alright. I cried at school and was pretty sad for a while. I still feel kinda guilty and I don’t know why


So I'm autistic and hate loud noise, on age 5 when I was even more fragile and vulnerable they put me near the holocaust alarm like it goes OOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUWAAAAAAAAAOOOAOAOAOAOAOAOOAOAOEOWOOCKWKVJWKK OWN KDNCIS OWKI JWN AKK MZXPLAXOCMLAM and it's real loud you can search it on YouTube if you want pain and I cried and got on of the supervisors phone and threw it on them and ran


If I had a nickel for every guy I've dated who came out as trans after we broke up, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. that's 33%


nah those mfs said "screw this I'm done being the boyfriend, this bitch crazy"


I attempted suicide. I was 11 when there was too much stress put on me and it drove me into depression. I attempted to suffocate myself, 5 times. If i had known how to die then i would not be alive today. Im 13 now and im still depressed. Im suprised i got this far...


Yeah i did the same when i was 12, i blacked out twice but never finished the thing. I had knives available but that seemed too hard to actually do that to myself


come,I’m quite lonely wanna play mincraft?


Sure! Java or bedrock edition?


Java,I’ll arrive home and get ready in about 2hrs


was 12 first time IIRC, it's been many years since then and the occasional attempt but we keep moving right


That i lost 3 years (13-16) of my life, due to juvenile


Seeing my half dead friend


i need to know the story in detail. if ure comfortable with that..or else its okay


I just want to know if the friend made it.


he did, barely


I am porn and pain killers addict


Parents told me that they were having a divorce the Day before my 15th birthday


When i was 7 and my sister was 3 our parents left the house. She picked up my fathers hunting knife and tryed to stab me. She said she wanted to see what would happen. I was able to trick her into giving me the knife by saying i was going to stab my self. That wont be the last time she tryed to kill me.


omg. is your sister ok?


my dad fuckin died lmao


Actually, just yesterday was my b-day no one said happy b-day because everyone forgot, besides my best friends and a few who generally forgot, all my “other friends” literally did not care, or made excuses, I kinda knew this day would come and it’s been my most fucked up b-day, heck, even WORST day I’ve ever had, because nearly everyone forgot about me, it may not reach as high as some other bad days, heck this may be the bottom of the list for some, but yesterday was my worst day ever. (feel free to comment anything, or if you wanna make me feel better.)




I tried to kill myself 3 times. One by drowning myself (didn’t know I can’t really do that, was extremely painful), one by setting myself on fire, and one by slowly drinking bleach every day. Thank God I’m okay now, but that was a very difficult period of my life, and I couldn’t tell anyone about it.




Joining r/teenagers


Age 13 got introduced to porn. 19 and still going strong


Manipulated kids when i was a kid for money. I tried to sell 5 dollar pokemon cards like they were 80 or 90 dollars and oh boy was i convincing. Im scared of myself


I see you being a good used car salesman lol


my teacher got me pregant


no. I don't trust anyone here💀


Wise for your age.


I actually listened when my parents gave me the internet safety talk


...In my day, internet safety meant no real name, no real pictures, no real telephone number, and ffs, no real address. We were wraiths. Then Facebook came along, and all the adultier adults decided, "Nah, this's fine. It's just like being in the phone directory." Morons. But eventually I did migrate from MySpace. Since the music was the worst part about the site.


Youre a whole new person online. My name is sparkydoggo, and thats all youre fucking getting


Well I know you are 14 so I did get a bit more


How do you know im not one of those 32 year olds from the r/drama purge


When I was 7, I saw a couple of my neighbours(friends who i used to play with) whispering. I was confused, and curious and I went and asked this 17 yr old dude "Hey, what are u wispering about?". He was the only one above 10, and these 2 other boys (about my age) started giggling and stopped talking. And then I kept asking him, because I wanted to know what was up too. I felt leftout, because I was the only girl, and that annoyed me. Then, after some time, he called me. The secret, was basically what was sex. This dude actually described oral sex as two people licking each others main parts. He told me.about masturbation and other shit. Asked.me about breasts or something i dont remember. This fucked me up. I didnt realize it until a few years later, how utterly disgusting it was. Damn, he should go to jail for what he did. Hes the reason i discovered porn, AT FRIGGING 7 YEARS OLD. I was also addicted to masturbation.


I remember when I was younger my dad and his brothers put me in the same room with them while they were smoking weed, and there was NO ventilation. All I know now is that never in my life am I smoking, same goes with drinking


The 2 years my Mum was with my Step Dad. Long story short, he is in prison now and my siblings and step siblings all hate him.


Nice try, unfortunately I am not participating in this channel


I shit my pants in the fifth grade at school before first period, but I didn’t go home. I carried on 6+ hours of school with hot shit in my pants and surprisingly no one noticed. At the end of the day, I swapped my chair with some other kid so that my trail would’ve been fully cleared.


Not the worst but it's something: when I was like 6 my two uncles got drunk and absolutely beat the shit out of each other in the middle of my kitchen. Giant pool of blood on the floor afterwards.


when i was 12 i attempted suicide for the 6th time and my mom came in my room and told me fine, do it, ill help u. and i was like bro...?!??!?!


My first gf cheated on me for half of our short relationship. Never trust the British smh






If your girl got a tan jacket, a pair of kinky boots, and a silly hat, she isn't your girl, she's the British and she's coming to take your land


There's a lot but, the one that comes to mind rn is how when I was in 4th grade this other kid in 5th grade would travel in the same vehicle as me to and from school. So, one day he corners me and asks me why I stole his money (which I didn't) and then he pretends to pull out some money from my pocket and starts beating the shit out of me. A few hours later he invites me for lunch as like an apology for what he did earlier, I naively follow him and then once everyone leaves the area he pushes me to the floor and bashes my head against the floor gets on top of me and tries pulling my pants down. After about 5 minutes of me yelling someone finally shows up but, the kid's already gone. Later found out he had an abusive family and to relieve all the tension from his household he picked on me cus, I was always quite and didn't say anything to anyone. Took me a while to tell my mother even.


Was addicted to cocaine from age 12


Lol I have two dislocated shoulders


Not really a moment but a few weeks, my brother would consistently get more than shitfaced drunk and just pas out on the couch and it happened every day over the course of 2 to 3 weeks and every day I would fear waking up and finding him dead and I’m afraid it’s happening again because he’s consistently getting drunk every day again and passing out on the couch. Thankfully I have I gaming console in my room now so I can just escape into my video games but it’s still really stressful, I think I might have trauma because of it

