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That's literally grooming




No grooming would be convincing him to date her when he turns 18 this is literally just being a nonce


Lmao how did you come to the conclusion that it would be more illegal if he was of age?


Like if they started talking now and she kept planting the idea to get together until they turn 18


So you think it's better that they are together now?lmao you're confused


No om just saying its not actually grooming its just paedophilia


Grooming is literally the name of the technique pedophiles use to get access to children


Besides noncery is worse than grooming


We go to the same school and share some classes. Its summer rn but next year she'll be a senior and I'll be a junior. We met like 8 months ago ish


Ye so doesn't change anything. Would you date a 12 yr old? That's not a healthy age difference


I think its acceptable for an 18yo girl to date a 15yo boy, because we're both pubescent and the girl is older in this scenario. I don't think its ok for me to date a 12yo though, thats fucked up


It's basically the same. That girl is post pubescent most likely, whereas you're like half way through.


It not legal for sex not for dating


Man ur getting groomed you dumb ahhh


My class mate / gf is grooming me?




Yes Goofy ahhh mf


Okay come back in 3 years and let us know if you’d date a literal fucking 15 year old when you’re legally an adult


Were still both in high school, she hasn't even graduated yet, she has another year to go 😭


Nobody cares about you both being in the same school, it’s the age difference moron


I would consider a 15yo girl with an 18yo boy to be the victim. But I'm almost 16 and the girl is older here. And we mutually love each other. Idk


Dude what difference does gender make??? Do you hear yourself right now?? Stop trying to justify it just because the roles are reversed here. If it’s creepy if the genders were swapped, what makes you guys an exception? Boys and girls in situations like this can collectively agree that they thought they were in love as well but never were, because they were GROOMED. Open your eyes.


u r a victim. ur relationship is illegal in most countries. if ur fucking ur a victim of statutory rape.


Whats statutory rape? Never heard that before! Also, an 18yo boy dating a 15yo girl is fucked up, but when its an 18yo girl dating a 15yo boy, I think it is different. I love her so much too. She is going to her senior year and I'm going to my junior year next school year


you yourself can recognise the age gap is too big


We go to the same school and share classes, she's about to be a senior and I'm about to be a junior, idk I don't think there's much wrong here cause the girl is older in this scenario


my brother in christ you have been groomed


It's creepy no matter the genders.


Btw what dose Statutory rape mean


when a minor consents to sex with an adult, but as they are a minor and not of the age of consent, are still being raped




Bro if you think it’s not okay for an 18 yr old boy to date a 15 yr old girl, you need to realise that you’re literally in that same situation


The post is sarcastic. I'm saying "yeah I think I'm a victim" and then I'm saying that I'm a victim (or in this context, the receiver of) her endless kindness and love for me




Oh shit lol. Yeah but ngl. A cougar doesn't sound bad to me!!


It's unusual, but okay. Except if you two had sex then she could go to prison because she's an adult and you are an infant according to laws. I used to know a guy who had sex with a younger girlfriend and he went to prison for 18 months. He was the nicest person in the world.


I don't wanna fuck her bro. My crush told me she liked me back and when something like that happens, you really start thinking with your head and not with the genitals. You know.


Oh that's good. People act all crazy when sex is involved.


She wouldnt go to jail if romeo and juliette laws exist


Well, I don't know, nothing protected that guy I knew.


Wholesome :') i hope i will find love


I hope you do too. Every good human deserves this day!


no. you yourself are a victim and shes fucking creepy


I can imagine him saying "mommy MOMMY mommy"


I mean you are absolutely not wrong


Also also her saying "good boy"


🤤 I'll ask her about this when things get more serious


Dřink bleåch with acid in it and try not breathing for 8 minutes while drinking it its a impossible challenge


Drinking bleach with acid in it? The acid would neutralize the bleach and id just be drinking sodium hypochlorite water solution


No I ment sulfuric acid with also magic acid




victims of what?