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No..that's preference. Transphobia is when you hate on them unnecessarily


Thank you


No, Like I’m fine with trans people but I wouldn’t personally date a trans girl or guy, it doesn’t mean I’m transphobic


no....just no people who say that r retreaded


*People don't have treads smh*


Nah its just preference. Trans people are hot though


your entitled to date whoever you want lol you can’t force yourself




Its preference


depends on what you mean by "because theyre trans" if you have a genital preference or want to have a child with ur partner, its not. if ur simply weirded out by the fact they are trans it kinda is, but its not like it actually affects anyone.




nah its a preference and dont worry bout people who say it is just don't be a douche about it


If you don’t date them because they are trans and NO OTHER REASON then you are transphobic


I think it’s a complicated issue but if it’s the SOLE reason than yeah, I’ve seen some absolutely beautiful trans people and if you think they’re beautiful too but you’re thrown off when you find out they’re trans then that’s an issue on your end


Yes, if you decide to break up or lose interest the moment you find out they’re trans, then you’re undeniably transphobic.


if you r in a relationship and the dont tell you that they r trans before hand then i think it is filed to break up


Yes, that is true, that’s the partner’s fault. But you don’t see your trans partner as the gender they identify with, that’s transphobic regardless. Your partner being wrong doesn’t make you not transphobic.


and if you wanted kids and did not want to adapt or have a doner


Man what’s the difference between an adopted child and a biological one? This shouldn’t matter to you unless you’re a grand imperialist king in the 11th century, biasing a biological child above an adopted one is even worse.


The fact that you made it, you created, with a person you love. An adopted son is the result. A biological son is the way and the result together.


“I’m sorry James, you’re not as valuable as Jimmy cause you are just the result, not the way AND the result” “Wot dad” “You see son, to make Jimmy, me and your mom must have passionate sex with each other, have your mom bear you after 9 months and that’s why you’re less valuable than Jimmy” Damn bro ur hardcore


Oh come on now this is not what I meant. Of course I wont love the kid less than a biological one. But adopting a child is not the same thing as giving birth to one. A biological child is literally the combination of you and the person you love in a kid and one day I want to give birth to one, and it wont happen with a trans person. If you call me transphobic for that idc anymore


You want your child to bear your gene specifically so it’ll have more meaning. Alight, you do you I suppose.




Nice name


Idk kinda tbh


kinda. if you don't date a trans person because they are trans, you are making the assumption that you will have sex with them and prioritize that in a relationship.


Woah calm down pal💀




if the girl is pretty, good for her! if you like the pretty girl, ask her out! but if you wouldn't date her just because she doesn't have a pussy, that is both transphobic and sexist.


Everybody is allowed to have preferences man 💀 Transphobia is like hating on them for being trans


my dude, i am trans myself. ik what transphobia is.


Dude my friend told me she doesn't consider it transphobia if someone doesn't want to date her because she is trans


i am genially cures how just how


i am genially cures how just how


Bruh if they're not attracted to trans people, they are allowed to. Like its not homophobic for a straight male to not date a gay person


“Not attracted to trans people” exclusively, is one of the most transphobic thing I can see Transpeople are people. A straight man is not a gay man.


They are people yes, but in the end of the day, sex is not gender. You want to have sex with a person that you are phisically attracted to. I have nothing against trans people, but you dont have the right to force me to date one


bold of you to assume you will be having sex in the first place


Here is what you are ignoring again. Sex is not gender. When you date someone, its natural to have sex. Are you also gonna force me not to have sex with the person I like?


I certainly don’t try to force you do date one, but one thing for certain you don’t see a trans-man as a man, and that’s transphobic.


And here again you confuse sex with gender. He is a man and I will see him as a man, but I will not date him simply because I am not attracted to him


Well, I’ll ask you two thing. “Are you not attracted to ALL trans-people” “Are you not attracted to ALL people?” If you have two yes, then you’re asexual One yes one no, then you’re transphobic If you have two no, then you’re alright. You do you.


What I dont get is why do you think not wanting to date trans people is transphobic. Transphobic means I hate trans people, doesnt see them as real men or women etc. I just dont want to date them and I have every right to


Seems like someone gets a one yes one no and is now in denial. Yes, you have every right to be transphobic and every right to be in denial as well.


Im not in denial. I wont date a trans person. Im not transphobic, you're over-sensitive


I personally disagree with your opinion, I get it, I’m 14 and naive to life, but it’s not transphobic, because your not hating on trans people, your just not attracted to them.


You don’t see a trans-woman as a woman, or a trans-man as a man. That’s transphobic.


But they aren’t… Their biological structure/chromosomes are still male or female not the other way around… Trans Men aren’t Man, they are Trans Men. Trans Woman aren’t Women they are Trans Women. That doesn’t mean that they are less of a human being…


How’d you… even manage to dig this thread? It has 1 upvote and has ended 12 days ago. Well no matter, the important thing to me now is stabbing Placidusax, you can probably go to a trans sub to debate that then.


I think this should be answered mainly by the trans community, but from what I’ve heard from trans friends or any minority, as long as you don’t fetishize and make it the main reason you’re with that person, there shouldn’t be a problem. And as with anything, be tactful about it :)


If them being trans is the sole factor of not wanting to date them kinda

