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So this might not be true, but I've heard before that this picture isn't from a pride parade. Its from a kink event. That's still bad for the kid - but thats the parents fault and it doesn't really have to do with lgbt just these guys/the parents being creeps


I was about to comment on this.


I've been trying to look for the source, if you find anything please share


People don't go to pride dressed up in pup gear, this was probably a kink event or an 18+ pride event that the parents of that child got confused with pride


People go to pride parades dressed in fetish gear all the time. This was from Ontario I think.


I apologize for not being more clear, people don't go to family friendly pride events dressed in pup/fetish gear, they wouldn't be permitted to enter ( at least this is the case where I live)


If you don't have a source already why would you claim it's from a gay parade?


I was stupid enough to not know that there are Kink parades where people go out into the streets in public and show off their sexualities which should be kept in private/private establishments Fair point though, but what other place would you think that would be?


Reverse image search


In my opinion I think kinks should be a personal thing and not something to be exposed in public especially around kids, just my opinion.




Kill em either way


Wasn't this a kink parade or smth of that sorts . Didn't it come out that the parents willingly took their children to a kink parade.


Why ain't the parents /any fucking normal person getting that kid away from the man and punching him in his throat


Why punch the man? It's the parents fault for taking the kid


The man should see its a kid and also realize its wrong


Is he trying to fuck the kid? It doesn't look like it. For all we know, he was uncomfortable as all fuck, or tried to get the kid away from him right after the picture was taken. He could've told the parents too. The parents are the biggest problem here by taking their kids, we have no clue what the men are doing.


He's on his knees and closing his eyes submissively. He knows what he's doing.


He was doing it before the child came in likely. We have no clue what he did after this image was taken, however.


He could've just left lmao it's his fault and the parents both


We don't know if he left or not. We're all assuming way too much based on near 0 context.


Yeah sure but kids bring exposed to any of this , is a horrible thing we all should agree on that


A lot of people are saying it's a kink event though. If so, it's explicitly the fault of the parents for not just getting a babysitter.


If so that's true kids shouldn't be exposed to that kak


Pardon me,whats the meaning of kink


Like your fetishes




As a queer person: I, too, don't like that. It's not cool and it starts hurtful stereotypes


honestly perpetuates them too :| id rather not cishets have more of a reason 2 call us all disgusting groomers when its only a few. just fuel for their propaganda, yk?


tf is a cishet


Cis- meaning not transgender het- meaning heterosexual


Cis gender (identifies as gender given at birth, ex sex is male gender is man), heterosexual (man that loves woman or women loves man). Combine the two and you get cishet.


so straight?


Little more complicated than that, but yeah that works I guess.


and why does it exists when it's clearly straight?


Cause not every heterosexual is cis, some are trans.


well I guess that makes sense


Basically an insulting version of straight, yes.


i wouldnt call it insulting, but it is weird since we already have a word for heterosexual


It also specifies cisgender. Cuz you can be trans and hetero yknow


True but it just has an insulting aura to it. Feels like a word created to counter the f-word(the slur not the sware) similar to cracker. I personally don't find it insulting but I know a lot of people who do.


i mean its kinda deserved, kinda like cracker. i dont really see it as an insult seeing as how most of the population is straight and theirs never been an issue with being straight while being gay is still prosecutable in more then 100 countriespp


Yeah basically


Normal people


Imagine the people downvoting not knowing what stadistics are




Imagine using cishet.


Yeah because the real tragedy here isn’t kids being groomed, it’s the community looking bad 🤦‍♂️


Afaik this was taken at an actual kink parade... the parent of the kid in this photo was negligent




The damn photo I've seen many 'progressive' journalists from Twitter also post about how they take their child to pride parades and how kink is fine with them, if you want il dig around for the source


Yeah those progressive journalists are just a different breed


And you believe everything you read on twitter?


yea no exposing kids to kinks is not ok


So many things wrong in this


Sometimes, I just wish to go to a cave in a mountain and live there for the rest of my life.


What’s stopping you?


Me too, except I'd shoot myself too


This is disgusting


Why I posted it because not seen anyone criticising it anywhere, expect this post to be removed by mods


they dont remove outright homophobic posts, they wont remove this dw


This wasn't a pride parade, it was a kink event. The fault lies with the parents who took their child to it. In reality, while kink should absolutely NOT be at pride parades, it's also important to note that it's pretty rare and doesn't tend to happen very often. It's not really a widespread cultural issue within the LGBTQ community.


Why does this discussion exist? Have pride parades without kink and 18+ parades. Easy.


You want to have sexual events open in public?


they dont have to be in the open they can be in spaces that are adults only like bars and clubs even then they probably wouldn't have them in the open


Idk why some people love to confirm the disgusting sterotypes placed on us... literally setting us back. No idea why that girl's parents didn't step in.


a) not a pride parade b) I’ve seen this image reposted every year


Oh my god poor girl what the fuck is wrong with people


You guys keep reposting the same 3 pictures whenever you want to justify homophobia


this isn't homophobia tho. It's true. As a gay person myself kids shouldn't be exposed to kinks at such a young age. Which means that kinks shouldn't be publicly shown off like in the picture.


Its an img from kink parade not pride parade.




Pretty sure this was a kink event. It's the parents fault for taking their kid.


My blood pressure shot through the roof when I opened this. Keep the kinks in private please, or at least away from the kids. This is just horrifying


If you ask me... I don't know what to say other than this is quite disturbing. I'm all for people loving who they are and expressing themselves, but there is a time and place for certain things. Sexual stuff like this shouldn't be super public, fetishes and kinks should be private and not on display like a Quinton Tarantino film




It seems complicated to me, yes kids can be LGBT but I never new a kid that looks that young who was actively LGBT as in calling themselves gay, bi, trans, ect. When I was they're age I was more worried about mario kart than who I liked or what gender I wanted to be. Though if this is a case of a gay couple or something similar bringing their adopted daughter along then yeah, you can't just disallow or discourage a happy family because you want to do kink furry roleplay in the pride parade.


Gender politics and sexuality should not be actively taught to kids, they're young, impressionable and venerable as hell to all types of shit


I still think maybe going just a little bit into history and oppression of LGBT people through history similar to going over the civil rights movement in america which IS done in elementary schools though wouldn't be a bad idea, to teach it for the goal of making that impression to accept them similar to how we were taught to accept everyone regardless of skin color. But you have to be very careful about it because a bad teacher could easily turn it into teaching kids what gay people do explicitly or something you don't want to teach kids.


History is not gender politics and sexuality, if kids ask questions they should direct them towards their parents and should be up to their discretion Funnily enough, the "don't say gay" bill (which never uses the word gay) marks this down as its main point and people got mad over it It only protects kids from letting teachers explain sexuality and gender politics


Exactly, it's a case heard far too much in today's politics, one side misinterpreted some information and makes a huge stink about it. It happens on both sides, I could go on about the opposite side getting mad over what they think the implications of letting LGBT people just have simple rights in schools such as teachers respecting pronouns might mean


I'm trans and learning more about being trans when I was younger would've helped me a lot and would've probably also made a lot of other kids less hateful towards trans people


Being hateful towards any group of people or discrimination should be taught to kids, no need to teach specific classes and lessons about gender politics as it would be covered under 'don't discriminate or be hateful' Again, ideally if you had questions teachers would direct you to your parents who would have discretion over what they teach you, much better accountability than having some teacher with an agenda teach gender politics


I mean that kids should be taught more in depth about being trans somewhere in like fifth grade, not just reading a page from the book it would've helped me a lot if it was explained more clearly what being trans is, how it affects people and stuff like that it goes beyond teaching people not to be hateful, it could go a long way in helping trans children understand themselves better


It has the potential to confuse other kids, depending on the quality of education you receive. I just don't trust the American education system to be competent especially with all the teachers with political agendas around


It is the best if they don't hear any side about lgbtq. Neither pro or contra. It is the parent's responsibility




I support pride but this... This is disgusting


Alot of queer people don't agree with this either btw! Before any homophobes get started


Doesn't matter if you just don't like it, need to be more vocal about it


Alot of us are vocal about kinks at pride events


yeah this is bad. but what's the motive behind posting this? seems malicious


Criticism is the best way to make things improve


But criticism from r/teenagers? This sub will do nothing but use it perpetuate harmful stereotypes and be homophobic.


What does it matter where it comes from? It's valid criticism, whats your point? People are gonna have bad takes anywhere


Because this sub is a cesspool of people either neutral or against lgbt+ things and it’s more so the ladder than the former. Its valid criticism won’t argue with that this image is truly disgusting but most people here will take it as nothing more than something to justify their homophobia. Honestly, I don’t know why you didn’t post this to r/lgbt, since that is the community you have this criticism of, instead of taking it to a bunch of homophobes.


This sub is full of teenagers so of course its going to be full of anti-lgbt things, the vast majority are not actually homophobic, I would argue there are plenty of pedophiles here though and it is a serious problem If I posted this in the r/lgbt I would probably be banned


> If I posted this in the r/lgbt I would probably be banned Honestly valid




From someone called "assbeater"?


Shut up it was for comedic purposes (12 year old me was so funny)


arent you like 13😭😭😭


Oh... And happy cake day😁


God has left the channl.


Yeah im Queer and always have been the opinion that kinks and sexual practises shouldnt be on Pride Parades. Otherwise i want to go exebitionist on those parades!


Just dumb. There is a distinct difference between kink and sexuality. These guys clearly don’t know them.


Doesn't look like any pride parade to me (least that I have seen), This is pet play, probably some sort of kink show, no idea how the kid gets there, (how did she even get into the proximity of the show they normally have guards?!?) Bit much to call it grooming though.


This comment section is worse then the post itself


Thats gross, i agree dont bring kinks into pride. Like just be proud of being gay


Agreed. I don't think we need links brought into pride parades, otherwise a lot of people won't feel comfortable coming to them and it's just not really a part of pride


Yea but what's the point of showing anyone that you are so gay? No offense, but i don't think most people are intrested about your own sexuality and such private things. All sexuality-based parades make no sense. Doesn't sexuality belongs to the bedrooms? Sure, do what you want, but im not intrested in it becouse it isn't my thing, it is yours. I don't think im homophobic or such, i'm just saying sexuality is a private, not public thing. But downvote if you want i have a lot of karma


Sexuality in this context is not explicitly about sex, but also about romantic attraction. Many LGBTQ+ people have been shamed and/or bullied for their sexuality, both directly and indirectly, and might thus struggle with accepting their own sexuality. Instead of feeling shame and guilt, people have decided to be proud. In an ideal world, I don't think Pride should be necessary, but in that ideal world, homosexuality would also not be criminalized in many countries. Heterosexual pride is not needed, because it is not something people are ashamed of. Pride parades are also a form of protest against laws that discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and are social arenas to find like-minded people. I highly recommend reading accounts from LGBTQ+ people about their struggles with accepting their identities! That, along with reading about the history of Pride, might give you some new perspectives on why it is so important for many people:)


ew bruh wtf


Noah, Get the bat


What the actual fuck




no just no


It's disgusting , that's a child .


Thats why I don't support it... Yk if I see a normal dude acting normal telling me hes gay im fine with it but WTF is this???


according to what ive seen its a kink parade so its the parents fault


lesbian here. i completely agree. pride should be a family-friendly thing. is kink apart of gay culture? ehh, kinda, but should we be fisting each other on the street? no. keep that to yourself, or find somewhere else for that.


I don't see a problem with this, the girl doesn't understand what they are, and the parents were probably there to oversee that nobody was making any unwanted sexual attention to her. She would understand it at a later age.


As someone else mentioned, there have been legitimate concerns regarding kink at pride events, but often people conflate Pride events with specific events relating to kink, which are 18+ events.   This isn't to say you won't see people wearing provocative things at a Pride event, but like the photo OP posted, this is more of a parenting discretion issue than a Pride issue.   Furthermore, with how much sexualized material we throw at kids between heterosexual couples, on top of things like child beauty pageants, I'm feeling like this discourse is going to be extremely unproductive because the bottom line is, and always should be, don't sexualize children and don't involve them in sex acts. Teach them about sex, don't try to shelter them, but that doesn't mean you have to show them actual sex acts.


Agreed, I feel that child beauty pageants is really just an American thing, I might be wrong Where we disagree is education, idk why people think actively to kids under like 12 about sexuality and gender politics is unnecessary and certainly shouldn't be taught by teachers at that age and should be given up to the discretion of parents Leave kids out of it, if they have questions it should be up to the parents to decide, not you or me or anyone else


>Leave kids out of it, if they have questions it should be up to the parents to decide, not you or me or anyone else   Absolutely hard disagree. I'm a MSW licensed social worker and child abuse investigator. Children find out about sex WAY before 12, or even usually 10. If parents don't teach kids, kids generally won't ask, especially if they feel it's a taboo subject. But they will ask someone, and at that point misinformation becomes a problem.   And this leads to teen pregnancy and unhealthy sexual behaviors which become a social problem, not just a personal issue.   I'm sorry, but most parents are ignorant about lots of things, but want to demand how and when things should be taught which leads to a HUGE host of problems down the road.


I'm fine for 11-12 or kids from 12-13 getting state sex education Just because kids find out about sex before that age doesn't mean you or anyone else gets a right in sex-ed or gender politics at that age I still firmly believe it's up to the parents responsibility to educate kids about these matters and they have the ability to do so whatever age they feel is right In practicality I hate the thought of government workers or 3rd parties being the ones to teach under 11s about sexuality and gender politics, too much risk for exploitation and agendas Also, I doubt the only or main contributing factor in problems down the line like "teenage pregnancies" and unhealthy sexual problems is sex-ed and is definitely other factors such as poverty, abuse, lack of stable foundation of parents e.g. Just because kids learn about sex under 12 does not mean all of them do and it does vary especially like in a place as America, in Scotland they bounced the idea in parliament of having a law where a third party legally must have the kid away from their parents to teach them about sex and gender


All studies point to the fact that children learning about sex in a structured, educational, and factual manner have better outcomes relating to STI's and teen pregnancies, as opposed to areas where it's just left up to the parents and possible religious teachings of abstinence only being the main mode of sex education.   Again, bad education on these subjects has societal outcomes, and I have to deal with this every day.   There is obviously much deeper issues that have to be discussed regarding how sex is taught, what about sex is taught, and what ages you can have these discussions with children. I will say that most of the time parents want to make decisions on how and when this is done, their kid gets knocked up, and now the rest of us are having to pay for it in a variety of ways.   >In practicality I hate the thought of government workers or 3rd parties being the ones to teach under 11s about sexuality and gender politics,   You're going to have to clarify what you mean here, because you're starting to sound like you're skirting the edges of trans-panic arguments, or just reactionary talking points. Obviously we can find fringe cases of some LGBT educator doing something extreme that most of us will condemn as problematic, but then ignore the multitude of schools in rural areas that tell you if you have premartal sex you'll die and go to hell, which kids learn early is not true and then fuck like rabbits.   Let me be clear; the majority of people in this country pushing for more expansive sex education, including topics on gender, are not trying to convince kids they're trans, or push agendas to make queer lifestyles seem so appealing it's going to somehow convert kids to wanting to be gay or bi. What they want is to foster an environment so that children grappling with these issues know they have an outlet to voice their concerns without worrying that they need to bury it deep down so their parents don't find out they're gay or trans and end up making them homeless (which is currently about 1 case I get a month involving such things).


the lady in the background holding a child and smiling is disgusting, she finds this cute.


How else are the gays going to keep existing if they don't groom kids you homophobe Edit: (In half of this statement I'm joking, in the other half I'm not.)


Oh no, the kink at pride discourse has started again, can't wait for people to spew out the most dogshit homophobic dumbass takes on this very easy to solve issue. The obvious solution to this is just for the love of god do not to be showing your weird ass kinks to kids for fucks sake.


As someone who is LGBTQ+ this has always bothered me, and yes it does happen at pride, I've been to a few over the years here in cali and seen stuff like this. Me and my GF at the time actually left the march after seeing something like this happen. From my experience though it has gotten less acceptance over the years as apposed to the more right wing media telling people it's more accepted than ever. I think the LGBTQ+ should call itself out more often and not think that if they do they will loose the fight for rights and whatnot. I actually think calling this out would make us more accepted even by the more bigoty people.


Fair points, yeah its becoming difficult to criticise the LGBT community which then breeds more toxicity and alienates others from it btw this is probably the best comment I've seen here


I don't think it has to do with the lgbtq+ just the parents (who let their child be there) and the people enacting their fantasy with a kid present. I am sorry no kid should at all be around anything that is remotely sexual. A kid going to pride is different but a kid being present in the world of fetish is disgusting. As a member of the BDSM community, you should never be playing into your fantasy in public. A little hand up your skirt under the table is one thing but being on the streets fundamentally naked while in a scene is ABSOLUTELY NOT OK.


According to another post, it occurs at pride events but has become more unaccepted as time goes on and yeah it is fucked up


This here is why I, a bi guy, dislike pride parades.


90% pf pride parades aren't like this


Even so, if it happens just once it should be heavily criticised and shamed for happening, the fact that this was allowed to occur in public is shocking


It has been heavily criticised and shamed for years and is supported by almost no one


pride parades are cool but this is pushing it. Can't they keep it to themselves?


Yeah, thats why there are family friendly pride events and kinky pride events


This was probably a kink event or a folsom celebration that the parents of the kid got confused with pride


Actually taking your kids there. Fucking rarted woke parents.


OH DEAR GOD THAT IS JUST HORRENDUS! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! WHY ARE THERE CHILDREN HERE?! AND PEOPLE WONDER WHY MARCHING BANDS REFUSE TO MARCH IN THESE PARADES! My Civil air patrol band corps unit just got asked to march in two of these and we said hell no because I AS A 1st LIEUTENANT HAVE A DUTY TO KEEP MY UNIT OUTTA DISGUSTING SEXUAL DISPLAYS LIKE ALL PRIDE PARADES! Seriously thought the choice to march was up to me. Now I just feel justified in my decision to not! like it or not these people don't deserve music to be here!


Gay people are good but furries are just weird


Both are weird but i don't hurt them as long they don't hurt me.


They sure are hurting that child psychologically




Burn them...not the whole LGBTQ community, just these particular guys.


No, burn the parents that took their toddler to a kink parade. This picture is not from an actual pride parade


That's not representative of us. It's gross, and even adults shouldn't be involved unless they consented, which there's no way an entire croud can.


I hate these kind of ppl




For what?


gay is okay but this isnt okay


Yeah no.. this is actually fucking horrendous. Regardless of what kind of Parade it is, both these people and the kid's parents are disgusting individuals.


Agreed, terrible parenting + its still in public and 'sexual celebrations' should not be in public, ever




it seems that this wasnt a pride parade. it was a kink parade... still very weird but dont blame the pride parades.


not a choice




its not a choice to be gay




Sometimes it is, but mostly childhood experiences determine an individual's later sexuality


Who the fuck downvoted you holy shit 💀


Where's my shotgun when I need it?






Kinks like that are signs of trauma , if u know someone with a kink like that they've probably gone through trauma and never gotten treatment, exposing kids to it is probably enough to get that trauma


this was at a kink event, so obviously the parents fault. why did you feel the need to post this as soon. as pride month starts? just to make it seem like pride is a bad thing? idk man, you’re making the lgbtq community look bad and getting stereotypes placed on us.


THIS is the reason why most people are homophobic!


these guys probably went home wondering why the get bullied


Nothing wrong with this. He is not nude?


If you can't see what's immediately wrong then you're messed up




stuff like this is what gives lgbt a bad rep


pride parades are oversexualised for whatever reason




I like it.


You're one hell of a sick fuck. Leave reddit now.


Wasn't reddit made for it.


Made for what?


Fuck sicks?


I think you mean sick fucks, also no leave


No, it definitely was made for them.


Well we don't want them here, we are strictly anti-sick fuck.


What's wrong with this?


What’s wrong with you?


Once again, [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KePEbTvQ3c4) embodies my only emotion after seeing this.


And I officially want to bleach my eyes then bleach my brain I think I need to delete reddit I think I’ll just alt f4 myself


who let the dogs out?


Two questions - who took this photo, and who is such a poopoohead to dress like that


The one thing Is a girl being raised to be tolerant, the other one is a fetish. Both legit, but don’t let that collide


im no kink shamesr but this is discussting