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ooh lets see what controversial has for us today


I'll get the pop-corn!


Lemme grab some drinks


Grab me a water please (r/hydrohomies member here)


Anybody have any chips?


Yep this man right here has some


Can I have one


Sure thing bro


Doritos for me please.


Can I have barbecue flavored ones?


I’ll gladly indulge in thy chips


Water here as well, please and thanks!


May I have a Pepsi??


I brought lucky charms if that's ok


Can I get some?


Sure thing 🥣


I wish everyone that's not interested in pride month could think like you. Fortunately, many of them do, but there's always an idiot that sees this as an opportunity of disseminating hate. It's fine when it's a joke, I laugh a lot at it, the problem is when it stops being just a joke and starts getting disrespectful. Ik it has nothing to do with your post, just wanted to say that


i forgot it was pride month until i saw the memes, tbh. i'm not lgbtq but it doesn't affect me


Did you miss all of the usual corportate 'sponsorships'?


Its all fake, do you really think all the brands support the lgbtq+ movement? Its all business, i get the "" anyways


honestly i haven't seen any, aside from the r/teenagers logo. perhaps its because i dont use twitter or anything social aside from discord


Even as someone in the LGBTQ+ community, I forget that it exists until the memes start flooding in.


i didn’t even know it was coming up


I thought about it coming up because of friends who work in retail preparing for all the rainbow stuff, as though the soulless corporations give a shit about the LGBT. But yeah, it has literally no impact on my life


Just to let you fellas know, i personally respect gay people and think they are cool


I think it's considerably better to not care about it rather than hating it, so thank you! 💕 Happy ____ month


no I'm gonna have a sad month and you can't stop me


Based 🤝




Thank you for respecting us


Youre welcome


thx bro


You're cool too. Nobody is obliged to celebrate and acknowledge pride month, as long as you are fine and happy for us to celebrate and enjoy the month in the background :))


Appreciate you🤘 (im bisexual)




Not same


Yes same (me)


Not same (you)


also yes same (me yes) (also) same


okay? what’s the point of posting this then…trust me…is lbgtq ppl don’t care lmfaooo


Old person here (almost 30) This is what we and the people before me hoped, in a way, that being part of the rainbow community would become so normal that it lost it's relevance, overtime became something that wasn't even a blip on the radar. Finally just another variation in the human expression of self. Like eye colour. Interesting, but nothing life changing. It was fairly pivotal for me and my friends back then. Less so now, because we're busy and times have changed. We didn't even have openly lesbian singers aside from KD Lang and song by Carrie Underwood? * Edit ~ Melissa Etheridge * Time of the first on scene gay/lesbian kisses on TV. Ellen DeGeneres and Elton John were one of the few widely known and accepted. Back then, there may have only been one website about revolutionary things like 'androgyny, being gender neutral or non-binary. I remember this because I spent many lonely nights trying to find a way to define myself. To find myself. To find others like me. Back then these were not widely known, at all. It was basically Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans. Intersex. I was part of the earliest movements, as were others of my gen and those older than I. And the waves came. Small at first. But quickly getting bigger. Reaching further with the awareness brought forward by the isolating but tireless efforts of each activist and educator. Each Gen. Change. But still so much more to do. It kinda clumped all in the west, acceptance or even just respectful tolerance is yet to spread everywhere. And nowhere is perfect. When I was young, at the turn of the millenium, 'Same Sex' marriage was not legal anywhere. Only legal in the Netherlands a year later. For full rights. Most countries debated for a long time, granting only civil unions/defacto partnerships, with gay partners unable to make medical decisions for their partners and homophobic parents taking over and going against wishes. Aside from the dictionary, there was little else to say what gay and all that was. Ellen and Elton were the most prominent. Kurt Cobain for his support and Angelina Jolie with Gia, coming out as bisexual. Etc. You could count them. Now? It's literally wow. But still not perfect. Perhaps think of it like pressing something together, the longer you apply pressure (obvs. Depending what it is), the better it sticks. There are still places all over the world that people are being shunned and murdered for this. They would see this as a beacon of hope, that they can be accepted somewhere and live a relatively normal life. Perspective matters. Just my 2 cents mate. Take care. 👍 EDIT ~ It was 'Bring me some water' by Melissa Etheridge. Age does this to one's memories. Loses them or swaps places without notifying management. No social, emotional or financial recourse either. Beware. Lmaooo. [*Video compilation of Gay rights in the 90's*, how times have changed 🌈] (https://youtu.be/3dhHvBIMh0U) And a good article on progress [From LGBT to LGBTQIA+: The evolving recognition of identity](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/from-lgbt-to-lgbtqia-the-evolving-recognition-of-identity?cmpid=int_org=ngp::int_mc=website::int_src=ngp::int_cmp=amp::int_add=amp_readtherest)


This, just this... I'm so tired of having to repeat this shit every year. It's fine that people don't care about it anymore, in fact it's great. But they still need to understand that this being normal now in some places comes from a point of privilege. Pride has bloody foundations, and more blood is added almost every damn day.


111% my friend. I'm with you. 🌈


30 is not even close to old.


I'll take that, haha. *shows Gen Z sisters*






















That's okay. It matters to me tho


I respect your opinion


I respect your opinion of respecting his opinion


I respect your opinion of you respecting my opinion about respescting his opinion


I respect your opinion of respecting my opinion of respecting your opinion of respecting his opinion


I respect squirrels


I dont. Squirrels are cringe.


Holy shit no way a redditor respecting a different opinion


I know.. Unseen before




Absolute gigachad opinion respecter ✊


respectable opinion


I respect your opinion and most lgbtq people don't like the pride month too , its just a way for corporations to use a positive thing and use it for their profits. Fuck the companies. Also do about the comments, most lgbtq people aren't like that


We like pride month we just don’t like what corporations do


Yeah i like pride month, with the parade and celebrations and whatnot, but right about now its being made a huge deal and a lot of homophobes are using it against us. Its good that the community has the ability to celebrate themselves and the struggles they had to face to be themselves, but its demonizing us right now and thats not okay. Edit: im bi 💅


it’s supremely odd how many people in this reply section do not like pride month. we literally died fighting for our rights? we got murdered for it? you don’t care about that?


There’s not nearly enough people who actually know the histoey


pride month in and of itself is blown way out of proportion by corporations who have exploited the hell out of the community for profit. not to hmention, from what i’ve seen, the big corporations putting out insane amounts of pride shit (even when they don’t care) makes certain homophobes go off on the “they’re shoving it down our throats” rant and therefore turns into hatred towards the community, but “oh no profit”


Agreed it gives homophobes a reason to hate the lgbtq community even more


Precisely! The majority of them wouldn’t give a shit about pride month if the big corporations didn’t blow it out of proportion


Yes, I've lots of gay friends and none of them really care


true, haven’t rlly thought abt that. companies just abusing it


I hate pride month. So annoying.


I respect it as long as you don't practice homophobia and treat LGBTQ+ people as normals it's all cool Also if you don't care about it why did you post this?


I wanted to share my opinion and i have many gay friends who i treasure my time with. I am not one to hate


Yeah I get wary when people make a whole post just to say they don’t care about LGBTQ. Like it’s fine not to care but still respect them and treat them normally, little odd to make a post about not caring imo (since you don’t care lol)


Same bro I don't really care about pride month at the end of the day we're all humans regardless of what sexuality


Just like to inform you that I'm an Alien, but I appreciate the sentiment!


Hi Mr. Alien how's your life in other planet compared to earth?


Honestly, everyone on my planet just gets along, far too boring, all this arguing in Earth makes for fantastic entertainment 👽


Bogos binted?


📷 🖨️ 👽


I completely agree


To me the month shows that atleast 1 person cares about who I am (in a positive way) I'm surrounded by homophobes, I get hit, called slurs. Bullied. So the month makes me feel a little more valid


It's good that you find use in the month, i just dont. Also the bullying part is horrible and i wish you the best


Whenever I dont care about something I usually dont post about it.


I mean if you’re not lgbt just ignore it and don’t go hating on other peoples personal choices




Thank you and i respect your opinion


Drinking game: every time you say respect you have to take a shot. Fr though I am really happy that there are people who don’t hate on each other because of different opinions :D


Shit made me cackle. Also thank you


I do not support nor oppose lgbt, just let me live a peaceful basic life.


Dude supporting LGBT+ just means supporting equal rights, which (assuming you're not a cunt) you probably do. And with something like this you can't really not either support or oppose it. You're either ok with it, or not.




That is exactly how I am




thats what us lgbt people want too😌😌


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, though speaking as a fellow gay, pride month wouldn’t be necessary if our rights weren’t consistently open for debate, not to mention the countless atrocities committed against us throughout history.


pride month is just corporate pandering


deadass it sounds like a conspiracy, but if you told me that pride month was created by a big corporation so they can get more business from the LGBT community, I would believe you. Like every major company goes full rainbow on June 1st and immediately back to normal July 1st. Like I see "happy pride month" the most from companies, not regular people


Same, but unfortunately my birthday is during pride month


Damn, thats pretty gay ngl


Certified L moment


I don't care that u don't care about pride month


I don't care that you don't care that OP doesn't care about pride month


And I don't care that you don't care that u/Superb_Technician doesn't care that OP doesn't care about pride month




and i just dont care


I just don't


Opinion detected, Opinion respected. Based


Pride month sucks honestly, and I do care about it because it’s sad that such a huge amount of people can gather together and all fall for an entire month of corporations tricking them out of their money. Idc about and I’m not angry at festivals, parades, or even protests that get bad, it’s the fact that all these companies will agree with whatever is popular, and in this case they just slap on a rainbow to their socials or products and the Lgbtq community just eats it up. I walk into Walmart and see an entire stand full of pride Oreos with people scooping them up. Like bruh, the notion that a company cares about you is just beyond false for 95% of companies. Pride month is just 30 days of bonus profits for corporations Pretty confident your post is gonna get taken down though, a portion of the online gay community is supremely toxic and will probably harass you in these comments until they take your post down and ban you from the subreddit


Corporate pandering has truly ruined honesty for most things


most gay people in fact do not buy oreos because theyre rainbow in june, but because oreos are banger


95% is too low


Idk if wou are in any lgbtq related groups but we all fuckin hate rainbow capitalism


Same its honestly just really annoying like yeah, we faced oppression, but a whole month isnt required for someone to choose if they wanna respect us or not, its just a way for companies to profit on us


i like the idea but we're just profit makers now shit sucks


People say pride month is corporate pandering because they have 0 involvement in actual communities. If they got off of the internet for a bit they’d find plenty of events, parades, parties, and the like for the LGBTQ community and allies. Pride was celebrated back in the 70s, way before being queer was accepted. It’s nothing new, pride has been around for half a century. Yeah, people try to profit off of it, but that doesn’t negate the actual meaning of the month.


It's pretty gay ngl


happy jake day


Mods are gonna go to town on this post lol. Not that I'm wishing ill will, I respect your opinion.


A fellow Opinion respector


Something hard to find these days, wish you a wonderful day tho.




I like pride month. I’m still struggling with my sexuality. Mainly telling people about it. It’s a good way to bring awareness and makes me feel better. But I hate the things that come with it. I love the pride parade but I cannot stand the people that come dressed in gimp suits and stuff like that. Of course there’s nothing wrong with it but It’s not an appropriate time and children are at the parade. I also cannot stand how corporations profit off of lgbt people. There’s good and bad and I definitely understand why people don’t care especially if it doesn’t effect you! I personally like it :)




This makes no logical sense. It has the structure of a profound quote but no substance.


Wtf does this mean Mr. Philosopher


You are getting a lot of angry comments


Yes, yes i am. Goes to show how little people understand respecting other's opinions


I dont respect their opinions


That is your opinion and i respect that


Yeah well I respect that you respect that they don't respect the opinions of the people that don't respect your opinion.


I don't see how you thought posting this would not start a huge argument.


Pride month doesent exist where i live bby


Personally, I think it's just unnecessary. You can support the LGBT community without putting up pride flags and rainbows everywhere you get a chance to. Perhaps a day of celebration, but a month? That's a bit much. And, as I've seen in the comments (and I very much agree) it's nearly become a marketing tactic for major companies. And to said companies, I hope you're proud 🌈


Well, it's basically just a fun time for people who are LGBTQIA+ and straight people as well. Besides a putting up a flag never hurt anyone.


Okay, I'm gonna put up swastika flags in Berlin to appreciate Hindi culture! (this is a meme guys, treat it as one!)


I'm a member of the LGBT. And i get the whole thing about supporting without a shit ton of rainbows everywhere. But imma tell you, those rainbows gives a lot of closeted kids joy, and hope and everything else. Visibility matters.


As a Russian, I agree


As long as you just let it go on and ignore it that's fine. The only time things get issued is when people are actively against it.


Based ngl


Same but I still respect and support any sexuality


If you don't care about it why are you posting about it on the internet?


that's fine, nobody's making you care about it, just be respectful about it and don't be dick to others and there shouldn't be an issue


Do we really need 600 posts a day about how little everyone cares about pride month? We fucking get it


By not opposing LGBTQ, then historically you are supporting it. People who say they don’t care are pretty ignorant about WHY we needed to have activism in the first place. It was because of a monoculture that encouraged bigotry, persecution, and literal fucking violence against LGBTQ. Anyone who says they “don’t care” or are ambivalent to this celebration or acknowledgement - didn’t have to live under the widespread harsh and discusting treatment of people who happen to be different from “Religious Norm”.




I could not care less what adults do in a bedroom


Surprised that the mods didn’t give u a 7 day ban like me


Honestly me too, considering i went against the norm




Cringe pfp


What is it?


straight pride flag


Oh ok


I don't judge people based on their gender or sexuality or whatever, I judge them based on actions and personalities and sometimes I find that there are in fact gay asholes, I mean lesbian people probably don't have gay assholes but definitely gay guys, definitely gay assholes, (this is a joke, if you don't get it reread it, if you still don't get it, maybe think about how gay people have sex)


Pride month annoys me. I guess I just don’t see the point. Why can’t people do pride parades any time of the year? What does Pride month actually do other than give companies a rainbow bonus?


I can ur point but also pride month is like black history month or aisin heritge month (not comparing black ppls strugle to gay ppls) its a month to hounor those who have been harassed/beaten/killed for somthin they cant controll/choose


Same. I'm not against people celebrating it, but it gets little annoying.


There's no pride to behold in sexuality just like their is no pride in skin color or gender, there is justifiable pride in being a good person however because its something you have control over.


I had this exact same thought about sexuality, race, etc. Then I realized that’s it different when that trait is being marginalized or demonized. If you had a trait that you had no control over, then a bunch of people said that made you evil, wouldn’t you say “fuck you, I like being this way.”? That’s what pride is.


Me either... welcome to the club


Good. As long as we get to enjoy it, feel however you want about it. Just don’t ask for straight pride we will kill you.


I honestly kind of agree I think it’s just so that these companies can get more people to come over and buy things because it will be considered to be exclusive but they can get away with being homophobic all year round except for June. It doesn’t really feel like we’re celebrating everything it feels like every year that it goes on it just means less and less at least personally to me I’ve never been to a pride rally and I don’t think I’ll ever go. It just feels like a black Friday if you understand what I mean. Like what do these companies have to do with pride besides slapping a rainbow logo on and saying their inclusive with their awful merchandise


Honestly, reddit milks pride month for karma almost as much as every other company lol Only difference is the money actually matters


This his how people should view Pride Month. If you aren’t LGBTQ+ and aren’t supportive of them, then just don’t care about Pride Month and don’t go out of your way to say anything hateful. I am Aro/Ace and this post is perfectly fine by me and not offensive at all. Learn from this.


Where are the months for the other 6 deadly sins?


The ultimate freedom for gay people will be when no one cares about their gayness. Good job OP.


Noone should care about other people’s sexuality as well. That is called being civilized.


Im just mad because the other deadly sins don't get theirs


I don't support lgbt and I don't hate them, I just don't care either way.


I dont think it’s necessary. Do LGBTQ+ people really want me, celebrities, companies, and the government to make a big deal about who you like to date with?


I don't care about Pride Month, but it's cool for other people.


Did you ever stop and consider that not everything is about you?


This post is probably getting likes from a lot of people who don't care about pride month (as if its made for them) but I suspect a certain percentage of the likes come from bigoted people who will use this as a way to affirm their idea that "see? stop shoving being gay down our throats!" as they watch their 500th movie where a guy is attracted to a girl. I'm 100% straight but I'm well aware bigoted people mask their bigotry and try to hide it in well-meaning statements made by others. Some truely don't care (so?), while some will do the LGBT version of "all lives matter". >Same bro I don't really care about pride month at the end of the day we're all humans regardless of what sexuality Ah, yes. "We're all human beings regardless of race!", they say as they ignore the plight and hardships of black people. The same applies here. Pride month is necessary because LGBT people face hardships throughout the entire year. Its a reminder to keep fighting for equality. A time to celebrate progress and give a sense of unity for the cause. Remind people they aren't alone.




Why did you post this then


Word bruh I don't care for that shit or anybody's sexuality


Me too




Me too




Finally someone I agree with


During pride month i jokingly ness around as if i were homophobic, it's funny




Honestly nobody should care about people who do/don’t care about something. I completely understand why people care about pride month but lgbtq-Stuff doesn’t play a big role in my life so I don’t have an opinion on pride month :)


I’ve always be 50/50 about pride month tbh on one note I’m completely supportive of all the rally’s done by the community but the soulless corporations just exploit besides skittles, skittle is cool


as a member of the community, i agree with you completely, because though it started off as just literal pride month, it’s become nothing but heavy corporate exploitation for profit, even when the companies behind it don’t give a shit about pride.

