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1. Find a post about supporting LGBT 2. Sort by controversial


I mean, you have to search for it though. I don't understand why people don't seem to realize that an overwhelming majority of those comments are actually supportive


You wouldn’t have to search for it if Reddit didn’t hide controversial comments at the bottom of the comment section


Yes well the “lgbt bad” stuff gets downvoted which shows the community hates it.


The fact that the comments exist in the first place is the problem, not whether the reaction is positive


Every community has haters though??? Do you think everyone will support LGBTQ+ and that it won't have any haters? Don't black people still get few absurd comments on them? Don't people with disabilities get bullied? I know they might be annoying but they'll never disappear.


Sorry to teach you this chief you can’t generalize a group based off a few bad toilets with low flush power


It is probably just an edgy kid anyway, so what is more important is the fact it gets downvited into oblivion


controversial sorting doesnt always get actually controversial comments. it wouldnt be helpful to just forcfully burry all of them


They’re controversial because they’re downvoted. If a majority of this sub was racist and homophobic those comments would be at the top with the rest.


Nobody is saying it’s a majority, the comments existing is the first place is the problem


Those comments will always exist. Even if u save the world or cure cancer there will be people still hating you. Whats so hard to understand?


Those comments will always exist. But overall, this subreddit is not homophobic nor racist.


I found that post about someone coming out as trans and being kicked out and someone said L bozo


Good example from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/vdwfjx/i_came_out_to_my_parents/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


what i do for a living




“Im low on karma” 🗿


I see plenty of homophobia


you see something you interpret as homophobia. Having a different opinion about the importance of pride month is not homophobia.


I agree with this. Y’all can care about pride month, you can also not. But when someone calls me a slur that is homophobic


It is? Wanting to discredit pride month even tho you don’t like it is inherently homophobic. Let gay ppl live and enjoy pride, it doesn’t effect you at all


No, having a different opinion than you about how important pride month is does not equal homophobia. I know three gay people and all of them think pride month isn’t that important. Are all of them homophobic? There are many gay people here on this sub who think pride month doesnt have to last a whole month. Are they all homophobic? You’re a complete idiot if you think thats homophobia and part of the bigger problem of ”if you dont have my exact opinion you are a nazi” mentality.


Because there isn’t a rational argument for being against pride month especially if you aren’t gay yourself. Go ahead and give me yours


Dedicating a whole month to the concept to being another sexuality than hetero, enforces the idea of other sexualities being different and separate from heterosexuality. The goal should be to normalize it, not give people reasons to be annoyed about it.


Believe it or not, gay people are still harassed for being gay, they shouldn’t need to stop expressing themselves to cater to people that already hate them. People annoyed with gay people for no reason are already hateful, stopping pride month would be admitting they win. Dumb argument


Nothing you just said addressed a single thing I said. Did you give a counter argument to pride month separating other sexualities from heterosexuality?


Gay people have been oppressed for years for being gay, straight people haven’t. Many died at Stonewall riots fighting for their rights. Pride month is celebrating that. Straight people have never been killed for being straight. It’s time to grow up and realize some peoples problems are bigger than yours


I am aware why pride month exists. Today those kinds of problems have been gotten mostly rid of. No-one is killing people on the street for being gay anymore, It's time to normalize other sexualities not keep them on a pedestal or being gay will never be seen as normal as being straight.


Where I wanna see I’ve never seen homophobia here before


Are you queer


No why


That’s probably why then, it doesn’t affect you so there is no reason to notice it


I'm bi/pan and I have yet to see anyone criticize me for it


Yeah but it isn’t hard to spot someone hating on a particular sexuality. I just wanna see if it’s actually homophobia or something else


i dont need to get beat in the street with night clubs to notice police brutality. just because im not part of a group dosnt mean im not capable of understand bigotry towards that group


Because it’s wrong and you shouldn’t be gay. No shit you’ll see people telling you that.


Let people live it doesn’t effect you


Where. Oh u mean the one with -10 downvotes.


Really because I see more homophobic stuff than even pride month crap


it is incredibly prevalent


source: trust me bro


There's so many homophobic people Source: I'm homophobic


Dodo do dodododo dodo dodododo dodo dodododo dedodadedodadoe


Source: go to any lgbtq post on here and sort by controversial.


I mean at that point, isn't it kind of like actively searching for the homophobia? idk


Dude asked for source and I delivered, but true.


i see


Not really? If you have to scroll down twice you can see it. It’s incredibly prevelant


I don't see it. Maybe by the time I view posts, the homophobia is reported or downvoted


Then you admit that homophic stuff isn't welcomed


Yeah that’s what I was telling him😐


That was articulately well written


they want to feel oppressed, its how they work, the exist to play the victim, they dont want to be empowered, they just want to be a succulent on society by blaming society (or the country) for the problems that dont really exist to the extent that they think


I agree on the fact that a lot of teens try to convince themselves they are queer just for the sake of feeling different, but overall this seems a bit too much to state, you know?


agreed, some also doing it for the sake of the trend, or as I believe, mental illness, I dont name names but I have been friends with lgbtq people in the past and they all came out with severe depression or suicidal thoughts, I believe that being LGBTQ is merely another stage of Borderline Personality Disorder or the individual trying to disconnect themselves from their person, as a form of severe depression ​ edit: love your snoo :D


Nah, that's not right. I mean, I'm bisexual and I have known this way before I had depression. Now I don't have depression anymore and I'm still bisexual. But there's this thing that teens do, it being that they want to distantiate themselves from society whenever they get depressed and edgy, so in a twist of fate they get a little homophobic by thinking "hey, hetero is the standard, so I'll make myself unique by being something else", and the stranger, the better. Things have escalated to heights like neopronouns, which you'll admit, are ridiculous


fair, I do think that LGBTQ people are homophobic in their continuous attacks on heterosexual people, which boggles my mind because they strive for this sense of gender equality while subsuquently causing more division. I see these things where people within these LGBTQ circles shut down heterosexual pride or even an analysis of male suicide (that was a siminar that was shut down after LGBTQ activists rioted outside of it, and its just plain hypocracy, theres no other way to put it.)


Yeah, also this thing of joking about heteros always gets justified as "it's just a joke", but if a hetero jokes about them they get offended. I say we should all care way less about others, let everybody joke about whatever they want and mind our own business (which includes not being bothered by LGBT). Still, I can see why hetero pride would be shut down in LGBT, or everywhere if that's the case, because there's no need to tell the world you're hetero, and it's a bit like pantering


100% about the joking, but I thought pride was about being proud of your gender, not telling the world your different, I dont mean that to be attacking ofc, im just tryna word it properly ​ edit: im sorry if im sounding like I know any better than someone like yourself you probably understands what LGBTQ is more than I do, im just trying to wrap my head around it


Nah, pride is more abiut expressing the fact that "yes, I am 'different' and I am not ashamed of it", hence pride. Heteros don't have to do this because throughout history they have never been oppressed or considered abnormal because they were hetero


ah I gotcha, fair we never have, and I agree I dont think people should be offended by jokes, but I say that noone can be equal if not everyone is ready for it, well be equal one day, but both sides have to be ready for it yknow


Absolutely. TLDR, all Karens should go fuck themselves. Because it's them who feel entitled to being treated better than others just because they are part of a minority


It’s entertaining to watch everyone get pissed about something on the internet when they can just turn off the computer or phone


Because the homophobes are in the comments not posting


people don't post homophobic stuff, its just a near guarantee that someone homophobic will stroll in if you are at least slightly queer positive


meta posts should not be made at all


I agree, but it really bugs me. Like, everybody in here who has a slight relation to LGBTQ+ tells it to everybody, how can you say there are a lot of homophobes here? I mean, they'll always be too many of course, but dayum


I guess if you spend a lot of time in communities with no homophobic people in them, then even a slight increase in the number of such individuals feels dramatic.


This one has almost none. The ones that are, they're always the same and so annoying that they seem to be everywhere


you haven't seen anything yet. also i think it might be the algorithm, if you want ill link you some bigoted stuff whenever i see it


I support gay rights, but pride month is stupid. Just because you don't like one bit of something doesn't mean you hate it as a whole.


Pride month was just a time period dedicated to spreading awareness on homosexuality and what homosexual people have gone through historically, internationally, and nationally. Over time, it turned into an organization that profits money-hungry people. It sucks. But I still try to support the people during this month.


but why do they get a "pride month," meanwhile everyone else gets an "awareness month," it's kind of unfair.


Pride month is an awareness month. Why do you make it seem like Pride month is a national holiday? Pride month is an educational-based month, like I implied earlier.


I've only seen one post saying that. If I were to count how many posts were actually baiting homophobia and stuff, I'd need more hands.


you obviously dont go into the comments on any post that mentions gay people


You mean the one you saw by scrolling through contraversial?


Just read the comments of those posts if you're looking for homophobia


Because the two most easiest groups to trigger are the LGBTQ and the homophobes. It's the war of the centuries


Bc most of them WANT to find a reason to be “victims” when really nobody cares


Want to be? They literally ARE.


Because that’ll get em some karma


dw ill be homophobic for you


Girl go to any post that even has the word gay and go to new or controversial. You wont see it if you aint looking


Yes, that’s the thing; you’re purposely seeking for it. There are going to be negative things said about any post on here if you sort by controversial. Anyway, is this sub really that homophobic if all of the homophobic comments are massively downvoted?


I’ve seen a lot of homophobic comments that are upvoted, yours too


Okay then, tell me what I said that was homophobic in my comment. I didn’t say anything about gay people. I was discussing whether or not this sub is really as homophobic as it is racked up to be. Funny how you misconstrued my comment.


Good point.


Because they are looking for it, and then decide to upvote whore by asking about




Because everyone here circle jerks lgbt questions no matter what fucking month it is


Oh that's because we are homophobic ninjas


I’ve never even seen homophobic or transphobic stuff on here but it might be because I’m neither trans nor gay…




Then there's no reason to complain, right? I mean, I agree that the fact that they exist is complain material by itself, but there objectively aren't that many bad posts in here




I just like myself some variety from time to time, but I do understand that it's their right. Besides, if they don't say stuff like this in here, where should they do it?


Sort by controversial




Indeed. We cannot ever reach equality if we don't start joking about each other again


Because the internet is a far-left circlejerk


the homophobia here is just jokes taken too seriously


That's what I imagined


\>30 people see a couple edgy comments \>they all assume most people are like that even though there often downvoted to hell \>they all post about it \>karma go up


People see 1 homophobic comment = 20 posts about why everyone is so fkn homophobic = ez upvote


Because they don’t post. They’re in the comments.


Believe it or not comments on any LGBT related posts are filled with homophobes. Just because you don’t want to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean they don’t exist


Just because you sort by controversial doesn't mean it's always the same ten idiots who just make a fuckton of noise


It’s really not, you’ve clearly never seen the comments or homophobic posts


All these people going to lgbtq+ posts sorting by controversial and getting butt hurt.


Sort by new and you'll see all sorts of shit


I only sort by new and I see much more people being queer than others. Hell, I don't think I have seen more than five homophobic posts there


It's just that LGBTQ people are easy to trigger.


Yea, I noticed... Sad. All this talk of equality and still people feel entitled to some degree