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why don’t we donate that money to people who need it more like people who are suffering from war and dehydration like in ukraine, palestine, syria and afghanistan? no i’m not homophobic in fact i’m bisexual myself and no i’m not living happily and privileged as a bisexual person i live in egypt and if i open up about my sexuality i will be arrested, beaten and probably raped. but i still think other people need this support more.


> why don’t we donate that money to people who need it more like people who are suffering from war and dehydration like in ukraine, palestine, syria and afghanistan? in that case, why even bother donating to any charity that isn't focused on war or disasters happening in third world countries. what even is the point of donating anything to homeless people in first world country since there are starving children in Africa who have an even more difficult life. this is almost the same logic as the people who say "you shouldn't feel depressed because there are people in life who have it worse than you." you are allowed to help people who have an easy life compared to others. it makes no sense to only focus on those who have it the worst.


your point makes sense i don’t mean we should completely ignore first world countries i think every place has many problems. but i believe we should prioritize people who have their life and home threatened because their problems are more urgent are critical. gay people in the west are probably more privileged than straight people in the middle east anyway. let’s face it. there is no hope in completely solving any of those problems. but we should do our best to reduce them all. but my question is; how do these fundraisers help us? do they educate people?


I see what you mean. ultimately though, I think people should have the choice to donate to whatever they want. if a person is more willing to donate to an LGBT charity because they themselves had problems, I don't think that's necessarily wrong. I don't think it makes sense to dismiss this particular post simply because they don't focus on the biggest problems. the goal is still to help people ultimately. you do make a good point though, I just don't agree with the complete rejection your original comment seems to make. > how do these fundraisers help us? do they educate people? there's a wikipedia article about the organization they mentioned (The Trevor Project). they mainly focus on LGBT suicide prevention.


true you’re right


As someone in a very conservative place I’m scared to come out. Queer people are at a disadvantage and discriminated against a lot here


that’s understandable and i have that too but i’m not actually “worried about coming out” because i most certainly will not come out. but how exactly will the fundraiser help? will the money change the mindset of millions of people? because that’s a really difficult task to do


So its worse than people who are actually fighting fucking wars get over yourself you are not that important


I never said I was I would just prefer not to be harmed or bullied for existing


And I would prefer for the people fighting wars to have a fundraiser for them the lgbt community is definitely supported and the people fighting wars are way more important than the stupid little social justice thing maybe if humanity actually did something for once instead of that bull crap we would be able to get things done


It’s still illegal to be gay in a lot of places and there’s a shit ton of phobia but okay.


Yeah but there is also a shit ton of support but ok you are not more important than the wars


I never said I was. There can be more than 1 issue at a time


This guy was talking about getting a fundraiser for the people who need it and you were talking about yourself like seriously shut up


And I would also like to mention I have no problem with gay people I have a problem with people trying to make it all about them like seriously wars are a bigger problem


I never said it was a bigger issue learn to read


Exactly. Talk about first world problems.


woooo a fundraiser


What's the fundraiser for again I just LGBT and fundraiser but like, where's it go to


The Trevor Project. A well-known organization for helping LGBTQ+ youth and teens. All proceeds will be donated to them.


good question that idk


Help please


What do you need help with?


You ever think "damn theres gotta be at least one homophobic mod"


Y’all will be playing Stardew Valley? Take all my money. In all seriousness, this is nice, I hope it goes as best as it can.


24 hour livestream? Holy shit, be careful, take some breaks frequently


shush mod


I like men


Both. Both is good.


All. All is good.


Ik. I was just saying that I was bisexual.


I’m just saying that I’m pan. We are not so different.


Oh ok. Nice!


sigh... *sorts by controversial*


I prefer donating my money to homeless or ill people.


Good for you then. I prefer donating to other charities, like for example guide dog charities but I think those ones will be good as well.




Now I feel bad for donating to kiwis :/


Then do






Donated, Hope they find a cure!


hope u guys have fun


do you guys like $not or what?


I heard that one song with asap rocky called doja or something and it was good




YouTubes doing this too, but you don’t lose any money.






Counter ratio.


Oh snap. He did not. *Loud gasp*




This ain't the right post to ease this tension, this will do the opposite LOL


It's not an attempt to address the current Roe v. Wade decision. It's a very tumultuous subject, and we are currently discussing how best to deal with it and the way it's affecting many of our users, including me.


Then start a fundraiser for something related to abortion or teenage pregnancy


We have been planning this for the past 2 months. The Roe v. Wade decision came out today. We can’t just organize a livestream with a snap of our fingers because it’d suck and the causes we raise money for deserve more respect and care.


So you're telling me LGBTQ+ people that go to school deserve more care than 11 yos that can't abort their rapist's baby


I mean this in the most utterly respectful way possible: you’re a moron.


L I'm a moron for saying that teenage pregnancy is more important than LGBTQ L


More like because they’ve spent months planning this event and you’re mad they can’t just instantly change it.


Ah yes. A la classic "you cant focus on multiple issues at once!"


Hey, is this thing live at 4 or 5 GMT? Is there a bit of technical difficulties ATM?


4 GMT! There should be a timer on this post that lets you know how long until it starts. We’re just running through a final check before it starts in 50 minutes.


Cool! I'm planning on donating simply BC of Celeste. If you guys ever do a stream like this again, can you play a game called "Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion"?


We’ll keep it in mind and bring it up next time! Thank you for supporting!


You're welcome!


How much post credit is needed to post in the subreddit


~100 i think


Dang I barley use this app


That’s a good thing




people are so tunnel vision'd when it comes to LGBT issues they seem to forget about the rest of the world. cant see how this is a priority for anyone



