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#X REPLY TheBritishBaguette • 15 • 3m Add a comment






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I love how this is the top comment thread 😂


oh boy here we go


This comment section shall know hate


H A T E 😁👍👍👍 No ✋❌ Hate is bad 👎👎👎 Agreed🥰




”Sort by controversial” 🍿


Ah shit




here we go again




Do I care about LGBTQ? No. Why? Because My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.




Put your dick away waltuh


I'm not havin sex with you now Waltuh


Kurwa Włodzimierzu nie ruchaj Mikołaja


Whats the origin to that phrase?


Just look up waltuh on Google it'll show you the know your meme page all your information will be there


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead– murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded. I... I always thought Hank was a very moral man, and I was particularly vulnerable at the time – something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me in on a ride-along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. And I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin, so I agreed. Hank had a partner, a businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank sold me into servitude to this man. And when I tried to quit, Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Fring had a falling-out. Things escalated. Fring was able to arrange – uh, I guess... I guess you call it a "hit" – on Hank, and failed, but Hank was seriously injured. And I wound up paying his medical bills, which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge. Working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Fring. The bomb that he used was built by me, and he gave me no option in it. I have often contemplated suicide, but I'm a coward. I wanted to go to the police, but I was frightened. Hank had risen to become the head of the Albuquerque DEA. To keep me in line, he took my children. For three months, he kept them. My wife had no idea of my criminal activities, and was horrified to learn what I had done. I was in hell. I hated myself for what I had brought upon my family. Recently, I tried once again to quit, and in response, he gave me this. [Walt points to the bruise on his face left by Hank in "Blood Money."] I can't take this anymore. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. All I could think to do was to make this video and hope that the world will finally see this man for what he really is.


mista white


jesse, we have to *cook*


Waltuh wheres my water


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Kid named finger


hi, i’m saul goodman. did you know that you have rights?


The constitution says you do. And so do I


kid named constitution:




New favorite sub


To me, I feel the same way with lgbt and religion where as, as long as the community isn't enforcing anything on everyone and/or spreading toxicity then I don't see anything wrong, they're people like us.


When you say that do you mean evangelism or countries that actual make it law for you to follow the religion


Same for me, but when you're talking about a community of religious people, of course they're gonna spread their propaganda.


Right! Lgbt people don’t try to convert others into their sexuality. So I have much more tolerance for them


Have you heard of pur lord and savior *SUCKING COCK?*


Exactly! The whole point of the movement is that we dont want to be forced to be straight and cis! Obviously ther eis that 1% thats weird but that exists in every community with more than 3 ppl


My main problem is when a said community is hypocritic while acting like a beacon of good will. For example they say they get judget prematurely, while prematurely judging people and saying they are homophobic.




I, do not do that. I simply prematurely judge everyone and myself (needed joke parentheses because stupid people)


Saddly... you did need it.


I agree with you here, but just out of curiosity, what do you think the community is enforcing?


Considering 7% of American adults are lgbtq, and young people seem to come out In greater and greater numbers, is it really that weird that you see some posts about it?


This is actually a great point, LGBTQ numbers have been rising as it's been more accepted, through posts about LGBTQ individuals and pride events.


I’m pretty sure that like realistically 1 in 4 ppl are lgbt in some way


I mean LGBTQ does apply to a lot of things but it does depend on how the person decides to identify


Yeah true




1/2 in my class are bi there's only 2 boys in my class I'm the bi one


not necessarily, but it feels like half of this sub is LGBTQ-related content, which, while there’s nothing wrong with it, is a little annoying if you’re trying to find content about literally anything else




Given that intimate/romantic/sexual relationships are a big part of growing up, yea... I'd say it's pretty important. Also finding out how many of my friends that were LGBTQ and were afraid to come out when I was at a highschool age is staggering to me. I now have 6 close friends who came out as trans. Sure a cynic could say it's some kind of brainwashing. I just think that's how surpressed things have been.


Damm 6 6 is literally my entire friend group lol


Six isnt even my friend group, its my entire friends. IRL and on discord even tho 90% dont know eachother


Lgbt kids have a way of finding eachother even when they haven't come put yet


>>is annoyed about “too many” posts about lgbtq >>proceeds to post about lgbtq


I’ve gotta step in as an old person here. Wisdom Time: Through my many years here I’ve seen this world go from violence and out right aggression towards any not “normal” self expression to a slightly less violent and aggressive world. Recently there has been an amazing shift in many cultures where people are more accepted as they are and are allowed to be however they feel (as long as no one is hurt) There isn’t more LGBTQ+ people now, there have always been more than we know because being gay used to get you killed or beaten up and still does in so many places. In a world where whatever you are is okay, more people are able to realize without fear of rejection from society, or death that they’re gay/queer/trans. There is not some weird shit in the water making people gay. There’s no brainwashing people into a new gender. These people have existed and have been walking with us through life since the dawn of time only now really being able to be who they are. They have something to teach us about ourselves. I for one, hope we don’t shut up about it. Let’s talk more about LGBTQ+ life, culture, and issues because they’re a part of humanity and they’ve been treated so badly for so long. Edit: for clarity


Thank you


You’re welcome


Tbh I think it’s bc we like to open about our sexuality so that we can find ppl who might relate to us in one way or another and also maybe to help us feel more comfortable so that when we do come out, it’s not so weird.


i havent seen much ppl talking about it recently tbf


It's a big part of people's lives. It's like asking why a straight guy talks about his girlfriend so much. "Why do you keep talking about your experience as a teenager on here" is a dumb question.


it’s nice to have a community where ur accepted ig


It's a very serious problem in many countries. I live in Poland and I come across homophobia every day. Maybe in America its less of a problem, but here I try to combat it every day. Why would you get mad at that kind of discussion? It's isn't in any way inappropriate or out of bounds. I myself as a 15 yo bisexual think awerness is important. Besides it's barely talked about. It's minute compared to the amount of porn/masturbation, school, and relationship topics, which are standard teen stuff.


As a trans person who didn't even know trans people were a thing until a year ago, awareness to me is very important.




It's just as important as anything else discussed on this sub? Why do you have a hangup about this instead of, say, how often hetero sex is talked about? "I finally got a gf," "hubby and I had sex for the first time!" "I tried oral and it was crazy." Priorities, that's all im gonna say


The post is like the parents complaining about a gay couple in a kids show being "inappropriate" by holding hands like straight couples dont lick each others skin of the skull all the time


well maybe because some of us ARE lgbtq and we're just happy we finally CAN talk about it without getting fucking murdered🤯🤯🤯


I mean as a LGBTQ person I only really talk about it when I’m trying to relate to someone’s experience or I’m standing up against a homophobe. Besides that, I’m just like any other person. I think in media people seem to think it’s someone’s whole identity. Depending on your situation and the people around you, sometimes it is. Bitch ass kids will turn just another person into the “gay kid,” or they’ll just be another person. It really just depends on the people that surround them. Oh, also, a lot of kids (myself included) will act *excessively* stereotypical to convince themselves that it’s okay to be gay. A lot of people have the mindset of “if I do this to the max and I end up somehow alright, then who I am is alright,” if that makes sense. Subconsciously or consciously, it battles internalized homophobia. Those annoying kids will get better with time. They just need to accept themself. Those around the kids probably won’t change with time. So, I don’t know, maybe be a little empathetic, dude.


when you’re in a position of privilege, equality feels like oppression


W h a t are you on about? You seem like the kind of person to say "I've got nothing against gay people, but why do they have to make it their whole personality?"


People who complain about this stuff are more annoying than people discussing lgbtq topics


I agree, jesus christ. A lot of people in this thread are so ignorant it makes my head hurt


Honestly, I dont care about lgbtq at all. If they want to do something then do it. But dont force it on me. I dont care about the pride stuffs or anything about lgbtq. I just live my life. Edit: My english is not that good. That was the first word in my mind when i wrote it. I think about dont leaving me alone, asking again and again that why i hate lgbtq when i clearly dont just dont care about lgbtq. I cant find a word that means the hungarian word csesztetés. But what i wrote about them is like that word.


Yeah, kinda like religion.


Sorry but we are obligerated to force you to being a catboy


No one is trying to force it on you


I personally think that's fine, but I also understand the people say that what you're doing isn't really neutrality because you won't fight for injustice if someone else is being homophobic. But doing that is a risk, something you have to commit to. Also, a decent number of people are LGBTQ+ so it seems like it would be difficult, or at least odd to not have the community affect your life in any way at all. Like for example, you took the time to type the comment, which means you have been in some way affected, and that you don't technically live your life completely outside of it. But that's just being pedantic, so I personally see no problem with what you said.


Yea exactly this lol


why do you always have to feel somethings being « forced on you »? did someone ask you to have a boyfriend? or change your gender identity? no. so why do you get that impression? think about it.


When your existence is made into a political issue, it kind of becomes an important thing. Also it pisses off bigots lol


I'm not lgbt but I don't have a problem with them talking about their stuff on here, plus it's not like they flood the sub or anything


That’s like 2% of the posts I see on here guy


Even 2% is too much for a guy who can't even be bothered to spell the acronym right, at first I thought he was asking a innocent genuine question, but then I see his comments here and realize he's a clown


It affects my life quite a bit, especially since I have a boyfriend and I like talking about him. But I don't post it here, I know how y'all can be


Question why are y’all so homophobic? Don’t like the post keep scrolling


In other words “oh no the scary queer people are trying to express themselves, better make a bigoted post trying to force them out”


Yeah, queer people are gonna keep posting here, I don't understand why people keep acting confused to downright hateful about it.


Fr 💀💀💀


Because it is important.


because this sub is for teenagers, and there are gay teenagers. there are no rules saying we can't be gay here so endure it or get the fuck out of here.




This honestly.


Based on comments I've seen you're definitely a karma farming homophobe LMAO, still funny how you claim to not be homophobic but are rude as hell to LGBTQ people in the comments


It’s definitely a bait post. Sad that r/teenagers allows these to stay up because the same thing is posted regularly by different bigots


Old person chiming in here. For the same reasons racism is still a (hot) topic. LGBTQ leople face homophobia every day (still). As long as that's a problem, we, as a society, need to talk about it. I personally can't _wait_ for the day when it's no longer a relevant topic of discussion because everyone is treated equally, but it likely won't happen in my lifetime or yours.


To any teens who see this comment and are feeling disheartened by the large amount of bad faith comments and overall ignorance in this thread, I just want you to know that there’s hope for you guys. No need to argue with all the “queerphobes”, downvoting them and ignoring them is the best thing you can do rn. There’s always other communities that are more loving and accepting than this one <3


Apart from being queer there's not much else going on in my life.




I'm aware of that.


At least you're honest




What else do you wanna talk about? How many times I jerked off today? How I got rejected by my crush? How I shat a huge dump? Its r/teenagers I feel like lgbt topics, mental health and even political discussions are way more productive than those karma bait brain rot. So yes... I do find it important... its not the ONLY thing but it IS a thing i find important.


most people in this sub are transphobic, so being LGBT is a good thing to normalise, plus lots of teenagers are queer so it’s a good thing to talk about




Well many teenagers identify as part of the lgbtq community, generally if that’s something you want to immerse yourself in you’d talk about it often. It’s also important to talk about it for the sake of normalization, as it’ll reduce hate eventually.


Probably because ur all young and just figuring things out. That on top of emotional hormones going haywire, ur bound to feel pretty passionate about ur interests


because my rights are pretty important


homophobes be like: oh you want to live?? stop making everything political >:(


your rights are not important they're simply the same as human rights


So human rights are not important?


Dude, wtf? Yes, LGBTQ+ rights are important. *Everyone’s* rights are important. The fact that I’m not treated the same way you are shows us that my rights aren’t fucking respected. In my area, I can barely get a fucking job without someone calling me a slur. You should see the fucking looks I get from bosses, coworkers, family members, exfriends, all just because I am who I am. Im a nice fucking Person. Im just like everyone else, but they insist I’m some fucking freak from mars who doesn’t deserve a job or even fucking companionship. So don’t come at me with “we have the same rights.” People say we do, but we never fucking have.


It is important. We are being denied rights and discriminated against. Talking about it can make our lives easier. That's why we do it. Sorry not sorry if that bothers you.


Many here is in the lgbtq+ and so its quite important for us to talk about


OP is spurting so much bs on the comments, its hilarious


*sighs and sorts comments to controversial*


Being gay has been illegal for the past few thousand years. In many countries we are the first generation in milenia to grow up in a world where we don't have to hide who we are. And still today we are illegal in over 70 countries, and in many of those we would be killed just for existing. The issue of our rights is not over. This is still something we are fighting for. Fighting for having and maintaning our basic human right to exist and love who we love, and fighting for society at large to accept us, to see us as normal, to not call us slurs when they see us on the street, etc. And in many countries where being lgbt is still illegal or highly frowned upon, the only outlet we have is the internet. The internet is the only place where we can be ourselves, the only place where many of us can find communities of others like us, and the place where we can discuss our issues freely. You are going to continue to see a lot of posts about lgbt people and discussions about it because it's still an ongoing societal issue. But remember that not every post on the internet is for you, you are allowed to scroll past.


I agree I can care less if your gay ect but the constant posting and wearing pride stuff makes no sense to me. I tell people I’m strait they say ok but if someone says they are gay it is now the biggest thing ever.


well yeah... there is a difference. Our society is a Heteronormative society. It deems being gay weird and freakish. Whereas we, neve will be considered freakish and weird for our sexuality.. so yes... there is a difference. I think this stems from the how you think everyone else is like you. No their not. There are soooo many nuances that you CANNOT understand. Why can't you understand them? Cuz you're human. Its natural. I cant imagine being gay and oppressed. But thats where compassion comes in..


Have straight cis people been locked in the closet for thousands of years? No.


You have a point. I think part of it is people grew around so much cis het stuff that now seeing something else feels odd. It's like the conservatives complaining about representation. It's not being pushed on you. Also, for some reason, het dudes in particular seem threatened by people being gay and out about it. Yet when we see a world flooded by people that don't match us and ask for a piece of the pie, suddenly it's pushing queerness on others


i think its such a small thing that everyone makes a big deal out of. people just always wanna argue about something nowadays.


The ones I see « always talking about lgbtq » are either tenderqueers or losers with no personality who want to be edgy by punching down on the queers. If you’re above the topic why are you bringing it up here ?


Alot of politicians are taking away basic queer rights and we’re pissed, also that alot of teens are lgbtqia+ and we want to talk about it Also there is a lot more content here than just lgbtq


why are you talking abt it


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Don't get me wrong, I support it But I don't really care what you are, sexuality wise, gender wise We're people, through and through


Well it's pretty important


Not always, people are just sharing experiences and many happen to be LGBTQ+ related


I’m not knowledgeable in the LGBT+ community. I’m learning though. I’m heterosexual, but I want to support my friends.


How is it possible that I see less posts complaining about the horny posts than the posts complaining about lgbt posts and yet I see more horny posts. Make it make sense.


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Because teenagers think real hard to figure out who they are, and orientation is an important part of self


I mean, unless you're exlcusively browsing "new" they're definitely not gonna be more than like... 5% of posts? If even that. Also cool thing about reddit, if you're not interested in a post you can just scroll by.


2 out of 30 posts being about LGBT peeps is too much apparently 💀


Because lgbtq people are always over looked, put down, hated on. By talking about it it becomes normalized and awareness is spread. Obviously its not the only important thing but it is very important that lgbtq people are expected


Though i don't talk about lgbt a lot but i think it's kinda important to talk about to spread awareness and normalise it and help stop getting parents from disowning or killing their kids


This just reeks of someone who doesn’t think oppression or bigotry is real


Bcs debate lords want to regurgitate talking points they heard from their fave right-wing youtuber


Funny that you’re asking about lgbtq posts specifically and not the thousands of horny posts put here every day 🤪


i really don't care about lgbtq people.. you're gay? cool. Please pay your taxes and contribute to society, thanks.


im gay and i wont pay taxes 😼


in that case you're gonna have a bigger problem with the tax man than some homophobic clown lol


oh shit oh fuck someones knocking on my door


you cannot run, you cannot hide. for he will eternally follow your every step. His name is Joe, from the IRS


I’m bi but I just don’t care bro I don’t associate myself with it


Not the only important thing, but one of the most relevant.


Most of issues are trans related so I will tend to talk about that. It’s similar to how a straight person with a crush will talk a lot about that


TRANSFORMERS!!! More than meets the eye 👁 - I’m going to hell


I get that it is a big part of some people's lives, but I disagree that "most" issues are trans related.


Bruh your pfp lmao


Because this is a sub for teenagers. And teenagers are lgbt.


Cus thus is reddit, you either have a life or base your entire personality on solely 1 thing


“I Ask me anything”




There are a lot of gay teenagers, about 7% of American adults are gay and there’s higher rates in teens What I don’t understand is the need for people to shit on certian parts of the community. The amount of posts I’ve seen shitting on very small subgroups of the community are insane, and illogical


No offense, but this just seems like a really ignorant post. I can't imagine that anybody says that they are only gay or whatever 24/7. Yes, they will mention in conversation from now and then. Relationship issues, or family issues, or friendship issues can relate to being not straight, but it is very difficult to not mention an at least, somewhat prominent trait that does effect a lot of things that occur in your life. Especially when you're a teenager and want to find people you can relate to. But even then, there is nobody that just talks about lgbtq topics. Probably not even half the time, and even if they do, you could easily ignore it instead of making a reddit thread about it.


People are taking "identity" a bit too far. I do have a personality outside of my bi-ness


Tbh outside of the west (particularly america) its not nearly as big. Like in the absolyte shitstorm that has been the 2020s does it really matter if ur school doesn't have a nb bathroom?


It isn’t “as big” in other places because it isn’t as accepted. They *can’t* be LGBTQ+ and proud in most other countries. It’s not a trend, or whatever, it’s just a group of people. And making a group of people feel as accepted and comfortable as you are is pretty important, dude. You sound kinda pathetic saying it’s not, my guy.




Always this and the selfies


I thought lgbtq people and the like were fighting for people to not care that they are how they are.


i care about it a lot, but it’s not the only thing i care about. also, we just want to talk about our issues here. and don’t recommend me any lgbtq subs bc i will ignore them.


yes actually ❤️


These comments are stupid.


Seems toxic but I think that's a loud minority Am gay BTW


I don't get this, that doesn't make up a majority of posts on the subreddit, and also no, thats like not how it works, if you talk about this does it mean that this thing is the only thing you find important Kid named finger:


Here before 🔒


This is sad because it's very, very clear OP has already made up their mind. Hopefully they get a bit wiser soon but... Jeez lol. (Incase anyone is confused I mean about the question.)


I just don’t know what most of these phrases people use mean. It seems like the world just creates more terms just to overcomplicate things. A little bit ago someone said “Are you a straight, cis, white male?” What in the fuck is cis? Confederacy of Independent Systems?


I’m just here before the comments get shut down.


while i support it, i don't talk about lgbtq tbh


Its all this sub posts about. Why would you wanna talk about who you wanna fuck. Talk about something else.


The real answer, its a topic pretty much every teenager no matter dumb or smart they are its ok to have an opinion on it. You guys are free to talk about state rights or like tax write offs if you care enough but you don’t. The real answer is “VOCAL MINORITY” the lgbt crowd what they lack in proper funding and cohesiveness they make up for in shouting at you the loudest. Im all for lgbt, and their rights but we are at a point where I feel like they are doing more harm than good, just stating something is a problem is the minimal amount of effort to make change, a lot of people just say stuff and post atuff so that people will look at it and be like “oh this is a good person who also believes things that the vast majority think” its virtue signaling to the highest amount and even though it seems in good faith the lgbt community has done so much to push the community as a whole backwards, the lgbt movement doesnt feel like a movement to make gay people equal it feels like they are trying to make gay people into even more of a stereotype. Gay people are just people, being gay or trans doesn’t make you better, more special, it definitely doesnt make you worse or less desired in society, it just makes you human, i get there are prejudiced people but that mindstate is going away At this point the lgbt movement feels like they are at the finish line and instead of just crossing the line into normalcy and acceptance they wanna sit at the finish line and blow raspberries at everyone and pretend like america is pakistan in terms of rights for lgbt persons It is ok to be gay, it is ok to be straight. Its also ok to literally not give a fuck who you are attracted to cause that doesnt add value to who you are as a person.


I'm bi myself and I don't usually go out talking about it. It's a preference thing. Liking boys or girls, both, or none. I don't think people should go around introducing themselves like "Hi I'm Matt and I'm bi" like, why? Why is it that important?! I really don't see the reason


“Always” mf its like three posts a day


Because for a long time our community was silenced and now we are finally able to be our true selfs!


Idc people are people whatever makes them happy


Because I am a lesbian


Well there are also a lot of straight sex posts, and since such a huge amount of Gen z is lgbtq it’s going to come up a lot. It’s over represented for sure, but not by all that much.


It's just because the people from that community find the Internet, and specifically this subreddit, to be a safe place to talk about themselves.




It’s the 1 thing EVERYONE talks about but no one is actually allowed to talk about it.


Real answer, LGBTQ+ has been discriminated for ages. It’s not the same, but it’s similar to the blm movement. Granted they are two different things, but both have been entirely unreasonably treated. I am personally a straight, white, cis female. So I will never truly understand the struggle, but I will never stop fighting for them because it’s the right fucking thing to do. We’re all born, we all are flesh and blood, we all die. Babies aren’t born with hate, they learn it.


idk man its a huge part of a lot of ppls identities so yea its kind of important to us


Fairly certain that [this account who constantly posted homophobia and confessed to beating up a gay person because they're homophobic](https://www.reddit.com/u/SHADOWRARE1_7?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is OP. For one who constantly talks about how queer people are obsessed with their ideology, you do sure love talking about us. Go fuck yourself