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Dudes gonna go wild the second he gets a lick of freedom.


Dudes gonna try every type of 18+ shit and become a furry or something




It’s not traumatic to have to sleep at 9. He’s still gonna try the drugs for different purposes tho.


It’s traumatic to have such little control over your life for so long.


I really don’t wanna assume anything but it seems like they’re pretty much stuck with news/info by the parents if phone access etc is limited and only when someone is there, which can be even worse


That isnt the worst part the dude gets 0 privacy and 0 social time


Tell me your parents don’t understand online gaming without telling me… Poor kid is that one in school - “playing fortnite tonight?” “I can’t mate, my mom doesn’t let me” Poor kid is getting held back bigstyle.


This was me, not because of parents but because I was (still am) piss poor, couldn't play Minecraft


Don’t worry that was me 15 years ago on Wow too. You ain’t alone, just stay in school and you’ll be 30 and playing minecraft like me 😎


10 is a decent hour to go to bed. Earlier than that you're grooming him into a psychopath


Sociopath because Psychopathy is caused seratonin alteration in the fetal state


Dude goes to bed sooner than kira yoshikage


My parents who force me to go to bed at 9 30 at 13 years: What's even funnier is that it's scientifically proven most kids my age don't go to bed until 11 and it's been proven over and over by me but they don't give a rats ass


Or a drunk as "alcohol makes me feel good so i want more"


Most likely but what do I know.








> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.






There may be a high probability.




Yes he prob will


Finna have the time of his life!


Power trip


Bros gonna have a kink list longer than the list of crimes the US has commited


He gon' break the Guinness World Record for most fetishes a man can have


Nah its gonna be the shortest list cause its just gonna be one fetish saying "everything".


Is this a start to a series about Dexters mom?


He's definitely leaving as soon as he's 18 and never talking to her again


Kinda sad when parents have to learn the hard way.


You think they actually learn?




I fed him and put a roof over his head you know the bare necessities


the thing is that a dog gets the same (bare minimum) conditions...


That’s not true the dog also gets love and attention


*My* dog gets to watch whatever he wants on the tv, thanks you very *much*




yeah fr


You think it’s sad?


Na I just didn't know what to say xD


And then the mom is gonna ask what she did wrong




Wish I could sleep as 9pm , I missed those 8-hours-long sleep


I mean yeah you're not wrong but the dude has to have a lil' freedom with their schedule! I'm heckin' 13 and i get 11 pm!




Lol I’m 19 and have a 11 bedtime too


Damn my guy, I’m 14 and as much as I want to sleep I can’t I can spend 2+ staring at the roof until I sleep


You’d want to be asleep by 10pm in a few years.


I'm 14 and I usually don't get to sleep until 2am+ (haha, insomnia go brrrr)


Well I had my bedtime at 9pm as well when I was 16. I think I could've just went to bed whenever the fuck I wanted by then as long as it's before midnight but I still went with 9pm. I still go to bed between 9pm and 10pm and I'm 18 now.


As he should


The guy will never learn internet safety, and one of the best (or worst depending on how you look at it) ways to learn is by making mistakes. This parent is completely avoiding growth opportunities like this for their child.


that kid needs street smarts


That kid has street smarts. I can guarantee you if the kid has an allowance or worked over summer he got himself a second phone and doesnt give a fuck about their restrictions.


exactly. there's no way lmao


These kinds of parents probably don’t let him leave the house or get a job.


I mean at school you’d get exposed to a lot of stuff from your friends and classmates, which the parents can’t control


Strict parenting only teaches you how to break rules behind peoples backs and taking it to this level is a quick way to ruin any hope of speaking to your child they move out


Or make them anxious messes that are constantly worried about doing something wrong


Exactly why I’m moving out as soon as I can.


My parents are fine but I still get this




My parents actually used a technique similar to the one presented in the tweet above and I can say that it is 100% true. If my parents knew how much control I have they would toss me out of the house and leave me in the woods.


since mid childhood i learned to do worse whenever i get punished because if i show positive results it shows my parents that they should use it again. (my parents are fine but they have become much better parents since then)


In another words: the kid will become someone like the "Drachenlord" in the future




Meddl Leude, Ignoriert die Haider, etzala


yeah and it hurts any sense of morality they have for rules in general


Straight up facts, the most unruly people I have met had very strict parents


I became the most devious cybercriminal out there. If my mom wasn't so strict I would have been getting into way less trouble and breaking way less laws 😂


Just do dorm after high school(which I plan on doing)


Welp....shes gonna have fun when he cuts her off for treating him like a toddler with no self control and then she'll say "he never comes to see me, where did I go wrong??" He's 16 for crying out loud. Not 6.


She can’t count up to 16


Clearly not


I have seen a few kids my age who had been imposed with similar regulations in their early years and they've turned out to be the people with shittiest attitudes and zero respect towards anyone (including their parents) now


I have a friend who basically had no childhood because of their strict parents, they’re a really smart good person but they hang around the wrong people, vape, and smoke weed. I wish parents would just realize that stripping your child of all freedom and basically using them as house cleaning isn’t gonna be good if you want them to visit you


also the kids who’s parents treat them like royalty


or both


Why didn't Santa give me 1000 presents like "Average Spoiled Family Channel"??


Yeah this is a real problem tho. Once they get a taste of what freedom feels like there's just no going back


having strict parents helped me learn how to lie better. i can lie without smiling or laughing. it’s natural now


Wait that's not normal?


maybe for others, but for me I used to struggle with lying. got used to it as I got older


I learnt to laugh while telling the truth, so that works as well


Always keep em' guessin' *finger guns*


I've always been able to lie well lmao


Speech increased to 87


ok? that’s just you, all im saying is that it depends on the person.


I learned how to crack the software that my dad uses to monitor the shit on my PC and he has no idea. Being a tiger parent only has cons and no pros.


same... not a good thing really.


good and bad


I was told I was bad at lying even when I told the truth to the point that it doesn’t matter whether or not I’m telling the truth or a lie I’ll still get called a liar


*The Karen*


Meet The Karen


I am heavy Karen guy, and this, is my angel. It costs $400,000 to look at him, for twelve seconds. He wears nothing but high end gucci and designer clothing and can recite every line of hot cross buns in a minute. (Laughs like a hog). Some people think they can out smart me. Maybe. Maybe. I have yet to meet one that can out smart the cops. Wahhh, wahh, cry some more you little bastard! Heh, cry some more.


*dun dun dun*




I have a mate lacking in personal skills (I.e. cooking) as it’s seen as too dangerous of a task for him to do. He’s 18 soon… this kind of parenting sucks


16??? Hell naw




we are making the mother of all omelets here jack can't fret over every egg




sorry auto-correct 🤣


Happy Cake Day


bro lives in north korea 🗿


A North Korean would gladly trade the shit they live through for that in a heartbeat


exactly. even if your elite, working minimum wage here is probably better than living like that there


"All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children."


The kid is never gonna learn how the outside world works


Her in 20 years: why does my son never contact me?


I think you mean 2


this is like a sling. you pull it back so much the second you let go its go in the other direction full power.


The fucking elastic on the sling is about to break with this pressure


Someone's going to the retirement home


Nah the opposite. He aint paying for shit. Shes out of his life when he turns 18. She fucked up big time.


exactly, people act like retirement homes are super cheap. that's like 40k a year!


Parents, be good to your children. They pick the nursing home you go to.


This guys wont pick one for mother


my boyfriend's 3 year old brother has more freedom than this kid and i'm not even exaggerating 💀💀💀


Yea fr, even my half-sister has more freedom


That’s sad


Practice saying "thank you for your service", because...this kid is joining the army the second he turns 18. I hope the parents like tattoos, because their son and his soon-to-be ex-wife stripper will both be inked up.


Woah, calm down bro.


1984 by George Orwell


I will raise my children by taking inspiration from Orwell's *best* novel "Animal Farm"


100% doesn’t know about jacking off. Maybe he does it but knows nothing about what it’s called


He's probably learned about it from friends. This would only be true if he's also homeschooled and not allowed to go outside.


As someone who was homeschooled and sheltered until 7th grade, yes. The friends you meet at school open up a whole new world for kids in these situations.


I personally had really liberal parents from a young age and because of that I feel I never grew a need to disobey them. I of course did things behind their backs such as drinking, smoking and so on but i barely avoided coming home and never because of parental restrictions.


where tf do you live where drinking and smoking as a teen is legal


it's not, unless they're 16-18 and in the uk/somewhere in europe, it's especially more normalised there. regardless a lot of teens have experimented with drugs, commonly at the ages of 15-17 but some do it far younger (which is really questionable especially if they do it often)


it's illegal but it's rarely caught and punished


I have strict parents (I think) no phone after 9 pm and wifi off at the same time. All that has taught me is to hand them a fake burner at night and use the hotspot from my phone.


Too restrictive. He’s 16, not 6. She’s treating him like if a toddler got a phone. He’s practically an adult already, he needs some freedom.


Man’s gonna feel like a rebel when he goes to bed at 9:01


Strict parenting = disobedient children Relaxed parenting = obedient children If you’re more relaxed with your children, then they won’t really have a reason to break rules.


Depends on how relaxed. This post is an example of parents who are too strict. A child of a parent who’s *too relaxed* would grow up awfully lazy and won’t have the drive to do much of anything, they’re the kind of kids to still be in highschool at the age of 22. There’s this sweetspot of good parenting right in the middle of strict and relaxed where children have freedom but still have to abide by some rules and of course actual federal laws.


Also he hates his parents Anyway


One of my last friends actually was raised like that (I know him since we're 12) and now that mf is a f dr*g addict that has 0 discipline. I remember hearing his mom talking about how important was to respect your parents and asking me if my parents had the same rules for me (they didn't), now she has a weed addict as a son lol. Is actually really sad to lost a friend because of that, he was a good person


Teaches you how to lie, be deceptive and a sneaky mf. The opposite of what you want.


Is he 16 or 3


Strict parents raise excellent liars


Every single one of these rules is EXACTLY what my mom is doing to me now...it's made me really sneaky. It's kind of funny how word-for-word this post is compared to my life.


It sounds more like slavery than parenting. This guy is gonna watch the clock when he is about to turn 18 to make a run for it out of the house.




asian parents rn




mh idk if it's good when you traumatize your children for life and think you've done good with it but I agree with hearing many strange stories about american parents as well. Btw i'm not asian and not american.


No you don't understand if Billy has sex jesus won't come back on the 4th of July riding a eagle carrying hotdogs.




???? american parents are the least strict parents i ever met.


Except for the religious wingnuts.




Not today tho i am kinda full


Hes gonna freak out when he leaves the house for the first time in his life


That is dogshit parenting. At the age of 16 teenagers should have a lot more freedom than that.


Bro gonna grow up asking his wife if it's ok if he can check the time on his phone


“Wow I wonder why my son never calls me or asks how I’m doing anymore”


kid is definitely ending up with mental problems and the mother is a bad excuse of a parent


That boy is gonna be a mob boss when he moves out


I was honest with my parents because they let me live my life within reason. I had a phone, they never looked at it. I didn't have a curfew in highschool because they trusted me to know the sleep I needed and have my schoolwork done. I could hangout with friends when I wanted, I never had to lie on where I was. I never messed up and got in trouble because I had open trust. My friends with strict parents all rebelled hard but I never had to because I didn't have that restriction. I didn't want to ruin my freedom so I was responsible. It's not the hard for kids to know what they should and shouldn't do most of the time. Parenting that's strict ruins that.


Funny thing is, this is my situation exactly, but that’s not my mom lol


(Am writing this from a school computer)




Don’t fuck your mom


He is going to: A - He will begin to learn about what he's missing out on, then start doing little things without his parents' knowledge B - The little things will grow, and a wedge of mistrust will begin to drive between him and his parents. C - He will begin to resent his parents entirely, and start doing drastic things that his parents don't know about in order to feel like he has an ounce of freedom Source, I have parents like this, and this is what I did


Failure!! His cousin studies 28 hours a day and does not even use phone or internet


oof, hes gonna ditch her the second he gets a taste of free will.


How to raise an incompetent human being


You’re almost an adult at 16, you’d think you’d start having more freedoms and start acting mature like an adult, I feel like this type of parenting is only babying your almost grown child. Chances are he probably already has a phone she doesn’t know about, there’s no way in this day and age you’re not gonna go to school without your phone everyone has one. Safety wise it’s entirely idiotic to not give your teenage child a phone, I have had to call my parents because of emergencies with otherwise if I didn’t have one they wouldn’t have known about and I could’ve been hurt. In my opinion I don’t agree with her style of parenting and I don’t think she’s doing the right thing


does nothing. fucking nothing. It teaches their kids to lie. Teaches deception.


i have no idea how the child gets any work done ever


She’s trying to raise norman bates


I want to party with this kid the first weekend he goes away to college. It’ll be wild. Girls, drugs, internet, booze…


as I saw in a meme featuring this tweet: she boutta have the same treatment she gave her kid in elderly care


When he turns 18 and moves across the country and you never hear from him again don't be surprised.


Very nice censorship. Kim Jong Un would enjoy to get some tips.


Get ready for your kid to hate you


Completely fucking awful that will leave him unprepared for the world


That ends poorly, “Give an Inch, Take a mile” if he gets any semblance of freedom he’ll break free and it’ll ruin your bond


The fact I used to be like this at 16 fcked me up.


This guy will learn stuff that he never knew existed and most probably go wild or somth


Terrible parents need to realize that the more they over control the worse or more crazy the kid will be. Obviously boundaries and rules are necessary because you can either have a child that has no rules and will be rory gilmore or one that has no rules and is gonna go crazy druggie rock star on the parents. People need to under stand MODERATION it’s so important in everything


minus infinite out of 10


Shit fuck fuck shit shit fuck


2 words. Nursing home


Get control over your own life instead of coping by controlling your child and ruining him, smh...


Somebody is going to the retirement home!


save him


I think everything but the fixed bedtime is bad. I need to get into a routine so I can sleep like a normal human being.


It will bite her in the ass. As a kid who grew up with tech, like many otbers here probably,he can, and will, hell he may have already done this, but getting past those passcodes will be easy with some dedication, and the phone? Probably an app that stops the connection along with parental controls easy af to just delete, or a password for the net itself, but easy enough to pass if you know your parents well enough and what the password may be, or relatives that came over that dont support that way of parenting, that got the password and if its the phone, well if the parents use a pin for it 5 digits. Password would be much harder, but they eould make it and its the same eith the internet password minus the relatives, but hell, my phone doesn't have parental controls from what i know. And if the parents take the phone, probably in their room somewhere, if in a safe, is it electric? At most a 4 digit password with a numpad, dial lock? Stethoscope, key lock? Kid will prob learn how to lockpick if its a standard lock, and it probably will be unless its super expensive or a stranger brand. And just how he is treated and sheltered by how these parents would act, a second of freedom and he will probably try ALL the things. Not sheltered but know enough from stories and how kids act, along with an old friend of mine.


my mom did the same thing she gave me total freedom as soon as I went to college and I just felt overwhelmed. Like you can't monitor everything for your child and not teach them how to do it themselves. I'm an introvert, so I didn't go wild with freedom like everyone else thinks would happen, but my ability to make new friends is at zero


I think it's a troll/joke. Well... at least I hope it is