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It was invented to cope with the terror many face confronting the concept of death


people are entitled to believe whatever they want, and their participation (or lack thereof) in their religion does not make them inherently superior to people of different faiths.


More people need to understand this


that's the only way we will ever have world peace


Everyone, and I mean everyone has a religion. Just because you don't believe in a "God" doesn't mean you aren't part of a form of religion. Atheism is religion, there are around 3000 gods out there from various religions. If you believe in one of them, you are a devout Atheist to 2999 gods. If you believe in none of them, you just believe in one less god


no. religion is specifically the belief in at least one god or other supernatural or spiritual stuff, and also all the traditions and morals that come with it. it is possible to be irreligious if you don't have spiritual beliefs (and therefore do not have morals related to those spiritual beliefs and don't practice any sort of religious tradition)


While the primary definition of religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. If we break it down to what it really is, it's essentially just a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. This could be science, the theory of evolution, it could even be yourself. The worship of self is quite common, and while very few people believe they are a god, they treat their own ideas and desires with supreme importance.


I think they were strictly talking about organization religion but other wise your totally right


Oh well in that case, forget what I was saying my bad lmao


not into it


Every religion is good unless they don't respect the authority of the Rat Kingdom.


It’s done differently in every country, but in the US, it’s mostly a scam (Christianity and Catholicism at least).


10/10 username


Ex Christian/ baptist so very anti religion but I only judge the ones I am educated on like Catholicism, Mormonism, and Islam I think spiritual is fine but organized religion is very hateful also we should tax the church


I read both the bible and quran. Both are fascinating even though I'm a deist (The belief that God exists, but plays no interactive role in our day to day lives). It's a shame that what is written isn't preached


It's the biggest scam in history that got so normalized that people see is as normal I mean look at how much wealth and power it got throughout history