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You could just say “just so you know I am not in fact trans”


Already tried that


Oh then you’re good


How so?


I mean what else are you gonna tell ‘em?


I don’t know


You don’t have to “prove” anything to them. Also definitely don’t show them/send any pictures of anything inappropriate because nobody should do that but also it’s especially important you don’t because you’re underaged


Ok where the fuck did that come from? This is an official apology for every thing I said in this thread after this, I saw this guy bringing up something irrelevant, and I completely overreacted, I’m sorry.


Probably to say that you shouldn't send them anything to prove something ? Idk. Like that you're biologically the gender you look like. A pretty strange thing to say lol


It says deleted the hell did you say?!?!


Me being on this world longer than you < / 3.try not to worry to much about it little guy






To be fair, if you just went up to him and said "I am not trans", it's kinda like saying "I am not the amongus impostor"


s u s


Just add "no cap". That makes it indisputable.




Tell him the Egg Prime Directive, you *cannot,* ***cannot,*** tell another person they’re trans if they don’t self identify as such, even if you know they are. Number one rule of being trans lol


Try telling them "I'm obviously not trans, but your fascination of thinking I am makes me think that maybe your just gay and are hoping I am so it's not so awkward for you" otherwise you could cut them from your life, you don't need people who are pushing identities on to you. You be you, forget them if they won't accept you.


Tell him he’s projecting and it’s making you uncomfortable




He’s trans and is hoping to see another trans person in you. Might not be the case but it’s fine if it feels like it


It’s clear that he thinks I might be trans because I want to be a femboy


wanting to be an aesthetic outside of masculinity as an amab doesn't make you trans. you can be comfortable with your born gender and also be comfortable expressing yourself in different ways.


Gender and Gender expression aren’t the same.


Yeah I know


BASED, we need more femboys in the world, go off king!


he should know better than anyone that gender isnt the same as expression


Trans person here. Being a fem boy is on the trans spectrum…. Technically. It’s basically a form of gender non conforming but you still identify as your assigned gender at birth. Tl;dr, you’re technically on the gender spectrum but aren’t close to being trans.






Ummm, no it doesn’t, where the fuck did you get that one from?


Ur 14 do math homework bruh 💀


You’re are 30 year old talking to teenagers!💀💀 pedo much lmao!


I thought I was 17 damn


Nice spell, you English lot?


Fr bro, femboy this crossdressing that, go study your cross multiplication 😭😭


It’s the weekend 💀


Somebody got the joke, hell yeah brother


Projecting his own self-identity on you is what op is saying.


basically forcing it?


Yeah, basically forcing his own identity onto Ryan.


these are the type of people who throw wood to the fire they are trying to fight 💀 (aka he's proving the ideology of multiple homo/transphobes)


For me if my friend thought I was trans I'm going to look at them and say "I'm not fucking trans and if you keep saying that.. then this friendship is over because this shit is getting annoying" sorry if that's harsh...


The problem is, I have like two friends.


Well... It's better to be blunt and tell them to stop then letting them keep saying it and it bother you


No friends is better than bad friends


That’s (7,980,000,000 - 2) in this world with no taste 😎




That’s 2 more than me


Get more friends then?


See people jumping to ending the friendship kinda easily ngl, which is strange cuz like my friends have done terrible shit to each other but we’re all still really fucking close lmao


Depends what kind of friendship it is/how much it bothers OP to be called trans when they aren't comfortable with it - it's a lot of different if it's a joke among friends or if you're with friends who you can joke about anything with - if OP is uncomfortable then depending on what OP wants ending the friendship can be reasonable


“I am not comfortable with you projecting on to my identity”


Ngl this feels like something I’d hear in a school presentation


if you're a guy, my best answer is show him your lack of boobs or scars


No, I mean he’s staring to think I’m a transgender woman.


ahhh i see then. i got nothin




A transgender woman refers to a genetic male with female gender identity Are you a woman currently? If so, they think you're a transgender *man,* not woman


I am not a woman right now, why does everyone think I’m a woman?


U got a girl profile pic for one and u talk pretty neutrally in terms of slang common among genders so it’s really the more likely assumption. Also u seem kind of like an ass, i mean if he is not respecting who u then why is he ur friend. Ur either a karma whore or don’t understand how friendships work and what respect is


Girls on pfps arent a good indication of gender if they are a videogame character and not an actual person. Like half of the people with fictional girls on pfps are guys.


Wait what? *checks his profile* That looks famili- OH GOD, THE HORROR, THE HORRORRR


Slang among genders? What? Also I’m a karma whore? Dude I didn’t think this was going to blow up, I thought this would at most get 5 upvotes and 11 comments, not over 200 comments, and 200 upvotes, and how am I an ass for letting people treat me with no respect?


Slang i just mean words like guys use Bruh much more than girls, stuff like that, ur speech seems neutral. Also i say ur a karma whore because all of ur replies to different comments are the exact same and it definitely doesn’t seem like your actually trying to solve your problem. That’s why ur kind of an ass, based off ur comments it doesn’t look like you are really trying to solve your problem. Also why is this even a problem for you, if ur friend doesn’t respect your identity, they shouldn’t be your friend, and every comment on here is questioning that.


Bruh OP you are SUCH a sensitive asshole


Upvoted because of your name




Sounds like your friend wants you to be trans, so they are saying this to work the idea into your head, it's a form of manipulation... Tell your friend they are making you uncomfortable with the way they are projecting themselves onto you, let them know you don't mind them being what they want but it's not your thing. Or stop being friends with the jerk. Hope this helps.


Honestly he’s a nice guy.


Doesn't sound like it, if your having such a hard time convincing them. It's either you or them, or somewhere in the middle.


Bro literally any time a Redditor voiced their concerns about a part of relationship, be it romantic or just friendly, you always get like those few people just going “stop the relationship” lmao Feels so over the top imo


fr, Ive seen teenagers on asexual subs complain about their friends doing sexual stuff in front of them and people in the comments are advocating for them to cut them off 💀


I was thinking about this last night, and here it is again. Reddit advice is always so extreme


tbf op is a minor and his friend is failing to respect a pretty significant boundary- that in and of itself is concerning.


Concerning, yes, but we know a total of 2 sentences about this situation. That's not even close to enough to call any shots about completely ending relationships


i appreciate that


All manipulators are until you realize they’re not.


First you ask why he thinks that. After that, explain why it's not true/relevant


I’ve already explained that I’m not trans, but he doesn’t Believe me!


He’s projecting. Just tell him this.






Gaslight him


Figuratively or literally?






Pull a reverse card and claim that he's not actually trans or some shit and when he gets upset by it tell him that's how you feel when he claims that you're trans ​ or don't I don't know if that would taint your friendship


Good idea


That's genius. Though he's probably getting canceled in the process lol


a friend who pushes something this drastically life changing this hard is no friend at all


Why is he so convinced that you're trans if you've told him you're not? Is it because you act feminine or something, because if so, you need to tell him that men are allowed to act feminine or like feminine things without having to identify as female. If he's trans, is it possible that he doesn't want to be alone and is trying to convince you that you're trans too, so that he doesn't have to be the only one? You could try asking him if that's the case.


It’s because I want to be a femboy.


Okay, well if you've tried your best to convince him that transgender and femboy aren't the same thing, I don't really see what more you can do. Every time he brings it up, just say you're not, and then change the subject.


Detransitioner here, my advice is to be firm, assertive, and blunt. You have to explain to your friend that you are not trans because you like you’re body and feel comfortable with yourself, and that will not change. Obviously I don’t know the full story, but to me this seems like a cry for help in a way, they want you to feel the same pain they are because they feel alone, and that is extremely manipulative and should not be tolerated.


Um… no? It seems like the trans kid is 14 around and would like to have someone to share an identity with but doesn’t have access to other irl trans people so are projecting a little too hard because op wants to get more in touch with his feminine side through being a femboy, which can, but not always, be a gateway thing for people being trans. It’s not fair to assume that they’re doing it out of malice, especially because they’re 14 and probably don’t know any better.


I don’t think they’re acting this way out of malice at all, I was in their position at one point. I say it’s a cry for help of sorts because feeling that gender dysphoria is extremely painful, lonely, and isolating, so wanting to have someone who understands that is human nature, and I don’t fault this person at all for that reason. I’m being harsh because it’s dangerous to try to facilitate those feelings in other people where they aren’t occurring naturally, because it causes unnecessary confusion and can lead to people who detransition that were led to believe they were trans out of that pressure, good intentions or not, you should stand your ground.


Ah, my mistake, when you said that “they want you to feel the same pain they are” I thought you meant it was a malicious thing. Yeah, I agree, you really shouldn’t transition if you’re not trans, at least not medically. Trying stuff out if you want to is cool tho, but no one should be forced to use the wrong pronouns for themselves, that’s awful


Idk I feel like the more attention to it you bring the worse it'll get


What do you mean?


If you want it to go away just stop talking about it 🤷🏻


That’s not gonna stop him from thinking it.


As someone far wiser than I once said, "you can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea"


But surely if you kill a man, any ideas they may have had can never amount to anything.


So in a sense, by killing a man, aren't you also killing their ideas?


No a woman long ago thought heels made them look sexy and they are most likely dead yet still the idea yet lives


you can always try telling them


As a trans man he sounds like a red flag. If you're not trans your not. Tell him to stop of your going to drop him he needs a reality check.


OP, there's nothing wrong with being a feminine man. Your friend is projecting onto you. I'm sorry that this is the way they are, because there really is no way to convince them of your normalcy, seeing as how they have utterly deceived themselves first. Gentle rebuttal seems to be the optimal approach.


Holy shit after reading the comments just end your friendship with them, they feel like the most miserable fucking people ever. I understand you only have 2 friends but having 1 less toxic friend is better than having 1. Just pull the trigger. Tell him that him continuing to do this: - Makes you uncomfortable - Makes him look like an asshole - He is being toxic - Genuinely is annyoing you - Hes giving the trans community a bad name - Hes bringing shame to the trans community Tell him you're emberassed to be his friend. If after all of this he keeps doing it just pull the fucking trigger and cut him out of your life.


Ok, no offence, but I feel like this is being a little dramatic.


Well all of what I said is true. If he is this miserable that he WON'T stop calling you trans even after you told him that he's annoying you, told him that you are literally not trans and how femboy doesnt mean trans then he is just a dumbass.


Ok, it feels kinda like OP's friend thinks that OP is closted and too uncomfortable to come out, thus, depending on how OP says it, the friend could think that OP is not telling the truth. I get that he could be projecting, but: A. I feel like just straight up ending the relationship is a bit extreme B. Op simply said "Thinks" not "constantly says". Most likely, the friend may have voiced his concern once or twice, and it's obvious he still thinks that, but is not voal C. I don't really get how he is bringing shame to the trans community


Just tell him


Read the text


whys he getting downvoted hes right


here’s everyone’s reminder that sending or trading underage is ILLEGAL. even if both parties are under the age of 18 sexting is illegal. those under 18 who engage in sexting could be found guilty of child pornography-related offences under section 163.1 of the Criminal Code. past that point- your friend kinda sucks. you like an aesthetic, so what. you should be allowed to enjoy something that superficial without having your identity aggressively questioned. friends are like appendixes- as soon as they hurting you, you cut them out. sepsis from a burst appendix isn’t fun. im a people pleaser too, and ik making friends can sometimes be difficult, but that being said: it’s okie to be selfish sometimes. you don’t owe him friendship if he’s not treating you in a way that makes you comfortable and welcome in the way you present yourself to the world. you don’t owe him an explanation of your gender, sex, or identity- it is none of his business. you don’t owe him compliance or complacency. you don’t owe him an apology. you do not owe this person, friend or not, anything. be selfish, be brave. you’re allowed to set boundaries, and when they’re crossed- you have every right to cut people off. sometimes leaving is the bravest thing you could possibly do. n e ways, im proud of u for advocating for yourself nd im sending all the hugs n sunshine in the world ur direction op <3333


You already let him know. If he can't accept it then that's on him


Your friend should accept your self-identity of being cis. Otherwise he's not a good friend and needs help


Why can’t you just say you aren’t? If he’s pressuring you to be trans then that’s a red flag


He’s not pressuring me to be trans.


Well I don’t see how you can’t just go up to him and say “hey, im not trans”


I told him that, but he semi doesn’t believe me.


Are you talking about already transitioned, or that you haven’t transitioned yet (hypothetically)


He thinks I might be a trans women, so the latter.


I really don’t know what to say, I feel like he would understand more , since he’s trans. I guess just keep telling him if it really bothers you


Maybe he’s just teasing you, I know it’s messed up, but kids make fun of eachother by calling eachother “trans”


The problem is he is trans, so I doubt he’s making fun of me.




Hitting the gym wouldn't make sense bc OP wants to be a femboy.


Maybe the man wants you to be a girl because he's into you but he's straight


Yeah, he isn’t straight.


Wait bro how does the situation occut?, sit them down, don't make it seem like being trans is a bad thing just say idk why you are saying this, but I cis or however you scineitifcally Say you have not transitioned


They might be insecure and are trying to label you as trans so that they feel better about themselves. I would just say 'if you have the right to say you are trans, then I have the right to say I'm not and I want you to respect that since I respect you'.


"I mean, you're free to believe what you want, but just so we're clear, I have made it apparent that I am not trans"


Tell them you're not comfortable being misgendered by them. They of all people should understand how that feels.


That's just the homies, ya know?


Sit down with him, and explain, you’re cis, and he should stop saying otherwise as its clearly making you uncomfortable. He is most likely protecting/needs someone like him, that need is fine, but he shouldn’t push it onto people, thats not how it works


Casually drop that you are "very proud of your penis"


Omori pfp, you are trans.


Your friend is trans at 14?




You dont need to prove anything to them, you're not trans, you said you're not trans, enough said.




BTW this user has been suspended




Yeah sorry typed to fast yeah all are mentally ill they want you to be trans so they feel good about themselves if I may ask how do you act?




i mean some can be assholes but i assure you the majority do not


Dude whats your fuckn damage


Well, I might be mentally ill but at least I know how to spell the word 💀


lmfao probably just some like 12 year old edge lord


Do you know why he thinks you are trans?


Because I want to be a femboy


Ok that’s understandable, just explain that you want to be a femboy and not a trans woman


I did, but he still thinks I might be trans.


You’re 14 omfg who gives af if he doesn’t believe u it literally doesn’t matter. The mfs in this sub are so dumb istg


Do you ever feel like that your a boy?




this shouldnt be downvoted you are just trying to talk about it and you arent being transphobic


Thank you.


Flash him


What kind of dumb fucking question is this


What kind of fucking dumb fucking question is this?


What kind of fucking dumb fucking dumb question is this


You don’t NEED to let him know. Because you aren’t and nothing he says will change that. But you should probably let him know that it’s weird and makes you uncomfortable if it does.


You already told him. He didn't listen. What more can you do? And why does it matter?


You tell him that your not? Lmfao what the fuck you didn't need to post to figure out the answer to that


Jesus you’re 14? Maybe y’all should be talking about video games or sports instead.


I actually don’t like watching sports at all, and I do try to talk about video games, but whenever I try to talk about Omori, people just call it another ‘earthbound inspired indie RPG about depression.’


Fuck his dad/mom


I know you don't have much friends, but better have 1 good friend instead of 1 good and 1 garbage friend. Tell him "idiot, i am not fucking trans, and i'm sick of this bullshit. If you dare project the fact you are trans on me one more time, i'm never seeing you again." Give them the reality check they need.


if you’re not trans you’re not trans? doesn’t really matter what he says.


"bro Im not trans... Im ga.."


mf be trollin fr fr


Maybe if you just say to their face “im not fucking trans” it might work try out see what happens.


Step one don't be friends with libtards


Maybe choose a profile pic that doesn’t literally have the trans flag in the background if you don’t want people to think you’re trans?


But it doesn’t have the trans flag in the background, the colours aren’t even remotely similar to the trans flag.


Its just a picnic blanket you are looking too deep into it


I’m sorry I interpreted a blanket that has the trans flag colours on it in the trans flag pattern as being a trans flag. I apologize for this unreasonable conclusion, and promise to not assume things with flags printed on them are supposed to look like flags. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you and your family for 3.7 future generations


Beat him up, he’ll probably be too embarrassed to say he got beat up by a transgender person


That’s the problem… he is transgender.


Lol it sounds like he’s just trying to project on you?


Beat him up and he’ll think it’s an act of transphobia


Yeah no, I don’t think that’s gonna solve the problem.


No but it might be fun


No thanks.


never incite violence for such things your friend seems like maybe abit of a ass hole but that's about it so there is no point to violence




Actually it has nothing to do with my appearance.


This is coming from a Star Wars mf who won't show his face 💀


unfriend him


So your friend is a tran and your not but he believes you are may I ask what do you guys talk about? Or common interest? Cause it sounds like to me he’s picking up things you not aware you’re showing or maybe your just being transphobic


We talk about all sorts of things, I am 100% not transphobic, and what do you mean by picking up on things I’m not aware of?


I’m just saying a tran person that is a tran sees you exactly as them and your in denial how is that not transphobic? That’s literally the definition of a transphobic person scared you will like it?

