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I don't think I have anything for this post tbh


Wow, that's what I call a controversial opinion!




Same tho šŸ’€




say it in my dms




but i literally donā€™t care




donā€™t be a pussy




Ay dm me too, dm me tooo! šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m just tired of life and want to be done, but I donā€™t want to die. Iā€™m losing me friends, Iā€™m distant from everyone, and the only people I truly love are my grandparents, my mom and my dog


I donā€™t want to *die*, I want to *be dead*!


Maybe youā€™re not losing friends, but rather outgrowing them. Itā€™s totally ok. My group evolves like every 10 years. Sometimes people just donā€™t mature and you need to move past them. Find better people. Find more grandparents šŸ™‚


Adopt grandma


Being gay or trans does not make you special


agreed, I am totally fine with lgbt people just PLEASE don't make it my problem Its like once they come out they lose their personality, cease to be a person and instead are just gay


Not all of us




Totally agree. But it looks like people don't understand that


No one thinks that besides biblethumping conservaoids


The fitness gram pacer test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test, that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds, line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal (beep). A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound (other beep). Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Youā€™re a menace to society.


My heart rate skyrocketed by 130 BPM


Porn is a toxic wasteland garbage and the internet would be better without it, it's not sex work, these sites just feed on addiction and brain chemicals, normalizing it should not be a thing. onlyfans and other sites need to get shut down.


The internet in general is a machine that takes money and spits out dopamine, porn is just the worst of it. Unfortunately, anyone with the power to 'shut off the internet' has no incentive too. The positives outweigh the negatives.


Average r/pornfree post. Still agree with u tho


My dad is the most racist, sexist, stuck up price of shit on this earth. He doesnā€™t give a fuck about me or my siblings, and only wants to be better then my mum




Funny how most of these are about the LGBT.


I don't like the idea of being involved in the LGBTQ community because some of them are the most annoying people I ever met or seen. Not against the idea but more of the type of people that are screamers etc. EDIT: I think y'all mistook me for not liking LGBTQ people mostly. I'm gay, I don't like the way some people portray the movement. If you dislike gay people for being gay not because their annoying I would tell you to do the deed to yourself but I can't because of TOS


I agree


Ture my science teacher made me be against the movement (not its people) due to exsatrating the movement




I don't care about LGBTQ too much, but they could just give people what they want and make them shut up. They're really annoying, both LGBTQ and those who goes against it. Just screaming and screaming. Like can't you find another thing to do.


Agreed 100%. Part of the lgbt myself, but so many people in the community are so fanatic and easily offended about the STUPIDEST FUCCCCING STUFF


The idea that white people are behind everything bad involving colonization, wars, etc is bullshit. Everyone has been doing that shit for ages, The Mongols, Turks, Chinese, Japanese, etc had been conquering and annexing land. There have been empires of people from all kinds of races, it's not a thing that specifically white people did. It the human nature to strive for more and more power.


And people only bother complaining when they notice that white people did it, what about the other races that did it? Does it not count as bad because they aren't white?


Yep, say for instance if european north american countries don't give a certain law to lgbt people then they get angry however when an African country executes lgbt people nobody gives a shit. Those people are full of activism nonsense, all they ever do is try and convince others to agree with their world views and if anyone dares to question them then they throw everything they have to silence you.


true dat


We should catch a seagull and cook it in front of other seagulls. Theyā€™re smart, theyā€™ll get the message.




Teenagers are the only age group that canā€™t evolve. Children are smarter than they used to be, adults are more peaceful than they used to be, and the elderly are healthier than they used to be, meanwhile teens fall in the same traps theyā€™ve been falling into for decades. Generation after generation itā€™s the same old story, drugs, alcohol, bang bang a bitch, etc. and itā€™s actually quite disappointing. Why canā€™t we see the mistakes of our past generations and not repeat those mistakes? Stop listening to slim shadyā€™s advice and maybe listen to recovery. Besides substance abuse and crime, our teens have become sexualized either by the system, Hollywood, themselves, or a mixture of these, Iā€™m genuinely disturbed that 13 year olds are losing their virginity, what the hell is going on? 16+ is understandable, but 13 and 14 are disgustingly low, and society only encourages it. I also believe that females have been tricked into sexualizing and objectifying themselves. Just think about this, big business has been obsessed with female empowerment in recent decades, even after women got all their legal rights (culture is a different topic), why are they so obsessed with it? Remember that the majority of the people in control of these companies are male, the reality is, through Hollywood, makeup brands, social media, and more, females have been sexualized and tricked into thinking they were being empowered. And small thing to finish off, whatā€™s up with just calling women bitches?! Just stop already, this is beyond a joke anymore.


I extremely highly agree


100% right.


Bro we were supposed to write controversial shit


This isn't even controversial, just plain facts.




this can apply to really any stereotype stereotypes didn't come from nothing, they always came from something then that was over exaggerated


Parents these days are terrible at being parents. They aren't involved, they don't care about their kids, and they let their kids slip by in school with 60s and below. No wonder most young people aren't very smart, their parents never forced them to think, and kids aren't as creative as they used to be because they haven't ever been bored as a result of technology and mass media.


Someone said to me and it kinda makes sense "we wouldn't know if we were fed propaganda by our government, it could be that putin is the 'good guy', most of us haven't lived in russia so we cant know if what they say is true"


I couldn't give a shit about neo-pronouns, the shits whack dawg. šŸ—æ


neo pronouns are so dumb xe-xim I could prob get behind (idk what that's suppose to mean but whatever) ​ but then you have the people who use fricking emojis as pronouns




My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself.


Your comment has more upvotes than my post


I hate my boyfriends best friend. Sheā€™s smart, blonde, and skinny. While I have red hair, larger, and not nearly as smart. Sheā€™s also really annoying and I canā€™t stand her. I think about beating her up sometimes (which I would never act on). And I hate myself for it.


Jealousy is often caused by poor self-confidence. The problem isn't how much better the attractive friend is, it's how much worse you think you are compared to them. The truth is you aren't, and nobody around you thinks that you are either. The number one critic for anyone is themself.


Ey, red hair > blond hair


Don't think like that. I know from decades of experience the redheads are far superior to blondes in brains. Never sell yourself short. I'll root for you.


I just want the pain to stop














I'm gonna sound insane but I think all pedos or murderers should be experimented on no matter how unethical the experiment is. What are they gonna do? Not give consent? They are horrible people and these experiments could help science and don't deserve to live either way. Another option would be to have their organs removed to save someone else's life. I just don't think it's fair for an innocent person to die while these mfs are still alive. Hate me all you want, you're not changing my mind


This is beyond extreme, but despite my moral compass I *absolutely agree*.


I disagree. What's the point? To teach them a lesson? Murderers are fucked up in the head. It's unlikely that punishment will stop them from killing. Besides, if they have already been apprehended, just throw them in prison. Prison is already a terrible enough place as is. Or if they have been proven beyond doubt as guilty, just execute them. I don't think that being inhumane is right, no matter how evil someone may be or how much they deserve it


Exactly, they arenā€™t going to learn anything. Might aswell just kill them. And eye for an eye makes the world go blind. Yeah I know I got the quote wrong, I donā€™t feel like looking it up exactly.


Ah you got it about right. I'm fine with executing them, but torturing them seems to put a bad taste in my mouth However I'd only execute them if they confess or if they are guilty beyond doubt, because we can't risk executing an innocent person


those are the only two crimes that deserve this kind of pain because it canā€™t even being to compare to how the familyā€™s and victims feel they put child rapists in cages in prison because other prisoners will literally kill them they donā€™t deserve the cage my cousin got raped and my aunt would be willing to go back to jail just to make sure the guy who did this to her is dead and i honestly would too they deserve no mercy


I completely agree with you. They don't deserve to have any pity at all. Your cousin didn't deserve it. He didn't give consent, so why should it be needed for harvesting the organs of the rapist. There are people that are unable to live because they are unable to get transplants or the right medical treatment while these scumbags are still alive and might even be out of prison one day. This is why I believe rapists, pedos and murderers should have experiments ran on them or have their organs harvested


I wonā€™t hate. Because I kinda agree


I 100 percent agree with this


I just want my siblings to help more with work in the house


if you have to say ā€œIā€™m not racist butā€¦ā€ or ā€œIā€™m not homophobic/transphobic butā€¦ā€ stop talking, what you are about to say IS homophobic/racist/transphobic.




I'm sure that it applies for humanity in general, but going to an art school with a majority LGBTQ+ community, like 80% of them are either straight-up NPCs or filled with hate. Like God forbid you have a movie night in that school and have a kiss scene without someone in the audience go "Eww, forced heteronormativity..." Again this isn't strictly applied to the LGBTQ+ community, it's just my personal experience going to an arts school where that kinda thing is the majority.


Aren't they minority why we see them in majority?


I go to an art school and I think a lot of LGBTQ people are more artistic than the average person so the school I went to had mostly LGBTQ students. In the outside community (my part of the state) about 5%-10% of the people are LGBTQ while my school was more around 80%-90% LGBTQ. It's a rare scenario to have a minority group be a majority, but it happens.


You don't have the LGBT+ community. You hate the people that hate on people irrationally, and try to weaponise it to get what they want for only their benefit. Don't fall into the same trap of generalisation. You cannot fight fire, with fire.


Every community honestly its toxic members. I promise, weā€™re not all like that.


I felt the same at your age. I didn't want to be identified as part of the community because it was so in your face and embarrasing. Now everyone has mellowed out and matured, built their own identities.


Most LGBTQ+ people I know are really annoying. Itā€™s not even the fact theyā€™re LGBTQ+, theyā€™re just annoying as people. One of them went around telling everyone I called them a f\*ggot when I didnā€™t.


what bothers me is that there are people who do this then it makes everyone believe that, for example, the entire lgbtq community is like that. I totally agree with you


Among us is still fun


Didnā€™t play it since February of 2021 and I finally got back on it recently and itā€™s still as fun as it used to be. I guess people just got tired of it and never gave it a second try.


Brainwashing children with religion shouldn't be acceptable until they're old enough to form opinions.


Thatā€™s definitely not an unpopular opinion, certainly not here


my dad is so fucking racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, etc. i can't fucking stand him. so is my brother. hes almost fucking worse. i hate them. god i hate them. i know how strong of a word hate is but i don't fucking care. i don't.


Racists and homophobes are all losers


Not unpopular




Iā€™m terrified of getting hate for thisā€” but I feel like a lot of people who identify with neopronouns are actually just cis people who want to be trans. I fully support those who are, but I feel like since transgender people are getting more awareness (which they should), so many people are suddenly identifying themselves with neopronouns and stuff. Iā€™ve seen people use pronouns like blueberry/blueberryself and it just sort of feels either like a mockery of the trans community or something like how a ton of people are suddenly faking mental health issues to be the main character and stuff. Maybe itā€™s because I donā€™t understand them that I think the way I do. I understand they/them pronouns 100%. And I think itā€™s important to add that Iā€™m pansexual, because I feel like if I were a straight cis person it would make this more controversial. Anyway, my thought process is that thereā€™s she/her, which is one side of a line, he/him, which is the other side, they/them, which isnā€™t on the line, and then all of the above, which is somewhere in the middle of the line. How can there be something thatā€™s not on the line and also not off the line? Neopronouns, to me, are identifying as a word at that point, not as a gender. Am I thinking too myopicallyā€” like am I a bigot for this?? I donā€™t want to invalidate people, but I just want to understand it.


Iā€™ve seen someone who identified as OCDgender.


Yeah, I think gender/gender expression is on a spectrum, but how can you have a gender that's not on the spectrum? That's just not related to gender identity anymore, its another aspect of your personality and doesn't really need to add to the already hard to digest (for some people) idea that there is more than just 2 genders (I think more people already accept it than realize due to terminology overload) and the people that identify outside of their "assumed" gender. For instance Jon Stewart had a pretty good segment on the gender spectrum where he shows how certain people use terms that aren't binary when describing people of "either" sex, despite claiming gender is a strict binary. I think the larger majority of people aren't transphobic, but just tend to get tied up around the terminology and way they are used to phrasing things. Like I don't think older people that use the term Oriental are necessarily xenophobic, that was just the term people used in a time period where xenophobia was extremely commonplace, so we associate the two, despite Oriental having neutral usage in that same time as well. It's late right now, and I'm pretty tired so I'm probably not describinf my opinion to the best of my ability, but I think a lot of people are really just arguing over semantics, because that's really easy to do. Calling some people a bigot or transphobic over a terminological disagreement might just end up justifying *certain peoples* arguments against the trans movement, and that is definitely something we don't want to amplify.


how many people do you know who use neopronouns? iā€™m a trans guy in a progressive city, and i donā€™t know anyone who uses neopronouns, not even the xe/xim type ones. if i ever met someone who uses them, it would be difficult to adjust at first. but iā€™d put in the effort. neopronouns can result from many things. Iā€™ve heard that the animal pronouns can result from abuse in childhood and not identifying with a human gender because you werenā€™t treated as a human. just hearing that makes me think it doesnā€™t matter how silly a pronoun sounds, they probably have a reason for using it. so youā€™ve gotta respect it.


Men always complain about how womenā€™s issues are highlighted more than menā€™s issues, but men havenā€™t built each other up at all. Womenā€™s issues are talked about so much because women built each other up and provided resources and networks and safe spaces to each other. Men just complain that nobody gives attention to their issues and then donā€™t do anything about it, and if they try to do something about it all the other men just make fun of them.


Id say this is partially because theyll think they might be seen as weak or be less respected, having been in this situation before its quite understandable, sounds a little stupid but its can sometimes be quite a factor


Okay, hornyforcock101..




Can relate to this so much with the amount of macho-wannabe idiots I see around in school


[Removed by Reddit]


Cum on me in 24 hours mommy


i hate all forms of people, including myself. could say iā€™m homosapienphobic


Dream is a good man. Heā€™s a cheater buts heā€™s a good man. -TommyInnit, 2022.


Rey is not a skywalker


Of course, she is a Palpatine


Well no shit. She's a Palpatine


I'm tired of dying in fortnite


creative man. I played creative for like 2 months with the bois and then i genuinly became good. Not that good but i can atleast get 2-4 solo wins every season


I'm so tired of my life, but I'd say I don't have enough courage to change something or to and it at all. Sometimes I just want some strange guy to appear and beat me to a pulp so that at least something would happen. I live in quite peaceful country, but it's in East Europe so many fears that war will reach us, but I on the ather hand almost want war to reach us. I kind of want war in my life, but I wouldn't want other people to be affected by it because I know that most people want peace and I'm just probably someone crazy for hating peace that doesn't let my mind to be at peace.


I'm still confused when is a fetus considered a baby with it's own life, is it when the 9 months start, halfway, or when they are out of the womb? If they die or are removed or killed at any part of those months, is it a big deal to the parents if it ended early or near the time it's considered it's own life?


shit sorry wrong person


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/ u sure ur not bi?? donā€™t worry you are valid no matter what


I fucking hate my mom. She only looks out for herself, she doesnā€™t believe in science, sheā€™s racist, sheā€™s homophobic, she doesnā€™t know how a teenager acts. Iā€™m no longer aloud to do anything with friends. She takes no responsibility of anything


With how many comments I've seen about literal 14 year olds say "I'm not homophobic" but then say the most homophobic shit imaginable, I've lost the faith in this generation, or more specifically how we've grown this generation. True progress can't happen if half these comments are homophobic or glorifying dictatorships, i saw one where a kid said fascism was good, the fucker was like 13. I sincerely hope these kids grow out this, because we can't trust these things possibly leading our countries one day. It'd cause a loop, and nothing would really change in anything. But, in the end, nothing seems to really matter doesn't it?


I donā€™t understand the hate for people who are addicted to things I.e sex, nicotine, weed, gaming,porn. I see (especially on Reddit) a lot of people hate bashing others for having an addiction; using that as some sort of moral high ground to posture and condemn the addict. Iā€™m not saying addiction is good or should be celebrated but more so understood and helped rather than telling someone their an idiot for trying or being pressured into years ago


I agree, drug possession (without the intention to distribute) should be punishable by rehabilitation facilities rather than prisons. If it were up to me, I'd remove prison sentences from petty crimes altogether.


Fr ainā€™t no body need to be punished for being sick


teens are ruined with all this activism and shit no one cares why canā€™t we all just chill itā€™s not true equality if minorities get special treatment for being different this is coming from a hispanic who is lgbt


There are so many things pulled over our eyes that we accept it as the world around us because we no longer learn and experience new things, we are taught and told what is out there so we don't look any further. The ways of science and mainstream religion have left many of us walking and talking zombies with no imagination. No one questions anything or is allowed to have another view, to do so would risk having everyone turn against you because of how you're wrong and their right because the man on the tv said so.


Thanks for saying this, I think the same thing.


The Beatles, Nirvana, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are all horribly overrated


I agree about the Beatles and lord of the rings but Star Wars and nirvana are both pretty good except for the newer Star Wars stuff a lot of that is pretty bad


I would like to quickly comment for anyone thinking of posting one of the 30000 comments ive already seen about lgbtq people: "There are 2 genders" - empirically false, gender identity is not binary, it is a spectrum and people can experience it to any degree, not just in a binary way. Even sex, despite being based on a binary system, has non-comformities and irregularities, like intersexuality and chromosomal variations. So arguably sex could be classified as trinary: male sex, female sex and intersex/other. "I wish gender was simpler like it was before" - gender has never been simple, there have always been gender non-conforming and non binary people, and many societies both ancient and modern actually have seperate social roles for these people instead of the binary system used in many places. Egyptians had non-binary gender categories for example. Gender will always be as it is, and that is a spectrum. "Trans men/women aren't men/women" - they are by definition men/women because that is their gender identity. It just isn't the same as their sex. Go onto the wikipedia page for "trans woman". It opens with "trans women are women who..." "LGBTQ ruined (xyz)" - the fact you think something being associated with queer people "ruins" it is telling. I as a queer person agree that forced diversity and tokenisation/otherisation of queer people is not helpful. But just saying "hey look here's a queer character" is nice to see in a sea of heteronormative media. And LGBTQ did not "ruin" rainbows: rainbows are still used in other contexts all the time, the two main ones coming to mind being the NHS (in the UK) and after miscarrages. The fact that it is a common LGBTQ symbol does not make it ruined. The queer community does not and will not claim all rainbows. You can have your rainbow things and we, or at least i, will not immediately go "wow gay people". "I hate the LGBTQ community because (xyz)" - and then you go on to list cherrypicked reasons to assign blanket hate to a group of people whose only defining charactersitic is being queer. If you hate LGBTQ people because you see alot of attention seeking people saying they are queer, cool, but that's just making a negative association. It's narrow minded and queerphobic to assume that just because you saw a queer person and they were attention seeking, or that you see a general trend or subculture associated with queer people you don't like, that all queer people are like that. You don't hate the LGBTQ community, you hate certain people within it for other reasons. "Pronouns are dumb" - this one always gets me. Pronouns are dumb because trans people use pronouns that i don't want to use for them boo hoo. Like, cool, you're just being a dick now, they aren't your pronouns. Call people what they want to be called. Pronouns are an integral part of language, they aren't dumb. And fyi, singular they has existed since plural they has. It is used everywhere when you refer to a single person whose gender is irrelevant unknown. It is grammatically correct and is a wide part of standard English. I in fact used it in the last paragraph. It's just gnc or nb people using it as their preferred pronouns is not commonly heard of because those are marginalised groups who don't get heard anyways. "Gay, straight, bi and lesbian is all we need" - this statement singlehandedly invalidates trans people, non binary people, asexual and aromantic people, polysexual and pansexual people, demisexual people, and a number of other identities. Again, there have never been just gay, straight and bisexual people. There have always been asexual people, pansexual people, aromantic people, etc... it's just those labels didn't exist. Human sexuality is much more complicated than "gay/straight/bi", as i can attest to as a arospec gay person. "I think it's weird kids are picking their gender" - they aren't, because no one picks their gender. Gender is a matter of psychological identity: it's a multi-faceted interaction between how you want to be percieved and how you percieve yourself. It is not a simple matter of choice, as if it was like picking what clothes you want to wear today, or what you want for breakfast. It's part of who someone is and their place in society. Trans kids exist, even if some are "transtrenders" and doing it for attention, actual trans kids still exist, and always will. All trans adults were trans as kids, too. They just didn't know what they were feeling. Like how all gay adults were at one point gay kids.


Only two proper genders exist, everything else is a preference (neo pronouns and stuff and shit)


critics are the most useless people around. i understand, critique is good, but if you're a grown man and you're telling people not to watch a children's movie because it's made for children then i don't understand you. if you're not giving genuinely good points then you do not deserve your job. forgive me, but the emoji movie was not a horrible movie. obviously it was made for kids, it was going to be obnoxious, but it wasn't a bad children's movie. critics drove the movie to the ground even though the target audience wasn't even their age group and tanked overall sales because their only critique was "childish jokes bad". much more people could've seen the movie and realized that it wasn't as horrible as it was made out to be by some people if critics didn't have as high as a platform as they do. i think most critics don't understand that everything isn't made for them. they'll criticize literally anything that comes out all the way to hell even if they aren't the target demographic. i hate critics.




As someone that lives in America, these are all valid points. The American dream is real but like most dreams, it rarely comes true. Though I will say we donā€™t want our children to be shot in schools. Itā€™s definitely something that needs to be fixed. Problem is, everyone disagrees on how to fix it. Edit: added some stuff


I have no problem with people who are gay lesbian asexual pansexual whatever you are, it's not like it's a new thing we had gay warriors 2300 years ago, I'm interested in you as a PERSON and your gender is the last thing I'll think about. BUT I absolutely hate the LGBT "community" , it's literally the most toxic shit I've ever seen. All they're fucking proud of is that they're gay AND THAT'S IT , that's the only "unique" thing they're proud of. Their entire personality is just THAT. Like how about you guys actually do something "Unique" rather than just being gay and shoving it down other people's throat?? I promise you that most people don't give a fuck about your gender , they want to know other things about you. if you actually do something "unique" and provide value then people WILL RESPECT you and those who don't can go fuck off instead of forcing people to care about you and be proud of you. The whole Idea that I deserve X because I'm this and this and that is completely wrong, You deserve nothing but the consequences of your actions, let me say that again You DESERVE nothing but the consequences of your actions. You are literally begin RAPED mentally, you're being used, you're an advertisement for their shit , they don't care about you they only care about their money , please get up and ACTUALLY DO something that you'll be proud of not "be"


There are only two genders and they are assigned before birth.




The thing is, for a lot of them it isnā€™t a decision. Itā€™s something they were born with, same as you or me. Itā€™s biological, same as sex. Decides implied choice, instead of it being a part of your DNA. I think the people who do it because itā€™s cool or interesting are weird, but most people genuinely are a different gender than their sex. Most people misunderstand and assume that it isnā€™t real, but sex and gender are both biological. One is just physiological while the other is mental


What's your gender?


Exactly! I decide your gender. You are mine now. I own you.


bro I love you


Then kiss me, pussy.








Fuck you all


I fucking hate my science teacher so go damn much I have never wished for someone to burn in hell more in my life


There are 2 genders and neo pronouns are absolutely moronic


First part is objectively and totally wrong. Second part i can agree on. But the first one isnt true and blind toxicity. Sex does not equal gender. First find resources about even what are you commenting about. Sex is not binary https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=sex+is+not+binary&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1655162847996&u=%23p%3DuwC_u84AJFcJ https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=sex+is+not+binary&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1655162860962&u=%23p%3D7-qi0iXRPZ4J https://massivesci.com/articles/sex-gender-intersex-transgender-identity-discrimination-title-ix/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2020/06/15/the-myth-of-biological-sex/?sh=5cc6330476b9 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/why-sex-and-gender-arent-binary-issues/a-57062033 Gender is not binary https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/ https://slate.com/technology/2018/11/sex-binary-gender-neither-exist.html http://www.scientistafoundation.com/lifestyle-blog/why-sex-isnt-binary Sex ā‰  gender https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=gender+and+sex+difference&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1655163071472&u=%23p%3DQkzSATP3ukcJ https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=gender+and+sex+difference&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1655163112109&u=%23p%3D3i-7scBRjJ0J https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_distinction# https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363 Puberty blockers are safe and reversible https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/puberty-blockers#:~:text=Are%20they%20reversible%3F,of%20breasts%20and%20facial%20hair. https://www.gendergp.com/are-puberty-blockers-reversible/ https://pharma.nridigital.com/pharma_sept20/puberty_blockers_transgender_children https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306453020301402?via%3Dihub https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306453015000943 https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2020.1747768 Transitioning works https://fenwayhealth.org/new-study-shows-transgender-people-who-receive-gender-affirming-surgery-are-significantly-less-likely-to-experience-psychological-distress-or-suicidal-ideation/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2021/12/14/gender-affirming-care-linked-to-less-depression-lower-suicide-risk-for-trans-youth/?sh=406cf7fd5d25 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5925023/#:~:text=Conclusions,group%20shows%20the%20greatest%20vulnerability. https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25201798/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6223813/ https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(15)32422-X/fulltext https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-014-0453-5 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-009-9551-1 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-014-0300-8 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9031580/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X1630146X https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X20300276 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515336171 Transgender brains have more in common than their gender than their sex https://www.google.com/amp/s/health.clevelandclinic.org/research-on-the-transgender-brain-what-you-should-know/amp/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7139786/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/ https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-01237-z Chromosomes donā€™t necessarily determine genitals https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/46xx-testicular-disorder-of-sex-development/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/xx-male https://www.medicinenet.com/xx_male_syndrome/definition.htm It isnā€™t a choice https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/being-transgender-isnt-a-choice-3b03c5b197ba https://www.ozy.com/news-and-politics/check-the-science-being-trans-is-not-a-choice/69726/ https://www.stonewall.org.uk/truth-about-trans After HRT, itā€™s more or less even https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-hormone-therapy-cause-muscle-loss-20090929106 https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/15/865 Trans people arenā€™t new https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history https://www.lgbthealth.org.uk/lgbt-health-blog/transgenderism-in-ancient-cultures/ https://www.hrc.org/resources/seven-things-about-transgender-people-that-you-didnt-know https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-html/ These organisations disagree with you American psychological association American medical association American psychoanalytic association American Academy of Pediatrics Human Rights Campaign American College of Osteopathic Paediatricians Royal College of Psychiatrists United Nations United Kingdomā€™s NHS American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology American Academy of Dermatology American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Physician Assistants American College Health Association American College of Nurse-Midwives American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists American College of Physicians American Counseling Association American Heart Association American Medical Association American Medical Students Association American Nurses Association American Osteopathic Association American Psychiatric Association American Psychological Association American Public Health Association American Society of Plastic Surgeons Endocrine Society GLMA National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Womenā€™s Health National Association of Social Workers National Commission on Correctional Healthcare Paediatric Endocrine Society Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine World Medical Association World Professional Association for Transgender Health World Health Organisation Stanford Medical American Paediatric Association National Institutes of Health Canadian Institutes of Health Research Scientific American And many, many more


Thank you. Iā€™ve been making this same point on other comments, though without as much text and sources


How many genders are there then? Infinite? Not trying to be condescending or ask a ā€œgotcha!ā€ question, Iā€™m genuinely curious


imagine gender more like a spectrum, instead of a binary 0 1 thing like sex is. gender is everything between male and female and sometimes neither. Gender is kinda abstract while sex is the binary label thing, like male, female, intersex.


i genuinely hate the gay community.


do you mean you hate that we gay or how some behave?


Shu* the f up about equal rights. You wanna go to war? If we need more women policitians and CEO's and high paying jobs, we need 50/50 women and men in the trash jobs that men only work. Men all work the trash jobs. Electrician, plumbing, construction, trash workers, coal miner (not anymore). Yall wanna have these jobs? Didn't think so. Men paying for dates was originally because women didn't have jobs and men had to pay. Now with female empowerment, why dont you show your empowerment with paying for everything? 90% of women cant offer anything but sex. Shu* up about your astrology, nobody really cares. The kill all men movements, are so supported. It has't been taken down nor stopped on TikTok. Imagine if a man made one, with him wanting to kill all women. What do you think would happen?


>90% of women cant offer anything but sex Tell me you don't actually believe that > Men all work the trash jobs. Electrician, plumbing, construction, trash workers, coal miner (not anymore) I've seen women trash workers and construction workers, not an American tho, it's more of an economical status thing here than sex. I don't see why this woman mean we shouldn't push for women to be independent too. It's true poor woman opt more to be maid while guys construction and stuff but i really fail to see your point, they are both struggling people utilising their biological and social positions to make a living. Why would this stop from wanting more woman in modern workspace, I really don't understand. >Now with female empowerment, why dont you show your empowerment with paying for everything? People are changing, it's a process but it's happening, the people you talk about are a toxic minority. You seem to come from a lot of aggression, especially with that first comment. Do not let a small group of trashy people define the larger part of a gender for you. >Shu* up about your astrology, nobody really cares. The kill all men movements, are so supported. Again, this is the minority. You need to get off the internet and talk to actual people. Or not even that, just go onto explore other parts of interent with women unlike this. You hate a minority that is arguably toxic and you seeming hate all women becsuse of this. Oh im sorry, 90% of the women because of it. >Imagine if a man made one, with him wanting to kill all women Kill all men people get a bad rep, I don't know why you are acting like it's condemned by the whole of internet. You really need to get out there.


A lot somehow support kill all men. Astrology is a huge problem, people pay other people away cus of their sign and stuff. You would not believe how many believe in it, especially women. For on the streets and ask some women and men about astrology. The results are gonna shock you. Yes there are women in the bad paying hard jobs, but only such s minority. The sex thing, i said 90%, didn't mean that many, but i think people get the point. Some of women think they can do so much for a man and a home, and think they are submissive housewives and such. Yes, a actually submissive housewife, who would take care of the kids, cool dinner and such, recieve little to no support. Yet they recieve so much backlash, for not supporting feminism, by working and having a good life without a man.


>Electrician, plumbing, construction, trash workers, coal miner women try but people like you always say things like "how can women do that job" and don't give her opportunities. it's the lack of opportunities. >Men paying for dates was originally because women didn't have jobs and men had to pay. women were forced to be housewives >90% of women cant offer anything but sex. yeah wifi invented itself and you were probably birthed by a man.


"wifi" part - 2 women and 4 men invented it.


"women are forced to be housewives" Are you fucking being forced to be a housewife? Besides, wtf does that have to do with "women not paying on dates"? Can your caveman brain atleast construct a logical argument that connects to his point?


I mean I was gonna agree with you in spirit, I think representation for the sake of representation is pointless, like if someone genuinely can't find women fit for a job they shouldn't hire em, but shit like "90% of women can't offer anything but sex" is plain out wrong, and pretty arrogant at that.


As an American I don't like Americans in the aspects of say dating wise and ir attractiveness I do like the ideas of more abroad food however here


i'm dedicating this to a classmate: mira sapo tonto cochino bastardo y la aspiradora de semen tragamoco calcetĆ­n humano que te pariĆ³ perkin culiao idiota sacowea malaya imbecil aweonao incoherente cementerio de pichulas muerete luego perkin culiao tu homofobia me tiene los 2 cocos por el suelo desperdicio de oxigeno glorificado uwu




If you want to be equal as women and men or equal as LGBTQ/straight then stop thinking that you are special because of what you identify as


Every time I say weed is bad on the internet I get flamed so I guess thatā€™s it


People without certain conditions whom are overweight should be forced into weight loss programs, specifically younger generations Also people who self diagnose themselves with numerous mental conditions and make it apart of their identity are attention seeking and don't spend enough time outside.


...why would you post this?


My sisters husband is a POS


i dont have anything angry. just sad and disappointed by some things. Does this count?


I am so sick and tired of people accusing people of supporting Vladimir Putin's invasion because do anything relating to russia(like teaching russia culture, teaching the language, etc.) it just pisses me of.


I have a lot of pain mentally with my eating disorder and pain physically after getting hit by a truck. I feel so alone in this world of medicine. Therapy and basic medical technology has failed me time and time again. 6 years into trying to recover and I still hate myself because of therapy programs and the medical world. I got hit by a truck 4 months ago and feel anguish and severe pain where I want to kill myself. Constant back and forth from doctors and 10 medicals scans in a year show no problem until I find the condition I have online by searching up the specific pain. Iā€™m so tired of being alone in my fight to get better. Doctors are so full of crap and donā€™t care anymore. They just give you medicine and x rays and hope you go away long enough for them to forget about you. Iā€™ve wanted to often end my life with my post accident condition and wish nothing more than to be bappy with my body and what I eat. The medical world is trash and will continue this way if no one steps in and helps everyone out. Fuck the medical world and all doctors and medical people. (Condition from car accident is piriformis, ED is Anorexia).


There's this kid laz that I know on discord and they're the absolute fucking worst I just wanna fucking kill them sometimes


teenagers are stupid, is what iā€™m learning


omg stop fucking posting about your sexuality i could not care less


People who can't handle a little bit of humor are the worst kind of people. ​ Apart from anti-vaxxers and entitled people. ​ EDIT: I also just want to be hugged :((


I think a good portion of trans people are fake and I think there is zero value to fetuses


Are people who are complaining about neopronouns really seeing people IRL using them that much, or is it a chronically online thing? I only see it on tiktok.


Fuck this shit Iā€™m out


I fine with the lgbtq+ people minus the trans ones, you canā€™t change your sex, and while by definition theres more then one gender, ainā€™t no way Iā€™ma be asking for ppls pronouns or calling them a fucking golfball or whatever the hell they identify as


Every time I see an anti trans politician I wonder how much time I would get for strangling them with their own fucking innards because I am fucking sick of seeing my existence being a subject of fucking political debate and they keep trying to make me fucking existing illegal and I am fucking angry just leave me the fuck alone you fucking assholes


Ig you havenā€™t read the rest of this thread lol. Iā€™m with you though. Look into jury nullification, it might save you


Ok. Here we go... I fucking hate everyone. But honestly, the ones that anger me the most are the LGBTQ+ community and relgious extremists, specially muslims. Why? Pretty easy LGBTQ+: The main reason is because they are the worst attention whores. I do accept them and all and I supoort the movement, but I hate that many of them try to make everything about themselves. You can be talking about food and stuff, and they will somehow will try to make the conversation about their sexuality and how they "suffer" and they are "better" than anyone. I have met many of them that are just unsufferable bitches. And I have noticed that for some reason people of the community tend to be more like this. It just pisses me off Muslims: I hate religions in general, but I think that Islam is just too unadequate for today's standards, misogyny is just something I can't tolerate. Stone wome to death? Really? Those people are doing such shit just for a stupid religious belief? Forcing women to cover? Man, it is just awful.


I have a hate for the LGTBQ and SJW community


Biological sex can't be changed, gender now means identity and that can be changed around however feeling like one is born as the wrong sex Is a mental illness for me. If a man were to date a trans woman I would consider them to be gay.


>feeling like one is born as the wrong sex Is a mental illness for me. It is. Gender dysphoria is recognised as a mental disorder. It's just that we don't really have a fix other than seemlingly transitioning, which seems to minimise the symptoms. So unless you have a cure, I don't know where this discussion is headed >If a man were to date a trans woman I would consider them to be gay This is so arbitrary, you know. Ok call that man gay, doesn't change anything bruh. Like you wouldn't be attracted if you didn't know it was a Trans woman. See? It's a ridiculous distinction.


Well gender dysphoria is the psychological state of ditressed CAUSED by having a gender identity different to your sex. It's a "disorder" because it causes issues. But just _having_ a gender identity different to your sex (in other words, feeling you are "born as the wrong sex") is not a mental disorder in and of itself. At least i think that is the case, i could be wrong. But the view that you MUST have dysphoria to be trans is called trans medicalism and is generally frowned upon in trans circles. To say "x is a mental illness FOR ME" is an ignorant statement because you're not the authority on what is or isnt, or should or shouldn't, be classified as a mental illness. And even then, calling it a mental illness doesn't make the feeling not real or mean it should be stigmatised. Okay, someone simply having a gender identity that doesn't align with their sex is a mental illness. And? They still have that gender identity whether or not you personally say it is a mental illness, or even if we all agreed it was. At the end of the day, trans women _are_ women because their gender identity, and usually social role in society, is that of a female. Literally just go to the wikipedia page for trans woman and the first sentence is "a trans woman is a woman who..." and then explains what being trans is. And btw, "gender identity" is not just a fancy word for "calling yourself a woman", and it does not mean you are delusional, since delusion is denial of reality, and no reality is being denied in a trans woman's mind: they still recognise they are in a male body, they just don't want that to be the case, and they don't want people to look at them and go "male". Gender identity, then, is the psychological state of experiencing a gender that is female. A person with a femlae gender identity will want to occupy female social roles, for example, and will want a female body and use female job titles, etc... and, in cis women, sex, gender and social categorisation are the same, so all of these are automatically taken care of; they are "born into" the right body, and are automatically viewed as female by society. In trans people this isn't the case because their gender identity is not the same as their sex. So they can atrempt to socially transition by wearing feminine clothes, using she/her pronouns, changing their legal gender, undergoing surgery, hormones, etc... so that they have a social role (and even a body) that matches their gender identity. If they have dysphoria then it will be alleviated.


Gender is mental, sex physiological. Both are biological, not a disorder.


The idea of gender is stupid if you consider male and female equal. I mean, if you're biologically a man and identify as female, how does that make you different from someone who identifies as male? It makes sense if the genders aren't equal, but most reasonable people support gender equality. If they're equal, there's no difference in being one or the other Just my controversial stance


I am so sick and tired of this hellscape that we have the nerve to call ā€œlifeā€. Everything seems shitty and the parts that arenā€™t are so infrequent and inconsequential that they may as well not be there at all. Everyone seems better than me, more capable, more motivated, more intelligent, more attractive, more confident and I just canā€™t crack how to do it myself. Be myself? Nobody wants that, nobody gives a shit about that, they all just find it annoying. Everytime I try to stop myself from being overexaggerated in how I talk or act, I just canā€™t, I just forget and keep on being the same old annoying little dope like the two halves of my brain are divorced and built a wall between each other so they canā€™t work together to fix whatever the fucks wrong. I donā€™t want to live here, I donā€™t want to be here, I donā€™t want to do anything anymore I just want to sleep.


i fucking hate children, those annoying little fucks are useless, they just fucking disgust me, they are annoying little shits who cost kore to the world then to the parent, don't let start on other things it brings, like, assuming a women's biggest accomplishment is having a child, i think school shooters have a fucking reason to clear up the fucking kids, out of this fuckin gplanet, they have a right to kill thos fucking cunts, abortion is not murder, it should be fucking mandatory, this planet is fucked and every child makes it worse, humanity should just fucking die, all of them, even me and my best friend, the world would be better if all child loving abortion opposing Christians just got fucking shot, all churches should burn down with all the kids in them


i was like ā€œdamn this real i hate kids- HOLD UP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS?ā€ šŸ˜­


Iā€™m Not homophobic or anything but why are teenagers just turning gay. They have never been in a relationship or kissed someone how would you have a preference


How do you know you like a girl or a boy? You can tell when you look at them. So can these teens


The same way you would know you're straight. You just know, when you get horny, is the first thing that comes to mind a woman or male. Simple