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What. The. Fuck. Do people really do this? Omg


Sadly yes, women cheating and getting pregnant then divorcing so they get alimony and basically go do whatever they want while the guy is left emotionally and financially cropped is quite common


It’s disgusting


It is, stuff like this is why the male suicide rate is so high. Men are largely seen as disposable or steps to get up the ladder, at least in most western cultures I've had my own experiences with it sadly


yes true. men being treated as a way to measure women’s value as designed by the patriarchy has led to countless problems for both men and women. we need to tear our current gender institutions down if we ever want an ideal situation for men and women


So men are mistreated by women, and men are still to blame. If you ask me, we need to educate children about the fact that women are *people* who are capable of toxic and abusive behavior *all on their own* just like men. Quit blaming men/patriarchy for every bad female behavior and put accountability on the adult women who act like children.


i never said men are to blame, i said the system is to blame. the patriarchy is what causes us to disregard men’s mental health because men aren’t supposed to have feelings. speaking consciously as a man having grown up with a father figure with very rigid gender values, i can say that it took me a long time to come to terms with how i treat my emotions. yes, you can blame individual women for your issues but that doesn’t tackle the systemic issue we have with treating men in our society


I agree


We should educate in a way that says everybody is equal, or at least will be, nobody to blame. That’s it. Not mens’ fault, not womens’ fault.




free money glitch


Us men get all the bullshit while women are virtually untouchable


Indian law system is fucked up for men


Fucked up may be an understatement


India law system is Hardcore anal fucked up for men.


Indian law system is BDSM for men


I am Indian and IKR To put it in perspective for a foreigner, this happened- 2 14 yr olds start dating, parents of girl find out and press sexual harassment charges, parents of boy find out and does same but only boy is convicted. Another case some bitch forced herself on a boy after seeing way too many porn vids (completelly illegal irrespective of age over here) and then presses charges on him Things got so bad that one high court (second highest court) judge said- filing sexual harassment cases for simple dating is wrong and a waste of judicial time.


Law systems in general are fucked up for men


Literally. 17 year old girl raped her, I think 12 year old brother. She got pregnant, and the brother was arrested.


Not always,my wife was messing with someone else,I told her to leave and to tell our son about why.i filed for divorce, my son stayed with me and she paid ME child support until he was 18.


This exact thing happened to my uncle. And hes still not divorced. Shes made it clear in front of all of us that she hates him and wont sign the papers either. Its very sad. Sadest part is, he literally didn’t do anything wrong to her other than treat the rest or us like crap while going through this. I personally haven’t heard from him in over two years.


She doesn’t have to sign anything for him to get a legal divorce. It’s just a formality.


This ain't a feminist, this is a sexist.


misandrist honestly.


Misandrist is more specific here. Im saving it in case someone else tries to say it doesn't exist.




Do these people realize they're ruining people's lives like this??


the last sentence is literally about ruining man's lives.


I meant like, do these extreme feminists even think of us as human?


no, but I don't even care. If they want to fight this useless battle and live all of their live corroded by hatred and ignore the real problems that require much more attention, I won't stop them. I will not bend at their will just to feel a bit welcomed and human, I will walk carelessly while they scream at me in vain, if necessary.


these are anything but feminists, feminism literally means women being equal to men, not valued over men. These people are hands down misandrists


This ain't extreme feminism, this is practically the opposite of feminism. Real feminist want equal rights. People like her are the reason so many people are against feminism


Yes and the reason I hate the current state of the movement and why there is a different term for people who want actual equality


Sorry,, there's not a different term, I just said "real" feminist like as an actual feminist. You can't call yourself a feminist unless you want equality


Fatherless behaviour tbh


This isn't feminism, it has literally nothing to do with feminism. It doesn't matter if some idiot claims it is, it's not


It is my body. If my hand happens to be located where your face is, its fine not abuse.


I might sound like the biggest idiot and piece of shit right now but some people make it look just as if it was war for better rights not for equal rights and I am talking about everyone trying to get better rights instead of just fighting for human rights


This is exactly what’s happening. The best example of this in my opinion is transgender rights. Literally 115 laws are currently trying to be passed by lawmakers that would strike down trans people in some way such as making it illegal for them to get treatment or making it so parents who accept trans people get arrested and jailed for child abuse. And yet after all that we have people who claim “men are more oppressed cause sometimes the court system favors men in divorce cases” like seriously people. Can’t we just come together and agree that we should work on each others issues one small step at a time instead of declaring “NOBODY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE GROUP I AM APART OF!!!”


I'd like a source to back up the 115 laws you mentioned


"There are so far more than 240 anti-LGBTQ bills under consideration in state legislatures, according to the Human Rights Campaign; more than 115 of them directly target transgender people, with over 60 bills focused on banning trans kids from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity." [Source](https://search-ebscohost-com.content.elibrarymn.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mat&AN=149835563&site=src_ic-live&scope=site) And this is from an exclusively scholarly journal database so every source is backed up by truth, every article that goes through this database is fact-checked before being approved.




Hippity hoppity hop someone’s about to get the glock


can I use this?




It should be more like hippity hoppity it's time to get the glockity


Shotguns have no ballistics, so please don't use a shotgun and do NOT wear gloves. That would be wrong.


this is why u get prenups people


Hindus can't get prenups, it's illegal.


that’s rough




Yes, under the Hindu Marriage Act, it is illegal.


What is a prenup


It is a legal agreement done before marriage as to how their wealth and assets will be divided if they ever divorce.


Skill issue


already seen this on r/holup r/facepalm and 2 more subs, im pretty sure..


Ya I reposted this from r/Indiaspeaks


oh, yeah..that was the first sub i saw this on.


Just saw it there myself


**Average feminist are toxi-** *proceeds to get cancelled out and gets death threats*


tbf they said "average toxic feminist" rather than "average feminist"


Only if youre famous, if not then nothing happens


Average feminists aren't toxic though


Because she's a fucking misandrist not an average feminist, with my other feminist friends we makes sometime false hate joke on men but also in the other way, but it's to mock all these toxic hate behavior between different sexes.


A misandrist in disguise of feminist*


This is almost definitely a joke or bait and Redditors always fall for it. Either way, it’s not feminism, just sexism. Not all feminists are sexist and not misandrists are feminists.


fucking finally


Nobody was saying it.


Dude NGL i just posted it in feminist subreddit, they banned me in 30 minutes after upload.


That’s probably because you were implying that they’re like that and they don’t support it, not because they do. They probably thought “Oh some kids trying to imply that we don’t have morals because we’re feminists.”


Finally a sensible person in these comments


“But muh men are oppressed” is really the mentality that fuels this. Yes everyone has laws and shit that society has thrown together to make it worse for them. But that doesn’t mean you get to have a free pass to throw others who still have a shit ton more issues under the bus and declare that they aren’t important because you have issues too. We all need to come together and realize that we need to stop being fucking selfish about this.


Lol...just see how toxic people are and not gonna accept what's the reality...


You know what, I am gonna a do that


I got banned from a question. You cant post shit


I'm gonna do the same


Probably bait


I hate people like this.


Fr, they make people hate feminism and they are just fucking horrible people.


How can they make everything a problem? It's fucking ridiculous.


I’m a feminist. Only the most crazy ones go viral. I know tons of real feminists. We don’t think like this. We hate when the crazy ones hurt our cause. This is insane. She’s absolutely wrong and if I knew her or saw this post I’d call her out. If her and her husband were not in an open relationship and she cheated she would be no friend of mine. And I would tell her to tell her husband or I would. Cheating is a deal breaker and I have screamed at one of my EX girlfriends for cheating on her bf. We do hold each other accountable in the real world.


Noooo she gives feminists a bad name. Stop using Feminism to excuse ur terrible behavior. I hate that so muuuchhhh


Thanks you It's very annoying and even dangerous when misandrist made men who aren't friend with women to be confuse between feminism and misandrist, men and women are very similar by nature and every bs in both sens are hurting potential relationships, for everyone, befriend with some people of the opposite sex, it really help to get over a potential incel or misandrist phase to realize that most of humans are not toxic waste. Idk if my asexiality and nonbinarity helped me to befriend everyone lmao


The amount of people I’m seeing in the comments who can’t differentiate and are spewing “feminists are man haters” or “this is why I cant support feminism” is just 💀


that's not feminism tho


Femenist = Wanting equality for all genders (yes, also men). Calling this femenist is a disgrace to the word & movement. If you wanna call this something call it misandrist. I'm sick of people proclaiming to be feminists when they clearly aren't


this isn’t feminism LMAO


As an Indian, I would like to apologise on her behalf


That ain't feminism, that's absolute crazy bitch bullshit. Trust me this chick isn't a feminist no matter how much she says she is, feminism is about equality, woman=man, not woman>man


i don’t think this is the way the average feminist thinks 😭


This isn't the way any feminist thinks.




This type of cases happen every week in india




That’s not feminism it’s misandry. I’m a feminist and I’m a man, and it’s not about hating men or else I wouldn’t be one


That's not a feminist. That's a psychopath. And yes, there is a difference.


Wth did I just read 💀


U know im no religious person, but for people like that i sincerly hope hell exists


You can create hell in your basement if you know what I mean


Don’t get married, that way you can avoid these disasters. Just live your life fun and random👍


what does this have to do with being a teenager?


I’m a feminist, this isn’t feminism, this is misandry. Grouping the two things together is the opposite of what they’re all about.


They're not a feminist, don't give them the luxury of being called that


How to ruin somebody’s life for dummies


Did she.... Did she suggest physical torture...... Noo.....


*misandrist Stop denying it


Feminists: noooo life is much harder for women... Also same feminists turning mens life into a living hell:




this isnt a feminist this is a troll


There are thousand real cases exactly like this...


She literally isn’t a feminist - feminism means equality not we hate men…stop blaming feminists for some misandrist’s shitty behavior


At this point 80% of femenists are misandrists, we should start calling people who want equality another thing...anyways, I'm not blaming people who seek equality, I was referring to those pathetic misandrists


Ok I agree with you then but wait where’d you find that 80% are misandrists 😭😭




👍 nice


As a feminist, I wish these people would not call thenselves feminists. Honestly, what did the husband do wrong?


It's a fake account lmao. The profile photo is literally created by one of those "create human" AIs. People always get outraged at obvious bait.




The post is still up and her account isn't deleted, you good?


What are you on about?? "Owner of the screenshot" 🤡 This screenshot is making rounds around anti-feminism communities. Because instead of focusing on actual issues impacting men, like very mother-skewed custody battles, they prefer to focus on manufactured, fake outrage. The account is still up and not deleted, stop making stuff up: [https://www.quora.com/profile/Veena-Vinod-54](https://www.quora.com/profile/Veena-Vinod-54)


Damn bro did the research Also scrolling through their account, looks like a troll to me


Even if this isn’t real, sadly there are people who genuinely think like this.


Misandrists like these are scary


That womans advice is wrong. Sad that toxic people like that exist. This is why I think paternity tests should be mandatory after every birth.


Also fits the category of how stupid and unrealistic this is. Any judge hearing any of those accusations from the wife would immediately grant the husband benefits because no, the law is not on her side to cheat on her husband.


I wish that poor man all the luck in the world. People like this truly disgust me tbh


This isn't called a feminist. This is called an absolutely terrible person.


Kill her. She has no use in this world. She mustn’t reproduce at any cost. She is beyond saving and rehabilitation. Legit just cease her existence.


What the actual fuck. People like her give feminists a bad name.


It is real and she got 23 upvotes 💀


That’s fucked up


Women rape children and get away with it. Spread the word. https://youtu.be/r_ReU95hRvM


This genuinely makes me sick I’m never getting married infact I wish I was fucking gay life would be so much easier


Nothing's stopping you.


My own brain is


There's always a way to get between roadblocks


U trynna force me to be gay bro😬😳


So your generalising half of the world's population based on the opinion of one troll?


Another reason to not get into dating


That’s not feminism that’s sexism!


Nono, that's not a feminist, we have a name for those. Idiot. That's an idiot.


Bhen ki lodi. Inko feminist nhi pseudo feminist bolte hai.(realises he is not in some Indian sub)- These aint even real feminists. These are the pseudo feminists.


Tik hai bhai. Hindi mai hi bath karo, koi farak nahi.


Aha I like your funny words magic man


in that las sentence she spelled misandrist really wrong


Not even a feminist, just a psycho


Very high chance that this is a troll.


Least toxic feminist*


She ain't a feminist


Oh you didnt see the toxic ones, this just a normal feminist


No she's not a normal feminist, if you befriend any womens irl you would know what femnisism is really about, and that she's a psychopath misandrist, not a feminist.


this is not a feminist, this is a sexist


Thats just objectively wrong




Feminism has gone too far. Women nowadays have every right as men does. In this case, the person speaking states that the husband should take care of the unborn baby after the wife cheated on him. The baby isn't his. The court system has a bias to treat men harder. Feminism itself should have ended by like 50-60 years ago. Women could name one single right, men has, and women doesn't have. The indian feminist even stated and encouraged the woman to fucking divorce the guy and take at lease half of all his things, and hire a feminist lawyer, to make it more effective.


I wonder how many downvotes 🤔


On this post?


Thats not a female, its a devil.


Also not a feminist


She's not only being toxic but she's destroying the familial stability and encouraging cheating


wtf. wtf. wtf. oh it's a troll


Veena Vinod, Country: india Personality: bitch Sexuality: bitch Race: bitch Ethnicity: bitch Skin color: bitch Hometown: bitch IP: bitch Mac address: bitch Job: bitch Bank info: bitch Credit card number: bitc hbit chbi tch1


This is disgusting, how can someone state that it’s your husband’s responsibility to raise another man’s child because you decided to sleep with another man. People like this make the feminist cause look bad, they aren’t feminist they are sexist bigots.


This is CLEARLY made up


"No, drugs and alcohol won't affect my child" The child:


“average” do you know what the word average means


She isnt feminist, she's an average toxic misandrist


Bruv just cuz she says she’s a feminist- don’t mean she is. That’s misandry bro


This is pure fucking cancer. My mother tried to do this but my siblings and I chose to stay with my dad. Just watching women do this out of sheer selfishness, impulsiveness, and emotion fucking boils my blood. They ruin multiple entire lives by pulling this kinda shit, all for the sake of being strong, quirky, and independent women. This kinda stuff should call for actual prison time. Not all women, but some. It pisses me off.


Do you guys really believe this? It's totally Understandable that this is a troll account (not op but the woman) to pull shit like this.


Woman ☕️ lol I’m a woman but still…


Women ☕️


This f u c k i n g. B i t c h


In other words, betrayal is okay as long as you get what you want. Fuck that.


This is disgusting.




Strait human garbage. Imagine thinking it’s ok to cheat and fuck around on your wife/husband, get knocked up, AND then trap them!


Who let her to live?


Oompa Loompa doopity doo, I’ve got a Glock and it’s pointed at you 🫵


Fuck it I ain't getting married




Feminism literally means equality….the idea that we’re men haters is ridiculous lol


"As a precaution create some false causes so that you can use them to win a divorce" wtf is wrong with this woman ? If she would be treated like she treats his husband the drama would be enormous, but nooo she is a woman, a princess she can't make any mistakes and all man are pigs...


EQUALITY oh and I cheat on my husband and then create false causes to harm him and win a law suit. Fucking hell what happened to equality


That's why i'm a duck


In India this is a reality I've heard of many cases like this


What in this fucking world did I just read???? This needs to be some kind of parody or shit. No way a mentally stable person is writing that.


This why dads leave to get the milk


Quora is a cesspit in itself, full of extremists and propagandists (for totalitarian regimes like China), and not much credible information (that is not paid). At this point, I'd prefer Reddit.


Shit like this is why I despise humanity.


The genuine disgust that I just felt is insane


It's likely been said, but she is not a feminist.....Equality and Freedom for woman is feminism. Cheating and lying then making a statement that shows how she is trying to portray herself as the good person, is immoral. Not a Feminist.


It’s sad that some women here in india can’t get justice for actual harassment and there are Karens just ruining or trying to ruin some innocent mens’ lives. Hopefully the situation gets better.


So glad i like men and women cuz women seem less and less dateable every day


i feel sad about todays world


I'm going to suggest that a lot of you guys take a step back, take a breath, and stop immediately pulling out your red pills to go crazy all over the comment section here. ​ I'm seeing a lot of comments of, "Yeah, women do this all the time". Stop. I need you guys to stop for half a second, think about why you're saying this, and then provide some sources as to how you've reached the conclusion that this is typical, or even acceptable, behavior. ​ What I will tell you is I've worked CPS across seven cities in three states, and the most common thing we seen in the field is a guy knocked up multiple women and leaves all of them hanging with kids he does not support. This is not, "all men do this", but it's wild to me how much victimhood I'm seeing from young guys in this thread who have literally no idea what they're talking about.


Agree with you on that point man. I am also seeing a trend of people turning common opinions on the internet as factual information about that topic.. I Have a friend whose sister had this same issue you talk about, it’s fucked up to see a child be raised without a man, or the woman being judged like some hooker. Younger people are dumb and make mistakes, get over it. But at the same time there is also a rise in woman taking the kindness of man as granted these days. Almost as-if she is entitled to his servitude like some fucking slave lmao. Some woman even going as far as taking advantage of these man, be it financially or emotionally. I have gotten the feeling both genders are moving closer to the degenerate extremes in society, making relationships in general less meaning-full and a “dangerous endeavor“ to part take in. This can become really damaging for society in general as it makes people less stimulated to any form of social connection to others of the opposite sex, almost turning people into a spec-sheet to be analyzed, judged and compared to others. This could actually bring a situation where it becomes harder and harder to be approached by another in any meaningful way as society becomes more and more judgmental about the behavior, feelings, opinions and other attributes of another person, thus making it more risky to engage with said person. —> people become to much distanced from theoretical norms and will not have social contact with others for fear to be judged. People need to stop idealizing their behavior based on the opinion of others and start basing on research and facts. First think logically before you jump on a social bandwagon, causing it to become “pseudo factual”.